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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Image-based Extraction Of Material Reflectance Properties Of A 3d Object

Erdem, Mehmet Erkut 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, an appearance reconstruction method based on extraction of material re&amp / #64258 / ectance properties of a three-dimensional (3D) object from its twodimensional (2D) images is explained. One of the main advantages of this system is that the reconstructed object can be rendered in real-time with photorealistic quality in varying illumination conditions. Bidirectional Re&amp / #64258 / ectance Distribution Functions (BRDFs) are used in representing the re&amp / #64258 / ectance of the object. The re&amp / #64258 / ectance of the object is decomposed into di&amp / #64256 / use and specular components and each component is estimated seperately. While estimating the di&amp / #64256 / use components, illumination-invariant images of the object are computed from the input images, and a global texture of the object is extracted from these images by using surface particles. The specular re&amp / #64258 / ectance data are collected from the residual images obtained by taking di&amp / #64256 / erence between the input images and corresponding illumination-invariant images, and a Lafortune BRDF model is &amp / #64257 / tted to these data. At the rendering phase, the di&amp / #64256 / use and specular components are blended into each other to achieve a photorealistic appearance of the reconstructed object.

Estudo numérico do processo de admissão em um motor de combustão interna utilizando uma metodologia baseada na massa específica pré-condicionada para baixo número de mach com comparação experimental

Falcão, Carlos Eduardo Guex January 2014 (has links)
Quando ar escoa em regime transiente através do duto de admissão, câmaras e válvulas de um motor de combustão interna, alguns efeitos tais como atrito e forças inerciais têm influência direta sobre a eficiência volumétrica do sistema. O presente trabalho, intitulado “Estudo numérico do processo de admissão em um motor de combustão interna utilizando uma metodologia baseada na massa específica pré-condicionada para baixo número de Mach com comparação experimental”, estuda o processo de admissão em um motor de combustão interna simplificado e objetiva investigar o comportamento pulsante presente no duto de admissão e discutir as predições do escoamento através da válvula de admissão por meio da utilização inédita de uma metodologia numérica baseada na massa específica com précondicionamento para baixo número de Mach, incluindo a modelagem tridimensional do duto de admissão na simulação fluidodinâmica. O movimento da válvula de admissão origina números de Mach moderados durante sua abertura. Com o fechamento, o escoamento é restringido abruptamente e uma série de ondas de pressão se propaga através do fluido com baixo número de Mach. Embora a metodologia baseada na massa específica com précondicionamento para baixo número de Mach pareça atrativa, o estudo do escoamento em processos de admissão não tem sido realizado com a utilização desta metodologia, provavelmente por limitações impostas pela robustez e esforço computacional. De modo a verificar a solução numérica, os resultados são comparados a dados experimentais coletados em uma bancada de fluxo construída especificamente com este propósito. Os resultados numéricos mostram-se satisfatórios e diferentes aspectos do jato originado pelo movimento da válvula são expostos e discutidos. / When air flows unsteadily in an internal combustion engine through its inlet pipe, chambers and valves, some effects such as friction and inertial forces have direct influence on the volumetric efficiency of the system. The present work, titled “Numerical study of the intake process of an internal combustion engine using a low Mach preconditioned densitybased method with experimental comparison”, aims to investigate the pulsating phenomena present in an intake pipe of a simplified internal combustion engine and discuss the intake jet flow predictions through the inlet valve by means of the novel use of a low Mach preconditioned density-based method, including the three-dimensional modeling of the intake pipe in the fluid dynamic simulation. Inlet valve movement promotes moderate values of Mach numbers during its opening phase. After closing, the flow is abruptly restricted and a series of pressure waves propagate through the fluid at low Mach numbers. Although low Mach preconditioned density-based method seems to be very attractive in this case, the study of the intake flow process has not been performed using this method, probably due to robustness issues and simulation effort. In order to evaluate the numerical solution, these results are compared to experimental data collected from a flow test bench constructed specifically for this purpose. Numerical results were satisfactory for the amplitudes and the resonance frequencies in the air intake system and different aspects of the jet flow inside the cylinder are exposed and discussed.

Apport de la modélisation tridimensionnelle pour la compréhension du fonctionnement des écosystèmes lacustres et l'évaluation de leur état écologique / Contribution of three-dimensionnal modelling to better understand and evaluate lake ecosystem functioning and ecological status

Soulignac, Frédéric 08 December 2017 (has links)
La qualité des services écosystémiques qu'offrent les lacs est liée à la structure et au fonctionnement de leur écosystème. Protéger leur masse d'eau est devenu un objectif global qui requiert une meilleure compréhension de leur fonctionnement, un suivi et une évaluation de leur qualité. Expliquer les hétérogénéités spatio-temporelles des variables physico-chimiques et du phytoplancton est un problème récurrent rencontré en écologie et en hydrobiologie. Comprendre la dynamique de ces hétérogénéités est aussi un prérequis essentiel pour évaluer, protéger et restaurer objectivement les écosystèmes lacustres. En ce qui concerne la surveillance, les hétérogénéités spatio-temporelles introduisent des incertitudes sur la représentativité des mesures par rapport à l'entièreté de la masse d'eau qui est donc discutable et doit être vérifiée. En Europe, la directive cadre sur l'eau (DCE) initiée en 2000 définit un cadre pour la gestion et la protection des eaux. La classification des masses d'eau en fonction de leur état écologique est un point important dans l'implémentation de cette directive. Pour les lacs et les retenues, l'évaluation de cet état écologique est basée sur des paramètres biologiques, physico-chimiques et hydromorphologiques. Les indicateurs liés au phytoplancton et aux paramètres physico-chimiques sont calculés à partir de quatre prélèvements réalisés pendant la période d'activité biologique pour une année sur un plan de gestion de six ans. Dans ce contexte, la modélisation tridimensionnelle (3D) et la prise en compte des forçages qui conduisent aux hétérogénéités spatio-temporelles est une condition préalable nécessaire tant en limnologie appliquée que théorique. Cette thèse aborde la complexité du fonctionnement des lacs et la capacité des modèles 3D à reproduire leur fonctionnement. L'apport de la modélisation 3D est présenté i) pour la compréhension du fonctionnement de lacs de différentes tailles, ii) couplée aux observations satellitaires, pour l'étude de l'influence des forçages par le vent et de l'hydrodynamique sur l'abondance et la distribution spatiale de phytoplancton, iii) dans le cadre de la DCE, pour l'évaluation des incertitudes d'une évaluation de l'état écologique d'un plan d'eau. Pour cela, deux modèles 3D ont été créés et analysés, un pour le lac de Créteil (42~ha) et un autre pour le Léman (580~km$^2$). Celui du lac de Créteil a été validé à partir de données à hautes fréquences acquises en trois points du lac. Il reproduit correctement son hydrodynamique complexe, sa structure thermique, l'alternance entre les périodes de stratification et les épisodes de mélange, ainsi que les ondes internes. Le modèle du Léman a été validé en utilisant des données mensuelles et bimensuelles en deux stations de prélèvement du lac. Il reproduit aussi correctement son hydrodynamique et la variabilité saisonnière de paramètres physico-chimiques et biologiques. Les résultats des simulations mettent en avant les mécanismes physiques et hydrodynamiques responsables de l'apparition de sites où la biomasse de phytoplancton observée est plus élevée. Dans le cadre de la DCE, ces résultats montrent aussi une variabilité spatiale importante des sous-états écologiques basés sur les différents paramètres qui dépendent du choix des dates des campagnes de mesure et du point d'échantillonnage. Ces résultats ont aussi été utilisés pour estimer la représentativité d'une station de prélèvement. Les résultats de cette thèse i) confirment que le fonctionnement des plans d'eau de toute taille est complexe et que les processus physiques génèrent des hétérogénéités spatio-temporelles, ii) suggèrent que le vent et l'hydrodynamique influencent significativement l'abondance et la distribution spatiale du phytoplancton et que iii) ces hétérogénéités peuvent biaiser notre estimation du statut écologique des plans d'eau dans le cadre de la DCE / The quality of ecosystem services provided by lakes is related to the ecosystem structure and functioning. Protecting water bodies is therefore a global goal that requires a better understanding of their function, a monitoring and a water quality assessment. Explaining spatio-temporal heterogeneities of physico-chemical parameters and phytoplankton has been a recurrent ecological and hydrobiological issue. Understanding the dynamics of these heterogeneities is an essential prerequisite for objectively assessing, protecting and restoring freshwater ecosystems. Moreover, three-dimensional (3D) and taking into account and drivers of these heterogeneities are essential prerequisites for theoretical and applied limnology. Concerning the monitoring, spatio-temporal heterogeneities are responsible of uncertainties on the representativeness of the data versus the whole lake which might be questionable and needs to be verified. In Europe, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) initiated in 2000 defines a framework for managing and protecting water bodies in Europe. The classification of water bodies into ecological status is a key issue for the implementation of that framework. For lakes and reservoirs, the assessment of this status is based on biological, physico-chemical and hydro-morphological indicators. Physico-chemical and phytoplankton indicators are calculated based on four observations at an unique sampling station over the growing season, this evaluation being assessed one year for a six-year management plan. In this context, this thesis focuses on the complexity of lakes functioning and the capability of three-dimensional (3D) models to reproduce their functioning. The contribution of 3D models is presented i) for understanding the functioning of lakes of different sizes, ii) coupled to satellite observations, for studying of the influence of wind forcing and hydrodynamics on phytoplankton abundance and spatial heterogeneities, iii) in the context of the WFD, for assessing uncertainties in the lake ecological status assessment. To do that, two 3D models have been created and analyzed, one for Lake Créteil (42 ha) and another for Lake Geneva (580 km2). Lake Créteil 3D model was validated by using high frequency data recorded at three stations. It reproduces well the complex hydrodynamic functioning of the lake, its thermal structure, the alternation between thermal stratification episodes and mixing events, and internal waves. Lake Geneva 3D model was validated by using monthly and bimonthly data at two stations. It reproduces also properly the hydrodynamic functioning of the lake and the seasonal variability of biological and physico-chemical parameters. Simulation results highlight physical and hydrodynamic mechanisms responsible for the occurrence of seasonal hot-spots in phytoplankton abundance. In the context of the WFD, simulation results show also a strong spatial variability of lake ecological status depending on the timing of the four sampling dates as well as the location of the sampling station. These results were also used to assess to representativeness of sampling stations. The results of this thesis suggest that i) the functioning of lakes of different sizes is complex and physical processes generates spatio-temporal heterogeneities, ii) wind and hydrodynamics influence the abundance and the spatial distribution of phytoplankton et iii) spatio-temporal heterogeneities can bias our evaluation of lake ecological status in the WFD

Estudo numérico do processo de admissão em um motor de combustão interna utilizando uma metodologia baseada na massa específica pré-condicionada para baixo número de mach com comparação experimental

Falcão, Carlos Eduardo Guex January 2014 (has links)
Quando ar escoa em regime transiente através do duto de admissão, câmaras e válvulas de um motor de combustão interna, alguns efeitos tais como atrito e forças inerciais têm influência direta sobre a eficiência volumétrica do sistema. O presente trabalho, intitulado “Estudo numérico do processo de admissão em um motor de combustão interna utilizando uma metodologia baseada na massa específica pré-condicionada para baixo número de Mach com comparação experimental”, estuda o processo de admissão em um motor de combustão interna simplificado e objetiva investigar o comportamento pulsante presente no duto de admissão e discutir as predições do escoamento através da válvula de admissão por meio da utilização inédita de uma metodologia numérica baseada na massa específica com précondicionamento para baixo número de Mach, incluindo a modelagem tridimensional do duto de admissão na simulação fluidodinâmica. O movimento da válvula de admissão origina números de Mach moderados durante sua abertura. Com o fechamento, o escoamento é restringido abruptamente e uma série de ondas de pressão se propaga através do fluido com baixo número de Mach. Embora a metodologia baseada na massa específica com précondicionamento para baixo número de Mach pareça atrativa, o estudo do escoamento em processos de admissão não tem sido realizado com a utilização desta metodologia, provavelmente por limitações impostas pela robustez e esforço computacional. De modo a verificar a solução numérica, os resultados são comparados a dados experimentais coletados em uma bancada de fluxo construída especificamente com este propósito. Os resultados numéricos mostram-se satisfatórios e diferentes aspectos do jato originado pelo movimento da válvula são expostos e discutidos. / When air flows unsteadily in an internal combustion engine through its inlet pipe, chambers and valves, some effects such as friction and inertial forces have direct influence on the volumetric efficiency of the system. The present work, titled “Numerical study of the intake process of an internal combustion engine using a low Mach preconditioned densitybased method with experimental comparison”, aims to investigate the pulsating phenomena present in an intake pipe of a simplified internal combustion engine and discuss the intake jet flow predictions through the inlet valve by means of the novel use of a low Mach preconditioned density-based method, including the three-dimensional modeling of the intake pipe in the fluid dynamic simulation. Inlet valve movement promotes moderate values of Mach numbers during its opening phase. After closing, the flow is abruptly restricted and a series of pressure waves propagate through the fluid at low Mach numbers. Although low Mach preconditioned density-based method seems to be very attractive in this case, the study of the intake flow process has not been performed using this method, probably due to robustness issues and simulation effort. In order to evaluate the numerical solution, these results are compared to experimental data collected from a flow test bench constructed specifically for this purpose. Numerical results were satisfactory for the amplitudes and the resonance frequencies in the air intake system and different aspects of the jet flow inside the cylinder are exposed and discussed.

Estudo numérico do processo de admissão em um motor de combustão interna utilizando uma metodologia baseada na massa específica pré-condicionada para baixo número de mach com comparação experimental

Falcão, Carlos Eduardo Guex January 2014 (has links)
Quando ar escoa em regime transiente através do duto de admissão, câmaras e válvulas de um motor de combustão interna, alguns efeitos tais como atrito e forças inerciais têm influência direta sobre a eficiência volumétrica do sistema. O presente trabalho, intitulado “Estudo numérico do processo de admissão em um motor de combustão interna utilizando uma metodologia baseada na massa específica pré-condicionada para baixo número de Mach com comparação experimental”, estuda o processo de admissão em um motor de combustão interna simplificado e objetiva investigar o comportamento pulsante presente no duto de admissão e discutir as predições do escoamento através da válvula de admissão por meio da utilização inédita de uma metodologia numérica baseada na massa específica com précondicionamento para baixo número de Mach, incluindo a modelagem tridimensional do duto de admissão na simulação fluidodinâmica. O movimento da válvula de admissão origina números de Mach moderados durante sua abertura. Com o fechamento, o escoamento é restringido abruptamente e uma série de ondas de pressão se propaga através do fluido com baixo número de Mach. Embora a metodologia baseada na massa específica com précondicionamento para baixo número de Mach pareça atrativa, o estudo do escoamento em processos de admissão não tem sido realizado com a utilização desta metodologia, provavelmente por limitações impostas pela robustez e esforço computacional. De modo a verificar a solução numérica, os resultados são comparados a dados experimentais coletados em uma bancada de fluxo construída especificamente com este propósito. Os resultados numéricos mostram-se satisfatórios e diferentes aspectos do jato originado pelo movimento da válvula são expostos e discutidos. / When air flows unsteadily in an internal combustion engine through its inlet pipe, chambers and valves, some effects such as friction and inertial forces have direct influence on the volumetric efficiency of the system. The present work, titled “Numerical study of the intake process of an internal combustion engine using a low Mach preconditioned densitybased method with experimental comparison”, aims to investigate the pulsating phenomena present in an intake pipe of a simplified internal combustion engine and discuss the intake jet flow predictions through the inlet valve by means of the novel use of a low Mach preconditioned density-based method, including the three-dimensional modeling of the intake pipe in the fluid dynamic simulation. Inlet valve movement promotes moderate values of Mach numbers during its opening phase. After closing, the flow is abruptly restricted and a series of pressure waves propagate through the fluid at low Mach numbers. Although low Mach preconditioned density-based method seems to be very attractive in this case, the study of the intake flow process has not been performed using this method, probably due to robustness issues and simulation effort. In order to evaluate the numerical solution, these results are compared to experimental data collected from a flow test bench constructed specifically for this purpose. Numerical results were satisfactory for the amplitudes and the resonance frequencies in the air intake system and different aspects of the jet flow inside the cylinder are exposed and discussed.


ANTONIO CARLOS DE OLIVEIRA MIRANDA 19 February 2001 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho apresenta algoritmos de geração automática de malhas de elementos finitos bidimensionais e tridimensionais que, juntamente com outros algoritmos desenvolvidos dentro da linha de pesquisa ao qual ele está inserido, são integrados consistentemente em um pacote computacional. Os algoritmos geradores de malhas foram modificados para serem independentes dos pré-processadores, podendo assim serem incorporados em diferentes programas. Um novo algoritmo bidimensional de geração de elementos triangulares é proposto. Este algoritmo incorpora novas idéias, adaptadas de um algoritmo de geração tridimensional de malhas em volume arbitrário, e procura gerar elementos de melhor qualidade geométrica possível. Duas técnicas de geração de malhas sólidas são apresentadas: uma de mapeamento transfinito tridimensional, onde a malha sólida é construída a partir das seções transversais do modelo; e uma técnica de sweep, onde a malha sólida é construída pelo - arrasto - de uma seção transversal ao longo de um curva no espaço. Os algoritmos são incorporados em um modelador geométrico tridimensional, o MG (Mesh Generator), e alguns exemplos são feitos para demonstrar a capacidade de modelagem do ambiente criado. Em particular são mostrados exemplos para modelagem composta com diferentes métodos de construção de malhas e diferentes tipos de elementos finitos em um mesmo modelo. Também é feito um estudo de algumas medidas de distorção para elementos finitos planos. O cálculo dessas medidas de distorção é implementado em um modelador bidimensional gráfico interativo. A visualização das medidas de distorção é feita através de uma escala de cores. / [en] This work presents algorithms for two-dimensional and three- dimensional mesh generation of finite elements that, together with another algorithms developed by its research group, are integrated in a computational package. The mesh generation algorithms become independent of the preprocessor, and may be incorporated in different programs. An algorithm for two-dimensional planar triangular mesh generation is proposed. The algorithm incorporates new ideas, adapted from a three-dimensional mesh generation algorithm for arbitrary domains, which is focused on the generation of - optimal - shape elements. Two techniques of solid mesh generation are presented: a three-dimensional transfinite mapping, that generates the solid mesh interpolating cross-section meshes; and a sweep technique, that generates the solid mesh by sweeping a cross-section mesh along a curve in space. The algorithms are integrated in a three-dimensional geometric modeler, MG (Mesh Generation), and some examples demonstrate the modeling capability of the created environment. Specifically, the examples show the capability for composite modeling with different methods of mesh generation and different types of finite elements in the same model. A study of some distortion measures for planar finite elements is also performed. Computation of these distortion measures is implemented in a two-dimensional interactive graphics modeler. The visualization of the distortion measures is made through a color scale. / [es] Este trabajo presenta algoritmos de generación automática de mallas de elementos finitos bidimensionales y tridimensionales que, conjuntamente con otros algoritmos desarrollados dentro de esta línea de investigación, son integrados consistentemente en un paqueote computacional. Los algoritmos generadores de mallas fueron modificados para ser independentes de los preprocesadores, permitiendo que sean incorporados a diferentes programas. Se propone un nuevo algoritmo bidimensional de generación de elementos triangulares. Este algoritmo incorpora nuevas ideas, adaptadas de un algoritmo de generación tridimensional de mallas en volumen arbitrario, y busca generar elementos de la mejor calidad geométrica posible. Se presentan dos técnicas de generación de mallas sólidas: una de mapeamiento transfinito tridimensional, donde la malla sólida se construye a partir de las secciones transversales del modelo; y una técnica de swep, donde la malla sólida se construye al arrastrar una sección transversal a lo largo de una curva en el espacio. Los algoritmos se incorporan en un modelador geométrico tridimensional, el MG (Mesh Generator), y se incluyen algunos ejemplos para demostrar la capacidad de modelaje del ambiente creado. En particular son mostrados ejemplos que contemplan diferentes métodos de construcción de mallas y diferentes tipos de elementos finitos en un mismo modelo. También se realiza un estudio de algumas medidas de distorción para elementos finitos planos. EL cálculo de esas medidas de distorsión se implementa en un modelador bidimensional gráfico interactivo. La visualización de las medidas de distorsión se efectua a través de una escala de colores.

Le système de soutien ligamentaire du col de l’utérus et de l’apex vaginal / Supporting ligaments of the uterine cervix and vaginal apex

Ramanah, Rajeev 14 December 2012 (has links)
Le col de l'utérus et l'apex vaginal sont soutenus par le ligament utérosacral (LUS) et cardinal (LC). Le LUS s'étend de la région autour des vertèbres sacrées S2-S4 vers la face dorsale du col de l'utérus et/ou du tiers supérieur de la paroi vaginale postérieure. Il contient plus de fibres nerveuses que le LC. Ce dernier est défini comme le fourreau peri-vasculaire s'insérant au niveau proximal autour de l'origine de l'artère iliaque interne, et au niveau du col et/ou le vagin en distal. L'étude de la géométrie spatiale des ligaments chez la femme vivante à l'IRM et après reconstruction 3D a permis d'identifier le LC sous la forme d'un maillage fibreux centré autour de l'axe des vaisseaux iliaques internes, partant dans une direction crânio­caudale vers l'utérus, le col, la vessie et le tiers supérieur du vagin. Les fibres du LC et du LUS convergent vers le col de l'utérus et le tiers supérieur du vagin. La reconstruction 3D a confirmé que le LC fonctionne dans une direction crânio­caudale et le LUS dans une direction dorso-ventrale. L'angle moyen entre le LC et l'axe corporel est de 18°, alors que l'angle moyen entre le LUS et l'axe corporel est de 92°. Le LC est plus long et plus courbé que le LUS. La tension théorique calculée au niveau du LC est de 52% plus importante que celle au niveau du LUS. En cas de prolapsus, il existe une élongation ligamentaire significativement plus importante lors de la manœuvre de Valsalva Des distorsions géométriques majeures sont constatées après cure de prolapsus par promontofixation, et sont plus marquées pour le LC / The uterine cervix and vaginal apex are supported by the uterosacral (USL) and cardinal (CL) ligaments. The USL extends from the presacral fascia between sacral vertebrae S2-S4 towards the dorsal margin of the uterine cervix and the superior third of the posterior vaginal wall. It contains more nervous fibers than the CL. The latter is defined as the perivascular sheath around the internai iliac artery, inserting distally into the cervix and the vagina The geometrical study of the ligaments in living women using MRI and 3D reconstruction shows the CL as a web-like structure around the internai iliac vessels, and going in a cranial to caudal direction towards the cervix and upper third vagina where fibers ofboth the CL and USL mingle together. The USL operates in a dorsal to ventral direction. The mean angles between the body axis and the CL and USL are respectively at 18° and 92°. The CL is longer and more curved than the USL. Theoretical calculated tension on the CL is 52% larger than on the USL. In case of pelvic organ prolapse, significant ligament elongation is observed during Valsalva maneuver. Major geometrical distortions exist after prolapse surgery by sacrocolpopexy, specially for the CL

Maillage dynamique tridimensionnel pour la simulation de l'écoulement dans un bassin sédimentaire / Three dimensional dynamic meshing for hydrocarbons flow simulation in sedimentary basin

Yahiaoui, Brahim 17 December 2013 (has links)
Afin de cibler une meilleure rentabilité des gisements d'hydrocarbures, la simulation numérique présente un intérêt grandissant dans le secteur pétrolier. Dans ce contexte, deux principaux types d'applications sont distingués : l'ingénierie du réservoir, où les modèles géologiques sont définis comme statiques et l'exploration des gisements par la simulation de la formation des hydrocarbures. Cette dernière application nécessite des modèles de bassins dynamiques. Pour ce type de simulation, la modélisation mathématique et numérique a connu une avancée importante durant les dernières années. En revanche, la construction de maillages indispensables pour les simulations reste une tâche lourde dans le cas de géométries complexes et dynamiques. La difficulté se traduit par la particularité du domaine à mailler, qui est dictée par la mécanique des milieux granulaires, c'est-à-dire des milieux quasi-incompressibles et hétérogènes. De plus, les données sismiques sont des surfaces non-implicites modélisant des blocs volumiques. Dans ce cadre, nous nous intéressons à la génération de maillages lagrangiens hexa-dominants des bassins à géométrie complexe. Le maillage souhaité doit contenir une couche de mailles principalement hexaédriques entre deux horizons et respecter les surfaces failles traversant ces horizons. Une méthodologie originale basée sur la construction d’un espace déplié est proposée. Le maillage souhaité est alors traduit par une grille 3D contrainte dans cet espace. Plusieurs techniques d’optimisation de maillages sont aussi proposées / To target more profitable oil and gas deposits, the numerical simulation is of growing interest in the oil sector. In this context, two main types of applications are distinguished: reservoir engineering where geological models are defined as static and exploration for the simulation of hydrocarbons formation. The latter application requires dynamic basins models. For this type of simulation, mathematical and numerical modeling has been an important advance in recent years. However, the construction of meshes needed for the simulations is a difficult task in the case of complex and dynamic geometries. The difficulty is reflected by the characteristic of the domain to mesh, which is defined from the mechanics of granular media which are almost incompressible and heterogeneous environments. In addition, the seismic data represent non-implicit surfaces modeling volume blocks. In this context, we focus on Lagrangian hex-dominant mesh generation of basins with complex geometry. The desired mesh must contain a layer of almost hexahedral meshes between two horizons and conform to fault surfaces through these horizons. A novel methodology based on the construction of an unfolded space is introduced. The desired mesh is then seen as a constrained 3D grid in this novel space. Several mesh optimization techniques are also proposed

3-D Computer-aided Design (CAD) and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) milling : An alternative to traditional ceramics master moulding technology

Du Plooy, Elsje. January 2014 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech. (Design and Studio Art)) -- Central University of Technology, Free State, 2014 / This quantitative research project investigates the utilization of emerging technologies within the arts with a view on establishing an interdisciplinary approach between ceramics and engineering. The traditional manufacturing method of producing master moulds is a time-consuming process for the studio ceramicist. This study explores whether computer-aided design (CAD) and computer numerical control (CNC) milling can accelerate the design and manufacturing process when developing master moulds as an alternative to using traditional methods. It investigates whether SolidWorks® can be applied as a suitable CAD design tool for the creation of ceramic vessel forms in order to reduce the design development time frame. It furthermore investigates whether CNC milling can be used as a viable manufacturing technology for the making of vessel prototypes and master moulds from CAD data, the overall objective being to improve and accelerate the plaster of Paris master mould manufacturing process for the batch production of studio-based ceramic artefacts. Findings from this study indicate that emerging technologies have a lot to offer the artist when it comes to providing new possibilities for the creation of artefacts and that SolidWorks® and CNC milling can be utilized as a viable interdisciplinary manufacturing approach between ceramics and digital manufacturing technologies.

Geostatistical three-dimensional modeling of the subsurface unconsolidated materials in the Göttingen area / The transitional-probability Markov chain versus traditional indicator methods for modeling the geotechnical categories in a test site.

Ranjineh Khojasteh, Enayatollah 27 June 2013 (has links)
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Erstellung eines dreidimensionalen Untergrundmodells der Region Göttingen basierend auf einer geotechnischen Klassifikation der unkosolidierten Sedimente. Die untersuchten Materialen reichen von Lockersedimenten bis hin zu Festgesteinen, werden jedoch in der vorliegenden Arbeit als Boden, Bodenklassen bzw. Bodenkategorien bezeichnet. Diese Studie evaluiert verschiedene Möglichkeiten durch geostatistische Methoden und Simulationen heterogene Untergründe zu erfassen. Derartige Modellierungen stellen ein fundamentales Hilfswerkzeug u.a. in der Geotechnik, im Bergbau, der Ölprospektion sowie in der Hydrogeologie dar. Eine detaillierte Modellierung der benötigten kontinuierlichen Parameter wie z. B. der Porosität, der Permeabilität oder hydraulischen Leitfähigkeit des Untergrundes setzt eine exakte Bestimmung der Grenzen von Fazies- und Bodenkategorien voraus. Der Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt auf der dreidimensionalen Modellierung von Lockergesteinen und deren Klassifikation basierend auf entsprechend geostatistisch ermittelten Kennwerten. Als Methoden wurden konventionelle, pixelbasierende sowie übergangswahrscheinlichkeitsbasierende Markov-Ketten Modelle verwendet. Nach einer generellen statistischen Auswertung der Parameter wird das Vorhandensein bzw. Fehlen einer Bodenkategorie entlang der Bohrlöcher durch Indikatorparameter beschrieben. Der Indikator einer Kategorie eines Probepunkts ist eins wenn die Kategorie vorhanden ist bzw. null wenn sie nicht vorhanden ist. Zwischenstadien können ebenfalls definiert werden. Beispielsweise wird ein Wert von 0.5 definiert falls zwei Kategorien vorhanden sind, der genauen Anteil jedoch nicht näher bekannt ist. Um die stationären Eigenschaften der Indikatorvariablen zu verbessern, werden die initialen Koordinaten in ein neues System, proportional zur Ober- bzw. Unterseite der entsprechenden Modellschicht, transformiert. Im neuen Koordinatenraum werden die entsprechenden Indikatorvariogramme für jede Kategorie für verschiedene Raumrichtungen berechnet. Semi-Variogramme werden in dieser Arbeit, zur besseren Übersicht, ebenfalls als Variogramme bezeichnet. IV Durch ein Indikatorkriging wird die Wahrscheinlichkeit jeder Kategorie an einem Modellknoten berechnet. Basierend auf den berechneten Wahrscheinlichkeiten für die Existenz einer Modellkategorie im vorherigen Schritt wird die wahrscheinlichste Kategorie dem Knoten zugeordnet. Die verwendeten Indikator-Variogramm Modelle und Indikatorkriging Parameter wurden validiert und optimiert. Die Reduktion der Modellknoten und die Auswirkung auf die Präzision des Modells wurden ebenfalls untersucht. Um kleinskalige Variationen der Kategorien auflösen zu können, wurden die entwickelten Methoden angewendet und verglichen. Als Simulationsmethoden wurden "Sequential Indicator Simulation" (SISIM) und der "Transition Probability Markov Chain" (TP/MC) verwendet. Die durchgeführten Studien zeigen, dass die TP/MC Methode generell gute Ergebnisse liefert, insbesondere im Vergleich zur SISIM Methode. Vergleichend werden alternative Methoden für ähnlichen Fragestellungen evaluiert und deren Ineffizienz aufgezeigt. Eine Verbesserung der TP/MC Methoden wird ebenfalls beschrieben und mit Ergebnissen belegt, sowie weitere Vorschläge zur Modifikation der Methoden gegeben. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen wird zur Anwendung der Methode für ähnliche Fragestellungen geraten. Hierfür werden Simulationsauswahl, Tests und Bewertungsysteme vorgeschlagen sowie weitere Studienschwerpunkte beleuchtet. Eine computergestützte Nutzung des Verfahrens, die alle Simulationsschritte umfasst, könnte zukünftig entwickelt werden um die Effizienz zu erhöhen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie und nachfolgende Untersuchungen könnten für eine Vielzahl von Fragestellungen im Bergbau, der Erdölindustrie, Geotechnik und Hydrogeologie von Bedeutung sein.

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