Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] TWO-STAGE"" "subject:"[enn] TWO-STAGE""
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Variação da taxa de recirculação de lixiviado determinada pela concentração de ácidos voláteis no tratamento da fração orgânica de resíduos sólidos urbanos domésticos / Influence of volatile acids in the variation of leachate recirculation rate in the treatment of the organic fraction of domestical municipal solid wasteDillenburg, Marcelo Elias 27 October 2006 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a possibilidade de acelerar o processo de digestão anaeróbia da fração orgânica de resíduos sólidos urbanos domésticos em sistemas de duas fases, com taxas crescentes de recirculação de lixiviado, variando a taxa de recirculação de lixiviado em função da concentração de ácidos voláteis. Para tanto, foram operados dois sistemas de reatores, cada um composto por um reator de sólidos, que continha o resíduo sólido a ser tratado e um filtro anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente, que tratava o lixiviado do primeiro, antes que esse lixiviado fosse recirculado ao reator de sólidos. Um dos sistemas teve sua taxa de recirculação aumentada a intervalos constantes, enquanto que no outro o momento do aumento da taxa foi função da concentração de ácido propiônico no sistema. O trabalho teve ainda dois objetivos secundários: avaliar a validade de comparar os resultados dos dois sistemas, operados em paralelo, em função das características dos resíduos sólidos e dos procedimentos adotados para coleta e preparação do substrato e para o carregamento dos reatores; e avaliou-se a possibilidade de utilizar filtros anaeróbios para recuperar reatores acidificados. Durante o desenvolvimento do experimento, foram monitorados os seguintes parâmetros: DQO (não filtrada e filtrada), pH, alcalinidade, série de sólidos, nitrogênio total Kjeldahl, nitrogênio amoniacal, ácidos voláteis e composição do biogás. Foram realizados ainda exames qualitativos da microbiota que se desenvolveu nos reatores, através de microscopia óptica de fluorescência e contraste de fase. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que: a) os procedimentos testados para o carregamento dos reatores de sólidos permitiram a comparação de resultados entre os sistemas; b) os filtros foram capazes de recuperar reatores acidificados; e c) a utilização da concentração de ácido propiônico para determinar o momento da variação da taxa de recirculação permitiu acelerar o processo, embora de forma restrita, para a escala de reatores utilizada. / The purpose of this dissertation was to evaluate the possibility of accelerating the process of anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of domestic municipal solid waste, in two-stage systems, with increasing leachate recirculation rate, through the use of volatile acids as determining parameter of the moment in which the rate must be varied. To do so, two systems of reactors were operated, each being composed by a solids reactor, which contained the solid waste intended to be treated, and an upflow anaerobic filter, which treated the leachate of the first reactor, before recirculation. One of the systems had its recirculation rate increased at constant spells of time, while, in the other system, the moment of the increase in the recirculation rate was a function of the concentration of propionic acid in the system. This study had yet two secondary purposes: evaluating the validity of comparing the results from the two systems of reactors, operated in parallel, in view of the characteristics of solid waste and the adopted procedures for collecting and preparing the substrate, as well as for the loading of reactors; and evaluating the possibility of using anaerobic filters to recover acidified reactors. The following parameters were measured during the process: COD (filtered and non-filtered), pH, alkalinity, solids, Kjeldahl nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, volatile acids and biogas composition. The development of microorganisms in the reactors was observed qualitatively, using optical microscopy. It was possible to reach the following conclusions: a) the tested procedures allow the comparison of results between the systems; b) the filters are capable of recovering acidified reactors; and c) the employment of the concentration of propionic acid to determine the moment of increase of leachate recirculation rate is capable of accelerating the process, though in a restricted way, for the scale of reactors used.
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亞洲主要機場的績效比較研究-資料包絡法的分析 / Efficiency evaluation of major airports in Asia-data envelopment analysis賴淑容, Lai, Shu Jung Unknown Date (has links)
This study adopt input orientation data envelopment Analysis approaches to evaluate the operational efficiency for major international airports in terms of the top 20 ranking by total passengers handling in Asia region in 2008. Unlike the most the other airport literature researches only using the one-stage DEA to measure the efficiency, in this study, two-stage, the extension of DEA, adding the concept of the intermediates product, separate the airport operation into airport capital side and airport capability side, is applied to evaluate the two-side efficiency of each airport under the assumption of constant returns to scale, variable returns to scale, scale efficiency and super efficiency model by employing four inputs, four intermediate products and two outputs.
The result of this study shows that the China Shenzhen Baoan airport is the best airport in overall technical efficiency in different stages. It indicates that the operation of small size airports (category by the passengers handling) are run more efficiency than the large one. In addition, by two-stage DEA analysis, the airport capital usage is better than in capacity utilization. It found that the China Beijing Capital airport is good in airport infrastructure usage but the capacity utilization is not enough. Finally, the number of increasing return scale airports are more than the decreasing return scale airports among Asia region (e.g. Taiwan Taoyuan airport), therefore, the expansions of facility and capacity in those increasing return scale airports are worthy to invest to promote the operational efficiency and its competitiveness.
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Ein Nachfragesystem für dynamische Mikrosimulationsmodelle / A demand system for dynamic microsimulation modelsBrehe, Mathias January 2006 (has links)
Die Anwendung eines Mikrosimulationsmodells als Instrument der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Forschung erfreut sich großer Beliebtheit. Die Verwendung dieses Modelltyps hat vor allem zwei Gründe. Zum einen sind die in den letzten Jahren extrem gesunkenen Kosten der Informationsverarbeitung ursächlich für die mittlerweile häufige Verwendung. Zum anderen besitzt diese Analyseform Eigenschaften, die kein anderes Instrument aufweist. Insbesondere für die Abschätzung der Verteilungswirkungen von Steuer- und Transferreformen ist die Mikrosimulation eine nahezu ideale Methode. Durch die Einbindung eines Nachfragesystems kann sowohl das Anwendungsgebiet eines Mikrosimulationsmodells erweitert als auch dessen potentielle Leistungsfähigkeit
gesteigert werden. Die Arbeit hat im Wesentlichen die Beantwortung der Fragestellungen aus den folgenden zwei Fragenkomplexen zum Ziel:
- Wann ist die Einbindung eines Nachfragesystems in Mikrosimulationsmodelle sinnvoll und wie kann ein solches System in das eigentliche Mikrosimulationsmodell integriert werden?
- Welche Nachfragesysteme können aus den in Deutschland in Querschnittsform vorhandenen Mikrodatensätzen geschätzt werden und welche theoretischen Eigenschaften besitzen diese Systeme bzw. deren in einem zweistufigen Budgetierungsprozess einsetzbare Kombinationen? / The application of a microsimulation model as an instrument for economic research enjoys great popularity. The use of this type of model primarily has two reasons. In the first place the decreasing costs of data processing led to the frequent usage. Furthermore this type of analysis has unique characteristics compared to other instruments. Particularly microsimulation is an almost ideal method for the estimation of the impact of tax and allocative transfer reforms. With the integration of a demand system the field of application of a microsimulation model can be enlarged as well as its potential capacity increased. This paper has the aim to answer basically two batteries of questions:
- In what case the integration of a demand system in a microsimulation model is reasonable and how can such a system be integrated in the model?
- Which demand systems can be estimated from the microdata available in Germany and which characteristic properties do such systems offer, especially the combinations applicable in a two-stage budgeting environment?
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Mobile Activity Coordination through Integrating Physical and Simulated Software AgentsLin, Shyh-ming 13 August 2007 (has links)
As wireless communication services get more and more pervasively available, mobile people can easily interact with service providers and handily communicate with each other through mobile devices. In the mobile environment, mobile users can plan their activity schedules and run their schedules with the assistance of mobile devices. When mobile users are engaged in their activities, they can instantly perceive contextual information and their activity schedules therefore tend to be context dependent, i.e., mobile users may alter their objectives and decision makings as soon as the environmental context varies. Besides, for a mobile user, once any exception happens, he/she is apt to adapt his/her activity schedule to reduce the impact of the exception. In the mobile environment, since the environmental resources are limited and can¡¦t satisfy all mobile users¡¦ demands, conflicts are likely to occur while mobile users plan, alter or adapt their personal activity schedules. This study concentrates itself on resolving the conflicts. This conflict problem is formulated as a multi-criteria context-dependent DCOP (distributed constraint optimization problem). This problem is complicated and highly dynamic, and the joint optimality to this problem might be time-variant. This study proposes an integrated agents system SPA and a novel problem solving approach 2S-DORA to enable mobile users to coordinate their activities to maintain optimality. The SPA, which integrates the Simulated and Physical Agents, is employed to enhance mobile users¡¦ sensory, analytic, reasoning and social abilities. The 2S-DORA takes advantage of the SPA abilities to help mobile users quickly and effectively adapt themselves to the context variations and to the exceptions. This study takes a traveling backpacker problem as an example to demonstrate how the proposed SPA and 2S-DORA contribute to solve the multi-criteria context-dependent DCOP. Five experiments finally are designed to evaluate the performance of the application of SPA and 2S-DORA.
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Vuxna med enkelsidig genomgående läpp-, käk- ochgomspalt : Perceptuell röstbedömning med Stockholm Voice EvaluationApproach (SVEA)Isaksson, Kristoffer January 2012 (has links)
Läpp-, käk och gomspalt (LKG) kan medföra svårigheter med tal, artikulation och röst. Enligt tidigare forskning har vuxna individer behandlade för LKG liknande förekomst av röstavvikelser som kontrollpersoner utan spalt. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka grad av röstavvikelser hos vuxna patienter behandlade för enkelsidig LKG och kartlägga eventuella samband mellan röstavvikelser och kirurgiska metoder för gomslutning, kön och operation med eller utan svalglambå samt jämföra röstresultat med data från individer utan LKG. Sjuttio patienter behandlade för enkelsidig genomgående LKG deltog i studien, varav 45 patienter hade opererats med gomslutning i en seans och 25 patienter hade opererats i två seanser. Elva av patienterna i patientgruppen hade genomgått svalglambåoperation. I studien ingick även en åldersmatchad kontrollgrupp med 63 individer utan LKG. Röstinspelningar utvärderades med perceptuell röstbedömning med Stockholm Voice Evaluation Approach (SVEA) av två erfarna logopeder. Skattning skedde individuellt av randomiserade och blindade inspelningar. Inter- och intrabedömarreliabilitet beräknades. Grad av avvikelse i röstkvalité var ca. 5/100 i patientgrupp och kontrollgrupp vilket är lägre jämfört med tidigare studier. “Knarr” fanns lägre i patientgruppen i jämförelse med kontrollgrupp. Skattningar av övriga röstparametrar skiljde sig inte mellan patientgrupp och kontrollgrupp. Patienter opererade med gomslutning i en eller två seanser hade inga skillnader i röstparametrar. Enstaka små skillnader fanns mellan könen. Ingen skillnad fanns mellan patienter som genomgått svalglambåoperation och de som inte gjort det. / Cleft lip and palate (CLP) may cause impairments in speech, articulation and voice. Treatment of patients with CLP include different types of palatoplasty. Recent studies have found a comparable prevalence rate of dysphonia in adult patients treated for CLP and controls without cleft. The purpose of this study was to investigate the rate of dysphonic deviation in adult patients treated for unilateral CLP and determine, if any, the relationship between voice quality outcome and differences in surgical procedures, gender, palatoplasty with or without pharyngeal flap surgery and compare the voice characteristics with age related normative data. Seventy patients treated for unilateral CLP with one- or two-stage palatoplasty participated in this study, of which 45 patientshad undergone one-stage palatoplasty and 25 patients two-stage palatoplasty. Eleven ofthe patients had also undergone pharyngeal flap surgery. Data from an age matched non-cleft group consisted of 63 participants. Sound recordings of participants' voices were perceptually assessed by two speech-language pathologists. Individual ratings of randomized and blinded sound recordings were performed. Inter- and intra-raterreliability was calculated. The study showed a lower degree of dysphonia in patients treated for unilateral CLP than earlier studies. Among patients treated for unilateral CLP and the non-cleft group, a degree of approximately 5/100 voice quality deviation was found. ”Vocal fry” was found significantly lower in patients treated for CLP than the non-cleft group. Measures of voice parameters did not differ significantly between patients and non-cleft groups. Patients that had undergone palatoplasty in one or two stages showed no significant differences in voice parameters. Minor statistical significance was found in a few of the measured voice parameters as related to gender. Between patients that had undergone pharyngeal flap surgery and those that had not no differences were found.
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極超音速TSTOにおける衝撃波干渉・境界層剥離を伴う流れ場の解析北村, 圭一, KITAMURA, Keiichi, 小澤, 啓伺, OZAWA, Hiroshi, 花井, 勝祥, HANAI, Katsuhisa, 森, 浩一, MORI, Koichi, 中村, 佳朗, NAKAMURA, Yoshiaki 05 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Advanced Designs of Cancer Phase I and Phase II Clinical TrialsCui, Ye 13 May 2013 (has links)
The clinical trial is the most import study for the development of successful novel drugs. The aim of this dissertation is to develop innovative statistical methods to overcome the three main obstacles in clinical trials: (1) lengthy trial duration and inaccurate maximum tolerated dose (MTD) in phase I trials; (2) heterogeneity in drug effect when patients are given the same prescription and same dose; and (3) high failure rates of expensive phase III confirmatory trials due to the discrepancy in the endpoints adopted in phase II and III trials. Towards overcoming the first obstacle, we originally develop a hybrid design for the time-to-event dose escalation method with overdose control using a normalized equivalent toxicity score (NETS) system. This hybrid design can substantially reduce sample size, shorten study length, and estimate accurate MTD by employing a parametric model and adaptive Bayesian approach. Toward overcoming the second obstacle, we propose a new approach to incorporate patients’ characteristic using our proposed design in phase I clinical trials which considers the personalized information for patients who participant in the trials. To conquer the third obstacle, we propose a novel two-stage screening design for phase II trials whereby the endpoint of percent change in of tumor size is used in an initial screening to select potentially effective agents within a short time interval followed by a second screening stage where progression free survival is estimated to confirm the efficacy of agents. These research projects will substantially benefit both cancer patients and researchers by improving clinical trial efficiency and reducing cost and trial duration. Moreover, they are of great practical meaning since cancer medicine development is of paramount importance to human health care.
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Optimization of recombinant bacterial fermentations for pharmaceutical productionBaheri, Hamid Reza 01 January 1998 (has links)
Two computer programs were developed and used to determine the optimum operating parameters of a fedbatch and a continuous two-stage process for fermentation of recombinant bacteria. The study was conducted in three phases: (a) developing two computer programs for simulation and optimization of the above processes, (b) conducting batch culture fermentations to verify the performance of the biokinetic model, and (c) conducting fedbatch and two-stage continuous fermentation experiments to closely examine the simulation and optimization results. The Miao and Kompala (1992) biokinetic model was used for simulation of the bacterial growth and cloned gene expression. The Pattern-Search method, developed by Hooke and Jeeves (1962), was incorporated in the programs to determine the optimum values of the parameters. Extensive studies of the optimization results showed 30-40% higher productivities for the two stage continuous process over the fedbatch process when using the same media in both processes. In addition, increasing the number of stages in the continuous two-stage process resulted in very limited improvement in the productivity of the process (10-12%). The information from the process optimization was then used to design batch, fedbatch nd two stage continuous experiments. Recombinant <i>E. coli </i>(strain BL21DE3) with an inducible gene (sensitive to IPTG, isopropyl-â-D-thiogalactopyranoside) was used throughout the experiments. The experimental results from the fedbatch and two stage continuous processes clearly showed good agreement with the simulation and optimization results $(\cong$15% deviation). The experiments also revealed that the maintenance of plasmid harboring cells over the long-term operation could be an important barrier in achieving the predicted high productivity in the two stage continuous process. Finally, in addition to computer programs for optimization of genetically modified microorganisms, a new computer program with a generic algorithm for optimization of multiple CFSTR fermentation with any kind of biokinetic model was developed. The program was used to optimize multiple CFSTRs with the cybernetic biokinetic model for the first time. Besides finding the optimum residence times for multiple CFSTRs operation, the effect of inaccuracies in different cybernetic model parameters on the overall productivity of the process was investigated. The simulation results illustrated that, a single CFSTR was more sensitive in its operation to inaccuracies in the biokinetic constants as compared to optimized CFSTRs in series (2-8 times more sensitive).
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Performance Comparison of Selective Rake Receivers with CLEAN Algorithms in UWB SystemsYang, Siang-Yu 26 July 2006 (has links)
The Ultra-Wideband (UWB) channel is a dense multipath channel. The system performance and design complexity issues of selective-Rake receiver (SRake) are studied. Rake receiver has difficulties achieving desired system performance in the dense multipath environment. The main ideas of SRake receiver are to obtain the SNR level on known multipath channel and determine the desired number of Rake fingers. In the implementation of the SRake, the CLEAN algorithm is used in selecting the paths with relatively high energy. We can improve the performance of SRake receiver by increasing the accuracy of path selection. By the property of local maximum peak within the smaller partition, Two-Stage CLEAN algorithm acquires the more accurate delay time of multipath. In order to mitigate the sidelobe effect and noise interference, the key assumption in the Deng¡¦s Modified CLEAN algorithm is that using average amplitude around the considered data change as the criterion to determine if the data value is a true path. In this thesis, we investigate CLEAN, Two-Stage CLEAN and Deng¡¦s Modified CLEAN algorithm in three different systems including UWB-Impulse Radio, Pulse Radar and DS-UWB. From the performance comparison, it can be seen that the Two-Stage CLEAN algorithm that has the highest accuracy of path selection in UWB system.
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Dynamic Food Demand in China and International Nutrition TransitionZhou, De 12 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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