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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Valorization as an educational project: schooling, Afro-Brazilian cultural organizations, and the struggle against racial exclusion in Salvador da Bahia

Brown, Zachary Zoeth 26 October 2010 (has links)
This MA thesis attempts to achieve three main goals in setting the stage for a case study on Afro-Brazilian community social organizations. First among these goals is to demonstrate that scholarly and activist criticism of community organizations’ inability to generate broad-based political constituencies overlooks a key component of what community organizations actually strive for, and thus, characterizing them as an inappropriate use of resources is an error. This is accomplished through a discussion of the reluctance of Afro-Brazilians to self-identify as such and the need to support consciousness-raising with a valorization effort that addresses the negative stigma associated with blackness. Second, this essay looks to theories of education, specifically the racialized nature of the educational experience, as an indication that valorization efforts must focus on supplementing or countering the racial subjectivities that schools establish with more positive experiences of blackness. Third, this essay considers how community social capital is among the most influential sources of valorization, and establishes several hypotheses about the mechanisms of community organizations that garner effective valorization. These hypotheses are tested in a case study of community organizations in Salvador da Bahia. / text

Tailoring Microenvironment and Orientation of Immobilized Lactase for Improved Catalysis at Suboptimal pH

Fianu, Felicia 15 January 2025 (has links)
The U.S. Greek yogurt market has experienced significant growth, rising from 1-2% in 2004 to 40% in 2015, resulting in a large amount of lactose-rich acid whey as a byproduct. Using lactase to transform this waste into valuable products has emerged as a promising solution. Covalent immobilization allows enzymes to be reused and prevents contamination of the product. While immobilizing lactases has been found to enhance their pH and temperature stability, undesired enzyme-substrate interactions can still lead to reduced enzyme activity. This study investigates novel approaches for enhancing the performance of immobilized lactase enzyme through controlled orientation and microenvironment modification. We utilized initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD) to fabricate tailored polymeric thin films as enzyme immobilization supports. A site-specific spycatcher/spytag system was employed for direct immobilization of lactase, while polycationic polymers were incorporated to modify the local chemical environment. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy confirmed the retention of key functional groups in the polymeric supports. The epoxide-amine ring-opening reaction between the support and enzyme was verified, indicating covalent immobilization. Directed immobilization resulted in significantly improved enzyme activity compared to random immobilization, particularly at pH 7 and 8. Incorporation of hydrophobic crosslinkers further enhanced the activity of directedly immobilized Lactase, even exceeding that of the free LacZ-ST by 155% at pH 7, while no effect was observed for randomly immobilized LacZ. The inclusion of pH-responsive polycationic moieties in the support enabled LacZ to catalyze at pH 4, where the free enzyme is typically inactive. This study demonstrates the potential of combining controlled enzyme orientation with tailored microenvironments to optimize the performance of immobilized biocatalysts across a broader pH range. / Master of Science in Life Sciences / With the booming Greek yogurt industry generating substantial amounts of lactose-rich acid whey as a byproduct, there is a pressing need for effective waste management to avoid negative environmental impact. However, the abundance of this acidic byproduct also presents a unique opportunity for product valorization. Lactose, the primary component of acid whey, can be transformed into valuable prebiotics and sweeteners through biotransformation via lactase, an enzyme commonly used for producing lactose-free milk. Nonetheless, the acidic nature of acid whey (~pH 4) inhibits lactase activity, which typically thrives at neutral pH levels (~pH 7). To tackle this challenge, we explored enzyme immobilization that is, fixing the enzymes on a solid support to improve the stability and reusability of lactase under non-ideal pH environment. Our approach involved using initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD) to create specialized polymeric supports for enzyme immobilization via covalent bonds. We employed a site-specific immobilization strategy using the spycatcher/spytag system to ensure optimal enzyme orientation, which we hypothesized to be critical for enhancing activity. Additionally, we modified the chemical environment around the immobilized lactase by incorporating a positively charged polymer to allow the local pH to be more neutral than the bulk pH, thus improving the activity of the immobilized lactases. The results showed that our directed immobilization method significantly improved lactase activity, especially at neutral pH levels, compared to immobilized enzymes with random orientation. Furthermore, by adding positively charged components to the immobilization support, we enabled the immobilized lactase to function even at pH 4, where free lactase is completely inactive. This shows promise for using immobilized lactase to process acid whey without pH adjustment. This research highlights the potential for transforming dairy waste into useful products while addressing the limitations of current enzymatic processes, paving the way for more sustainable practices in food production and biomanufacturing.

Valorisation du glycérol par polycondensation catalytique / Valorization of glycerol by catalytic polycondensation

Monakhova, Julia 15 November 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre de la valorisation du glycérol par polycondensation catalytique. L'objectif est l'obtention de nouveaux catalyseurs basiques hétérogènes actifs et sélectifs pour effectuer la polycondensation directe du glycérol en polymères contenant plus de 5 unités monomères, tout en évitant les sous-produits toxiques (acroléine) et les polymères cycliques. Des précurseurs de catalyseurs associant le lanthane et les différents cations alcalino-terreux ont été obtenus par co-précipitation conventionnelle ou par une voie originale utilisant des ionogels bi-cationiques d'alginate. L'influence de la méthode de préparation, de la température d'activation, de la nature et du contenu en cations alcalino-terreux sur les propriétés physico-chimiques (composition, nature des phases, surfaces spécifiques) et la basicité des catalyseurs a été étudiée. Elles ont été reliées à l'activité et la sélectivité des produits obtenus dans la réaction de polycondensation du glycérol effectuée à 533 K en réacteur batch. / This PhD work deals with the valorization of glycerol by catalytic polycondensation. The main objective is to obtain new heterogeneous basic catalysts, active and selective, able to perform the direct polycondensation of glycerol into polymers containing more than 5 monomer units, avoiding toxic by-products (acrolein) and cyclic polymers. Catalyst precursors involving lanthanum and the various alkaline earth metal cations have been obtained by conventional co-precipitation or by an original route using bi-cationic ionogels of alginate. The influence of the preparation method, the activation temperature, the nature and the content of alkaline earth cations on the physico-chemical properties (composition, nature of the phases, specific surface area) and the basicity of the catalysts was studied. They were related to the activity and selectivity of the products obtained in the polycondensation reaction of glycerol performed at 533 K in batch reactor.

A (des)valorização do magistério : uma análise sobre a profissionalização e a valorização do magistério a partir do estatuto do magistério público do Rio Grande do Sul de 1954 e da experiência da deputada Suely de Oliveira

Flôres, Taís Pereira January 2018 (has links)
A profissionalização da docência, elemento partícipe dos processos de racionalização e modernização da escola e da sociedade, é entendida como um percurso sócio-histórico que apresenta como eixo a busca por um status social de profissão ao magistério. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho apresenta e analisa a Lei nº 2.338/1954, primeiro Estatuto exclusivo ao magistério estadual do Rio Grande do Sul, importante momento na profissionalização da categoria docente sul-rio-grandense. Para tal, analisou-se o texto a partir das discussões de Pierre Bourdieu a respeito do Estado, bem como as construções teóricas de E. P. Thompson sobre a Lei e suas ferramentas de legitimação simbólica. O estudo realizado a partir do Estatuto de 1954 apontou que, mesmo com os avanços na profissionalização da docência materializados no texto legal, houve a permanência de elementos que remetem à docência como ação vocacionada, hierarquização entre os âmbitos público e privado, vinculação entre magistério e gênero feminino, interferência estatal na experiência docente, o que implicou em oposições à profissionalização da categoria docente, atuando de forma contrária à valorização social do magistério. A fim de observar as possibilidades de atuação do magistério na busca pela profissionalização da categoria, bem como a atuação das categorias de Estado na experiência do professorado, foi utilizado o conceito de experiência de E. P. Thompson e tomado como fonte o documento “Suely de Oliveira: Perfil Biográfico, Depoimentos e Discursos (1915-1994)” Suely de Oliveira foi professora estadual e a primeira mulher deputada sul-rio-grandense, eleita em 1950. A partir da análise dos discursos proferidos pela Deputada, percebeu-se a inserção na Assembleia Legislativa das discussões sobre profissionalização do magistério partindo da compreensão da docência como ação vocacionada, para posteriormente pontuar os debates sobre carreira e remuneração a partir de marcos racionais. Suely de Oliveira apresentou reivindicações do magistério estadual gaúcho pela necessidade de elaboração de um Estatuto exclusivo à categoria docente, bem como modos de avaliação dos docentes a partir de referências racionais e burocráticas. Ainda, ao proceder a análise dos depoimentos produzidos sobre a Deputada por seus contemporâneos, foi possível perceber que as categorias afirmadas sobre o magistério e o feminino, como paciência, abnegação, moralidade e atuação no espaço doméstico formaram características legitimadoras da atuação política de Suely de Oliveira. / The professionalization of the teaching, an element that is part of the process of the rationalization and modernization of the school and the society, it’s understood as a sociohistorical process which present as an axis the search for a social status as profession to the state teaching. Thereby, the aim of this study is to score the Law 2338/1954, the first exclusive Statute to the Teaching of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, as a mark in the professionalization of the state teaching. For this purpose, the text is analyzed based on Pierre Bourdieu discussions about The State as well as the theoretical constructions from E. P Thompson on The Law and its tools of legitimacy symbolic constructions. As the results of this work, it is signalized that, even with some advances in the professionalization of the teaching materialized by the Statute, repeated elements that refer to teaching as a devoted action, ranking between the public and the private sphere, the link between teaching and female gender cause oppositions to the professionalization of the teaching category, acting in a contrary way to the social valorization of the teaching. In order to make an observation about the possibilities of the action on teaching of the in the searching for the professionalization of the category, as well as in the State categories in the teaching experience, it was used the concept of experience from E. P. Thompson and was taken the text “Suely de Oliveira: Perfil Biográfico, Depoimentos e Discursos (1915-1994)” as a source Suely de Oliveira was a state teacher and the first congresswoman from Rio Grande do Sul, elected in 1950. It was noted, from the analysis of the Congresswoman speeches, an insertion about professionalization of the Teaching starting from the teaching comprehension as a devoted action, to subsequently point out debates about professional career and remuneration from rational frameworks. Suely de Oliveira presented demands of the state teaching for a strong need to construct an exclusive Statute to the teaching category, as well as forms of evaluation of the teachers from the rational and bureaucratic references. Furthermore, proceeding the interview analyses produced by her contemporaries about the Congresswoman, was possible to tell that the features said about the Teaching and the feminine, as patience, self-denial, morality and acting in the household spaces had formed features of legitimacy in the Suely de Oliveira political activity.

Méthanisation de marc de raisin. Caractérisation et optimisation du procédé et des prétraitements. / Anaerobic digestion of grape pomace. Characterization and optimization of the process and the pretreatments

El Achkar, Jean 30 May 2017 (has links)
La digestion anaérobie représente un élément clé dans la dynamique de développement durable contribuant à la valorisation verte des déchets organiques sous forme de biogaz et d'engrais. Dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse franco-libanais, nous cherchons à valoriser le marc de raisin, déchet majeur et principal sous-produit issu de la viniculture, par la digestion anaérobie, afin de générer de l’énergie dite verte sous forme de méthane. Dans un premier temps, le potentiel méthane du marc de raisin est démontré, validant notre biomasse végétale comme source potentielle d’énergie. Des informations détaillées sur les productions maximales de méthane à partir du marc entier, des pulpes et des pépins, séparément, sont obtenues en mode batch à 37 °C. La faisabilité technique du procédé est alors validée suite à une extrapolation au mode continu. De plus, des essais d’acclimatation du digesteur continu à la température moyenne de la vallée de la Bekaa (25 °C) permettent de simuler et d’adapter le système au milieu libanais. D’autre part, nous avons mené une caractérisation bio-physico-chimique de différents cépages de marcs de raisins en provenance de différentes régions viticoles. La diversité du contenu lignocellulosique et du potentiel méthanogène des substrats choisis a été mise en évidence. Une corrélation négative existe, en particulier, entre le potentiel méthane et les teneurs en lignine et en cellulose. Afin d’intensifier la production de méthane, le dimensionnement des digesteurs anaérobies en mode continu est optimisé en déterminant un optimum de fonctionnement pour une charge appliquée de 3,7 kg DCO m-3 j-1 et un temps de séjour de 20 jours. Enfin, nous évaluons les effets d’une variété de prétraitements (congélation, traitement alcalin, traitement acide, ultrasons et champs électriques pulsés) sur la production de méthane et sur la biodégradabilité des fractions. Le couplage du traitement alcalin à 10% NaOH avec la congélation à -20 °C s’avère être le meilleur procédé d’intensification. / Anaerobic digestion is considered to be a crucial part of a sustainable development strategy, contributing to the green valorization of organic waste as biogas and fertilizers. As part of this doctoral thesis, we explored the valorization of grape pomace, the major waste and main by-product of winemaking, by anaerobic digestion, to generate green energy in the form of methane. Firstly, the methane potential of grape pomace is demonstrated, validating our vegetal biomass as a potential source of energy. Detailed information on the maximum production of methane from whole pomace, pulps and seeds are obtained in batch mode at 37 °C. The technical feasibility of the process is then validated following an extrapolation to the continuous mode. Moreover, the acclimation of the continuous digester at the average temperature of the Beqaa valley (25 °C) allowed to simulate and adapt the current system to the Lebanese environment. On another note, we carried out a bio- physico-chemical characterization of different grape varieties from different wine-growing areas. The diversity of the lignocellulosic content and the methane potential of the selected substrates was highlighted. A negative correlation exists, in particular, between the methane potential and the lignin and cellulose fractions. In order to intensify methane production, we conducted an optimization of anaerobic digesters dimensioning in continuous mode by determining an optimum of operation for an applied load of 3.7 kg COD m-3 d-1 and a residence time of 20 days. Finally, we evaluated the effects of a variety of pretreatments (freezing, alkaline treatment, acid treatment, ultrasounds and pulsed electric fields) on the methane production and the biodegradability of lignocellulosic fractions. The coupling of the alkaline treatment using 10% NaOH with freezing at -20 °C seems to be the best intensification process.

A (des)valorização do magistério : uma análise sobre a profissionalização e a valorização do magistério a partir do estatuto do magistério público do Rio Grande do Sul de 1954 e da experiência da deputada Suely de Oliveira

Flôres, Taís Pereira January 2018 (has links)
A profissionalização da docência, elemento partícipe dos processos de racionalização e modernização da escola e da sociedade, é entendida como um percurso sócio-histórico que apresenta como eixo a busca por um status social de profissão ao magistério. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho apresenta e analisa a Lei nº 2.338/1954, primeiro Estatuto exclusivo ao magistério estadual do Rio Grande do Sul, importante momento na profissionalização da categoria docente sul-rio-grandense. Para tal, analisou-se o texto a partir das discussões de Pierre Bourdieu a respeito do Estado, bem como as construções teóricas de E. P. Thompson sobre a Lei e suas ferramentas de legitimação simbólica. O estudo realizado a partir do Estatuto de 1954 apontou que, mesmo com os avanços na profissionalização da docência materializados no texto legal, houve a permanência de elementos que remetem à docência como ação vocacionada, hierarquização entre os âmbitos público e privado, vinculação entre magistério e gênero feminino, interferência estatal na experiência docente, o que implicou em oposições à profissionalização da categoria docente, atuando de forma contrária à valorização social do magistério. A fim de observar as possibilidades de atuação do magistério na busca pela profissionalização da categoria, bem como a atuação das categorias de Estado na experiência do professorado, foi utilizado o conceito de experiência de E. P. Thompson e tomado como fonte o documento “Suely de Oliveira: Perfil Biográfico, Depoimentos e Discursos (1915-1994)” Suely de Oliveira foi professora estadual e a primeira mulher deputada sul-rio-grandense, eleita em 1950. A partir da análise dos discursos proferidos pela Deputada, percebeu-se a inserção na Assembleia Legislativa das discussões sobre profissionalização do magistério partindo da compreensão da docência como ação vocacionada, para posteriormente pontuar os debates sobre carreira e remuneração a partir de marcos racionais. Suely de Oliveira apresentou reivindicações do magistério estadual gaúcho pela necessidade de elaboração de um Estatuto exclusivo à categoria docente, bem como modos de avaliação dos docentes a partir de referências racionais e burocráticas. Ainda, ao proceder a análise dos depoimentos produzidos sobre a Deputada por seus contemporâneos, foi possível perceber que as categorias afirmadas sobre o magistério e o feminino, como paciência, abnegação, moralidade e atuação no espaço doméstico formaram características legitimadoras da atuação política de Suely de Oliveira. / The professionalization of the teaching, an element that is part of the process of the rationalization and modernization of the school and the society, it’s understood as a sociohistorical process which present as an axis the search for a social status as profession to the state teaching. Thereby, the aim of this study is to score the Law 2338/1954, the first exclusive Statute to the Teaching of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, as a mark in the professionalization of the state teaching. For this purpose, the text is analyzed based on Pierre Bourdieu discussions about The State as well as the theoretical constructions from E. P Thompson on The Law and its tools of legitimacy symbolic constructions. As the results of this work, it is signalized that, even with some advances in the professionalization of the teaching materialized by the Statute, repeated elements that refer to teaching as a devoted action, ranking between the public and the private sphere, the link between teaching and female gender cause oppositions to the professionalization of the teaching category, acting in a contrary way to the social valorization of the teaching. In order to make an observation about the possibilities of the action on teaching of the in the searching for the professionalization of the category, as well as in the State categories in the teaching experience, it was used the concept of experience from E. P. Thompson and was taken the text “Suely de Oliveira: Perfil Biográfico, Depoimentos e Discursos (1915-1994)” as a source Suely de Oliveira was a state teacher and the first congresswoman from Rio Grande do Sul, elected in 1950. It was noted, from the analysis of the Congresswoman speeches, an insertion about professionalization of the Teaching starting from the teaching comprehension as a devoted action, to subsequently point out debates about professional career and remuneration from rational frameworks. Suely de Oliveira presented demands of the state teaching for a strong need to construct an exclusive Statute to the teaching category, as well as forms of evaluation of the teachers from the rational and bureaucratic references. Furthermore, proceeding the interview analyses produced by her contemporaries about the Congresswoman, was possible to tell that the features said about the Teaching and the feminine, as patience, self-denial, morality and acting in the household spaces had formed features of legitimacy in the Suely de Oliveira political activity.

Valorisation de métabolites secondaires issus de micro-algues : approches métabolomiques, isolement et caractérisation structurale / Valorisation of secondary metabolites from microalgae : metabolomics approaches, isolation and structural caracterisation

Audoin, Coralie 27 September 2013 (has links)
Les microalgues présentes à la fois dans les eaux douces et salées compteraient plus de 200 000 espèces. Cette diversité en fait une source potentielle de métabolites spécialisés originaux. Parmi les principales familles de substances naturelles valorisées actuellement, on peut citer les pigments, lipides, protéines, polysaccharides, caroténoïdes. Une vision plus globale du métabolome de chacune des espèces apparaît aujourd’hui nécessaire pour mieux mettre en valeur le potentiel commercial que représente cette « microbiodiversité ». Pour cela, nous avons tout d’abord choisi d’approcher le métabolome de différentes souches de microalgues cultivées au sein de la Société Greensea en s’appuyant sur les techniques d’HPTLC, de RMN et d’UHPLC-QTOF pour une visualisation large. Cette étude nous a permis de regrouper les espèces par analogie métabolique après traitement statistique des données. Une seconde partie a consisté en une étude phytochimique approfondie de certaines souches et a conduit à l’isolement et la caractérisation de plusieurs molécules. Ainsi, en plus de métabolites connus, un peptide original portant un motif isoprényl, le cumbriamide a été caractérisé au sein de Lyngbya sp. et une première évaluation de son potentiel thérapeutique a été entreprise. Une large diversité en glycolipides s’est montrée prépondérante dans de nombreuses souches et une méthode de caractérisation a pu être mise au point pour leur identification par UHPLC-QTOF. Enfin, différentes applications des approches métabolomiques ont été envisagées. Ainsi, des études chimiotaxonomiques ont été menées sur les différentes souches de microalgues et l’influence de changements de conditions de culture sur la production de métabolites chez Nannochloropsis oculata a été observée. / Microalgae are present both in Oceans and freshwaters and could include more than 200 000 species. This diversity is a source of original specialized metabolites that can find a large array of applications. Pigments, lipids, proteins, polysaccharides and carotenoids are usual compounds produced by microalgae that have found commercial applications. A global vision of the metabolome of each species has showed promises to highlight the commercial value of this “microdiversity”. We then decided to assess the metabolome of several microalgae species grown at the Greensea company by using HPTLC, NMR and UHPLC-QTOF techniques for a rapid and global overview. A classification of the species according to their metabolomics similarities was obtained after statistics treatment of the data. A second part was dedicated to a phytochemical study of the extracts of selected strains and led to the isolation and characterization of several metabolites. Thus, in addition to known molecules, an original peptide substituted by an isoprenyl moiety and named cumbriamide has been characterized in Lyngbya sp and a first assessment of its therapeutical potential has been undertaken. Glycolipids have been identified as the major metabolites in the extracts of numerous strains and a UHPLC-QTOF method was developed for their identification. Finally, several applications of the metabolomics approaches were considered. Chemotaxonomic studies were first carried out and the influence of growth conditions on the metabolome of Nannochloropsis oculata was observed.

Effect Of Enzymatic Pretreatment On Biomethane Production From Olive Pomace

Zhong, Ningjing 01 August 2024 (has links) (PDF)
In 2023, approximately 2.36 million metric tons of olive oil were produced globally. Olive pomace, a byproduct of the flesh and pits left after olive oil extraction, presents environmental challenges when used as landfill due to its high polyphenol and organic contents, or when combusted due to greenhouse gas emissions. Its potential as animal feed is limited, yet it holds promise for methane production via anaerobic digestion (AD), providing a source of renewable energy. However, the highly crystallized polysaccharides in olive pomace, such as cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin, impede its conversion to methane, and the high polyphenol content inhibits methanogen growth. To address this, phenolics were extracted from olive pomace, producing a phenolics-extracted olive pomace (PEOP) and a phenolics-rich olive liquid. After further resin-based extraction of phenolics-rich olive liquid, approximately two-thirds of the phenolics were removed, yielding phenolics-extracted olive liquid (PEOL). Enzymatic hydrolysis was conducted on several olive byproduct streams: olive pomace with water, PEOP with PEOL, and PEOP with water, to convert insoluble polysaccharides into reducing sugars that are more readily utilized by methane-producing microorganisms. Various enzymes, including cellulase, hemicellulase, xylanase, and pectinase, were individually treated with olive pomace to determine the optimal hydrolysis time and enzyme concentrations. Response surface methodology (RSM) identified the optimal enzyme cocktail ratio (1.1% cellulase, db, and 0.9% pectinase, db) for achieving the highest reducing sugar contents (22.3 mg/mL), which had 79.1% increase when compared to the control sample (12.5 mg/mL). After 19 days of anaerobic digestion at 37 °C, olive samples before phenolics extraction (olive pomace with water) and olive samples after phenolics extraction (phenolics-extracted olive pomace with phenolics-extracted olive liquid), produced similar amounts of methane (~175 mL CH4/g VS). This indicated that in our experimental settings, the phenolics reduction did not significantly impact methane yields. Carbohydrate profiles may also influence biofuel yields, as hexoses (C6 sugars) are preferred over pentoses (C5 sugars) for end-product production during biotechnical conversion. To explore the effect of carbohydrate profiles on methane production from olive byproducts, two response surface methodology (RSM) coded enzyme cocktail-treated samples with different carbohydrate profiles underwent anaerobic digestion for 19 days at 37 °C, yielding similar amounts of methane (~156 mL CH4/g VS), comparable to the control sample. This suggested that anaerobic digestion can utilize different hexoses and pentoses at similar rates. These findings demonstrated that olive pomace can be used for biomethane production instead of being landfilled or combusted. While enzymatic hydrolysis increased reducing sugar contents, it did not enhance methane yields. Reducing phenolic contents of 2/3 did not improve biomethane yield, and the impact of greater reduction requires further assessment.

Valorizing waste through collaborations : A road map to expand the possibilities of a circular company / Valorisering av avfall genom samarbeten : En roadmap för att expandera möjligheterna för ett cirkulärt företag

Jacobsson, Antonia, Larsson, Alice January 2023 (has links)
When increasing the amount of recycled material in production the input materials are rarely homogenous which results in unavoidable waste streams. Utilizing this waste is of high importance when moving towards a Circular Economy and for firms to keep their circular identity. However, to achieve this, collaborations between firms are crucial. The purpose of this single case study is to develop a road map for how firms can create collaboration to strategically valorize waste streams from circular processes. Through a qualitative study based on 23 semi structured interviews the subject was investigated. The interviews were held in three phases with respondents from four different groups: the case company, potential collaborators, other firms with waste streams as well as subject experts. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed through a thematic analysis resulting in five themes. Moreover, this study resulted in a road map with three gears and multiple steps that companies should follow to create collaboration for valorizing waste streams. The three gears are: Gear 1: Internal preparation, Gear 2: Finding the right partner and Gear 3: Forming the collaboration. The study fills the gap in existing literature regarding the lack of a firm perspective of a concrete road map by which companies can go from producing a waste stream to creating a collaboration to valorize it. Both the managers of a company as well as an assigned person responsible for waste streams can benefit from the road map. Although the road map contains three consecutive gears, the containing steps can be considered individually or partly depending on the company’s circumstances. In addition, companies without circular processes can be inspired from the road map in their work of becoming more sustainable. / När mängden återvunnet material ökar i produktioner är ingångsmaterialen sällan homogena vilket resulterar i oönskade restströmmar. För att röra sig mot en cirkulär ekonomi och för att företag ska behålla sin cirkulära identitet är det av stor vikt att ta tillvara på avfallet. För att uppnå detta är samarbeten mellan företag mycket viktiga. Syftet med denna enfallsstudie är att utveckla en roadmap över hur företag kan skapa samarbeten för att strategiskt valorisera restströmmar från cirkulära processer. Genom en kvalitativ studie baserad på 23 semistrukturerade intervjuer undersöktes området. Intervjuerna genomfördes i tre faser med respondenter från fyra olika grupper: fallstudieföretaget, potentiell samarbetspartner, andra företag med restströmmar samt ämnesexperter. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades genom en tematisk analys som resulterade i fem teman. Studien resulterade därmed i en roadmap bestående av tre växlar och flera steg vilka företag kan följa för att skapa samarbeten för att valorisera sina restströmmar. De tre växlarna är: Växel 1: Interna förberedelser, Växel 2: Hitta den rätta samarbetspartnern och Växel 3: Utforma samarbetet. Studien fyller gapet i den existerande litteraturen då företagsperspektivet i en konkret roadmap som beskriver hur företag kan gå från att producera en restström till att skapa samarbeten för att valorisera den saknas. Ledarna i ett företag samt en designerad person ansvarig för restströmmarna kan få nytta av av roadmapen. Trots att roadmapen består av tre påföljande varandra växlar kan de olika växlarna i roadmapen nyttjas individuellt eller delvis beroende på företagets omständigheter. Därtill kan även företag utan cirkulära processer inspireras av roadmapen i deras arbete att bli mer hållbara.

Fenolni potencijal uljanih pogača / Polyphenol potential of oil cakes

Krimer Malešević Vera 25 August 2016 (has links)
<p>U okviru disertacije ispitana je mogućnost eksploatacije nusproizvoda (nastalih tokom procesa hladnog presovanja ulja) kao izvora prirodnih fenolnih kiselina. Odabir je obuhvatio uzorke uljane tikve, crnog kima, lana i nara. Radi oslobađanja vezanih fenolnih kiselina i u cilju procene njihovog ukupnog sadržaja i distribucije (u čvrstim uzorcima), primenjena je alkalna hidroliza sa dodatkom L-askorbinske kiseline i EDTA. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da se sve analizirane pogače mogu se koristiti za dobijanje vrednih fenolnih kiselina, pri čemu raspodela fenolnih kiselina zavisi od vrste uljane pogače. Koncentracija slobodnih fenolnih kiselina se pokazala značajnom za pogaču uljane tikve, estarski vezanih za pogače nara i lana, a nerastvornih-vezanih za pogače crnog kima i nara. Od svih analiziranih uzoraka kora nara je sadržala najvi&scaron;e estarski vezanih fenolnih kiselina zahvaljujući veoma visokom sadržaju galne kiseline. Nakon određivanja fenolnih kiselina u nusproizvodima, analiza glavnih komponenti (PCA) je omogućila razdvajanje biljnih uzoraka u grupe prema poreklu i smanjila broj fenolnih kiselina neophodnih za njihovu karakterizaciju, &scaron;to može imati potencijalnu primenu u skriningu fenolnih kiselina i određivanju kvaliteta/autentičnosti uljarica i njihovih nusproizvoda.</p> / <p>Within the thesis, the possibility of by-products (formed during the process of cold oil pressing) exploitation as a source of natural phenolic acids was examined. Selection of the samples included pumpkin, black cumin, flax and pomegranate. For the purpose of bonded phenolic acids release and for the total phenolic acids content and distribution (in the solid samples) assessment, the alkaline hydrolysis with the addition of L-ascorbic acid and EDTA was employed. The results show that all analyzed cakes can be used to obtain valuable phenolic acids, while the distribution of phenolic acids depends on the type of oil cakes. The concentration of free phenolic acids proved to be significant for a pumpkin oil cake, ester for pomegranate and flax oil cakes, and insoluble-bound for black cumin and pomegranate oil cakes. Of all analyzed samples, pomegranate hull contains the highest content of ester-linked phenolic acids, due to a very high content of gallic acid. After phenolic acids determination in the by-products, principal components analysis (PCA) allowed the separation of plant samples in groups according to origin and reduced the number of phenolic acids necessary for their characterization, which may have potential application in the screening of phenolic acids and determining the quality/authenticity oilseeds and their by-products.</p>

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