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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A literatura para a juventude portuguesa e brasileira e a relevância de dois elementos estruturais da narrativa: linguagem e narrador / The literature to the Portuguese and Brazilian youths and the prominence of two structural elements of the narrativa; language and narrator

Dias, Ione Vianna Navajas 14 June 2007 (has links)
Esta tese de doutorado dentro da Área de Estudos Comparados de Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa teve por objetivo abordar e investigar nas obras de literatura para a juventude portuguesa e brasileira, a relevância de dois elementos estruturais importantes: Linguagem e Narrador. O intenso diálogo entre autor, texto e leitor cria um clima de cumplicidade, convidando este a participar ativamente da obra. Essa interação leitor/ texto mediada pelo narrador poderá ser o fio condutor capaz de provocar a reflexão e o espírito crítico no receptor. A obra precisa do leitor para se realizar, pois este contribui com suas vivências pessoais e dialoga com o texto dando-lhe \"vida\". A problemática da leitura foi e é analisada por inúmeros Educadores, Especialistas. Para nós a ênfase recai na Relação Prazerosa, Afetiva, Estética, pois se trata da Arte da Palavra. A proposta é investigar a importância da literariedade de obras de autores portugueses e brasileiros, podendo ser considerada, na formação de jovens leitores, como o elemento chave na perfeita associação: leitura-prazer. / This Doctorate in the Comparative Studies on Literature of Portuguese Language Area had as a purpose to broach and investigate in the literature works, for the Portuguese and Brazilian youths, the weightiness of two important structural elements: language and narrator. The intense dialogue among writer, text and reader creates a complicity atmosphere, inviting the latter to participate actively in the work. This interaction reader/text mediated by the narrator could be the conducting wire able to instigate the receiver\'s reflection and critical spirit. The literary work needs the reader to come about, as the reader contributes with his personal experiences and he talks with the text making it \"alive\". The problem of the reading was and is analysed by numberless educators, experts. For us, the emphasis falls again in the pleasant, affective, esthetic relationship, as it is the art of the word. The proposal is to investigate the importance of works of Portuguese and Brazilian writers\'s literature considering the upbringing of young readers, as the key element in the perfect association: reading-pleasure.

Literatura e Museu: estudo dos museus literários Casa Guilherme de Almeida (SP) e Museu Casa Guimarães Rosa (MG) / Literature and Museum: a study of the literary museums House Guilherme de Almeida (SP) and House Museum Guimarães Rosa (MG)

Valle, Ana Luiza Rocha do 06 September 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta alguns dos desafios e possibilidades em torno da musealização da literatura, dando ênfase à via expositiva. Buscamos referências nas discussões nacionais e internacionais sobre o tema, além de uma pesquisa de campo que compreendeu instituições brasileiras, húngaras, francesas, georgiana e sueca. Além do debate teórico em si, traçamos históricos breves de duas organizações: o Comitê Internacional de Museus Literários e Casas de Compositores do Conselho Internacional de Museus, e a Federação Nacional das Casas de Escritores e Patrimônios Literários da França. Dentre as problemáticas abordadas, tratamos das formações de identidades nacionais e da necessidade de que museus - literários ou não - lidem com os conflitos. Com base nesses parâmetros e por meio do estudo da Casa Guilherme de Almeida (SP) e do Museu Casa Guimarães Rosa (MG), discutimos estratégias expográficas e questões curatoriais ligadas à literatura. A ênfase recaiu sobre as exposições de longa duração vigentes nos dois museus: uma sem título, de 2010, no museu paulistano e Rosa dos Tempos, Rosa dos Ventos, de 2012, no mineiro. Ademais, foram estudados os históricos dessas duas instituições, para que pudéssemos compreender a relação delas com o universo literário e com a concepção de museu - nem sempre presente ou mesmo bem aceita nas casas de escritores. A premissa estabelecida para análise dos dados à luz da discussão bibliográfica foi a de que tanto museus quanto literaturas possuem uma função social. Ela se compõe, entre outros elementos de um potencial humanizador ou transformador. Para fundamentar esse conceito, trouxemos as ideias de Mário Chagas, Marília Cury, Mirela Araújo, Waldisa Rússio, Antoine Compagnon, Antônio Cândido e Tzvetan Todorov. Compreendemos que, apesar das posições antagônicas normalmente atribuídas aos dois últimos, há pontos de convergência importantes em ambos os trabalhos no que tange ao potencial humanizador da literatura. / This research presents some of the challenges and possibilities concerning the musealization of literature, emphasizing the exhibitional path. We searched for references in the national and international discussions on the theme, besides a research field which included brazilian, hungarian, french, georgian and sweedish institutions. In addition to the bibliographic debate itself, we briefly present the histories of two organizations: the International Comittee for Literary Museums and Composer Houses of ICOM and the National Federation of Writers Houses and Literary Heritage of France. Among the discussed issues, we approached the building of national identities and also the fact that museums - literary or not - should deal with conflicts. Based on these parameters and through the study of House Guilherme de Almeida (SP) and House Museum Guimarães Rosa (MG), we discussed expographic strategies and curatorial issues related to literature. The emphasis was put on the long term exhibitions now presented at the museums: one with no title, from 2010, at the museum from São Paulo (SP), and Rosa dos Tempos, Rosa dos Ventos, from 2012, at the one from Minas Gerais (MG). Plus, the histories of those institutions were studied so we could understand their connexion with the literary universe and the very conception of museum - not always present or even well accepted among writers houses. What we assumed to analyze the data under the light of the bibliographic discussion was that both museums and literatures have a social function. This role is composed, among other elements, by a humanizing or transforming potential. To support this concept, we brought the ideas of Mário Chagas, Marília Cury, Mirela Araújo, Waldisa Rússio, Antoine Compagnon, Antônio Cândido and Tzvetan Todorov. We understand that in spite of the antagonic positions these two are usually considered to have, there are important convergent points of view among their works considering literature\'s humanizing potential.

L'exil de Jan Cep : contribution à l’histoire de la littérature tchèque moderne / Exile of Jan Cep : contribution to the history of the moderne Czech literature

Zatloukal, Jan 24 September 2008 (has links)
L’écrivain tchèque Jan Cep (1902-1974), qui compta au nombre des médiateurs importants des rapports culturels franco-tchèques dans l’entre-deux-guerres, fut, à la suite du Coup de Prague en 1948, contraint à quitter son pays. Ami et traducteur de Pourrat et de Bernanos, il choisit naturellement la France comme patrie d’adoption. L’exil parisien s’avère pour Cep une rude épreuve existentielle. Conditions matérielles dures, déracinement linguistique, manque d’écho favorable pour son oeuvre, tout cela fait que Cep vit en marge de la vie littéraire française. Il s’engage d’autant plus dans diverses structures de l’émigration tchèque, notamment dans la rédaction tchécoslovaque de Radio Free Europe où il déploie son art de l’essai dans des méditations imprégnées d’humanisme chrétien. L’essai autobiographique Ma soeur l’angoisse que Cep écrivit directement en français dans les années 1960, représente la somme de sa vie et de sa pensée / The Czech writer Jan Cep (1902-1974), one of important mediators of French-Czech cultural relations between the two World Wars, was forced to emigrate after the Communist coup in 1948. As Cep was the friend and translator of Pourrat and Bernanos, he naturally chose France as his adoptive homeland. Nevertheless, exile in Paris turned into a harsh existential ordeal for Cep. Difficult material conditions, linguistic disunity, and the fact that his writing was not accepted by a new audience made Cep an outsider in a French literary life. This status led to his increased involvement in the Czech émigré community, especially work on the Czechoslovak editorial staff of Radio Free Europe, where he developed his essay style in meditations infused with Christian humanism. The autobiographical essay My Sister Anxiety, written in French in the 1960s, repesents a summary of Cep’s life and ideas / Ceský spisovatel Jan Cep (1902-1974), jeden z významných prostredníku meziválecných cesko-francouzských kulturních vztahu, byl po komunistickém puci v roce 1948 prinucen k emigraci. Jako prítel a prekladatel Pourratuv a Bernanosuv si za svou adoptivní vlast zcela prirozene zvolil Francii. Parížský exil se však Cepovi stal drsnou existenciální zkouškou. Tvrdé materiální podmínky, jazyková rozpolcenost, neprijetí jeho díla novým publikem, to vše je prícinou, že Cepuv exil se odehrál na okraji francouzského literárního života. O to více se Cep zapojoval do ruzných struktur ceské emigrace. Zcela mimorádný byl jeho prínos v ceskoslovenské redakci Rádia Svobodná Evropa, kde rozvinul své umení eseje v meditacích skrz naskrz proniklých krestanským humanismem. Sumu svého života a myšlení podal Cep v autobiografickém eseji Sestra úzkost, kterou napsal v šedesátých letech prímo francouzsky

Soporte arquitectónico a la sincronización imparcial de lectores y escritores en computadores paralelos

Vallejo Gutiérrez, Enrique 10 June 2010 (has links)
La evolución tecnológica en el diseño de microprocesadores ha conducido a sistemas paralelos con múltiples hilos de ejecución. Estos sistemas son más difíciles de programar y presentan overheads mayores que los sistemas uniprocesadores tradicionales, que pueden limitar su rendimiento y escalabilidad: sincronización, coherencia, consistencia y otros mecanismos requeridos para garantizar una ejecución correcta. La programación paralela tradicional se basa en primitivas de sincronización como barreras y locks de lectura/escritura, con alta tendencia a fallos de programación. La Memoria Transaccional (TM) oculta estos problemas de sincronización al programador; sin embargo, múltiples sistemas TM aún se basan en locks, y se beneficiarían de una implementación eficiente de los mismos.Esta tesis presenta nuevas técnicas hardware para acelerar la ejecución de estos programas paralelos. Proponemos un sistema TM híbrido basado en locks de lectura/escritura, que minimiza los overheads del software cuando la aceleración hardware está presente. Desarrollamos un mecanismo para garantizar fairness entre transacciones hardware y software. Introducimos un mecanismo distribuido de aceleración de locks de lectura/escritura, llamado Lock Control Unit. Finalmente, proponemos una organización de multiprocesadores basadas en Kilo-Instruction Processors que garantiza Consistencia Secuencial y permite especulación en secciones críticas. / Technological evolution in microprocessor design has led to parallel systems with multiple execution threads. These systems are more difficult to program and present higher performance overheads than the traditional uniprocessor systems, what may limit their performance and scalability: synchronization, coherence, consistency and other mechanisms required to guarantee a correct execution. Traditional parallel programming is based on synchronization primitives such as barriers, critical sections and reader/writer locks, highly prone to programming errors. Transactional Memory (TM) removes the synchronization problems from the programmer. However, many TM systems still rely on reader/writer locks, and would get benefited from an efficient implementation.This thesis presents new hardware techniques to accelerate the execution of such parallel programs. We propose a Hybrid TM system based on reader/writer locks, which minimizes the software overheads when acceleration hardware is present, still allowing for correct software-only execution. We propose a mechanism to guarantee fairness between hardware and software transactions is provided. We introduce a low-cost distributed mechanism named the Lock Control Unit to handle fine-grain reader-writer locks. Finally, we propose an organization of a mutiprocessor based on Kilo-Instruction Processors, which guarantees Sequential Consistency while allowing for speculation in critical sections.

The Swahili novelist at the crossroad: the dilemma of identity and fecundity

Khamis, Said A. M. 14 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
\"Are there any national literatures in black Africa yet? The simple answer is no. [...] If one examines the development of the African language literature that do exists, one is struck by certain recurring tendencies. Many of the books produced, particularly the early works, are of a predominantly moralistic nature. Sometimes they are retelling of folk stories or Bible stories, sometimes imitations of European religious literature, sometimes both.\\\" (Lindfors 1997: 121; 123) Certain anomalies are obvious in the above extract. Swahili written literature with its long-standing tradition, dating far back to the 17th century, has relativly gathered its own aesthetic criteria, values and sensibility, hence \\\'own\\\' integrity and world view. I dare say that Lindfors will be suprised to learn today, how fast the Swahili novel has developed since when he had left it when he read Andrzejewski et al (1985) and Gérard (1981), who (by the way), themselves did not then see the their works as presenting a complete picture of African literatures in African languages. This essay aims at showing the predicament of the Swahili novelist at the crossroads and how, in a contemporary situation, s/he works out his or her strategies towards resolving the impasses.

Le «translateur» translaté : l’imaginaire et l’autorité d’un romancier médiéval à travers le cycle post-vulgate et son adaptation portugaise

Santos, Eugenia 06 1900 (has links)
La traduction portugaise de la version post-vulgate française de la Quête du Graal achevée vers la fin du XIIIe siècle et intitulée A Demanda do Santo Graal, offre un prisme intéressant pour saisir, en contexte et à travers les jeux de déplacements et de reconfiguration, l’imaginaire caractéristique du cycle Post-Vulgate, autrement difficilement accessible. La Demanda do Santo Graal permet de mieux comprendre l’imaginaire du roman français et d’accompagner son évolution en dehors de ses frontières linguistiques à une époque où le romancier n’est plus traducteur, mais devient lui-même une figure d’autorité. Ce travail consiste essentiellement à voir comment la Queste Post-Vulgate lue en parallèle avec la traduction/adaptation portugaise permet de comprendre l’évolution du roman vers la fin du Moyen Âge et la notion d’auteur en faisant la distinction entre le translateur, le créateur et le romancier dans le récit médiéval tout en faisant témoin de l’évolution de leur subjectivité littéraire du roman des origines à celui du Moyen Âge tardif. / The Portuguese translation of the Post-Vulgate Cycle completed towards the end of the 13th century and entitled A Demanda do Santo Graal offers an interesting prism to grasp, within the context and through a set of displacement and of reconfiguration, the characteristics of the Queste Post-Vulgate’s imagination, otherwise difficult to access. The Demanda do Santo Grail gives the reader access to the imagination of the Medieval French novel while tracing the different aspects of its evolution outside of its linguistic borders in an era where the writer is no longer a translator, but becomes an auctor. This work mainly shows how the Queste Post-Vulgate, read in conjunction with the Portuguese translation/adaptation, illustrates the evolution of the novel and the concept of author while distinguishing between the translator, the creator and the writer. This important distinction between the different representations of the writer during the medieval period allows one to understand their literary subjectivity in the narrative from the beginning to the end of the Middle Ages.

Die gebruik van metadiskoers in Afrikaans T1-skryfwerk van eerstejaar-universiteitstudente / A. Jordaan

Jordaan, Adéle January 2014 (has links)
Students’ argumentative writing is substandard in the sense that the necessary relations, amongst other things, are not indicated in their texts. These texts also often lack an author’s voice. In a module such as academic literacy, it is important to pay attention to the means in which these particular problems can be solved. Part of the aims of a course in academic literacy is to equip students with the necessary academic literacy abilities (which include reading and writing ability) and in doing so, teach them to function properly in a tertiary discourse community. In this study, only the written component of academic literacy will be considered. Following the above mentioned problems, the focus will be specifically on items of metadiscourse, which may form part of a possible solution to improve students’ writing. Hyland (2004) distinguishes between two main categories of metadiscourse, namely the interactive and the interactional categories (which each consists of five subcategories). The aim of these categories is to guide the reader through the text in a specific way, and also to actively involve the reader with the textual content and the reading process. If these aspects of metadiscourse are applied effectively, the text may be more cohesive and coherent and a stronger reader-writer-relationship may be established. A corpus-linguistic approach has been followed in the investigation of the frequency of the occurrence of the subcategories of metadiscourse, as well as the functional suitability thereof. The data analysis is based on Hyland’s (2004) analytical framework of metadiscourse categories, which has been adapted according to the data that has been processed with WordSmith Tools (version 6.0). In this study, the focus group is Afrikaans L1 first-year students at the North-West University’s Vaal Triangle Campus in the year 2010. All 109 participants in the study were registered for AGLA111 (Introduction to Academic Literacy) and AGLA121 (Academic Literacy). The texts that were gathered from AGLA111 are represented in corpus 1 whereas the texts gathered from AGLA121 are represented in corpus 2. The data that was provided by these two corpora was measured against an honours corpus (consisting of 39 texts), which served as the norm for this study. The data interpretation can be divided into four categories, namely phenomena that show a statistically significant change in the correct direction, phenomena that were correct from the start and did not show any change between corpus 1 and corpus 2, phenomena that did not show any change between corpus 1 and corpus 2 but that differed from the honours corpus, as well as phenomena that show incorrect development. Recommendations, which have been based on the literature review and text analysis, are made with regard to specific aspects relating to metadiscourse and the teaching of academic literacy modules (on which this study is founded). These recommendations primarily focus on how students’ attention can be focused on the requirements proposed for writing an argumentative text. / MA (Afrikaans en Nederlands), North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2014

Reciprocity : where art meets the community : action research in response to artistic encounters and relationships

Filardo, Giuseppe January 2009 (has links)
This practice-led research project examines some of the factors and issues facing artists working in the public domain who wish to engage with the community as audience. Using the methodology of action research, the three major creative projects in this study use art as a socio-political tool with the aim of providing an effective vehicle for broadening awareness, understanding forms of social protest and increasing tolerance for diversity. The three projects: Floodline November 7, 2004, Look in, Look out, and The Urban Terrorist Project, dealt with issues of marginalisation of communities, audiences and graffiti artists respectively. The artist/researcher is outlined as both creator and collaborator in the work. Processes included ephemeral elements, such as temporary installation and performance, as well as interactive elements that encouraged direct audience involvement as part of the work. In addition to the roles of creator and collaborator, both of which included audience as well as artist, the presence of an outside entity was evident. Whether local, legal authorities or prevailing attitudes, outside entities had an unavoidable impact on the processes and outcomes of the work. Each project elicited a range of responses from their respective audiences; however, the overarching concept of reciprocity was seen to be the crucial factor in conception, artistic methods and outcomes.

Defining the role of the technical communicator an internship with the web-based learning group at the Kroger Company /

Denman, Christopher David. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.T.S.C.)--Miami University, Dept. of English, 2004. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 31).

Arte e mito nell'opera di giuseppe conte lo scrittore come sciamano

Dogliotti, Rosa-Luisa Amalia 31 December 2005 (has links)
This study examines the literary texts of the Ligurian writer Giuseppe Conte published between 1972 and 2005. In Part One, the reasons are considered which justify this research on Giuseppe Conte. This author is discussed in the context of the literary movements of the second half of the 20th century in Italy, with special reference to his approach to literature, which proposes a modern rewriting of myth. Conte is in fact a co-founder of "Mitomodernismo". "Mitomodernismo" is a literary movement, established in 1994 and currently still active, which aims to revive modern society through a spiritual rebirth promoted by a recovery of basic human values, as these appear within the boundaries already suggested by myth since antiquity. The Mitomodernisti propose an alternative which could assist contemporaries to overcome the obstacles created by modern "maladies", particularly in the West, whether these be socio-cultural, ecological, or religious. Throughout Conte's entire æuvre one clearly perceives this strong desire for rebirth which for the author is concretised in "Fare Anima", that is, a way to reconnecting with the universe, of rising towards the "light". This tension towards rebirth could be compared metaphorically to the quest for the Graal, which involves suffering as a way to redemption. The artist's visionary work is comparable to the extrasensory journey undertaken by the shaman during his trance. For this reason, in Part One of this study the figure of the shaman will also be examined in a socio-cultural context, in order to transfer it better to the literary context. The whole of Part Two is dedicated to an analysis of Conte's æuvre - poetry, novels and also, but only indirectly, essays and articles - in the light of his fundamental themes, which metaphorically turn the writer into a "shaman". The analysis is based on some concepts put forward by the Swiss psycho-analyst Carl Gustav Jung, such as the function and symbolism of myth in literature from a psychoanalytical perspective. RIASSUNTO In questo studio vengono prese in esame le opere dello scrittore ligure Giuseppe Conte, pubblicate dal 1972 al 2005. Nella Parte Prima vengono considerate le ragioni che giustificano questa ricerca su Giuseppe Conte. L'autore viene discusso nel contesto dei movimenti letterari del secondo Novecento in Italia, ed in particolare il suo approccio alla letteratura che propone una riscrittura del mito in chiave moderna. Lo scrittore è infatti uno dei cofondatori del "Mitomodernismo". Il "Mitomodernismo" è un movimento letterario che vide la luce nel 1994 e che è ancora attivo alla data attuale. Esso si prefigge di risanare la società moderna mediante una rinascita spirituale promossa dalla ripresa dei valori umani di base, simili a quelli suggeriti dal mito fin dai tempi antichi. A tutto ciò i Mitomodernisti propongono un'alternativa che aiuti l'uomo contemporaneo a superare gli impedimenti creati da queste "malattie" moderne, particolarmente nell'ambito occidentale, siano queste socioculturali, ecologiche, religiose, o altre. Attraverso tutta l'opera di Conte si percepisce chiaramente questo desiderio di rinascita che per lo scrittore si concretizza nel "Fare Anima", vale a dire in un modo di ricollegarsi al cosmo, di innalzarsi verso la "luce". Questa tensione verso la rinascita può venire metaforicamente comparata alla ricerca del Graal attraverso la sofferenza che redime. L'opera visionaria dell'artista è paragonabile al viaggio extrasensoriale intrapreso dallo sciamano durante la sua trance. Per questo motivo nella Prima Parte di questo studio si esamina la figura dello sciamano anche in ambito socioculturale per poterla poi meglio trasferire in quello letterario. La Parte Seconda è completamente dedicata all'analisi dell'opera contiana - poesie, romanzi e, trasversalmente, i saggi e gli articoli alla luce dei suoi temi portanti, che dello scrittore fanno metaforicamente uno "sciamano". L'analisi viene condotta basandosi su alcuni concetti elaborati dallo psicoanalista svizzero Carl Gustav Jung, quali la funzione ed il simbolismo del mito in letteratura da una prospettiva psicoanalitica. / Classics and Mod Euro Lang / D. Lit. et Phil.

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