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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ασύρματα δίκτυα αισθητήρων : ανάπτυξη γραφικού περιβάλλοντος με το Μatlab για τη λήψη μετρήσεων με χρήση του MTS400/420 board της Crossbow

Χαρτουμπέκης, Γιώργος 20 April 2011 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία έγινε μια πρώτη προσπάθεια ενασχόλησης με τα Ασύρματα Δίκτυα Αισθητήρων, πιο γνωστά στον επιστημονικό κόσμο ως Wireless Sensor Networks ή WSNs. Μελετήσαμε τα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά των δικτύων αυτών, όπως οι τοπολογίες τους και η αρχιτεκτονική τους. Επίσης, μελετήσαμε την αρχιτεκτονική των ασύρματων κόμβων που απαρτίζουν το δίκτυο, που είναι γνωστά σαν motes. Τα motes έχουν την ικανότητα τοπικής επεξεργασίας των δεδομένων που συλλέγουν και την ασύρματη μετάδοσή τους σε έναν κεντρικό σταθμό για περαιτέρω επεξεργασία. Τη λειτουργία αυτή διεκπαιρεώνει μια μονάδα μικροεπεξεργαστή με τη χρήση ενός ολοκληρωμένου chip για την ασύρματη μετάδοση. Για τη συλλογή των μετρήσεων μπορούν να φιλοξενήσουν διάφορες πλατφόρμες ψηφιακών αισθητήρων. Στην παρούσα εργασία έγινε χρήση της υπολογιστικής μονάδας micaz και της πλατφόρμας αισθητήρων MTS400/420. Οι πλατφόρμες αυτές φιλοξενούν αισθητήρες υγρασίας/θερμοκρασίας, βαρομετρικής πίεσης/θερμοκρασίας, φωτεινότητας, μέτρησης δονήσεων και ειδικά η 420 πλατφόρμα έχει υποδοχή και για μονάδα GPS. Σκοπός μας ήταν η ανάπτυξη ενός γραφικού περιβάλλοντος μέσω του οποίου θα απεικονίζαμε τις μετρήσεις που έστελναν στον υπολογιστή τα motes. Η ανάπτυξη του γραφικού περιβάλλοντος έγινε στο Matlab. Για το σκοπό αυτό, ήταν απαραίτητη η σύνδεση ενός mote στον υπολογιστή που θα λειτουργούσε σαν ενδιάμεσος αποδέκτης των δεδομένων και θα τα προωθούσε στον υπολογιστή μέσω της σειριακής θύρας. Για την προβολή και αποθήκευση των δεδομένων στον υπολογιστή, έγινε χρήση του interface Χlisten. / At this thesis there was a first attempt of occupation with Wireless Sensor Networks, most kown to the scientific world as WSNs. We studied the basic characteristics of these networks such as topologies and architecture. We also studied the architecture of the wireless nodes which form the network, also known as motes.The motes have the ability of local data computation and the wireless transmition of them to a base station, where they can further processed. This ability is performed by a microprocessor unit with the use of a single integrated chip responsible for the radio transmition. The data collection can be performed by many digital sensor platforms. At this paper, it has been used the micaz computional unit and the MTS400/420 sensor platform of Crossbow company. These platforms are integrated with sensors that measure relative humidity/temperature, barometric pressure/temperature, illumination, acceleration on axis x and y and especially the 420 platform can integrate a GPS module. Our goal is the development of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) through which we can plot the data that the sensors would send. The development of GUI made with Matlab. For this purpose, it was necessary the connection of a mote to the computer, that would behave like an intermediate receiver and would forward the data packets to the computer through the serial port. The MIB520 board was used for this purpose. For the data projection and saving to the computer, the xlisten interface was used.

Ασύρματοι αισθητήρες και μικροελεγκτές

Μανωλόπουλος, Χαράλαμπος 19 May 2011 (has links)
Τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες ο όρος τεχνολογία έχει συνδεθεί στενά με την επιστήμη των υπολογιστών και την επεξεργασία της πληροφορίας. Από την στιγμή που η πληροφορία έχει πάρει ψηφιακή μορφή γίνεται ευκολότερη η επεξεργασία της, γεγονός που δημιουργεί ολοένα και υψηλότερες απαιτήσεις στην διαδικασία μεταφοράς της. Αυτό έχει σαν αποτέλεσμα την υλοποίηση δικτύων υπολογιστών μέσω -συνδυασμού ή όχι - ενσύρματων, ασύρματων ή οπτικών καναλιών μετάδοσης. Η εξέλιξη των τελευταίων χρόνων ειδικότερα στον χώρο των ασύρματων τηλεπικοινωνιών και ηλεκτρονικών, έχει ανοίξει τον δρόμο για την δημιουργία ασύρματων δικτύων αισθητήρων – WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) χαμηλού κόστους. Ένα τέτοιο δίκτυο αποτελείται από ένα σύνολο κόμβων (nodes) πυκνά τοποθετημένων μεταξύ τους. Κάθε ένας από αυτούς αποτελείται από μια διάταξη αισθητήρων και έναν μικροελεγκτή. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο έχει την δυνατότητα να υλοποιεί απλούς υπολογισμούς και να στέλνει τα απαραίτητα μηνύματα στο δίκτυο. Η μεταφορά των μηνυμάτων ακολουθεί τυχαία ή προκαθορισμένη διαδρομή (routing) με απόσταση έναν κόμβο τη φορά (one hop). Μέσα από μια σειρά τέτοιων μεταφορών (multi-hop), τα δεδομένα που συλλέγονται από τους κόμβους φθάνουν στον κεντρικό υπολογιστή για την τελική επεξεργασία και απεικόνιση. Τα ασύρματα δίκτυα αισθητήρων χρησιμοποιούνται σε εφαρμογές που έχουν σχέση με την παρατήρηση και καταγραφή φυσικών φαινόμενων, ή ανίχνευση συμβάντων (event – driven). / The last decades the term “technology” has been closely related to the computers science and the process of information. By the time information has had a digital form its process has become easier, something that creates more demands at the process of its transfer. This results to the computer networks – combining or not – wired, wireless or fiber optics. Last year’s development especially in the field of wireless telecommunications has helped the creation of WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) of low cost. Such a network is consisted of a set of nodes closely located. Each one is consisted of an arrangement of sensors and a microcontroller, having the potential to carry out simple calculations and sending the required data to the network. This transmission follows a random or a predetermined routing with one hop distance. The data collected from the nodes reach the central computer for the final process and depiction through a series of multi-hop. The Wireless Sensor Networks are utilized in applications related to the observation of natural phenomena or tracing events (event-driven).

Θεωρία και εφαρμογές των κυψελικών αυτομάτων

Κατσικούλη, Παναγιώτα 24 January 2012 (has links)
Τα κυψελικά αυτόματα (ΚΑ) αποτελούν την εξιδανίκευση ενός φυσικού συστήματος όπου ο χώρος και ο χρόνος είναι διακριτοί και οι φυσικές ποσότητες λαμβάνουν μόνο ένα πεπερασμένο σύνολο τιμών. Τα κυψελικά αυτόματα αποτελούνται από ένα πλέγμα με διακριτούς πανομοιότυπους κόμβους. Κάθε σημείο-κόμβος του πλέγματος χαρακτηρίζεται από μία τιμή η οποία δεν είναι αυθαίρετη, αλλά λαμβάνεται από ένα συγκεκριμένο σύνολο ‘επιτρεπτών’ ακέραιων τιμών. Οι τιμές αυτών των κόμβων του πλέγματος εξελίσσονται από τη μία χρονική στιγμή στην άλλη σύμφωνα με προκαθορισμένους τοπικούς κανόνες. Η συνολική δομή αποτελεί ένα μοντέλο παράλληλου υπολογισμού. ΄Οταν η απλή δομή του μοντέλου επαναλαμβάνεται, προκύπτουν πολύπλοκα πρότυπα που μπορούν να προσομοιώσουν ποικίλα πολύπλοκα φυσικά φαινόμενα και συστήματα. Χρησιμοποιούμε τα κυψελικά αυτόματα για να προσομοιώσουμε έναν αλγόριθμο ελέγχου τοπολογίας για ασύρματα δίκτυα αισθητήρων. Τα ασύρματα δίκτυα αισθητήρων αποτελούνται από ένα μεγάλο αριθμό διασκορπισμένων αισθητήρων-κόμβων που λειτουργούν με μπαταρίες. Σκοπός του προβλήματος ελέγχου τοπολογίας σε ασύρματα δίκτυα αισθητήρων είναι η επιλογή κατάλληλου υποσυνόλου κόμβων ικανών να παρακολουθούν μια περιοχή με στόχο τη μικρότερη δυνατή κατανάλωση ενέργειας και ως εκ τούτου την επέκταση της διάρκειας ζωής του δικτύου. / Cellular automata (CA) are an idealization of a physical system where space and time are discrete and the physical quantities take only a finite set of values. Cellular automata consist of a regular grid of identical cells-nodes. Each node is characterized by a non arbitrary value selected by a specific set of appropriate integers. The values of the nodes change over time according to predefined localized rules. The overall structure can be viewed as a parallel processing device. This simple structure when iterated several times produces complex patterns displaying the potential to simulate different sophisticated natural phenomena. We use cellular automata for simulating a topology control algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). WSNs are composed of a large number of distributed sensor nodes operating on batteries; the objective of the topology control problem in WSNs is to select an appropriate subset of nodes able to monitor a region at a minimum energy consumption cost thus extending the network lifetime.

Εφαρμογή ασύρματου δικτύου για την αντιμετώπιση έκτακτης ανάγκης

Κολιόπουλος, Κυριάκος-Άρης 15 April 2013 (has links)
Αντικείμενο της εργασίας αυτής είναι η μελέτη και κατασκευή εφαρμογής ασύρματου δικτύου με σκοπό την αναγνώριση της ανθρώπινης δραστηριότητας και τον εντοπισμό της πτώσης σε πραγματικό χρόνο, καθώς επίσης και την παρακολούθηση των αποτελεσμάτων από απομακρυσμένη τοποθεσία. Στη συγκεκριμένη εργασία σκοπός είναι η αναγνώριση των τεσσάρων βασικών καταστάσεων της ανθρώπινης φυσικής δραστηριότητας (κάθομαι, ξαπλώνω, στέκομαι, κινούμαι) και ο εντοπισμός της πτώσης με χρήση της των επιταχυνσιομέτρων που προσφέρει η πλατφόρμα SunSpot καθώς και η σύνδεση της διάταξης με το διαδίκτυο για την παροχή πληροφορίας σχετικά με την κατάσταση του κατόχου του συστήματος σε απομακρυσμένη τοποθεσία. Πραγματοποιήθηκε μελέτη σχετικά με διάφορες διατάξεις των αισθητήρων ,την συχνότητα δειγματοληψίας, τους αλγορίθμους κατάταξης καθώς και για τις μεθόδους διάθεσης της πληροφορίας στο διαδίκτυο. Για την αναγνώριση των καταστάσεων και τον εντοπισμό της πτώσης χρησιμοποιήθηκαν δυο πλατφόρμες αισθητήρων SunSPOT, μια στο στήθος (master) και μια στο δεξιό τετρακέφαλο (slave) / A wearable wireless sensor network application performing human activity recognition and fall detection using the Naïve Bayesian Classifier algorithm in the SunSpot Platform accompanied by a web application in the Google App Engine platform to be able to monitor the classification results from a remote location and to automatically notify via e-mail in case of emergency.

Realize Smart City Applications with LoRaWAN Network

Wang, Bin January 2019 (has links)
Internet of Things is an important part of realizing smart cities, this article introduces a proposal to build an Internet of Things system with LoRaWAN to achieve diverse smart city applications. There are three problems proposed and resolved in this research, how to maximize wireless devices’ lifetime with LoRa protocol characters, how to choose the gateways’ location for improving the efficiency and reduce costs, and about a good way to set up network servers to balance performance and consumption to implement in smart city applications. The IoT platform is built completely and running three applications on it in this research, Smart Parking, Smart Building Monitoring and Smart Sewage Monitoring. The methods of build platform and set applications are also explained in this article.

Automação de sistema de irrigação em malha fechada utilizando rede sem fio de sensores capacitivos de umidade do solo / A closed-loop automatic irrigation system utilizing a wireless network of capacitance umidity sensors.

Vasconcelos, Henrique Souza January 2013 (has links)
VASCONCELOS, Henrique Souza. Automação de sistema de irrigação em malha fechada utilizando rede sem fio de sensores capacitivos de umidade do solo. 2013. 76 f. : Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Agrícola, Fortaleza-CE, 2013. / Submitted by demia Maia (demiamlm@gmail.com) on 2016-07-06T13:35:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_dis_hsvasconcelos.pdf: 5224964 bytes, checksum: 3ab4dd789636c0f7851554747cf8f842 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by demia Maia (demiamlm@gmail.com) on 2016-07-06T13:36:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_dis_hsvasconcelos.pdf: 5224964 bytes, checksum: 3ab4dd789636c0f7851554747cf8f842 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-06T13:36:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_dis_hsvasconcelos.pdf: 5224964 bytes, checksum: 3ab4dd789636c0f7851554747cf8f842 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Irrigation is one of the most influencing practices on agricultural production, requiring a high water consumption, which is a scarce resource critical to life’s preservation. Thus, techniques aimed at reducing energy and water waste by an irrigation system have been studied and applied under the name of precision irrigation. The main objective of this paper was to develop an automatic closed loop irrigation system based on the measurement of soil moisture by FDR capacitance sensors. An automatic irrigation systems allows a control which is far more precise than manual control, allowing fast and accurate decisions about how much and when to irrigate. For this to be possible, it was necessary to build electronic devices in order to read sensors in the crop field and control different points of the system: pumping house and hydraulic valves. A wireless sensor network (WSN) was chosen for communication between these devices. It allows a quick installation, since you don’t have to pull cords from the controller to the sensors and actuators on the crop field. We developed an automation software in Java that monitors and coordinates the entire network, which is executed in a personal computer (PC). Based on sensor readings and data on the irrigation system, the algorithm computes for how long to water the soil, remotely activating water pumps and hydraulic valves. In addition, the software verifies and stores data about the hydraulic pressure at the pumping house, protecting it against mechanical damage. The automation system was assembled in the field in order to monitor and control soil moisture in a maize crop field, being successful in this task. Some software problems were solved as they arose, showing the need for maintenance of an automation system. Storing pressure and soil moisture sensor data in a database provides a history of soil water status, allowing further analysis and evaluation of the irrigation system. / A irrigação é uma das práticas que mais influencia na produção agrícola, demandando um elevado consumo de água, que é um recurso escasso e fundamental para preservação da vida. Assim, técnicas que visem à redução do consumo de água e energia por um sistema de irrigação, baseando-se na cultura do não desperdício, vêm sendo estudadas e aplicadas sob o nome de irrigação de precisão. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi desenvolver um sistema de automação da irrigação em malha fechada baseado na medida de umidade do solo por sensores capacitivos FDR. A automação de um sistema de irrigação com a utilização de sensores permite um controle mais preciso do que aquele feito manualmente, pois permite a tomada de decisões rápidas e precisas sobre o quanto e quando irrigar. Para que esta seja possível, foi necessário construir dispositivos eletrônicos para ler os sensores em campo e controlar os diferentes pontos do sistema: estação de bombeamento e válvulas em hidráulicas. A rede de sensores sem fio (RSSF) foi a forma escolhida para a comunicação entre estes dispositivos, por dispensar cabos, o que facilita a instalação dos mesmos em campo. Para controlar e coordenar toda a rede foi desenvolvido um software de automação na linguagem Java, executado a partir de um computador pessoal (PC). Baseando-se na leitura dos sensores e em dados sobre o sistema de irrigação, o algoritmo calcula o tempo de aplicação de água no solo, ligando bombas e acionando válvulas remotamente. Além disso, o sistema verifica e armazena os dados da pressão hidráulica na casa de bombas, protegendo-se contra danos mecânicos. O sistema de automação foi montado em campo de forma a monitorar e controlar a umidade do solo em uma cultura de milho, sendo bem sucedido nesta tarefa. Alguns problemas no software foram solucionados à medida que surgiam, mostrando a necessidade de manutenção em um sistema de automação. O armazenamento da leitura dos sensores de pressão e umidade em um banco de dados fornece um histórico do funcionamento do sistema, podendo ser utilizado para uma avaliação criteriosa do mesmo.

Réseau de capteurs sans fil comportementaux pour l'aide au maintien à domicile par la surveillance en habitat intelligent / Wireless sensor network for home monitoring and elderly assistance into a smart home

Ben Hadj Mohamed, Asma 29 May 2015 (has links)
Ces dernières années, les réseaux de capteurs sans fil ont vu leurs champs d'applications s'élargir pour toucher plusieurs domaines dont celui de surveillance. En parallèle, le domaine à vocation médicale pour l'assistance aux personnes n’a pas manqué de s'intéresser lui aussi à cette technologie émergente face aux nombreux attraits qu'elle représente. C'est dans ce contexte que se situe notre travail de thèse. Nous nous intéressons à l'utilisation des réseaux de capteurs de type vidéo non intrusif pour la surveillance continue de personnes âgées évoluant dans leur environnement naturel. L’objectif est la proposition d’un système associant capteur vidéo et analyse intelligente locale, à un système de communication sans fil permettant la surveillance de personnes dans son habitat ou en milieu spécialisé. Nous désirons avant tout être capable d’identifier la personne surveillée et détecter son comportement, ses actions, ses mouvements afin d’agir sur son environnement via un système de communication sans fil et domotique, détecter une chute et émettre une alerte à travers le réseau. Une telle proposition, représente une solution avantageuse pour plusieurs raisons. Sur le plan économique, surveiller une personne âgée tout en la gardant dans son environnement normal permettrait de diminuer les charges d'assistance aux personnes en les traitant par un personnel spécialisé à l'hôpital ou à une maison de retraite. Un apport non négligeable est celui lié aux aspects psychiques et sociaux de la personne âgée, à qui cette surveillance discrète et imperceptible lui assure à la fois le sentiment de sécurité, de respect de la vie privée et d'autonomie. / In recent years, wireless sensor networks have seen their fields of application expand to affect several areas, including monitoring. In parallel, the field medical projects to assist people did not fail to be interested in this emerging technology thanks to the attractions it represents. It is in this context that our thesis is subscribed. We are interested in the use of a non-intrusive video sensors network to monitor elderly people continuously in their natural environment. The objective is the proposal of a video sensor system combining local and intelligent analysis, a wireless communication system for monitoring people in their habitat or specialized environment. We want above all, to be able to identify and detect the monitored person's behavior as well as his actions and his movements to act on his environment via a wireless communication system and home automation. Then we aim to detect a fall and communicate an alert through the network. This proposal represents an advantageous solution for several reasons. Economically, monitor an elderly person while keeping it in his normal environment would reduce the charges of assistance to people by treating them with specialized staff at the hospital or a nursing home. A significant contribution is the one related to the psychological and social aspects of the elderly, to whom this discreet and invisible monitoring ensures both the feeling of security, respect for privacy and autonomy.

Hybrid intelligent decision support system for distributed detection based on ad hoc integrated WSN & RFID

Alshahrany, Falah January 2016 (has links)
The real time monitoring of environment context aware activities, based on distributed detection, is becoming a standard in public safety and service delivery in a wide range of domains (child and elderly care and supervision, logistics, circulation, and other). The safety of people, goods and premises depends on the prompt immediate reaction to potential hazards identified in real time, at an early stage to engage appropriate control actions. Effective emergency response can be supported only by available and acquired expertise or elaborate collaborative knowledge in the domain of distributed detection that include indoor sensing, tracking and localizing. This research proposes a hybrid conceptual multi-agent framework for the acquisition of collaborative knowledge in dynamic complex context aware environments for distributed detection. This framework has been applied for the design and development of a hybrid intelligent multi-agent decision system (HIDSS) that supports a decentralized active sensing, tracking and localizing strategy, and the deployment and configuration of smart detection devices associated to active sensor nodes wirelessly connected in a network topology to configure, deploy and control ad hoc wireless sensor networks (WSNs). This system, which is based on the interactive use of data, models and knowledge base, has been implemented to support fire detection and control access fusion functions aimed at elaborating: An integrated data model, grouping the building information data and WSN-RFID database, composed of the network configuration and captured data, A virtual layout configuration of the controlled premises, based on using a building information model, A knowledge-based support for the design of generic detection devices, A multi-criteria decision making model for generic detection devices distribution, ad hoc WSNs configuration, clustering and deployment, and Predictive data models for evacuation planning, and fire and evacuation simulation. An evaluation of the system prototype has been carried out to enrich information and knowledge fusion requirements and show the scope of the concepts used in data and process modelling. It has shown the practicability of hybrid solutions grouping generic homogeneous smart detection devices enhanced by heterogeneous support devices in their deployment, forming ad hoc networks that integrate WSNs and radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. The novelty in this work is the web-based support system architecture proposed in this framework that is based on the use of intelligent agent modelling and multi-agent systems, and the decoupling of the processes supporting the multi-sensor data fusion from those supporting different context applications. Although this decoupling is essential to appropriately distribute the different fusion functions, the integration of several dimensions of policy settings for the modelling of knowledge processes, and intelligent and pro-active decision making activities, requires the organisation of interactive fusion functions deployed upstream to a safety and emergency response.

AutomaÃÃo de sistema de irrigaÃÃo em malha fechada utilizando rede sem fio de sensores capacitivos de umidade do solo / A closed-loop automatic irrigation system utilizing a wireless network of capacitance umidity sensors.

Henrique Souza Vasconcelos 31 July 2013 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / A irrigaÃÃo à uma das prÃticas que mais influencia na produÃÃo agrÃcola, demandando um elevado consumo de Ãgua, que à um recurso escasso e fundamental para preservaÃÃo da vida. Assim, tÃcnicas que visem à reduÃÃo do consumo de Ãgua e energia por um sistema de irrigaÃÃo, baseando-se na cultura do nÃo desperdÃcio, vÃm sendo estudadas e aplicadas sob o nome de irrigaÃÃo de precisÃo. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi desenvolver um sistema de automaÃÃo da irrigaÃÃo em malha fechada baseado na medida de umidade do solo por sensores capacitivos FDR. A automaÃÃo de um sistema de irrigaÃÃo com a utilizaÃÃo de sensores permite um controle mais preciso do que aquele feito manualmente, pois permite a tomada de decisÃes rÃpidas e precisas sobre o quanto e quando irrigar. Para que esta seja possÃvel, foi necessÃrio construir dispositivos eletrÃnicos para ler os sensores em campo e controlar os diferentes pontos do sistema: estaÃÃo de bombeamento e vÃlvulas em hidrÃulicas. A rede de sensores sem fio (RSSF) foi a forma escolhida para a comunicaÃÃo entre estes dispositivos, por dispensar cabos, o que facilita a instalaÃÃo dos mesmos em campo. Para controlar e coordenar toda a rede foi desenvolvido um software de automaÃÃo na linguagem Java, executado a partir de um computador pessoal (PC). Baseando-se na leitura dos sensores e em dados sobre o sistema de irrigaÃÃo, o algoritmo calcula o tempo de aplicaÃÃo de Ãgua no solo, ligando bombas e acionando vÃlvulas remotamente. AlÃm disso, o sistema verifica e armazena os dados da pressÃo hidrÃulica na casa de bombas, protegendo-se contra danos mecÃnicos. O sistema de automaÃÃo foi montado em campo de forma a monitorar e controlar a umidade do solo em uma cultura de milho, sendo bem sucedido nesta tarefa. Alguns problemas no software foram solucionados à medida que surgiam, mostrando a necessidade de manutenÃÃo em um sistema de automaÃÃo. O armazenamento da leitura dos sensores de pressÃo e umidade em um banco de dados fornece um histÃrico do funcionamento do sistema, podendo ser utilizado para uma avaliaÃÃo criteriosa do mesmo. / Irrigation is one of the most influencing practices on agricultural production, requiring a high water consumption, which is a scarce resource critical to lifeâs preservation. Thus, techniques aimed at reducing energy and water waste by an irrigation system have been studied and applied under the name of precision irrigation. The main objective of this paper was to develop an automatic closed loop irrigation system based on the measurement of soil moisture by FDR capacitance sensors. An automatic irrigation systems allows a control which is far more precise than manual control, allowing fast and accurate decisions about how much and when to irrigate. For this to be possible, it was necessary to build electronic devices in order to read sensors in the crop field and control different points of the system: pumping house and hydraulic valves. A wireless sensor network (WSN) was chosen for communication between these devices. It allows a quick installation, since you donât have to pull cords from the controller to the sensors and actuators on the crop field. We developed an automation software in Java that monitors and coordinates the entire network, which is executed in a personal computer (PC). Based on sensor readings and data on the irrigation system, the algorithm computes for how long to water the soil, remotely activating water pumps and hydraulic valves. In addition, the software verifies and stores data about the hydraulic pressure at the pumping house, protecting it against mechanical damage. The automation system was assembled in the field in order to monitor and control soil moisture in a maize crop field, being successful in this task. Some software problems were solved as they arose, showing the need for maintenance of an automation system. Storing pressure and soil moisture sensor data in a database provides a history of soil water status, allowing further analysis and evaluation of the irrigation system.


Minhas, Inam-Ul-Haq January 2010 (has links)
The applications of wireless sensor networks, WSN, are getting popular in the different areas reaching from daily usage to industrial usage. The performance evaluation of WSN deployed in industrial and high-voltage areas is receiving a great attention and becoming an interesting area of research. This thesis addresses the performance issues of WSN in high-voltage and harsh industrial environments. This study has been carried out at the facilities of High Voltage Test Lab of ABB. Typically, wireless sensor network contains wireless field devices (nodes) connected to a base station via a central gateway. The gate way centralizes information gathered and processed by the nodes. The nodes can communicate with each other and with the gateway via radio wave. The quality and usability of the data sent by WSN can be degraded due to the packet loss and delay. In the presence of high-voltage, the electromagnetic interference, EMI, can affect the performance of WSN. In this study the performance of WSN is evaluated in terms of packet loss and delay. We also focus on the effect of EMI on hardware devices as well as on signal transmission. EMI was expected at wide frequency band due to harsh industrial and high voltage environments. It was expected that EMIs could increase a bit error rate and/or packet loss. The EMI can also change the sensitivity of the nodes. For the performance evaluation of WSN network throughput, latency, path stability, data reliability and average value of the received signal strength indicator, RSSI, are used and measured. The results show that the electromagnetic frequencies of harsh industrial and high voltage environments affect the wireless sensor network performance. / 0046700375216

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