Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] YIELD"" "subject:"[enn] YIELD""
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Analýza hospodaření zemědělského podniku / Analysis of farm managementTUŠIL, Patrik January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on analysis of the financial and operating indicators of the agricultural cooperative "Kalich Kamenice nad Lipou" in years 2002-2017. Thesis uses methods of financial analysis and intercompany comparison. For this purpose, is used analysis of ratio indicators, creditworthy and bankruptcy models, determination of criteria weights with Saaty's method and intercompany comparison with sample of companies using the point method. Cost analysis is in the separate part. Analysis of operating indicators include crop and animal production, where was shown the yield of selected commodities. In the next part is an overview of subsidies. All indicators were compared with the sample of companies. Results were summarized in final part and the company was classified positively.
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Výnos a kvalita jarního ječmene v podmínkách zemědělského podniku / The spring barley yield and quality in terms of selected agricultural companyKANTOR, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This Master thesis deals with the yield management evaluation and malting quality of chosen varieties of the spring malting barley in terms of half-working experiment in company "Kantor Václav - Agricultural businessman". There was chosen a stand of experiment and the values of yield management were observed, especially the number of plants, their offshoots and spikes per square unit, the quantity of grains in spikes, the weight of a thousand seeds and the yield. In case of the grain quality elements was rated a content of nitrogen substances, the drop above the sieve 2,8, 2,5, 2,2 mm and under the sieve 2,2 mm, then the content of amyloid, germination and its energy as well as the grain moisture. Among the rated varieties were placed: Malz, Sebastian, Laudis 550, Kangoo, Xanadu, Sunshine, Bojos, KWS Irina and Pionier. The results were filed in the tables and charts. The influence of variety on a different yield element was found out in the final comparison of all parameters. According to the aspect of the yield elements as well as the quality, the best values in this year taking experiment were reached by the Kangoo variety.
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Komplexní zhodnocení živočišné výroby v zemědělském podniku s ohledem na ekonomiku výživy a odchovu jednotlivých kategorií skotuJANATA, Martin January 2019 (has links)
In the diploma thesis on the complex evaluation of livestock production in the farm with regard to the nutrition and rearing economy of individual categories of cattle, a theoretical and practical part was elaborated. The work was carried out in the company JINOS - AGRO s.r.o., which has animal production focused on breeding Holstein cattle and milk production. The theoretical part of the thesis deals generally with cattle breeding, economy of cattle breeding, animal welfare, bulky feed and compound feed. In the practical part I evaluated the analysis of large feeds, composition and price of feed ration, rearing of individual groups of cattle, milk yield, milk price development and breeding economy. The data obtained in 2014-2018 were evaluated in the thesis.
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Pěstování ovsa v praktických podmínkách zemědělského podniku / The oat growing in terms of selected agricultural companyZIMMERMANNOVÁ, Zlata January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation thesis was to find out the influence of fungicide and increased amount of nitrogen on the yield components of oat. The dissertation is divided into a literary overview and the thesis as such. In 2018 a pilot research was made on the land of a farm located in the district of Tábor. Atego oat was grown in four variants there: a control variant, a variant fertilized by nitrogen (without the usage of fungicide), a variant comprising fungicide application (without nitrogen fertilization) and a variant including both nitrogen fertilization and fungicide application. The highest theoretical yield was registered in the variant which contained fungicide as well as nitrogen. Regarding the yield components of oat, the highest number of plants and panicles was registered in the variant fertilized by nitrogen (without the usage of fungicide); the highest number of stolons and the maximum weight of one thousand grains was measured in the variant including both nitrogen fertilization and fungicide application. Finally, the highest number of grains in a panicle was obtained from a control variant.
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Výkrm japonských křepelekKOUBA, Jindřich January 2019 (has links)
The content of this thesis was to draw up the literary owerview around Japanese quail breeding and fattening and to execute the practice experiment whitch aim was to analyse the efect of the inclusion of extruded flax seed to the diet for quails.
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Hodnocení výnosu a výnosových prvků vybraných odrůd sóji luštinaté (Glycine max (L.) Merrill.) v oblasti s méně příznivými podmínkami / Evaluation of seed yield and yield components in selected soya (\kur{Glycine max} (L.) Merrill.) cultivars in region with less favourable conditionsVŠETEČKA, Petr January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis was the finding out of potential of growing the soybeans in the area with not so suitable growing conditions. The next aim was to perform the experiment with application of leaf fertilizer EGT Fulhum which increases root system volume. In the years 2016 and 2017 was in the altitude 395 m established the field experiment with the variety Amandine and since the year 2017 was also joint the experiment with the very early variety Abeline. Within these cultivars of soybean were evaluated these parameters: Seed yield, the 1000 seed weight, seed oiliness, plant height, number of pods on one plant, number of the early branches and weight of roots. The seed yield was very variable from the point of view of the year. The yield in the year 2016 was above-average, the control variant reached the yield 2,93 tons per hectare and variant treated by Fulhum 2, 78 tons per hectare. One of the studied parameter was the nitrogen content and based on the results of this parameter was noticeable reduction of nitrogen content of the treated variant in the comparison with control variant. In the further year were two compared two varieties - Amandine and Abeline. Within the both varieties were involved to the experiment the control variant and the variant treated by plant auxiliary substance. In the year 2017 was confirmed the influence of the crop area establishment on the yield quality parameters. The progress of weather confirmed the high requirements of soybean on the good rainfall conditions. Seed yield of the variety Amandine was 1,07 tons per hectare in the case of the treated variant, by control variant it was 0,88 tons per hectare. The difference of the seed yield between both variants of the variety Abeline was very little, it was 0,90 tons per hectare by the treated variant and 0,93 tons per hectare by the control variant. The application of the plant auxiliary substance didn't cause, on average, the improvement of the studied parameters so the using of this substance, for the improvement of these parameters almost doesn't make any sense.
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[pt] Atualmente, o escoamento de fluidos não Newtonianos está
presente em diversos processos industriais e também no dia-
a-dia de todos. Na presente dissertação, inicialmente, é
apresentada uma nova equação constitutiva capaz
de modelar fluidos que possuam tanto elasticidade como
viscoplasticidade, sendo este novo modelo definido como
elasto-viscoplástico. Para a melhor compreensão do modelo,
anteriormente, é realizada, uma breve revisão dos
fluidos não Newtonianos, com maior ênfase para o modelo
viscoplástico SMD e o modelo viscoelástico de Oldroyd-B,
que possuem grande influência no novo modelo constitutivo.
Em seguida é apresentada uma nova metodologia de
adimensionalização levando-se em conta apenas os parâmetros
reológicos neste processo, garantindo a independência das
equações com relação a vazão. Por fim, é realizada a
simulação deste novo modelo em um escoamento com
uma expansão e contração abrupta. Nesta simulação, é
analisado o comportamento do fluido ao passar por esta
cavidade com relação às principais variáveis da equação
constitutiva. A simulação foi realizada pelo método dos
elementos finitos e os resultados mostram a influência do
número de Deborah reológico, da velocidade, do expoente
power-law e da razão entre os tempos de retardo e de
relaxamento, na perda de carga e no padrão de escoamento. / [en] Currently, the flow of non-Newtonian fluids is present in
many industrial
processes and also in day-to-day of all. In this
dissertation, initially it is exposed a
new constitutive equation capable of modeling fluids that
present as much
elasticity as viscoplasticity, and this new model is called
as Elasto-viscoplastic.
For better understanding of this model, previously, a brief
review of non-
Newtonian fluids is done, with a focus on the SMD
viscoplastic model and on the
Oldroyd-B viscoelastic model, both which have a great
influence in this new
constitution model.Afterward, a new methodology of non-
dimensionalization is
presented, taking into account only the rheological
parameters in this process
and ensuring the independence of equations with respect to
flow. Finally, the
simulation of this new model is performed in a flow within
a abrupt expansioncontraction
geometry. In this simulation, it is studied the behavior of
the fluid
through this cavity with respect to key variables of the
constitutive equation. The
simulation was carried out by the finite element method
and, by the analysis of
the results, it is shown the influence of the rheological
Deborah, flow speed, the
power-law exponent and the ratio of the time of retardation
and relaxation on the
head loss and the flow pattern.
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[pt] O escoamento cisalhante oscilatório de grande amplitude (large amplitude oscillatory shear - LAOS) é considerado atualmente uma das metodologias mais promissoras para caracterização de materiais complexos. Como uma grande faixa de processos industriais envolve grandes deformações é
de extrema importância entender como esses materiais se comportam mecanicamente sob essas circunstâncias para o correto projeto e operação. Através de uma caracterização reológica completa de um material elastoviscoplástico mostramos que o modelo de Jeffreys é adequado para interpretar fisicamente os resultados em LAOS de materiais complexos. Conforme a amplitude de tesão e frequência são variados independentemente, dois tipos de movimento, caracterizados por respostas não senoidais e senoidais, foram observados respectivamente: i) movimentos a estrutura variável, quando a amplitude de tensão é maior que a tensão limite de escoamento do material, e ii)movimentos a estrutura constante, para casos onde a amplitude de tensão é menor que a tensão limite ou onde a frequência é muito maior que o inverso do tempo característico do material. Assim, uma nova metodologia, a quasi-linear LAOS (QL-LAOS) foi desenvolvida para a caracterização reológica e interpretação de resultados em LAOS. Ademais,
foi obtida excelente concordância entre as previsões teóricas e os resultados experimentais. / [en] Large amplitude oscillatory shear flow (LAOS) is presently considered one of the most promising methodologies to investigate the behavior of complex materials. Since a wide range of industrial processes involves large deformations, understanding how complex materials behave under these conditions is fundamental for operation and design purposes. By performing a thorough rheological characterization of a commercially available hair gel, it was shown that a Jeffreys framework is suitable to interpret physically LAOS rheology data of complex materials. As the stress amplitude and frequency are independently varied, two classes of motion are observed, characterized by a non-sinusoidal and a sinusoidal response, respectively: structure-changing motions, when the stress amplitude is above the yield stress and the frequency is of the order of the reciprocal of the thixotropic characteristic time; and constant-structure motions, when either the stress amplitude is below the yield stress or the frequency is much larger than the reciprocal of the thixotropic characteristic time. Thus, a novel methodology, the quasi-linear LAOS (QL-LAOS) methodology, is suggested for rheological characterization and interpretation of LAOS results. Moreover, a remarkable agreement between the theoretical predictions and experimental results was obtained.
669 |
[pt] A estratégia utilizada pelas operadoras de telefonia móvel
no Brasil nos
últimos anos, levou estas empresas a um grande
crescimento, porém prejudicou a
rentabilidade de sua operação, como acontece regularmente
em novos mercados.
Desta forma, é importante que elas procurem novas
alternativas para reformular
sua trajetória de crescimento, adaptando-se a um ambiente
mais estável.
Historicamente, o relacionamento com o segmento de
clientes pré-pagos foi pouco
explorado por estas empresas, embora ele represente mais
de 70% da base de
todas as operadoras. Assim, é possível verificar um grande
potencial para as
empresas no incremento das ações de relacionamento com os
clientes pré-pagos,
pouco exploradas até hoje. Porém, para estruturar estas
ações, é preciso que as
empresas conheçam melhor o comportamento de consumo dos
clientes deste
segmento. Apesar de recentemente a literatura de marketing
apresentar maior
quantidade de estudos relacionados a este público, é comum
que os profissionais
da área ainda encontrem dificuldades em entender com
clareza os aspectos que
modelam a motivação de consumo destes clientes, dada a
grande disparidade entre
essas realidades no Brasil. (Motta e Muller, 2007). Este
trabalho realiza uma
análise no setor brasileiro de telefonia móvel,
verificando os principais aspectos
no comportamento dos clientes pré-pagos que podem ser
considerados pelas
empresas provedoras deste serviço para a formatação de
ações viáveis de
relacionamento capazes de proporcionar rentabilização em
seus resultados.
Foram realizadas entrevistas com clientes de serviços pré-
pagos das principais
operadoras brasileiras buscando esclarecer aspectos de
motivação de consumo e
expectativas deste público em relação à prestação do
serviço. Os resultados
apontaram para um comportamento bastante diferenciado em
relação a clientes
com menor restrição orçamentária e a adequação de algumas
das ações realizadas de modo ainda incipiente pelas
operadoras, o que pode sustentar a necessidade de
direcionamento de novos investimentos. / [en] The strategy adopted by mobile phone operators in Brazil
in recent years
brought about great growth to these companies. However, it
harmed their
operation yield levels, and hence it is important that
they seek new alternatives to
rethink their trajectory of growth, fitting to an already
established market.
Historically, the relationship with prepaid customers was
little explored by these
companies, even though the segment represents more than
70% of the client base
of all operators. Therefore, it is possible to verify a
great potential in relationship
building with these customers. However, to structure these
actions, it is necessary
to have a better knowledge of the consumption behavior of
the prepaid segment.
Despite the fact that the recent literature in marketing
presents a greater amount of
studies related to this public, it is still common for
professionals in this field to
find difficulties in understanding the aspects that shape
consumption motivation
of prepaid customers, given the great disparity between
these realities in Brazil.
(Motta and Muller, 2007). The present work intends to
perform an analysis of the
Brazilian mobile phone sector, verifying the main aspects
of prepaid costumer`s
behavior which can be considered by the companies
operating this service in
designing viable relationship actions, capable of
generating greater yield.
Interviews with customers of prepaid services of the main
Brazilian operators
have been executed aiming to clarify some aspects of
consumption motivation and
expectations of this segment. The results point out a
differentiated behavior
compared to customers with less budgetary restrictions and
the adequacy of some
of the incipient actions carried out by the operators,
which can support the
necessity of new investments in this area.
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PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM YIELD EVALUATION IN SWEDEN : A performance review of PV systems in Sweden 2017-2018Schelin, Eric January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this study is to evaluate Swedish photovoltaic systems regarding energy production from two different years and compare the gathered data with results from a model simulating optimal conditions. This is done to investigate how the energy production differs between each year, why there are differences, and also to evaluate the simulation tools compared to the real production data. A good way to measure performance is to calculate the specific yield, that is the energy produced per unit of installed power (kWh/kWp). In order to complete this study, a literature study was made to investigate reasons for potential variations in PV system yield. Besides that, the production data from 2373 PV systems in Sweden were collected from different databases, and the data were sorted and compiled in order to calculate specific yield (kWh/kWp). The total number of PV systems after sorting was 828 for the 2017-2018 data and 1380 systems for the 2018 data. Data from real PV system production was compared with calculations performed in two simulation tools, PVGIS and PVsyst. Differences in calculation methods were investigated for performance evaluations between the two programs, and also for comparison with the real plant data. The results showed that the average specific yield for Sweden as a whole, to be 798 kWh/kWp for 2017. For 2018 with the results where 890 kWh/kWp when looking at the exact same plants as for 2017. This is an increase of 11,5%. For the simulation tools the results where 974 kWh/kWp for PVGIS, and 978 for PVsyst for an optimized system. Larger variations in specific yield occurs between every of the 21 counties in Sweden. The solar irradiations show significant correlations to the variations of the 2017 and 2018 specific yield data. Differences between the production data from the two years and the simulation tools wereinvestigated further. Reasons for this was discussed to be because of orientations of the panels and shading of the panels. Real PV systemsdiffer in orientation and the amount of shadowing from the simulated calculations.
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