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Solceller för fjärrvärme : Lönsamhetsanalys av solceller i fjärrvärmenät för Sala-Heby energi.Fejzic, Benjamin January 2024 (has links)
This work was done on the behalf of Sala-Heby Energi on the use of solar energy in district heating facilities around Sala municipality, the work has looked at the potential in using solar panels for heating through electricity and found that it was possible but it wasn’t economically feasible to recover the investment costs during the lifetime of the solar cells if the investment cost were above 4000 kr per solar panel for most of the district heating networks. Another viable way to generate district heating was with the use of solar thermal collectors the technology was found to be both viable and potentially economically feasible, this was due to the lower size of land needed for allocation and lower overall investment costs, however reaching the company associated with this technology was not possible in the given timeframe. This work analysed Energy storage solutions and the most optimal solution for thermal storage in the use for district heating was the use of hot water tanks, this had the ability to both store energy for night-time use and to have the lowest associated cost.
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No description available.
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PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM YIELD EVALUATION IN SWEDEN : A performance review of PV systems in Sweden 2017-2018Schelin, Eric January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this study is to evaluate Swedish photovoltaic systems regarding energy production from two different years and compare the gathered data with results from a model simulating optimal conditions. This is done to investigate how the energy production differs between each year, why there are differences, and also to evaluate the simulation tools compared to the real production data. A good way to measure performance is to calculate the specific yield, that is the energy produced per unit of installed power (kWh/kWp). In order to complete this study, a literature study was made to investigate reasons for potential variations in PV system yield. Besides that, the production data from 2373 PV systems in Sweden were collected from different databases, and the data were sorted and compiled in order to calculate specific yield (kWh/kWp). The total number of PV systems after sorting was 828 for the 2017-2018 data and 1380 systems for the 2018 data. Data from real PV system production was compared with calculations performed in two simulation tools, PVGIS and PVsyst. Differences in calculation methods were investigated for performance evaluations between the two programs, and also for comparison with the real plant data. The results showed that the average specific yield for Sweden as a whole, to be 798 kWh/kWp for 2017. For 2018 with the results where 890 kWh/kWp when looking at the exact same plants as for 2017. This is an increase of 11,5%. For the simulation tools the results where 974 kWh/kWp for PVGIS, and 978 for PVsyst for an optimized system. Larger variations in specific yield occurs between every of the 21 counties in Sweden. The solar irradiations show significant correlations to the variations of the 2017 and 2018 specific yield data. Differences between the production data from the two years and the simulation tools wereinvestigated further. Reasons for this was discussed to be because of orientations of the panels and shading of the panels. Real PV systemsdiffer in orientation and the amount of shadowing from the simulated calculations.
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Lönsamhetskalkylering för solenergi i flerbostadshus : Med tre presenterade investeringsstrategier / Profitability calculation for solar energy in apartment buildingsShamoun, Steve, Wenström, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
För att klara av FN:s klimatmål, innefattandes begränsningar av den globala uppvärmningen, krävs det drastiska åtgärder inom samtliga sektorer. Energianvändningen måste effektiviseras och användningen av förnybara energikällor måste utökas och motsvara 100 procent av energibehovet inom en snar framtid. Solenergi, som är en förnybar energikälla, anses vara högst fördelaktig med anseende till dess utvecklingspotential. Denna potential återspeglas i att den installerade effekten av solceller ökade, mellan 2010 – 2015, med hela 1 000 procent i Sverige (Axelsson, Blomqvist, Dvali, Ludvig, & Unger, 2017). Urvalet av solcellspaneler förekommer i ett flertal typer och modeller. Dessa kommer med varierande verkningsgrader vilket påverkar energiproduktionen. I denna studie har tre olika investeringsstrategier, med avsikt att genomföra en lönsamhetsberäkning gällande en solcellsinvestering, presenterats. Studien grundas i att identifiera om en investering i solceller på ett fastighetsbestånd, som Fastighets AB Balder äger, är ekonomiskt lönsamt. Beräkningar har därmed genomförts med hänsyn till egenskaper och förutsättningar på två flerbostadshus i Bergsjön, Göteborg. Resultatet utifrån de olika investeringsstrategierna har fastställts genom lönsamhetsberäkningar som grundas i en LCOE-kalkylmall (Levelized cost of electricity). Vidare har en utökad LCOE-kalkylgenomförts för att presentera utfallet med hänsyn till implementering av ett gemensamhetsabonnemang för respektive flerbostadshus. Vid analys av resultatet har en investeringsstrategi, av tre utförda, presenterat en ekonomisk lönsamhet där intentionen är att försörja flerbostadshusets fastighets- och hushållsel, tillsammans med en komplettering av ett gemensamhetsabonnemang. För Fastighets AB Balder innebär denna investeringsstrategi att en solcellsinvestering med rådande förutsättningar skulle generera en ekonomisk lönsamhet, motsvarandes ett nuvärde på sammanlagt 173 955 kr på 25 år, för de två undersökta flerbostadshusen. Underlaget för lönsamhetskalkyleringarna innefattar en identifiering av flerbostadshusens energibehov genom en analys av dokumenterade energiförbrukningsdata från databasen Entro Optima. Denna data har sedan tagits i beaktning i förhållande till antalet tillgängliga soltimmar under respektive månad för båda flerbostadshusen. Beräkningen har tagit hänsyn till de avkastningskrav, förutsättningar och egenskaper som råder. Resultatet av lönsamheten för respektive investeringsstrategi är klart beroende av flertalet centrala faktorer såsom solinstrålning, flerbostadshusens energiförbrukning, elpriset och skattereduktion enligt studien.
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Simulering och utvärdering av en klimatpositiv byggnads energisystem : Energibedömning och fördelar kring förnybara resurser i ETC Bygg AB:s nollenergibyggnader av flerbostadstypSvanbäck, Martina, Lindström, My January 2021 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose with this project was to evaluate the environmental, social, and economic aspects regarding two climate positive buildings in Västerås municipality in Sweden. The company responsible for the buildings, ETC Bygg AB, has assigned this task tothe research group Future Energy Center (FEC) at Mälardalen University. Method: The buildings was simulated with the programs IDA ICE and PVGIS to obtain the overall energy consumption and building efficiency as well as the PV system potential. Regarding transportation, vehicle and driver statistics was studied and adapted to the case study to estimate the tenant’s climate impact. Results: The results showed that the electricity obtained from the PV system both covers the building’s, and tenant’s estimated yearly electricity consumption, but also with a surplus available for storage or selling. The simulatedresults were compared to several previous studies with similar outcome, but with slightly different results. The tenants need for climate friendly transportation resulted in a suggestion of an electric mobility station consisting of electric cars, mopeds, and bicycles to lower the tenants carbon mitigation, costs, and energy consumption. Conclusions: Conclusions from the study was that the buildings meet both the BBR, and the FEBY18 Gold requirements with their high energy efficiency, as well as that the solar power system most likely will produce enough energy to cover both building, and tenant power consumption. A conclusion can be made that the transition to electric transportation have a potential to save both a considerable amount of energy and money for the tenants, but also the possibility to lower their collective yearly carbon mitigation. Also, that the life in a climate positive building have mostly, if not only, positive impacts on its residents.
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SOLENERGI PÅ ÖVERBYGGDA PUMPSTATIONER – RESAN MOT NETTO NOLL : Ekonomisk och teknisk utvärdering för Mälarenergi ABSeraj, Rashid, Hakimi, Mojtaba January 2024 (has links)
This thesis evaluates the installation of solar panels at Malarenergi's pump stations in Vasteras, with the aim of supporting the company's vision to meet its commitment of achieving zero emissions by 2035. The study employs the Photovoltaic Geographical Information System (PVGIS) to simulate solar radiation and estimate potential electricity generation from the solar panels monthly for one of the pump stations to compare its production with other stations, to see if it is effective for other pump stations, as all the stations have almost the same size in configuration. Additionally, financial analyses are performed using Excel to assess the costs and benefits of these installations. The findings suggest that solar panels can significantly decrease ongoing energy expenses and environmental impact by reducing the reliance on non-renewable energy sources. However, the initial costs are substantial. The analysis also explores the benefits of integrating battery storage systems to enhance the reliability and efficiency of the solar power supply, this highlights the importance of strategic implementation of modern technology to maximize the benefits. The study's main finding is that although the initial cost of installing solar panels is high, the benefits over the long term such as reduced operating costs and a smaller environmental impact, make them a worthwhile investment for the future. / Detta examensarbete utvärderar potentialen för solcellsinstallationer vid Mälarenergis pumpstationer i Västerås som en del av Mälarenergis strategi att uppnå nollutsläpp till år 2035. Genom simuleringar i Photovoltaic Geographical Information System (PVGIS) har solinstrålning och den potentiella elproduktionen från solpaneler analyserats för att bedöma systemens tekniska, ekonomiska och miljömässiga aspekter. Arbetet fokuserar på 26 pumpstationer, varav endast 6 för närvarande är täckta med tak. För de återstående 20 pumpstationerna planeras tak att byggas. En utvald pumpstation användes som referensstation för att genomföra simuleringarna, eftersom den representerar alla pumpstationernas standarddimensioner. Tre installationsalternativ undersöktes, installation på endast taket (Fall 1), installation på både tak och väggar (Fall 2) samt etablering av en solcellspark (Fall 3). Resultaten från PVGIS-simuleringarna jämfördes med faktisk elförbrukning från Mälarenergis pumpstationer och analyserades i Excel för att utvärdera den ekonomiska lönsamheten, fördelarna med batteri i systemet och miljöfördelarna. Vidare genomfördes en ekonomisk analys, där initiala kostnader för installationen jämfördes med kostnadsbesparingar genom minskad elförbrukning och ökad elproduktion från solceller. Resultaten visar att installation av solpaneler kan minska både driftskostnader och miljöpåverkan genom att minska beroendet av icke-förnybara energikällor, trots att initialkostnaderna är betydande. Arbetet lyfter även fram fördelarna med att integrera batterilagring för att öka tillförlitligheten och effektiviteten hos solcellsinstallationerna. Analysen anger att även om installationskostnaderna är höga i början, överväger de långsiktiga fördelarna med minskade driftskostnader och lägre miljöpåverkan, vilket gör solcellsinvesteringar till ett hållbart val för Mälarenergis framtid.
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SOLENERGI FÖR MILLENNIUM AVSALTNINGSANLÄGGNING : Undersökning av potentialen hos solceller i en off-grid lösning som energikälla inom projektet ''Water in a box''Wu, Ming January 2018 (has links)
This thesis aims first to investigate whether solar panels on the container can provide the process of desalination with energy at the desired location, as well as to dimension a photovoltaic system and battery storage that can run the facility off-grid. Then investigate whether solar cells can be an effective energy solution for Millennium Desalination Device (MDD). The results of this study show that the most annual solar production from containers is 11 510 kWh in Gobabeb, Namibia with a modular efficiency of 22,8 %, which corresponds to 8,2 % operating time per year and is the longest operating time that can be obtained from the all three scenarios. This means that with existing technology and only solar panels on the container, desalination plant is impossible to drive all year round off-grid. The installed power for driving 100 % operating time for one year is 141 kW in Gobabeb and 270 kW in Visby, the corresponding module surface will be lowest 618 m2 and 1184 m2 with modular efficiency of 22,8 %, but there are no additional spaces for all equipment like MDD, solar cells and battery in the container. If the operating time drops to 50 %, the installed power will be 71 kW in Gobabeb, the corresponding module surface will be lowest 415 m2 and battery storage capacity will be at least 160 kWh. Net volume with all equipment will be less than the volume of the container. The cost will be at least 0.2 Swedish kronor per liter of pure water produced with a life of 25 year for solar modules. Usage fee per liter of pure water is 0.03 Swedish kronor based on Gotland’s water and wastewater agency and it means MDD is not a cost-effective solution for Gotland at nowadays. But costs may fall in the future with the price reduction of solar cells and batteries. For water shortage areas, this can be a valuable way to solve the water crisis, but it also depends mostly on the area’s water price.
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Malé a mikro fotovoltaické systémy / Microphotovoltaic systemsNováček, Richard January 2016 (has links)
Master thesis deals with photovoltaic components and their principles. Evaluate the types of photovoltaic systems and their impact on the transmission system. The thesis deals with financial support to small and micro-photovoltaic systems, which can be used in terms of legislation of the Czech Republic. There are also described the changes in the amendment to the energy act and effect on the price of electricity in households. Compared with the domestic photovoltaic rest of the world and the view of the German energy concept. Part of the theoretical design of a hybrid photovoltaic plant, including the use of heat pump. Thesis deals with using hybrid photovoltaic plant and economic viability of the proposed system. The last part deals with the implementation of the proposed system and assesses the true value from those anticipated in the design.
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