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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


[pt] Qualquer atividade humana é por natureza geradora de resíduos. As atividades industriais são um dos grandes geradores de resíduos, sejam sólidos, líquidos ou gasosos, os quais devem ser gerenciados corretamente visando à minimização de custos e redução do potencial de geração de impactos ambientais. De acordo com as Leis 6.938/81, que institui a Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente, e a 9.605/98, que trata dos crimes ambientais, a responsabilidade pela reparação de qualquer dano ambiental, independente do fato gerador, a empresa será chamada para remediar qualquer passivo gerado devida à má gestão de resíduos, onde a responsabilidade da empresa não cessa quando estes deixam suas instalações, incluindo sua destinação final. Desta forma a reciclagem de materiais da construção civil deve ser subsidiada por um programa bem mais amplo, onde envolva além do processamento dos resíduos, a recuperação de áreas degradadas com limpeza; a implantação de áreas destinadas à recepção de materiais oriundos da construção civil, reduzindo a necessidade de áreas públicas usadas como aterro. O desenvolvimento de técnicas que visem a redução dos impactos ambientais causados tanto pela geração de resíduos como pela extração de agregados naturais, são de significativa importância uma vez que a legislação vigente indica este caminho como o único a ser seguido. Desta forma desenvolveu-se um fluxograma para o beneficiamento do resíduo da construção civil visando a produção de agregado reciclado miúdo a ser utilizado na confecção de argamassas e concretos em substituição, total ou parcial, da areia sem perdas significantes na resistência a esforços mecânicos. / [en] Any human activity is by nature generating of residues. The industrial activies are one of the great generators of residues, be solid, liquids or gaseous, which should be correctly management seeking to minimize costs and reduction of the potential generation in environmental impacts. In agreement with the law 6.938/81, that establish the National Politics of the environmental, and the 9.605/81, that´s treats of the environmental crimes, the responsibility for the repair of any environmental damage, independent of the generating fact, the company will be called to remedy any passive one generated owed to the bad administration of residues, where the responsibility of the company doesn´t cease when these leave your facilities, including your final destination. This way the recycling of materials construction should be subsidized by a much wider program, where it involves besides the processing of the residues, the recovery areas degraded with cleaning; the implantation of areas destined to the reception of materials originating from constructions, reducing the need public areas used as embankment. The development of techniques that`s seek the reduction of the environmental impacts caused so much by the generation of residues as for the extraction of natural aggregate, they are of significant importance once the effective legislation indicates this only way to be proceeded. The development of the improvement waste construction seeking the production of small recycled aggregate to be used in making of mortars and concretes in substitution, total or partial, of the sand without significant losses in the resistance to mechanical efforts.


JOSE CARLOS FERREIRA MAIA 10 February 2005 (has links)
[pt] A atividade da construção impacta a economia brasileira de forma bem mais abrangente do que aquela diretamente visualizada através de um produto imobiliário ou de uma obra de construção pesada. Na verdade, a importância e o impacto desta atividade sobre o ambiente econômico se estabelece a partir de uma complexa articulação existente entre as organizações (agentes) através da cadeia produtiva, ligando desde fornecedores de matérias-primas, serviços e outros insumos até aquelas atividades de comercialização dos produtos imobiliários prontos. Nesta dissertação procuramos identificar o perfil e as inter- relações existentes atualmente entre os agentes da cadeia, de modo a dimensionar o macrosetor de forma completa, avaliando o impacto resultante do seu efeito multiplicador sobre a economia em termos da geração de produto, renda, emprego e impostos, destacando as virtudes e os problemas de cada agente e seus reflexos sobre a cadeia, propondo soluções criativas e necessidades de desenvolvimento para viabilizar um crescimento mais estável do macro-setor da construção imobiliária em um curto-médio espaço de tempo. / [en] Construction activities impact the Brazilian economy in a much more including way than the one directly visualized in building products or in heavy constructions. Actually, the real importance and the impact of this activity into the economical atmosphere begins with a complex articulation among the organizations (agents) through the supply chain, linking suppliers up to those activities after the conclusion of the building construction, such as rents, hotels, maintenance, administration and consultant works. In this dissertation, we tried to identify the profile and the interrelations among the agents of the chain, to design all the industry and to evaluate the resulting impact of its multiplier effect over the economy in terms of generation of products, incomes, employment and taxes.


PRISCILLA RADD FERREIRA PINTO 29 January 2016 (has links)
[pt] O conhecimento das propriedades térmicas dos materiais da construção civil é necessário para a escolha consciente e, por conseguinte, para a promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável. A determinação dessas propriedades implica em aprimorar equipamentos e ampliar sua acessibilidade. Este estudo dedica-se a apresentar o desenvolvimento e a validação do equipamento baseado em normativas do Método Fluximétrico. Os resultados obtidos comprovam que esse atende aos fins propostos com aferição de duas propriedades: resistência térmica e condutividade térmica. Representa avanços e contribui para satisfazer demandas e lacunas na caracterização de materiais construtivos. / [en] The intent of this study is to discuss the subject equipment development by Heat Flow Meter Apparatus for measurement of thermalproperties of building materials, which contributes to the area of sustainability in Brazilian civil construction. The production appears necessary, well as the creation of thermal performance labs in higher education institutions in Brazil, as a response to many new materials introduced annually in the market and developing other with answers to sustainable development, including the Question of efficiency thermal - energy .


ROXANA OLARTE ENCISO 05 October 2010 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho apresenta um estudo experimental do comportamento de pilares esbeltos de alta resistência submetidos à flexão composta reta. Foram ensaiados oito pilares divididos em duas séries, sendo uma série com concreto de 40 MPa e a outra com concreto de 80 MPa aos vinte e oito dias. Todos os pilares tinham seção transversal de 15x25 cm e altura de 300 cm. Em cada série, a variável foi a taxa de armadura longitudinal que assumiu quatro valores diferentes. O objetivo foi verificar os valores da excentricidade de segunda ordem que devem ser considerados no dimensionamento de pilares esbeltos de concreto de alta resistência. Os resultados dos ensaios foram comparados com os resultados teóricos obtidos pelos modelos da curvatura aproximada e da rigidez aproximada que constam na NBR6118:2003. Essa comparação mostrou uma boa concordância entre os resultados experimentais e teóricos. / [en] This work presents an experimental study of the behavior of slender high strength concrete columns under uniaxial eccentric compression loads. Eight columns were tested, divided into two series, one series with concrete of 40 MPa and the other with concrete of 80 MPa at twenty eight days. All columns had a cross-section of 15x25 cm and height of 300 cm. In each series, the variable was the longitudinal reinforcement ratio which assumed four different values. The objective was to verify the values of the eccentricity of second order that should be taken into account in the design of slender high strength concrete columns. The experimental results were compared with theoretical results obtained by the models of the approximated curvature and approximated stiffnes methods prescribed in the NBR6118:2003 code. This comparison showed a good agreement between the experimental and theoretical results.


SUSAN SALES CANELLAS 28 October 2005 (has links)
[pt] O desenvolvimento de tecnologias que utilizem energias limpas e a gestão integrada dos resíduos domiciliares e industriais visando uma reengenharia nos conceitos sócio-empresariais é uma necessidade urgente. A sociedade, principalmente nos países desenvolvidos, prioriza produtos de empresas que possuam atividades socialmente corretas. A indústria da construção civil, como uma das maiores geradoras de resíduos, podendo chegar a 3000 kg/hab.ano, não pode se eximir desta atitude. Uma vez que consome grandes quantidades de recursos naturais, um grande número de estudos para substituição de bens naturais não renováveis está sendo realizado nesse setor, aliando materiais convencionais com resíduos industriais e urbanos. Um dos materiais que vem sendo utilizado nestas pesquisas são as embalagens pós- consumo de PET ( polietileno tereftalato ), resíduos que estão atingindo percentuais cada vez maiores na composição do lixo urbano, com presença crescente no meio ambiente. Esse trabalho visa apontar uma nova perspectiva de utilização desse material, propondo a substituição parcial da areia natural, por material granulado oriundo de garrafas de PET, objetivando a produção de argamassas para uso na construção civil. No presente estudo, foram realizadas substituições nas proporções de 10, 30 e 50% , tendo sido observado a melhor possibilidade de utilização do percentual de 30%, devido a não ter apresentado perdas significativas na plasticidade e nas resistências a compressão e a tração. Foi possível concluir que o compósito obtido tem potencial para ser utilizado na confecção de artefatos de concreto, sem grande responsabilidade estrutural e em mobiliários urbanos, além de seu uso permitir uma economia significativa de volumes de areia lavada, um recurso natural cuja extração tem causado grandes danos ao ecossistema dos rios e suas margens. / [en] The development of technology that uses clean energy and the integrated management of domestic and industrial residues aiming at a new engineering in the social and company relationship, is a urgent necessity. The society, mainly in developed countries, are already giving priority to the products of companies that possess identity with socially correct activities. The industry of construction, as one of the larger generator of residues, that produces around 3000kg/hab.year, and can not exempt of this purpose. Since the civil construction consumes great amount of natural sector resources, a large number of studies aiming at the substitution of natural sand, considered a non renewable material, is being carried out, particularly by, mixing conventional material with industrial and urban residues. The material used in these this study, was granulated PET (polyethylene tereftalate), obtained from beverage bottles, residues that are reaching a high percentage in the composition of the urban wastes. The objective of this research aimed at create a new perspective for construction materials, by crushing bottles of PET and using the produced material as a substitute of the natural sands for production of mortar. In this study was used the PET/sand ratios of 10, 30 and 50%, being 30%, the best ratio observed, due to a still good workability, an acceptable compressive and tensile strengths. The innovation, proposed in this study for instance, in the production of pieces of concrete, without great structural value, and in urban furnitureleading to a significant economy of volumes of sands, a resource whose extraction has been caused great damages to the present ecosystem of the rivers and in its edges.


29 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] Nesta dissertação estuda-se o sistema construtivo em alvenaria estrutural na cidade do Rio de Janeiro face aos conceitos de construção sustentável. Avalia-se esse método construtivo em seus detalhes de execução, materiais utilizados e outros benefícios na obra como redução de resíduos e ganhos em prazo de construção. Também são analisados impactos qualitativos no produto e os aspectos sociais e culturais devido as limitações técnicas do sistema bem como as legislações que têm influência. Levando-se em consideração as necessidades atuais do mercado imobiliário na busca por processos sustentáveis, foram analisadas as principais certificações. Tem-se como principal conclusão que nem sempre o processo atenderá de forma completa as necessidades de determinado empreendimento em função de algumas limitações técnicas. Do ponto de vista da sustentabilidade, o processo apresenta qualidades devido à modulação do sistema que gera menos desperdícios, porém, pode limitar a concepção de um produto diversificado e mais confortável através de soluções diferenciadas de planta e fachada, por exemplo. Mesmo que as construtoras tenham tentado utilizar o sistema em padrões médios de empreendimento, com preços de venda que giram em torno de 7.000 a 8.000 reais por metro quadrado, a solução não teve boa aceitação tanto pelos construtores como pelos clientes, e nota-se que o mesmo é utilizado em larga escala para empreendimentos de padrões populares. / [en] In this thesis the use of structural masonry constructive system is investigated in light of the concepts of sustainable construction in the city of Rio de Janeiro. This study is based on the evolution and growing importance of the construction sector within Brazilian economy, and the current trend in the construction market in the search for processes that minimize impacts on the environment with rational use of natural resources. The earliest records of civil construction activity in the city of Rio de Janeiro date from the colonial period, at a time which those activities were unregulated. In 1810 King João VI established the engineering school. The period between the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century was a time of intense economic transformation with the decay of the coffee plantations and the beginning of the industrial development. In 1940 there was a breakthrough in civil construction in Brazil, when the sector was considered one of the most advanced of its time. In 1971 there was great progress in the sector of construction in Rio de Janeiro with the creation of BNH, Banco Nacional da Habitação, and the Law of the Real Estate Development (Lei das Incorporações). The 90s were marked by the improvement of the qualification of the workforce, resulting in better products. The 2000s were distinguished by the boom in housing construction in the west zone and the expansion of large construction companies landbanks. In 2008 the growth was toward the north zone, however, by the end of that year, with the peak of the global crisis known as Subprime, the sector started suffering from a poor performance cycle until in the first half of 2009. The government program called Minha Casa Minha Vida was launched providing a better environment, with the incentive to produce one million new housing units. By the second half of 2009 the construction market was fully recovered. Many companies created new brands or subsidiaries to focus their business in this new market niche, and the use of large-scale structural masonry was considered the most suitable technology to be used in this type of construction. In 2011, the sector continued to grow driven by the demand fostered by the Olympic Games and the approval of new urban zoning laws. In this study the major projects launched in the city of Rio de Janeiro between 2005 and 2012 were mapped as well as the number of constructions that adopted structural masonry during this period. Impacts of civil construction on the environment range from the generation of raw material to the end of the useful life of products built. As a consequence of the growth experienced by the civil construction sector and its great economic impact, principles of sustainability standards and certifications arouse aiming the achievement of sustainable development in the entire production chain. Over the years, several international events debated on sustainability. In 1713 Carl Von Carlowitz published the first treaty on sustainable use of forest resources. In 1976 the first world conference on housing and environment was held in Canada. The system in structural masonry is ancient and its use dates back to early human activity process. Around 4000 years before Christ structures were employed for varied purposes and materials were usually blocks of clay and stone. In the seventeenth century the system becomes a construction technology based on principles of static. Element resistance tests begun to be performed in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The projects were based on limited empirical calculation methods, resulting in very thick walls and slow production speed. In the 50 s there was a revival of interest in structural masonry driven by the shortage of building materials in Europe, such as steel. The use of structural masonry in Brazil began in the sixteenth century, during the colonial period; yet, the process was not rationalized. By the 70s, the structural masonry was considered engineering technology in Brazil and projects started to be based on scientifically validated principles. With this evolution, it became more efficient and an economical alternative, although still somewhat precarious. Structural masonry achieved its consolidation with official norms in the 80s. Ancient definitions considered that the buildings should be formed of natural or artificial stones linked together in a stable manner by the combination of joints and mortar (or only by one of the two), capable of resisting only to compressive stresses. Currently, buildings in structural masonry are formed by industrial blocks (ceramic or concrete) designed and sized by calculation procedures to support loads beyond their own weight and resist compression. They are linked together by the interposition of mortar and can contain rebar in concrete or mortar in horizontal and / or vertical plane. They are classified as armed, unarmed, partially armed or pre-stressed. The structural masonry consists of four main components. The units are the basic components that define the resistance characteristics. Units can be concrete, ceramic or sand-lime blocks, solid or hollow. The mortar is a mixture of sand, cement, lime and water responsible for laying and unifying the units. It transmits and uniforms the stresses throughout the blocks, seal out water and wind and even out small deformations. Rebars are steel bars surrounded by grout that make all components of the masonry work together. The grout is a very fluid micro concrete with aggregates and it is responsible for the union of blocks with rebars within its hollows. The rationalization of structural masonry brings results by improving productivity and quality, with consequent increased value added. It also incentives increase in productivity and cost reduction in the supply chain, while meeting construction standards. As a result, the final consumer can buy at a lower price. Modulation was already used by the Greeks, Romans and Japanese. It represented to them, respectively, aesthetic, functional and aesthetic and functional character. At present time, for the modulation process to be harmonized, it is needed to update the standard as to the sizing of the blocks. The incompatibility between the dimensions of the components of the building often results in large thicknesses dimensional settings and designs solutions that do not properly address these adjustments, which end up being performed impromptu in the work site. The advantages of modulation are: simplification in project design, standardization of building components, optimization of the dimensions with reduction of different shapes, less interface problems between components and subsystems, standardization of detail and dimensional accuracy, rationalization and simplification in the execution of the work due to ease of assembly, reduction of material breaks, thus avoiding losses in construction. The disadvantages are: the need to have standardized components without dimensional and qualitative variation in the market, and need for investment in preparation and training of manpower. The definition of the system to be used by the constructor occurs in the study phase. It is usually observed: the type and purpose of the project, the maximum number of floors, the ceiling heights between slabs, the size of compartments and wall allocation, the eventual need for sheltered parking and its mixed solution analysis, the size of balconies, the need for flexibility of plans, if penthouses should have swimming pool, the dimensioning of the common areas. In the cases where the product can fit in structural masonry guidelines, this has been the preferred construction system. The project in structural masonry should consider the coordination between the various project disciplines with the integration between the design teams. Schedule of the project design should be prepared with the correct interaction of reconciliations. The design should be standardized and simplify the solutions and should provide full details of projects to avoid doubts and execution errors during construction. Wall rebar can be done directly with interlocking blocks, requiring interposition between blocks of 50 per cent in intercepted wall. It also can be done by placing the rebar in mortar joints with 90 angle, as well as through folded steel bars, industrialized trusses or staples, steel decks or similar materials of proven resistance. Electrical installation must be standardized in the predefined rows heights. The hydraulic and gas installations must be apparent and not embedded in order not to interfere in modulations. The project modulated masonry must have solutions that minimize the need for adjustments or additional elements while helping reconcile the different project disciplines. This constructive method is examined regarding its execution details, increase in production and other benefits to the construction itself. Furthermore, qualitative impacts on the product and the social and cultural aspects due to the system s technical limitations and the applicable laws and regulations are analyzed. The main certifications like AQUA, LEED, PROCEL EDIFICA, CASA AZUL, SANTANDER OBRA SUSTENTÁVEL and QUALIVERDE were analyzed in view of the current necessity of the real estate market to seek for more sustainable construction processes. It was analyzed the positive and negative aspects, as well as possible limitations of structural masonry for obtaining the building approvals. Two recently launched projects in structural masonry were analyzed. Through case studies one can compare them to competing projects built in conventional reinforced concrete structure and it is possible to understand the main differences between the products. The projects were also evaluated for the possibility of obtaining green building certification. AQUA was chosen as the reference certification. It provided the features used in the comparative between the different systems. To meet all categories of the certification, some aspects of the project might need to be adjusted, such as layout, wall thickness and span dimension. The main conclusion is that structural masonry will not always completely fulfill the needs of various projects because of certain technical limitations. Taking sustainability into account, structural masonry has a number of benefits beginning with the modulation of the process which generates less waste. However, it can limit the design of more comfortable and sophisticated products, for example with differentiated solutions for layout and façades. Even considering that some companies have used structural masonry in the construction of buildings for the middle class, with selling prices around BRL 7,000 to BRL 8,000 per square meter, this solution was not well accepted either by the contractors or those clients, whereas it is largely used in lower class constructions.


LEONARDO MIRANDA NUNES 18 January 2018 (has links)
[pt] O desenvolvimento de um aço microligado para a produção de vergalhões nervurados, busca atender a modernização das estruturas de concreto armado e a industrialização na construção civil que solicitam novos desenvolvimentos nas técnicas de construção e nos materiais aplicados. As barras de aço nervuradas são um dos principais produtos empregados na produção de peças e estruturas de concreto armado sendo usadas largamente por todo o mundo. A otimização da aplicação final, a necessidade de manter baixos custos de produção e atender a combinação de alta resistência com grande ductilidade em um material com características de soldabilidade destinados a armaduras de concreto armado, se tornou um grande desafio para os produtores de vergalhões para a construção civil. Aplicando a tecnologia desenvolvida ao longo dos últimos 50 anos, este trabalho oferece a alternativa de se empregar aços microligados ao vanádio e nióbio para a produção em laminadores de alta produção de rolos de vergalhões capazes de atender a indústria da construção civil nos mais rigorosos atributos solicitados. Os experimentos foram realizados em escala industrial testando aços com faixa de 0,14 porcento a 0,20 porcento de vanádio e até 0,04 porcento de nióbio. Os resultados atendem as normas mais exigentes no mercado mundial. / [en] The development of microalloyed steel for the production of reinforcement bars (rebar) seeks to achieve the modernization of reinforced concrete structures and streamline industrialization in civil construction that demands new developments in techniques and applied materials. Rebar is one of the main products used in the production of reinforced concrete all over the world. The optimization of the final application and the necessity to keep production low costs while attempting to combine high resistance with great ductility in a material with weldability characteristics, became a great challenge for the producers of rebars. Applying the technology developed throughout the last 50 years, this work offers the alternative of using vanadium and niobium microalloyed steel to produce large quantities of rebars in rolling mills. Upon completion these rebar are used in coils capable of meeting the most rigorous demands of the civil construction industry. The experiments made in an industrial environment, applied steels with 0.14 percent to 0.20 percent of vanadium and up to 0.04 percent of niobium. The results met the most demanding standards in the world-wide market.


24 August 2021 (has links)
[pt] Como em qualquer outro setor, o da construção civil tem a necessidade de aprimorar seus processos e de criar diferencias perante seus concorrentes, com a finalidade de aumentar os lucros e minimizar os prejuízos. Em função disso, a alta gerencia busca soluções para que a sua empresa se destaque no mercado. Os modelos tradicionais de avaliação de investimentos, como a metodologia do fluxo de caixa descontado (FCD), não consideram as incertezas e as flexibilidade inseridas no mercado. Visando isso, esse trabalho, será analisado, pela ótica das Opções Reais, uma maneira de minimizar os riscos de um projeto residencial através da determinação do momento ótimo de expandi-lo. Para tanto, serão utilizados os dados de um empreendimento residencial localizado na zona oeste da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, em que será submetido a um modelo baseado nas diretrizes das Opções Reais. Os resultados obtidos nos três cenários analisados no modelo numérico indicam que quando a velocidade de vendas é constante, o mais indicado é adiar ao máximo o momento de expansão do projeto uma vez que isso adia os custos do investimento e aumenta as receitas. / [en] As in any other sector, the construction industry needs to improve its processes and create differentiations in the face of its competitors, in order to increase profits and minimize losses. Because of this, top management seeks solutions to make their company stand out in the market. Traditional capital budgeting evaluation models, such as the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method, do not consider the value of the uncertainties and the flexibility that may exist in the project. With this in mind, this paper analyzes, through the Real Options approach, a way to minimize the risks of a residential project by determining the optimal time to expand it. To this end, we will use data from a residential development located in the western zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro, which will be submitted to a model based on Real Options guidelines. The results obtained in the three scenarios analyzed in the numerical model indicate that when the sales velocity is constant, it is best to defer the expansion as long as possible since this postpones the investment costs and increases the revenues.


FREDERICO DOS SANTOS DIAS 16 September 2024 (has links)
[pt] O conceito ESG (Ambiental, Social e Governança) tem ganhado relevância no cenário empresarial, impelindo as empresas a adotarem práticas mais sustentáveis. O setor de construção civil, que historicamente é associado a grandes impactos ambientais e sociais, tem sido chamado a incorporar as práticas ESG em suas estratégias de negócio. O presente trabalho buscou analisar as estratégias e práticas socioambientais adotadas pelas empresas de construção civil brasileiras listadas na B3, analisando como elas estão reagindo às demandas de seus stakeholders e identificando os fatores que facilitam ou dificultam a implementação de práticas ESG. Além disso, procurou-se entender como as estratégias e práticas socioambientais são percebidas pelo mercado, contribuindo para um entendimento sobre a adoção de iniciativas ESG no setor. Através de uma metodologia qualitativa, foram analisados relatórios de sustentabilidade, relatórios setoriais, entrevistas com gestores e stakeholders e matérias técnicas a respeito do assunto. Os resultados revelaram um crescente comprometimento das empresas da amostra com práticas ESG, com destaque para eficiência energética, construções verdes e gestão de resíduos e engajamento comunitário. No entanto, o setor como um todo ainda carece de maior integração dos princípios de ESG em seus negócios e enfrenta desafios como custos de implementação, falta de mão de obra qualificada e dificuldades operacionais longe dos grandes centros. A pesquisa também identificou que a percepção do mercado sobre a sustentabilidade do setor tem melhorado, mas ainda há um longo caminho a percorrer para que o setor seja reconhecido como protagonista em sustentabilidade. / [en] The concept of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) has gained relevance in the business landscape, driving companies to adopt more sustainable practices. The construction sector, historically associated with significant environmental and social impacts, has been called upon to incorporate ESG practices into its business strategies. This study aimed to analyze the socio-environmental strategies and practices adopted by Brazilian construction companies listed on B3, examining how they are responding to stakeholder demands and identifying the factors that facilitate or hinder the implementation of ESG practices. Additionally, it sought to understand how socio-environmental strategies and practices are perceived by the market, contributing to a deeper understanding of the adoption of ESG initiatives in the sector. Through a qualitative methodology, sustainability reports, industry reports, interviews with managers and stakeholders, and technical articles on the subject were analyzed. The results revealed a growing commitment among the sample companies to ESG practices, with a focus on energy efficiency, green buildings, waste management, and community engagement. However, the sector as a whole still lacks greater integration of ESG principles into its businesses and faces challenges such as implementation costs, a shortage of skilled labor, and operational difficulties away from major centers. The research also found that the market s perception of the sector s sustainability has improved, but there is still a long way to go before the sector is recognized as a protagonist in sustainability.

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