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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adaptive Space-Time Receiver for DS-CDMA Communication Systems in Time-varying Multipath Channels

Lin, Yu-Fone 20 June 2001 (has links)
As the internet and multimedia transportation are envisaged as inherent functions, the generation CDMA system demands a dramatic bandwidth increase. It becomes an important topic to achieve high spectral efficiency over the limited available spectrum. Combing antenna array and equalizer structure, a space-time signal receiver is developed to overcome multiple access interference and intersymbol interference in DS-CDMA systems. In this paper, a space-time signal receiver based on the algorithm is developed for direct-sequence code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA) communication systems in time-varying multipath channels. At first, the received signal vectors of an antenna array at base station are constructed via the spatio-temporal correlation properties of time-varying multipath channels. The adaptive algorithm is employed to mitigate the Doppler¡¦s affect on the performance of signal detection. However, the computational burden of the algorithm is enormous. To reduce the computational complexity, the subweight partition technique is incorporated into the algorithm. The time-varying path directivity patterns for a receiver at base station are simulated. Computer simulations validate the advantages of the algorithm over the recursive least-squares (RLS) algorithm for the signal detection of the proposed space-time receiver.

Performance Analysis of a Cooperative Communication Network Over κ - μ Shadowed Fading for Different Relaying Protocols

Kodide, Alekhya January 2016 (has links)
With the fast development of today’s multimedia services, engineers face a huge hurdle that is, the overwhelming need of highly reliable communication over long distances. Cooperative communication is a novel concept which tackles this problem effectively. The direct link is assisted by nodes called relays, which also reduce shadowing and pathloss effects in wireless networks. An added advantage of such a cooperative communication network is that when combined with multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna systems and cognitive radio networks (CRN), the system performance in terms of spectral efficiency and reliability, can be extremely enhanced without any extra power and spectrum.The concept of cooperative communications in MIMO and CRN systems has gained immense interest in the literature. Most of the research works have assumed Rayleigh fading conditions. In this thesis, the performance of cooperative communications with practical constraints of shadowing is studied. Analytical expressions for the outage probability of cooperative networks under different relaying protocols with selection combining are presented under the assumption of κ − µ shadowing fading. Specifically, the relaying protocols that are investigated are incremental relaying, opportunistic relaying, adaptive amplify-and-forward and decode-and-forward. Furthermore, this system model is simulated and the simulation results are compared with the analytical results. Mathematica, a technical computing tool, is used for numerical estimations using stochastic processes and probability theory. Simulation is done in MATLAB.In this thesis, along with the analytical framework for evaluating outage probability for the system is presented. Simulations are performed for various fading parameters and the results closely match with analytical results which validate the derivations.

A µ-Model Approach on the Cell Means: The Analysis of Full, Design Models with Non-Orthogonal Data

Van Koningsveld, Richard 01 May 1979 (has links)
This work considers the application of a µ-model approach on the cell means to a special yet important class of experimental designs. These include full factorial, completely nested, and mixed models with one or more observations per cell. By limiting attention to full models, an approach to the general data situation is developed which is both conceptually simple and computationally advantageous. Conceptually, the method is simple because the design related effects are defined as if the cell means are single observations. This leads to a rather simple algorithm for generating main effect contrasts, from which associated interaction contrasts can also be formed. While the sums of squares found from these contrasts are not additive with non-orthogonal data, they do lead to the class of design related hypotheses with the clearest interpretation in terms of the cells. The computational method is advantageous because the sum of squares for each source of variation is evaluated separately. This avoids the storage and inversion of a potentially large matrix associated with alternative methods, and allows the user to evaluate only those sources of interest. The methodology outlined in this work is programmed into a user-easy, interactive terminal version for the analysis of these n-factor design models.

Étude locale et expérimentale des phénomènes interfaciaux / Experimental study of interfacial phenomena

Dietrich, Nicolas 13 November 2008 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré à l'étude expérimentale des écoulements diphasiques et triphasiques d'inclusions (bulles, gouttes, sphères) en milieux tant newtoniens que non newtoniens à l'échelle microscopique et mésoscopique, en utilisant la visualisation par une caméra rapide, la vélocimétrie par images des particules (PIV) ainsi que la micro-vélocimétrie par images des particules. Des bulles et des gouttes ont été étudiées expérimentalement depuis leur formation, en passant par leur déformation jusqu'à leur coalescence. La formation de bulles dans des micro-mélangeurs a été étudiée et caractérisée par l'obtention de champs de vitesses. Différents paramètres, tels que le cisaillement, la géométrie de la zone de formation, les débits ou encore les propriétés physiques ont été testés afin de développer des lois d'échelles. La traversée d'une interface liquide-liquide par une inclusion a été abordée par des expériences originales, permettant de décrire la dynamique du phénomène, de définir des nombres adimensionnels et de mettre en évidence des instabilités interfaciales. L'effet Weissenberg a également été étudié aux différentes échelles afin de comprendre les phénomènes conduisant à son amplification. Enfin, en milieu viscoélastique et rhéofluidifiant, nous avons caractérisé l'écoulement autour d'une inclusion isolée solide par l'obtention de champs de vitesses. Ces résultats ont permis de confirmer l'origine viscoélastique du sillage négatif et de prédire ses caractéristiques / The present work was devoted to the experimental study of the multiphase flow around inclusions in both Newtonian and non-Newtonian media at respectively microscopic and mesoscopic scales, by means of the Particle Image Velocimetry (both PIV and µ-PIV) and fast camera visualization. Bubbles and drops were experimentally studied starting from their formation, the rising and up to their coalescence and fragmentation. Bubble formation in micro-mixers was also investigated and characterized by measuring the liquid velocity fields. Different parameters, such as the shear rate, the geometry of the micro-mixer, the flow rates or the physical properties were tested to develop correlations of power-law kind. The deformation of a liquid-liquid interface due to the passage of an inclusion was investigated by original experiments in order to observe and describe the dynamics of the phenomenon, to define the reliable dimensionless numbers and also to highlight several interfacial instabilities. The Weissenberg effect was also studied at different scales in various non-Newtonian fluids in comparison with Newtonian fluids to understand the amplification phenomena under the combining effects of instability and normal forces. Finally, the flow around an isolated solid inclusion was characterized by performing the measurements of velocity fields in viscoelastic and shear-thinning fluids. These results were used to confirm the viscoelastic origin of the negative wake behind the solid sphere and to model its characteristics


Huang, Wen-chun 02 August 2002 (has links)
IC Industry is the major industry of the country nowadays, and the channel management has been the main issues of internet era, especially after both China and Taiwan entry WTO. However, affected by the internal and external factors in recent years the industry manufacturers have moving to the Mainland China one after another and forming a new IC industry cluster there. In view of this, this research systematically analyzes and compares the current management situation and strategies of these cross-strait IC distribution channels. This research is assisted by the theory of management in a bid to explain the combination of their advantages of competition and management strategies.6 key findings are: (1) Home market China¡F(2)M&A¡BLogistic¡F(3) Going Global & be value added provider¡F(4)Broadness of Vision & follow customers¡F(5) Collaboration & Win¡F(6) Capitalizing stock market.Key Words: Integrated Circuit¡FLife Cycle¡FChannels¡FCollaboration¡FMerger & Acquisition¡FStrategic Alliance¡FStrategic Marketing¡FValue Chain.

Úloha míšních TRPV1 receptorů v nociceptivním přenosu a modulační účinky chemokinu CCL2 a agonistů µ-opioidního receptoru / The role of spinal TRPV1 receptors in nociceptive signalling and the modulatory effect of chemokine CCL2 and µ-opioid receptor agonists

Šulcová, Dominika January 2017 (has links)
The first nociceptive synapse in the spinal cord dorsal horn represents an important site, where nociceptive synaptic transmission can be modulated under pathological conditions. One of the modulatory mechanism involves activation of the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) that is expressed on central terminals of primary nociceptive neurons, where it regulates release of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. Previous studies suggested that changes in TRPV1 activity may be related to effects of chemokine CCL2 (C-C motif ligand 2) and may be also involved in synaptic transmission modulation after µ-opioid receptors (MOP-R) activation. Because CCL2 receptors CCR2 often co-localize with TRPV1 and MOP-R, the goal of this work was to studypossible interactions of these receptors on the pre-synaptic endings of primaryafferents in the spinal cord dorsal horn and their role in nociceptive signalling under pathological conditions. The presented thesis focused on the effect of CCL2 during peripheral neuropathy and its interference with µ-opioid receptor activation. To studysynaptic transmission at the spinal cord level, patch-clamp recordings of excitatory post-synaptic currents (EPSC) in superficial spinal cord dorsal horn neurons in acute lumbar spinal cord slices from rats was used....

Förebyggande av skavsår- Friktionsmätning som verktyg för förebyggande av skavsår

NORDSTRAND, NINA January 2014 (has links)
Studien syftar till att bidra med information till att kunna konstruera material för mer komfortabla löpartights som inte orsakar skavsår vid löpträning. Diskussion om problem med chafing (som är det engelska ordet för skavsår från kläder) och hur det bäst förebyggs på löparsidor på internet bekräftar att det är ett problem som löpare lider av. När textil gnids mot hud motverkas rörelsen av friktion vilket leder till mekanisk nötning, är friktionen tillräckligt stor och upprepad kan det leda till chafing. Fukt ansågs vara en huvudorsak till ökad friktion och vanliga rekommendationer för att förebygga chafing var att bära träningskläder av material med god fukttransport samt insmörjning med vaselin av känsliga områden innan löpturen. Av litteraturstudier bekräftades att fuktig textil eller hud ökar friktionen dramatiskt. Dock fanns inga studier där sambandet mellan vad som upplevs som friktionsreducerande och textilens friktionskoefficient (hädanefter µ) undersöks. Detta blev således det som undersöktes i denna studie. En egen testmetod utvecklades utifrån tidigare studier i ämnet och vad som ansågs lämpligast för syftet. µ mättes genom att med en dragprovare dra en ”släde”, beklädd med provmaterialet, över huden på underarmen, Kraften som krävdes för att motverka friktionskraften användes för att beräkna µ. Både statisk och dynamisk friktion ansågs relevant att undersöka för att besvara våra frågeställningar. Testresultaten visade både positiv och negativ korrelation mellan god fukttransport och ett lågt µ och inget samband kunde därför styrkas. Metoden som användes, bl.a. mängd fukt som applicerades, kan eventuellt vara en förklaring till resultaten. Testerna där vaselinets upplevda förebyggande effekt undersöktes gav ej resultat som kunde knyta denna effekt till ett lägre µ. Den dramatiska ökningen av µ mellan hud och fuktig textil inträffade ej mellan textil och textil. En hög friktion mellan hud och textil och liten friktion mellan textil och textil kan dock vara en fördel för tighta kläder då det motverkar rörelse och därmed hudirritation. För löst sittande kläder är det dock en fördel att ha liten friktion mellan hud och textil då textilens rörelse i kan förhindras. En förhoppning med arbetet var att tydliggöra vilken av de undersökta faktorerna som var mest effektiv för att förebygga chafing. Ingen tydlig korrelation mellan god fukttransport och friktionsbeteende kunde styrkas och ingen slutsats kunde därför dras av detta. Kunskap har dock tillförts den komplexa vetenskapen om det tribologiska beteendet mellan hud och textil, vilket var studiens syfte. / Program: Textilingenjörsutbildningen

Estudo dos parâmetros de conformabilidade para o processo de estampagem incremental

Fritzen, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o processo de Estampagem Incremental de Chapas, em Latão C-268 de diferentes espessuras (s0: 0.50, 0.70 e 1.00 mm), motivado pela inobservância de pesquisas desta matéria prima neste processo de conformação de chapas. Atualmente, este material tem grande aplicação na confecção de utensílios domésticos (baixelas, travessas, etc) e ferragens para construção civil (espelhos, cubas, etc), instrumentos musicais de sopro e núcleos de radiadores automotivos, tendo assim, um amplo campo de aplicação industrial, e potencial para as aplicações do processo de Estampagem Incremental de Chapas. A pesquisa está pautada na caracterização das matérias primas, para a obtenção de dados como as Curvas de Escoamento, Índices de Anisotropia (r), Curvas Limite de Conformação (CLC) e em experimentos de Estampagem Incremental de Chapas, realizados em uma máquina dedicada a este processo de conformação. Para a realização dos experimentos, foram utilizados Incrementos Verticais com diferentes valores (∆Z: 0.10, 0.50 e 1.00 mm), assim como duas ferramentas de estampagem (DT: Ø10 e Ø15 mm). Foram aplicadas duas formas geométricas diferentes: Tronco de Cone e Tronco de Pirâmide, ambos com perfil radial das paredes verticais. Ao todo, foram realizados 15 experimentos diferentes na modalidade SPIF. Os experimentos foram realizados em uma máquina dedicada ao processo, capaz da aquisição dos valores de Força (FX, FY e FZ) durante a realização dos testes. Com a realização dos experimentos SPIF, foi possível a elaboração da Linha Limite de Fratura – LFC da chapa latão C-268 nas três espessuras investigadas, onde os resultados apontam para valores maiores de deformação verdadeira (1 vs 2), quando comparados aos valores da CLC. Adicionalmente, a LFC das três espessuras de chapas analisadas, apontam os valores das maiores deformações verdadeiras (1) muito próximos, evidenciando neste caso que a diminuição do Incremento Vertical (∆Z) é mais relevante para a estampagem do que o aumento da espessura da chapa. As geometrias Tronco de Cone e Tronco de Pirâmide apresentaram discrepâncias geométricas toleráveis em relação ao perfil projetado, mas diferentes entre si, influenciados pelo retorno elástico diferente de cada geometria. Entretanto, suas fraturas apresentaram o mesmo comportamento, propagação no sentido meridional. Os experimentos SPIF realizados com a ferramenta de estampagem com Ø10mm proporcionaram as maiores profundidades. A medição da espessura final (s1) próximas as regiões fraturadas, comprovou os valores medidos não ultrapassaram os respectivos valores resultantes da expressão matemática Lei do Seno, e ainda, que quanto menor a espessura inicial (s0) da chapa, menor a variação dos valores medidos e calculados. A análise das Forças (FX, FY e FZ) resultantes do processo SPIF mostram que quanto maior o Incremento Vertical (∆Z), maior a espessura inicial (s0) da chapa, e maior do diâmetro (DT) da ferramenta de estampagem, maiores serão as Forças necessárias no SPIF. Adicionalmente, foi possível determinar os valores de Atrito (µ), obtidos em função das Forças (FX, FY e FZ) do processo SPIF. / This paper presents a study of the Incremental Sheet Forming process, in Brass C-268 of different thicknesses (s0: 0.50, 0.70 and 1.00 mm), motivated by non-observance of research of this raw material in this sheet forming process. Currently, this material has great application in the manufacture of household items (plates, platters, etc.) and hardware for building (locks, vats, etc.), wind musical instruments and automotive radiator cores, having thus, a large industrial application field, and potential for the applications of the Incremental Sheet Forming process. The research is based on the characterization of raw materials, to obtain data such as Flow Curves, Anisotropy Indices (r), Forming Limit Curve and in Incremental Sheet Forming experiments, performed on a machine dedicated to this forming process. For the realization of the experiments, Vertical Increments with different values were used (∆Z: 0.10, 0.50 e 1.00 mm), As well as two forming tools (DT: Ø10 e Ø15 mm). Two different geometric forms were applied: Cone Frustum and Pyramid Frustum, both with radial profile of vertical walls. In all, 15 different SPIF experiments were performed. The experiments were carried out in a machine dedicated to the process, able to acquire the values of Force (FX, FY e FZ) during the tests. With the realization of SPIF experiments, it was possible to elaborate the Fracture Forming Line – FFL of Brass C-268 sheet, In the three thicknesses investigated, Where the results indicate higher values of true strain (1 vs 2), when compared to the FLC values. Additionally, the FFL of the three sheet thicknesses analyzed, indicate the values of the highest true deformations (1) very close, evidencing in this case, that the decrease of Vertical Increment (∆Z) is more relevant for the forming than the increase in sheet thickness. The Cone Frustum and Pyramid Frustum geometries presented tolerable geometric discrepancies in relation to the projected profile, more different from each other, influenced by different springback of each geometry. However, their fractures presented the same behavior, meridional direction propagation. The SPIF experiments performed with the forming tool with Ø10mm provided the greatest depths. The final thickness (s1) measurement near the fractured regions, proved the measured values did not exceed the respective values resulting from the mathematical expression Sine Law, and also, that the lower the initial thickness (s0) of sheet, lower the variation of the measured and calculated values. Analysis of Forces (FX, FY e FZ) resulting from the SPIF process, show that the larger the Vertical Increment (∆Z), larger the initial thickness (s0) of the sheet, and larger diameter (DT) of the forming tool, larger will be the necessary forces in SPIF. In addition, it was possible to determine the values of Friction (µ), obtained in function of the SPIF Forces (FX, FY e FZ).

Étude locale et expérimentale des Phénomènes interfaciaux

Dietrich, Nicolas 13 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail est consacré à l'étude expérimentale des écoulements diphasiques et triphasiques d'inclusions (bulles, gouttes, sphères) en milieux tant newtoniens que non newtoniens à l'échelle microscopique et mésoscopique, en utilisant la visualisation par une caméra rapide, la vélocimétrie par images des particules (PIV) ainsi que la micro-vélocimétrie par images des particules.<br /><br />Des bulles et des gouttes ont été étudiées expérimentalement depuis leur formation, en passant par leur déformation jusqu'à leur coalescence. La formation de bulles dans des micro-mélangeurs a été étudiée et caractérisée par l'obtention de champs de vitesses. Différents paramètres, tels que le cisaillement, la géométrie de la zone de formation, les débits ou encore les propriétés physiques ont été testés afin de développer des lois d'échelles. <br /><br />La traversée d'une interface liquide-liquide par une inclusion a été abordée par des expériences originales, permettant de décrire la dynamique du phénomène, de définir des nombres adimensionnels et de mettre en évidence des instabilités interfaciales. L'effet Weissenberg a également été étudié aux différentes échelles afin de comprendre les phénomènes conduisant à son amplification.<br /> <br />Enfin, en milieu viscoélastique et rhéofluidifiant, nous avons caractérisé l'écoulement autour d'une inclusion isolée solide par l'obtention de champs de vitesses. Ces résultats ont permis de confirmer l'origine viscoélastique du sillage négatif et de prédire ses caractéristiques.

The influence of opioids on gastric function : experimental and clinical studies

Walldén, Jakob January 2008 (has links)
Efter operation och anestesi får patienter ofta en negativ påverkan på magsäck och tarmar. Illamående och kräkningar är ett stort problem och många har svårt att komma igång med intag av föda och normal tarmfunktion då magsäcken och tarmarna ”står stilla”. Flera faktorer bidrar- bl.a. smärtan, det kirurgiska traumat och de läkemedel vi ger i samband med anestesin. Av de senare är opioider, d.v.s morfin och morfinliknande läkemedel, starkt bidragande. I detta avhandlings- arbete har opioiders effekter på magsäckens motilitet studerats. Med ett absorptionstest (paracetamolmetoden) studerades hos frivilliga hur opioiden remifentanil påverkar magsäckstömning och om kroppspositionen har betydelse för tömningshastigheten ut i tarmen. Remifentanil fördröjde magsäcks-tömningen och under pågående opioid behandling hade kroppspositionen ingen större betydelse, vilket det däremot hade under kontrollförsöken. Med samma metod jämförde vi hos patienter två anestesimetoder och studerade magsäcks-tömning direkt efter en operation. Ingen skillnad kunde påvisas mellan en opioidbaserad och en opioidfri anestesi, men inom respektive grupp var det en stor variation i magsäckstömning mellan individerna. Med en barostat studerades tonus i övre delen av magsäcken. Hos hälften av de frivilliga orsakade remifentanil en ökning av tonus och hos den andra hälften en minskning av tonus. Vidare undersöktes hos en grupp patienter opioiden fentanyls påverkan på den elektriska aktiviteten i magsäcken. Med en elekroga-strograf (EGG) registrerades de långsamma elektriska vågor som koordinerar muskelrörelserna i magsäcken. Hos hälften av de undersökta påverkades aktiviteten av fentanyl med en sänkt vågfrekvens eller upphörande av vågor, medan aktiviteten var opåverkad hos den övriga hälften. För att finna en förklaring till variationen gjordes genetiska analyser av genen för opioidreceptorn hos de undersökta i barostat och EGG studierna. Variationer i genomet, s.k. polymorfism, var inte associerad till utfallen i studierna. Studierna har visat på att opioider har en uttalad effekt på magsäckens motilitet och att den varierar kraftigt mellan individer. Polymorfism i genen för opioid- receptorn förklarade inte skillnaden mellan individer. Direkt efter operation bidrar sannolikt andra faktorer än anestesimetod till det variabla utfallet i magsäckstömning. / After anesthesia and/or surgical procedures, gastrointestinal motility is commonly impaired. The causes are multifactorial, with surgical trauma, pain and perioperative drugs playing a major role. This thesis explores opioid effects on gastric motility in healthy volunteers and patients undergoing surgery. Gastric emptying was studied by an absorption test (paracetamol method), and in healthy volunteers a remifentanil infusion delayed gastric emptying. Body position altered emptying during the control situations, but not during the remifentanil infusion. Further, two anesthetic methods were compared and no differences were found in immediate postoperative gastric emptying between a remifentanil/propofol based intravenous anesthesia and an opioid free inhalational anesthesia, although the interindividual variability was high. Proximal gastric tone was studied using a gastric barostat. An infusion of remifentanil caused two patterns of reaction regarding gastric tone, with half of the subjects increasing and half decreasing in gastric tone. Gastric myoelectrical activity was evaluated with electrogastrography (EGG), and a bolus dose of fentanyl caused a decrease in frequency of the gastric slow waves or disrupted this activity. However, the activity was unaffected in half of the investigated subjects. Analysis of polymorphisms (A118G and G691C) in the µ-opioid receptor gene was performed to find an explanation for the great interindividual variations seen in the barostat and EGG studies, but no association could be found. These studies have shown that opioids have pronounced effects on gastric motility with variable individual responses that are difficult to predict. Polymorphisms in the µ-opioid receptor gene could not explain the variations. Postoperatively, other factors might contribute more than opioids to the impairment in gastric motility. / ISSN 1652-4063

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