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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How to commit to an individual : logic, objects and ontology

Janssen, F. M. January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis I propose an improved theory of ontological commitment, one which is neutral on epistemology. Although Quine's quantificational criterion of ontological commitment has many advantages over its competitors, like its univocal treatment of being and existence, its clear account of ontological reduction and its capacity to accommodate implicit commitments, I argue that it has a fatal flaw: the inability to account for ontological commitment to individuals. Quine's choice of a first-order language of regimentation without constants is so entwined with his holist epistemology that imputations of existence cannot be made except to objects-qua-F, qua some wholly third-personal description. Commitments of those who believe that minds reach out directly to objects by means of acquaintance or introspection, encoded in language by constants, are ungrammatical in Quine's language. This breakdown of grammaticality, on my view, is an avoidable result of Quine's behaviourism and holist epistemology filtering into his choice of canonical language. I opt for a broader conception of ontological commitments as incurred by formalised theories with one or more semantic categories of categorematic objectual expressions, whose function is to stand for objects. I expand the language of regimentation at least to first-order logic with constants and identity. This preserves the attractive features of Quine's position. It retains its elegant treatment of reduction and implicit ontological commitments, and its capacity to explain away Meinongian confusions, without being beholden to global holism. My canonical language makes room for acquaintance and first-personal methods as sources of ontological commitment. It has the advantage of allowing theories like Quine's, which confine themselves to objects-qua-F, to be regimented as well as non-holist theories whose criteria of ontological commitment are 'to be is to be the referent of a name' or 'to be is to be the value of a constant or variable'.


Mendes, M. 04 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Depuis quelques années, le protactinium suscite un regain d'intérêt en raison de l'implication de cet élément dans les réacteurs à combustible thorium, qui font partie des scénarios envisagés pour répondre aux besoins énergétiques du futur. Dans ce travail, le comportement du protactinium(V) en solution aqueuse acide a été étudié en présence de deux ligands organiques : l'acide oxalique et le DTPA. L'étude a été conduite selon une double approche : structurale, à l'aide des techniques de Spectroscopie d'Absorption des rayons X (SAX) et d'Electrophorèse Capillaire (EC-ICP-MS), complétée par des calculs de type DFT, et thermodynamique par la technique d'extraction par solvant. Le protactinium forme avec l'acide oxalique un complexe limite d'ordre 3 dans lequel la présence de la liaison courte mono-oxo a été mise en évidence grâce à l'analyse des spectres XANES et EXAFS. La charge (–3) de ce complexe a pu être déduite de mesures d'électrophorèse capillaire couplée ICP-MS. La structure optimisée de l'entité [PaO(C2O4)3] se caractérise par une coordination bidentate des trois oxalates, dont deux se situent dans le plan “équatorial” de la liaison Pa=O. Les constantes de formation des différents complexes successifs conduisant à PaO(C2O4)33– ont été déterminées à partir de l'analyse des variations du coefficient de partage D de Pa(V) en fonction de la concentration de ligand, dans le système TTA/toluène/H2O/NaClO4/HClO4/H2C2O4 à différentes températures pour une force ionique de 3 M. L'influence de la température a révélé une forte contribution entropique (excepté lors de la formation de PaO(C2O4)2–). La variation enthalpique relative aux équilibres successifs, accompagnant la formation des complexes est favorable pour les deux premiers complexes mais légèrement défavorable pour la formation du complexe limite. Avec le DTPA, les expériences d'électrophorèse capillaire ont clairement montré la formation d'un complexe neutre ; d'après les expériences d'extraction par solvant, il s'agit d'un complexe (1:1), pouvant donc correspondre à la formulation Pa(DTPA). L'arrangement le plus stable, issu de calculs de type DFT, montre que la coordination du protactinium est assurée par l'ensemble des atomes donneurs de la molécule de DTPA : les 3 atomes d'azote et les 5 atomes d'oxygène de chacune des fonctions carboxyliques. La constante de stabilité βapp de ce complexe a été déterminée pour différentes valeurs de force ionique et de température. La température s'est révélée sans influence sur les constantes de complexation entrainant l'hypothèse d'une variation enthalpique nulle et donc de la formation de Pa(DTPA) gouvernée par l'entropie.

The physiological roles of the vacuolar proton-pumping pyrophosphatase

Darley, Catherine P. January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Modelling conflict of objectives in responding to some of the changes in the common agricultural policy : the case of irrigated agriculture in Andalusia, Spain

Arriaza, Manuel January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

The structure and properties of high purity Ni-Cr-Mo-V steels

Kearney, Martin G. January 1989 (has links)
No description available.

The seafarer, piracy and the law : a human rights approach

Widd, Peter G. January 2008 (has links)
Piracy at sea has existed almost since voyaging began and has been effectively subdued from time to time, principally by the Roman Imperial Navy in the 1st C and the British Navy in the 19th C. Over the past twenty five years piracy has once again been increasing such that it has now become of serious concern to the maritime community, in particular the seafarer, who as always bears the brunt of these attacks. In parallel with piracy itself the laws of piracy have developed from the Rhodian Laws through Roman Law, post Treaty of Westphalia Law both British and American until today the Law of Piracy is embodied in the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) of 1982. Under this Law piracy can only be committed on the high seas and with UNCLOS increasing the limit of the territorial sea from 3m1. to 12ml. many of the attacks upon shipping today cannot, legally, be classed as piracy but as armed robbery. Piracy and armed robbery at sea can consist of one or more of the following crimes upon the person: murder, violence actual or implied, rape, torture and disappearance and are considered a violation of the seafarers' human rights. The incidents and court cases cited in the thesis provide the basic information and evidence for this. On the high seas the flag state has jurisdiction over the ship flying its flag and all on board whatever their nationality. In the territorial sea the coastal state has jurisdiction over the safe passage of a ship and is responsible for maintaining order. Many of the states in whose territorial sea these attacks take place are considered failing states unable to maintain order at sea due to lack of political will, resources and corruption. These are matters of law, international relations and the structure of a globalised maritime industry. In effect this thesis argues that the flag or coastal State is failing by omission to uphold the human rights of the seafarer over whom it has jurisdiction. The seafarer may be able in one of the Human Rights Courts to obtain redress from these States but there are many prerequisites which are addressed in detail.

Das RpoS-Protein aus Vibrio cholerae : Funktionsanalyse und Charakterisierung der Proteolyse-Kaskade / The RpoS protein of Vibrio cholerae : Functional analysis and characterization of the proteolysis cascade

Halscheidt, Anja January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde zunächst die Konservierung bekannter RpoS-assoziierter Funktionen für das V. cholerae Homolog untersucht. Dabei ergab die phänotypische Analyse der rpoS-Deletionsmutante, dass analog zu der Bedeutung als Regulator des Stationärphasen-Wachstums in E. coli, definierte Zelldichte-abhängige Eigenschaften in V. cholerae gleichermaßen der Kontrolle von RpoS unterliegen. In weiterführenden Experimenten konnte daraufhin die Konservierung der entsprechenden Promotorstrukturen über die funktionelle Komplementierung rpoS-abhängiger Gene durch das jeweils speziesfremde Protein aufgedeckt werden. Dahingegen konnte die Bedeutung von RpoS bei der Ausprägung der generellen Stress-Resistenz u. a. in E. coli für das V. cholerae Homolog über den gewählten experimentellen Ansatz nicht belegt werden. So wurden in Survival-Assays für keine der getesteten Stress-Bedingungen signifikante Unterschiede zwischen rpoS-Mutante und Wildtyp ermittelt. Die in E. coli gezeigte intrazelluläre Anreicherung des Sigmafaktors unter diversen Stress-Situationen konnte ebenfalls nicht nachgewiesen werden. Hinsichtlich der potentiellen Stellung von RpoS als globaler Regulator für Virulenz-assoziierte Gene, unterstützen und ergänzen die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit die gegenwärtige Theorie, wonach RpoS das Ablösen der V. cholerae Zellen vom Darm-Epithel fördert. Die postulierte Bedeutung des alternativen Sigmafaktors in der letzten Phase der Pathogenese wurde über die RpoS-abhängige Sekretion der Mukin-degradierenden Protease HapA und die hier unabhängig nachgewiesene Transkriptionskontrolle von Chemotaxis-Genen bestätigt. In E. coli gilt als entscheidender Parameter für die dargelegten RpoS-Funktionen die intrazelluläre Konzentration des Masterregulators. Deshalb war ein weiteres zentrales Thema dieser Arbeit die Regulation des RpoS-Levels in V. cholerae. Neben der Identifizierung von Bedingungen, welche die RpoS-Expression beeinflussen, wurde vorrangig der Mechanismus der Proteolyse analysiert. Dabei wurden als RpoS-degradierende Komponenten in V. cholerae die Homologe des Proteolyse-Targetingfaktors RssB und des Protease-Komplexes ClpXP identifiziert. Die weitere Untersuchung der RpoS-Proteolyse ergab außerdem, dass bestimmte Stress-Signale den Abbau stark verzögern. Interessanterweise resultierten die gleichen Signale jedoch nicht in der Akkumulation von RpoS. Als weiterer Unterschied zu der bekannten Proteolysekaskade in E. coli zeigte sich, dass das V. cholerae Homolog der RssB-aktivierenden Kinase ArcB (FexB) an der RpoS-Proteolyse nicht beteiligt ist. Indessen deuten die Ergebnisse weiterführender Experimente auf den Einfluss der Kinasen CheA-1 und CheA-3 des V. cholerae Chemotaxis-Systems auf die RpoS-Degradation. Aus diesem Grund wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit ein zu E. coli abweichendes Modell der RpoS-Proteolyse postuliert, in welchem die aktiven CheA-Kinasen den Targetingfaktor RssB phosphorylieren und somit den Abbau einleiten. Die Beteiligung von MCP-Rezeptoren an der Kontrolle der intrazellulären RpoS-Konzentration und damit an der Transkription der Chemotaxisgene selbst, beschreibt erstmalig ein Regulationssystem, wonach innerhalb der Chemotaxis-Kaskade die Rezeptoraktivität wahrscheinlich über einen positiven „Feedback-Loop“ mit der eigenen Gen-Expression gekoppelt ist. Darüber hinaus deutete sich die Beteiligung der ATP-abhängigen Protease Lon an der RpoS-Proteolyse-Kaskade in V. cholerae an. Die Inaktivierung der in E. coli unter Hitzeschock-Bedingungen induzierten Protease resultierte in einem extrem beschleunigten RpoS-Abbau. Ein letztes Teilprojekt dieser Arbeit adressierte die Regulationsmechanismen der V. cholerae Osmostress-Adaptation. Während in E. coli der alternative Sigmafaktor dabei eine zentrale Rolle spielt, konnte die Beteiligung des V. cholerae RpoS an der Osmostress-Regulation jedoch nicht aufgedeckt werden. Dafür ergab die Funktionsanalyse eines neu definierten Osmostress-Sensors (OsmRK) die Kontrolle von ompU durch dieses Zwei-Komponentensystems unter hypertonen Bedingungen. Dieses Ergebnis überraschte, da bislang nur der Virulenzfaktor ToxR als Regulator für das Außenmembranporin beschrieben wurde. Die nachgewiesene ompU-Transkriptionskontrolle durch zwei Regulatoren führte zu der Hypothese eines unbekannten regulativen Netzwerkes, welchem mindestens 52 weitere Gene zugeordnet werden konnten. Insgesamt ist festzuhalten, dass die in dieser Arbeit durchgeführte molekulare Charakterisierung der RpoS-Proteolyse in V. cholerae Beweise für eine mögliche Verbindung zwischen der Transkriptionskontrolle für Motilitäts- und Chemotaxisgene mit der Chemotaxis-Reizwahrnehmung erbrachte. Eine derartige intermolekulare Verknüpfung wurde bislang für keinen anderen Organismus beschrieben und stellt somit eine neue Variante der Signaltransduktion innerhalb der Virulenz-assoziierten Genregulation dar. / In the present work conserved function of RpoS in E. coli was approached for its homolog in V. cholerae. Comprehensive phenotypical analysis of rpoS-mutant and wildtype revealed the involvement of RpoS in growth-phase-dependent processes, according to RpoS-function as stationary phase regulator in E. coli. In further experiments the conservation of RpoS-promoters in both species could be shown. To the contrary, the well-known function of E. coli RpoS as general stress-regulator could not be demonstrate for V. cholerae: By testing several stress conditions in survival assays, no significant differences were determined between rpoS mutant and wildtype. Additionally, the intracellular mode of RpoS accumulation in E. coli due to different stress conditions was also not observed in V. cholerae. Regarding the putative role of RpoS as a regulator for virulence-associated genes, the inhere described data support and complement the current theory of RpoS being involved in mucosal detachment of V. cholerae cells. In E. coli the intracellular concentration of RpoS is a decisive parameter for its described function. So far the homologs of the proteolysis targeting factor RssB and the ATP-depending terminal protease complex ClpXP were identified to be involved in V. cholerae RpoS-proteolysis. Further characterization also unravelled, that various stress signals slow down that degradation. But such conditions did not yield in the RpoS accumulation. Based on these differences to the E. coli dynamics of RpoS-degradation additional investigations were performed to gain more insights into the regulatory path of RpoS degradation in V. cholerae. In E. coli the ArcB kinase ist the sensor kinase for regulating the activity of RssB. In this study fexB was identified as arcB homolog in V. cholerae. But by monitoring the RpoS stability in the corresponding knock-out mutant no effect could be observed. Therefore the ArcB-system is not influencing RpoS stability in V. cholerae. Knowing, that RpoS is a major regulator for motility and chemotaxis in V. cholerae, it was investigated next whether other signal-kinases are involved in RpoS proteolysis. Thereby, the known chemotaxis kinases were tested. Knockout mutants of cheAs and subsequent analysis of RpoS half-life revealed, that cheA-1 and cheA-3 did alter RpoS proteolysis to slow down the degradation, whereas cheA-2 mutant did not. Therefore, it can be postulated, that a different mode of RpoS-proteolysis is operating in V. cholerae in which active CheA-1 and CheA-3 may be responsible for RssB phosphorylation, hence leading to RpoS degradation. That kind of interaction may also include the output signalling of the MCP-receptors regulating CheA kinase activity. Since the cheA genes are also under transcriptional control by RpoS a new regulation system can be postulated, where MCP signal output links transcriptional regulation of motility and chemotaxis via RpoS stability in a “positive feedback loop”. Additionally, data are presented, where the ATP depending protease Lon is also involved in RpoS proteolysis in an inverted manner. Lon, which in E. coli is a heat shock induced protease, seems to recognize and degrade substrates in V. cholerae operating in RpoS degradation in the RssB-depending branch. That phenotype was observed as an accelerated RpoS degradation in a lon background. Finally, the complex regulatory pathway of osmo-regulation was characterized. In E. coli RpoS plays a central role. However, in V. cholerae RpoS could not be identified to participate in osmo-regulation, instead a new defined osmostress-sensor (OsmRK) was characterized. In first analysis, it was found that osmRK knockout mutants showed a deregulated ompU expression under hyperosmotic conditions. Considering, that so far only the well known virulence regulator ToxR was identified to act on the ompU promoter, a novel regulatory network was suggested, which regulates at least further 52 genes. In summary, the components of RpoS proteolysis in V. cholerae were unravelled and characterized. Additionally, evidence could be gathered, which indicates a linkage between transcriptional control of motility and chemotaxis genes and the chemotaxis-signalling pathway. So far, such an regulatory pathway has not been described before and would represent a novel branch of signal transduction in bacteria.

論瑰英(W.V. Quine)的邏輯哲學: 評瑰英對約定主義的批評. / Lun Guiying (W.V. Quine) de luo ji zhe xue: ping Guiying dui yue ding zhu yi de pi ping.

January 1983 (has links)
容保衡. / 複印手稿本. / Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學硏究院哲學部. / Fu yin shou gao ben. / Includes bibliographical references. / Rong Baoheng. / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue yan jiu yuan zhe xue bu. / 序言 --- p.i-iii / Chapter 第一章: --- 導論 --- p.1-9 / Chapter 第二章: --- 意義與命題 --- p.10-35 / Chapter 第三章: --- 邏輯文法 --- p.36-71 / Chapter 第四章: --- 邏輯真理 --- p.72-103 / Chapter 第五章: --- 從標準邏輯到異制邏輯 --- p.134-147 / Chapter 第六章: --- 結論´ؤ評瑰英對約定主義者的批評 --- p.148-174 / 註釋 --- p.175-191 / 書目選錄

Fluid dynamics of underwater explosions

Ogilvy, Iver January 2010 (has links)
The detonation of an explosive in water leads to a complex set of chemical and physical phenomena. When the detonation wave reaches the surface of the explosive it reacts violently with the water, producing a shock wave propagating outwards and also a nearly spherical gaseous bubble of detonation products. The fact that the characteristic time scales of these two phenomena differ by approximately two orders of magnitude has often been exploited by utilising independent models to describe the shock and the bubble. In this thesis both the shock and the bubble are examined using a range of methods from a differential equation solver approach through to full hydrocode simulation. With the increasing use of the hydrocode approach for the underwater explosion (UNDEX) problem and the subsequent loading of a structure, then a verification and validation process is required to ensure its accuracy. In this study the capability of the hydrocode to model the shock and the bubble and also their interaction with a rigid structure and with a flexible structure, has been assessed. This has been done computationally, by using faster running purpose built codes, and also by comparison with experimental data. A familiarisation work-up of the boundary integral code for the incompressible bubble flow, which included incorporating modifications into the code in order to investigate the pathlines swept out by the particles in the fluid during the expansion and collapse of the bubble. The boundary integral code was also used to provide a comparison with the Kelvin impulse method with respect to the computation of the zones of explosion bubble collapse direction in a shallow water environment. The validation and verification work carried out and the comparisons of the various computational approaches, make this multifaceted study a useful reference for research workers in the field of UNDEX phenomena.

The use of psychometric and other assessment centre measures in predicting performance on a naval command course

Beadle, Ian William January 2011 (has links)
The Admiralty Interview Board (AIB) is the Royal Navy‘s assessment centre whose role is to select young people for officer training. The two aims of the study were (1) to investigate the relative value of psychometric versus other assessment centre selection measures and (2) the value of these and other approaches for selecting naval commanding officers for practitioners. The AIB selection data was used to investigate the long-term prediction of some of the selection measures, particularly the psychometric tests, in predicting the outcome for students attending the Submarine Command Course. Few pieces of research have looked at the long-term prediction of a real command situation. This research examines the prediction of a practical naval command situation where the student has to make rapid decisions under pressure and where failure to make the correct decision could be costly. A literature review showed that whilst cognitive tests, personality inventories and other assessment measures can predict job performance and training successes, the meta-analytical techniques used to pool research studies have produced inconsistent findings that could confuse practitioners. The students attended the command course, on average, thirteen years after the initial AIB selection process. Selection scores were available for 93 students, 57 of whom also completed a 'Big-Five' personality inventory and an Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI) at the start of the 24-week course. The average age of the students starting the course was 32. The students were assessed throughout the course and were graded as pass or fail. They were also given an A to F Course Grade. In addition, 88 students were graded on twenty aspects of performance covering eight tactical grades, three administrative grades and nine personality grades. The results showed that the means of the pass and fail groups on the AIB Non-verbal test were statistically significantly different with a moderate effect size. The correlation for this relationship (with the A to F Course Grade) was 0.20. The Non-verbal test score also correlated with the course instructor‘s grades on tactical performance at 0.30 and the Verbal test correlated 0.23 with the administration grades. None of the other AIB selection measures showed significant results. While this is a disappointing result, the students were a very homogeneous group and to obtain these findings for the Non-verbal and Verbal test after thirteen years shows the predictive power of these tests. Although the findings may be of theoretical interest the low correlations mean that not much variance in performance is explained. The tests would not be a useful screening device to reduce the failure rate on the course because there would be too much misclassification. None of the Big Five personality scales predicted success on the course or the other course grades but statistically significant differences were found for the means of two the OSI scales: these were for 'Ambition' and a Type A Behaviour measure. Ambition was the only scale which correlated significantly with the A to F Course Grade at 0.43. Ambition was also found to correlate with the total score for the twenty performance grades, the tactical grades and the personality grades and several individual performance grades including Practical Ability, Leadership and Command Presence with correlations approaching 0.4. Further research on this aspect of behaviour may be worthwhile. However, there are lessons to be learned. The literature review shows that practitioners need to scrutinize journal articles and book chapters on the validity of selection measures extremely carefully. It may be that measures which have been shown to predict the performance of junior staff are inappropriate for the selection of more senior staff with similar job experience.

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