Spelling suggestions: "subject:"economie monétaire"" "subject:"conomie monétaire""
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Essais en économie monétaireEntekhabi, Niloufar January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse est composée de trois essais sur l'économie monétaire à l'intérieur du modèle d'équilibre général. Chacun traite d'un problème auquel les banques centrales font souvent face: l'incertitude, l'inflation, et les régimes de taux de change. Le premier essai examine l'interdépendance des économies canadienne et américaine afin de dégager une analyse des politiques économiques conjoncturelles. Le modèle structurel vectoriel des corrections d'erreurs appliqué aux données de l'après-guerre confirme la présence de quatre relations de long terme entre ces deux économies i) la parité du pouvoir d'achat, ii) la dépendance technologique, iii) la parité des taux d'intérêts, et iv) l'accumulation nette d'actifs étrangers au Canada. Quatre tendances communes sont également identifiées entre les deux économies: i) technologique. (ii) de taux d'intérêt. (iii) de prix. et iv) de relation de taux de change. Les résultats suggèrent que l'appréciation du taux de change est conforme à la baisse des actifs au Canada, que les cycles des États-Unis et du Canada sont corrélés, que les chocs monétaires ont des effets de court terme sur les productions et des effets permanents sur les niveaux de prix et de taux de change dans les deux pays. et que la croissance de long terme des deux pays découle de l'innovation technologique. Il en résulte que toute politique monétaire expansionniste dans ces deux pays doit être gérée avec prudence car elle pourrait mener à de l'inflation. Le second essai dérive le taux d'inflation optimal des prix en ajoutant un élément de croissance de long terme non nulle à un modèle néo-keynesien avec rigidité de prix et de salaire. Les résultats raniment le vieux paradigme d'économie monétaire associé à Friedman (1969) : une politique légèrement déflationniste est optimale. Néanmoins, ce résultat n'est pas dû à l'aspect monétaire du modèle, mais plutôt à un aspect réel de la croissance économique. En effet, dans cet environment, le taux d'inflation optimal équilibre les distorsions à l'état stationnaire. Ces distortions se résument ainsi: la dispersion des prix, la dispersion des salaires, et les marges ajoutées des prix et des salaires dûes aux concurrences monopolistiques dans les marchés de biens et du travail sur les coûts marginaux. Le gain de bien-étre du fait de passer d'une inflation zéro à l'inflation optimale est de 0.1% de la consommation à l'état stationnaire. En outre le coût de l'inflation dans cet environnement avec croissance s'avère plus élevé car la croissance économique crée un écart entre l'inflation de prix et de salaire. Dans une version stochastique du modèle, la moyenne de l'inflation est affectée par les chocs. Il en résulte qu'une politique monétaire qui ajuste le taux d'intérêt nominal seln une règle de Taylor pour ateindre l'objectif de cible d'inflation devrait viser le taux de déflation des prix.afin de stabiliser le taux d'inflation salarial très proche de zéro. Le troisième essai traite de la question du régime de change optimal pour les économies émergentes. Les résultats sont dérivés à partir d'un modèle d'économie de dotation et ouverte, des prix flexibles et des rigidités réelles en termes d'accès aux marchés financiers. Les simulations du modèle montrent que ceux exclus des marchés préfèrent à la marge un régime de taux de change flexible. Dans cet environemment, un régime fixe augmente le bien-être social de tout le monde. Le coût de bien-être d'un régime de change non-optimal dans cet environnement est élevé, et notamment plus élevé pour les participants aux marchés. Un régime de taux de change flexible aboutit à une amélioration au sens de Pareto si les parts des participants aux marchés deviennent très faible. Ces résultats ont des implications importantes en matière de politiques économiques dans les marchés émergents. Une politique monétaire optimale, afin d'augmenter le niveau moyen de bien-être social, doit porter ses efforts sur l'augmentation de la consommation du groupe d'agents exclus des marchés financiers, bien que cette politique soit distortionnaire. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Modèle vectoriel à correction d'erreur, Identification, Chocs structurels, Tendances communes, Inflation des prix, Croissance, Contrats échelonnés, Évaluation de bien être, Politique monétaire, Cibles d'inflation, Régimes de taux de change.
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Essays in Financial EconomicsKoulischer, Francois 24 March 2016 (has links)
The financial crisis that started in 2007 has seen central banks play an unprecedented role both to ensure financial stability and to support economic activity. While the importance of the central bank in ensuring financial stability is well known (see e.g. Padoa-Schioppa (2014)), the unprecedented nature of the financial crisis led central banks to resort to new instruments for which the literature offered little guidance. This thesis aims to bridge this gap, using both theory and data to better understand one of the main instruments used by central banks: collateralized loans. The general contribution of the thesis is thus both retrospective and forward looking. On a retrospective point of view, it helps understanding the actions of the central bank during the crisis and the mechanisms involved. Looking forward, a better understanding of the tools used during the crisis allows to better inform future policies.The first chapter starts from the observation that the literature, starting with Bagehot (1873), has generally assumed that the central bank should lend against high quality collateral. However in the 2007-2013 crisis central banks lent mostly against low quality collateral. In this chapter, we explore when it is efficient for the central bank to relax its collateral policy. In our model, a commercial bank funds projects in the real economy by borrowing against collateral from the interbank market or the central bank. While collateral prevents the bank from shirking (in the spirit of Holmstrom and Tirole (2011)), it is costly to use as its value is lower for investors and the central bank than for the bank. We find that when the bank has high levels of available collateral, it borrows in the interbank market against low collateral requirements so that the collateral policy of the central bank has no impact on banks' borrowing. However, when the amount of available collateral falls below a threshold, the lack of collateral prevents borrowing. In this case, the collateral policy of the central bank can affect lending, and it can therefore be optimal for the central bank to relax its collateral requirements to avoid the credit crunch.The second chapter focuses on collateralized loans in the context of the euro area. According to the literature on optimum currency area, one of the main drawbacks of currency unions is the inability for the central bank to accommodate asymmetric shocks with its interest rate policy. Suppose that there are 2 countries in an economy and one suffers a negative shock while the other has a positive shock. Theory would suggest an accommodative policy - low interest rates - in the first country and a restrictive policy - high interest rates - in the second one. This is however impossible in a currency union because the interest rate must be the same for both countries (Mundell 1961, McKinnon 1963, de Grauwe 2012). In this chapter I show that collateral policy can accommodate asymmetric shocks. I extend the model of collateralized lending of the first chapter to two banks A and B and two collateral types 1 and 2 .I also introduce a central bank deposit facility which allows the interest rate instrument to be compared with the collateral policy instrument in the context of a currency area hit by asymmetric shocks. Macroeconomic shocks impact the investment opportunities available to banks and the value of their collateral and the central bank seeks to steer economy rates towards a target level. I show that when banks have different collateral portfolios (as in a monetary union where banks invest in the local economy), an asymmetric shock on the quality and value of their collateral can increase interest rates in the country hit by the negative shock while keeping them unchanged in the country with a positive shock.The third chapter provides an empirical illustration of this “collateral channel” of open market operations. We use data on assets pledged by banks to the ECB from 2009 to 2011 to quantify the “collateral substitution / smoother transmission of monetary policy” trade-off faced by the central bank. We build an empirical model of collateral choice that is similar in spirit to the model on institutional demand for financial assets of Koijen (2014). We show how the haircut of the central bank can affect the relative cost of pledging collateral to the central bank and how this cost can be estimated using the amount of assets pledged by banks. Our model allows to perform a broad set of policy counterfactuals. For example, we use the recovered coefficient to assess how a 5% haircut increase on all collateral belonging to a specific asset class (e.g. government bonds or ABS) would affect the type of collateral used at the central bank. The final chapter focuses on the use of loans as collateral by banks in the euro area. While collateral is generally viewed as consisting of liquid and safe assets such as government bonds, we show that banks in Europe do use bank loans as collateral. We identify two purposes of bank loan collateral: funding and liquidity purposes. The main distinction between the two purposes is with respect to the maturity of the instruments involved: liquidity purposes refer to the use of bank loans as collateral to obtain short term liquidity and manage unexpected liquidity shocks. In practice the central bank is the main acceptor of these collateral. The second type of use is for funding purposes, in which case bank loans are used as collateral in ABSs or covered bonds. The collateral in these transactions allow banks to obtain a lower long-term funding cost. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Essays on Business Cycles and Monetary PolicyPinchetti, Marco Luca 25 November 2020 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis explores some different dimensions of business cycle analysis and monetary policy,in closed and open economies. In the first chapter, I develop a model to analyze the roleof research and development in the US business cycle, and its ability to produce macroeconomicfluctuations by generating expectations of future productivity gains. In the secondchapter, I empirically investigate how changes in central bank transparency affects financialmarkets response to central bank announcements in the United Kingdom. Finally, in thethird chapter, I analyze some heterogeneities in the international spillovers of central bankannouncements, focusing on the behavior of exchange rates and international capital flows.The first chapter studies the role of R&D-based innovation within the US business cycle. Thechapter builds on the idea that temporary business cycle frequency contractions can result inprolonged medium-run slowdowns, if an economy’s technological growth is generated by asector of profit-maximizing innovators. In order to analyse the business cycle spillovers oninnovation activity, this chapter analyzes the contribution of R&D-based innovation to USbusiness cycle dynamics combining techniques from the empirical and theoretical literature.First, using a Bayesian VAR identified with a Cholesky recursive formulation, the papershows that innovation shocks are generally inflationary and generate rises in hours worked.Second, the paper introduces a medium-scale New-Keynesian model of creative destructionthat can rationalize these facts. In the model, a sector of profit-maximizing innovators investsin R&D and endogenously generates productivity gains, ultimately determining theeconomy’s growth rate. The estimated responses to innovation shocks are characterized bypowerful wealth effects that offset the contractionary spillovers on the labour market conventionally associated with productivity increases. The estimation results suggest that thebulk of the productivity slowdown is due to a decrease in the innovation’s ability to generateproductivity gains. These findings support the view of the productivity slowdown as astand-alone phenomenon in the US business cycle as opposed to a byproduct of the GreatRecession.In the second chapter (jointly written with Andrzej Szczepaniak), we investigate the impactof monetary policy transparency measures on the relevance of the information effect channelof central bank communication. Our paper focuses on the switch in the Bank of England’scommunication strategy, occurred in August 2015, from a multi-day to a single-day releaseschedule. Before August 2015, the minutes of the monetary policy committee and the inflationreport (i.e. the Bank’s analysis of the economic outlook), were published only someweeks after the monetary policy decision. By contrast, after August 2015, the Bank of Englandstarted releasing all accompanying documents alongside the policy rate announcement,in the attempt to increase the transparency of its policy-making process.To this purpose, we construct a market surprise series for each one of the three communicationdocuments of the Bank of England (the monetary policy decision, the minutes of themonetary policy committee, and the economic outlook report) in order to evaluate the effectof central bank communication on agents’ expectations. The chapter builds on the idea thatmarket responses to central bank releases can be due either to unexpected deviations from thecentral bank’s policy rule (the policy component of the surprise), or to the revision of agents’expectations about future inflation (the informational component of the surprise). These twocomponents can be identified based on the associated reaction of equity prices. In the chapter,the policy component of the policy announcement is identified as an unexpected increasein the policy rate which results in a decline in equity prices, and the informational componentas an unexpected increase in the policy rate which results in a rise in equity prices, inaccordance with the methodology introduced by Jarocinski and Karadi (2020). We provideevidence that the informational component is a key driver of the financial market response tocentral bank communication. Before August 2015, according to our results, the informationeffect accounted for approximately two thirds of the interest rate surprise, the inflation expectations,and the equity price variation on the release days. However, we find that the switchfrom a multi-day release schedule to a single-day communication strategy markedly reducedthe importance of information effects. Our findings suggest that the degree of transparencyof a central bank’s policies significantly affects the quantitative relevance of the informationeffect and the associated asset price response.The third chapter (jointly written with Andrzej Szczepaniak), analyzes some of the internationalspillovers of central bank communication. The chapter highlights that the policy andthe informational component of central bank announcements entail different open economyspillovers. Namely, when unexpected increases in the US policy rate are associated withincreases in equity prices, the US dollar depreciates. We argue that this phenomenon occursbecause central bank information shocks affect investors’ risk perception. In response tofavorable central bank information shocks, we observe downward revisions of the level offinancial risk perceived by investors, which lead capital to flow towards emerging marketsand riskier asset classes. Conversely, in response to adverse central bank information shocks,we observe upward revisions of the level of financial risk perceived by investors, which leadcapital to flow towards the US and safer asset classes, causing an appreciation of the US dollar.In support to this hypothesis, we provide evidence of large spillover effects onto globalsafe-haven currencies, risk premia, cross-border credit, risky assets, and ultimately, on globaleconomic activity. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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La dynamique des fins de carrières professionnelles: Analyses sociétales et longitudinales des transitions des travailleurs âgés sur le marché de l’emploiJacques, Wels 27 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
La réduction de l’usage des dispositifs de sortie anticipée et l’augmentation de la durée de vie à l’emploi se sont imposées comme de réels objectifs. Plusieurs réformes – implémentés, notamment, de façon non coercitive au niveau Européen – sont venues quantifier de tels objectifs. L’augmentation du taux d’emploi des travailleurs âgés de plus de 55 ans et l’augmentation de l’âge effectif moyen de la retraite sont tant d’outils quantitatifs qui servent une même finalité :l’augmentation de la participation au marché du travail des travailleurs âgés. L’une des résultantes de ces réformes est le développement, notamment en Belgique, de mécanismes de sortie partielle de l’activitié. En conséquence, les fins d’activité professionnelles prennent désormais des formes plus complexes, faites d’imbrications de différents statuts dans et en dehors du marché du travail. La thèse – qui croise une analyse des évolutions sociales de l’emploi des travailleurs âgés et une analyse longitudinale des parcours professionnels – est divisée en trois chapitres qui ont trait successivement aux indicateurs utilisés pour quantifier la sortie anticipée de l’emploi, au développement des instruments de réduction du temps de travail en fin de carrière et à l’impact des réductions du temps de travail en fin de carrière sur l’emploi des jeunes. Le premier chapitre prend appui sur une analyse macrosociologique des dynamiques du marché du travail. En mettant l’accent sur la sortie anticipée de l’activité professionnelle en tant que problème social, nous interrogeons, d’une part, l’écart temporel qui existe entre l’âge de la sortie de l’activité professionnelle et l’âge de la retraite et, d’autre part, les différents mécanismes qui sont utilisés en Europe pour sortir prématurément du marché du travail. La première partie repose principalement sur une analyse détaillée de l’indicateur « âge effectif moyen de la retraite » fourni par l’OCDE. Une analyse longitudinale (report de statut d’une année à l’autre) est également réalisée. La seconde partie, quant à elle, utilise une classification hiérarchique et évalue l’évolution des résultats des politiques publiques en matière d’usage de statuts entre 2000 et 2010. Le second chapitre analyse les politiques de réduction du temps de travail destinées aux travailleurs âgés. Plusieurs aspects sont étudiés. La première partie prolonge l’analyse comparative qui a été développée dans le premier chapitre en comparant l’évolution des politiques publiques en matière de transitions des individus d’un statut vers un autre (emploi, chômage et inactivité). La seconde partie met l’accent sur le développement récent de « statuts composites » – terme que nous utilisons ici pour décrire la combinaison d’une position sur le marché de l’emploi et de prestations sociales. Enfin, les troisième et quatrième parties s’intéressent à l’évolution législative et empirique de deux dispositifs :le crédit-temps (en Belgique) et le cumul emploi-retraite (en France et en Belgique). Enfin, le troisième chapitre propose une analyse de la notion de partage d’emploi entre générations. Une première partie étudie l’impact des variations économiques sur l’emploi des jeunes générations et des travailleurs âgés dans les pays européens. L’analyse, descriptive, prend appui sur trois notions (synchronie, hystérèse et dyschronie) qui décrivent les impacts différenciés des variations économiques sur les transitions professionnelles. La seconde partie analyse, pour le cas de la Belgique, le phénomène de partage d’emploi entre générations et la notion de « lump of labour fallacy ». Sur base des données issues du Datawarehouse Marché du Travail et Protection Sociale, deux régressions logistiques sont réalisées afin d’évaluer l’impact de l’usage des différents statuts composites utilisés par les travailleurs âgés sur l’emploi des jeunes. / The reduction in the use of early retirement schemes, and, consequently, the increase in the duration of the working life have emerged as real targets. Several non-coercive measuring instruments have been implemented by European public policy for quantifying these targets. For instance, the increase in the employment rate of workers aged over 55 years old and the increase of the average effective age of retirement are quantitative tools used of achieving the same purpose: increasing the participation in the labour market of the older workers. One of the effects of these reforms has been the development of part-time early retirement arrangements, particularly in Belgium. Consequently, ends of professional careers take more complex forms characterized by interconnections of different statuses within and outside the labour market. The thesis – crossing an analysis of the evolution of the employment participation of older workers and a longitudinal analysis of professional careers – is divided into three chapters relating successively to indicators used for quantifying early withdrawals, the development of instruments aiming at reducing working time at the end of the career and the impact of working time arrangements at the end of the career on youth employment. The first chapter is based on a macro-sociological analysis of the dynamics of the labour market. First, by focusing on the early withdrawal of the older workers as a social problem, the thesis analyses the time gap between the withdrawal age and the compulsory retirement age. Second, the large set of arrangement used in Europe for leaving prematurely the labour market is examined. The first part is mainly based on a detailed analysis of the "average effective retirement age" indicator provided by the OECD. A longitudinal analysis (report of statuses from one year to the next) is also performed. The second part uses a hierarchical classification (clustering) and evaluates the evolution of the public policies effects between 2000 and 2010.The second chapter focuses on the working time reduction policies dedicated to older workers. Several aspects are reviewed. The first part extends the analysis developed in the first chapter by comparing the evolution of public policies on individual’s transitions from one status to another. The second part focuses on the recent development of "composite statutes" – a notion used to describe the combination of a position on the labour market and social benefits. Finally, the third and fourth parts focus on the legislative and the empirical evolution of two specific arrangements: the time credit (Belgium) and the combination of work and employment (France and Belgium).The third chapter provides an analysis of social rapports between generations on the labour market. The first part examines the impact of economic changes on the employment of younger generations and older workers in European countries. The analysis is based on three economic concepts – synchrony, hysteresis and dyschrony – describing the differentiated impact of economic changes on employment transitions. The second part, focusing on Belgium, examines the phenomenon of job sharing between generations and the concept of "lump of labour fallacy". Based on data derived from the Datawarehouse Labour Market and Social Protection, two logistic regressions are performed in order to evaluate the impact of the different composite statutes dedicated to older workers on the youth employment rate. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Essays on Empirical MacroeconomicsCaruso, Alberto 25 June 2020 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis contains four essays, covering topics in the field of real-time macroeconometrics, forecasting and applied macroeconomics. In the first two chapters, I use recent techniques developed in the "nowcasting" literature in order to analyse and interpret the macroeconomic news flow. I use them either to assess current macroeconomic conditions, showing the importance of foreign indicators dealing with small open economies, or linking macroeconomic news to asset prices, through a model that help us interpret macroeconomic data and explaining the linkages between macro variables and financial indicators. In the third chapter, I analyse the link between macroeconomic data in real-time and the yield curve of interest rates, constructing a forecasting model which takes into account the peculiar characteristics of the macroeconomic data flow. In the last chapter, I present a Bayesian Vector Autoregression model built in order to analyse the last two crisis in the Eurozone (2008-09, and 2011-12) identifying their unique characteristics with respect to historical regularities, an issue of great importance from a policy perspective. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Essays on Inflation: Expectations, Forecasting and MarkupsCapolongo, Angela 15 September 2020 (has links) (PDF)
This manuscript is composed of three chapters.In the first chapter, I analyze the impact of key European Central Bank’s unconventional monetary policy announcements on inflation expectations, measured by Euro Area five-year Inflation Linked Swap rates five years ahead, since the aftermath of the crisis. I control for market liquidity and uncertainty measures, change in oil price shock and macroeconomic news. The results show that the impact of the European Central Bank’s announcements has been positive during the period under observation. Along the line of the expansionary monetary policy measures implemented, the agents have been revising upwards their long term inflation expectations. This means that the unconventional monetary policy measures were effective. In the second chapter, co-authored with Claudia Pacella, we construct a Bayesian vector autoregressive model with three layers of information: the key drivers of inflation, cross-country dynamic interactions, and country-specific variables. The model provides good forecasting accuracy with respect to the popular benchmarks used in the literature. We perform a step-by-step analysis to shed light on which layer of information is more crucial for accurately forecasting euro area inflation. Our empirical analysis reveals the importance of including the key drivers of inflation and taking into account the multi-country dimension of the euro area. The results show that the complete model performs better overall in forecasting inflation excluding energy and unprocessed food over the medium-term. We use the model to establish stylized facts on the euro area and cross-country heterogeneity over the business cycle. In the third chapter, using confidential firm-level data from the National Bank of Belgium, I document the heterogeneous response of firms’ markups to the 2008 financial crisis. Overall, markups increased in the aftermath of the crisis and the effect was larger for highly financially constrained firms. I show that standard heterogeneous-firm models, featuring monopolistic competition and variable markups, are unable to replicate these patterns. I then introduce endogenous demand shifters which respond to firm investment in market share (e.g. quality). I show that the interaction of an increase in the cost of procuring inputs combined with an endogenous quality downgrading can rationalize the observed changes in firm-level markups. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Essays on ForecastingPacella, Claudia 15 June 2020 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis I apply modern econometric techniques on macroeconomic time series. Forecasting is here developed along several dimensions in the three chapters. The chapters are in principle self-contained. However, a common element is represented by the business cycle analysis. In the first paper, which primarily deals with the problem of forecasting euro area inflation in the short and medium run, we also compute the country-specific responses of a common business cycle shock. Both chapters 2 and 3 deal predominately with business cycle issues from two different perspectives. The former chapter analyses the business cycle as a dichotomous non-observable variable and addresses the issue of evaluating the euro area business cycle dating formulated by the CEPR committee, while the latter chapter studies the entire distribution of GDP growth. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Essays on tail risk in macroeconomics and finance: measurement and forecastingRicci, Lorenzo 13 February 2017 (has links)
This thesis is composed of three chapters that propose some novel approaches on tail risk for financial market and forecasting in finance and macroeconomics. The first part of this dissertation focuses on financial market correlations and introduces a simple measure of tail correlation, TailCoR, while the second contribution addresses the issue of identification of non- normal structural shocks in Vector Autoregression which is common on finance. The third part belongs to the vast literature on predictions of economic growth; the problem is tackled using a Bayesian Dynamic Factor model to predict Norwegian GDP.Chapter I: TailCoRThe first chapter introduces a simple measure of tail correlation, TailCoR, which disentangles linear and non linear correlation. The aim is to capture all features of financial market co- movement when extreme events (i.e. financial crises) occur. Indeed, tail correlations may arise because asset prices are either linearly correlated (i.e. the Pearson correlations are different from zero) or non-linearly correlated, meaning that asset prices are dependent at the tail of the distribution.Since it is based on quantiles, TailCoR has three main advantages: i) it is not based on asymptotic arguments, ii) it is very general as it applies with no specific distributional assumption, and iii) it is simple to use. We show that TailCoR also disentangles easily between linear and non-linear correlations. The measure has been successfully tested on simulated data. Several extensions, useful for practitioners, are presented like downside and upside tail correlations.In our empirical analysis, we apply this measure to eight major US banks for the period 2003-2012. For comparison purposes, we compute the upper and lower exceedance correlations and the parametric and non-parametric tail dependence coefficients. On the overall sample, results show that both the linear and non-linear contributions are relevant. The results suggest that co-movement increases during the financial crisis because of both the linear and non- linear correlations. Furthermore, the increase of TailCoR at the end of 2012 is mostly driven by the non-linearity, reflecting the risks of tail events and their spillovers associated with the European sovereign debt crisis. Chapter II: On the identification of non-normal shocks in structural VARThe second chapter deals with the structural interpretation of the VAR using the statistical properties of the innovation terms. In general, financial markets are characterized by non- normal shocks. Under non-Gaussianity, we introduce a methodology based on the reduction of tail dependency to identify the non-normal structural shocks.Borrowing from statistics, the methodology can be summarized in two main steps: i) decor- relate the estimated residuals and ii) the uncorrelated residuals are rotated in order to get a vector of independent shocks using a tail dependency matrix. We do not label the shocks a priori, but post-estimate on the basis of economic judgement.Furthermore, we show how our approach allows to identify all the shocks using a Monte Carlo study. In some cases, the method can turn out to be more significant when the amount of tail events are relevant. Therefore, the frequency of the series and the degree of non-normality are relevant to achieve accurate identification.Finally, we apply our method to two different VAR, all estimated on US data: i) a monthly trivariate model which studies the effects of oil market shocks, and finally ii) a VAR that focuses on the interaction between monetary policy and the stock market. In the first case, we validate the results obtained in the economic literature. In the second case, we cannot confirm the validity of an identification scheme based on combination of short and long run restrictions which is used in part of the empirical literature.Chapter III :Nowcasting NorwayThe third chapter consists in predictions of Norwegian Mainland GDP. Policy institutions have to decide to set their policies without knowledge of the current economic conditions. We estimate a Bayesian dynamic factor model (BDFM) on a panel of macroeconomic variables (all followed by market operators) from 1990 until 2011.First, the BDFM is an extension to the Bayesian framework of the dynamic factor model (DFM). The difference is that, compared with a DFM, there is more dynamics in the BDFM introduced in order to accommodate the dynamic heterogeneity of different variables. How- ever, in order to introduce more dynamics, the BDFM requires to estimate a large number of parameters, which can easily lead to volatile predictions due to estimation uncertainty. This is why the model is estimated with Bayesian methods, which, by shrinking the factor model toward a simple naive prior model, are able to limit estimation uncertainty.The second aspect is the use of a small dataset. A common feature of the literature on DFM is the use of large datasets. However, there is a literature that has shown how, for the purpose of forecasting, DFMs can be estimated on a small number of appropriately selected variables.Finally, through a pseudo real-time exercise, we show that the BDFM performs well both in terms of point forecast, and in terms of density forecasts. Results indicate that our model outperforms standard univariate benchmark models, that it performs as well as the Bloomberg Survey, and that it outperforms the predictions published by the Norges Bank in its monetary policy report. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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