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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Internetinių aplinkų kūrimo modelis panaudojant šablonus ir duomenų abstrakcijas / Template Based and Data Abstraction Driven Web Applications Development Model

Rimkus, Mindaugas 03 June 2006 (has links)
Web pages written with simple web development technologies were either written in code (such as C with CGI, or Java with Servlets) which contained lots of HTML-writing code snippets, or written with numerous code segments embedded in HTML (such as PHP or ASP). This led to problems as increasingly sophisticated Web page designs got harder and harder to 'activate' with data, and become increasingly brittle when dealing with change requests. Complex Web pages development forces to use new technologies that helps in development phases. It is possible to separate business logic from presentation using template engines. It’s not easy to choose a proper template engine system. We classified existing template systems. By this way analysis were accomplished. Using web template system, which supports compilation and caching features combining with MVC element data abstraction, we proposed web applications development model. In this work our proposed model has been applied for the development of students practice jobs - web portal. This portal was realized using PHP technologies which includes Smarty template engine, data abstraction class PEAR::DB and PHP 5.0 programming language. We research our proposed web development model performance characteristics. Performance experiments were done with Smarty template engine and PEAR::DB data abstraction class.

Automatizuotas grafinio internetinio interfeiso sudarymas / Automated graphic web interface creation

Barauskas, Tadas, Balčiūnas, Raimundas 26 August 2013 (has links)
Tiek tinklapio projektuotojui, tiek programuotojui apdoroti ir pritaikyti sukurtą grafinį dizainą internetiniams tinklapiams yra sudėtingas bei laiko sąnaudas suvartojantis procesas. Darbo tikslas palengvinti šį procesą sutaupant tiek darbo, tiek laiko kaštų vartotojams susijusiems su tiriama sritimi. Tikslui įgyvendinti sukurta internetinėje aplinkoje veikiančią programinę įrangą, kuri supaprastina ir palengvina internetinių grafinių šablonų kūrimą. Programinė įranga kurta pasitelkus PHP, CSS ir JAVA programavimo kalbas. Galutinis darbo produktas iš Photoshop įrankiu sukurto grafinio tinklapio eskizo generuoja tiek statinį tinklapio šabloną, tiek pritaiko šio šablono grafinius elementus turinio valdymo sistemos grafiniam atvaizdavimui. Nors jau egzistavo panašių įrankių (atliekančių panašias funkcijas), tokių kaip Adobe Fireworks ir Psd2CssOnline, tačiau šie įrankiai nusileido atpažįstamų elementų kiekiu ir kokybe. Tai patvirtino darbe atliktas tyrimas. / To process and adjust a graphical design for web pages is a difficult and time consuming task for both: designer and developer. The main goal of this work was to make this task less time and effort consuming. To achieve this goal a web accessible software tool was created in our work. This automated tool can analyze graphical project files (made with Adobe Photoshop) and output desired end result, thus preserving time and effort. The developed tool analyzes initial file layer by layer and automatically assigns appropriate parameters to CSS and html patterns. These patterns then can be extracted as static web pages or with a next step these patterns can be adjusted to fit a chosen content managing system. Although there already are some similar products with the same functionality (such as Adobe Fireworks or Psd2CssOnline), the developed tool was greater in quality and quantity of recognizable web elements. This was proven by the research provided in this work.

Šablonų naudojimas kuriant duomenų apdorojimo sistemas internete / Using Patterns for Development of Data Processing System on the Web

Rutkauskaitė, Ramunė 22 September 2004 (has links)
In this work object-oriented patterns were used for development of gata processing system on the Web. Nowadays a lot of systems are developing for they use in internet. In my final work these patterns were used: MVC, Page Controller, Front Controller, Intercepting Filter and others. Model-View-Controller pattern separates the modeling of domain, the presentation, and the actions based on user input into three separate classes: Model, View, Controller. This pattern is a fundamental design pattern for separation of user interface logic from business logic. Unfortunately, the popularity of the pattern has resulted in a number of faulty descriptions. Using a Page controller for a Web application is such a common need that most Web application frameworks provide a default implementation of the page controller. Most frameworks incorporate the page controller in the front of server page. Server pages actually combine the functions of view and controller and do not provide the desired separation between the presentation code and controller code.A common implementation of Page Controller invokes creating a base class for behavior shared among individual pages. Front Controller solves the decentralization problem present i Page Controller by chanelling all requests through a single controller. The controller itself is usually implemented in two parts: a handler and a hierarchy of commands. A straightforward implementation of Interceptong Filter is a filter chain that iterates through a... [to full text]

Elektroninių paslaugų realizavimo kardiologijoje tyrimas / The analysis of electronic services realization in cardiology

Tamašauskas, Tomas 27 May 2005 (has links)
This work analyzes the possible ways for implementing electronical services in cardiology. There are many technologies that can be used to implement electronical services. In this case the WEB page generation and WEB services technology was chosen. There was no appropriate design pattern that matches the requirements. Front Controller is one of the possible problem solutions, but it does not describe any way of distributing the system. Front Controller design pattern is not an appropriate solution when there are huge calculations to be done and expected user count will be growing constantly. Broker design pattern solves this problem, but it has its disadvantage, that every server needs to have a real IP address. One of the constraints in this work is that server does not need to have an external IP address. The proposed broker design pattern implements task distribution through many servers solves the problem that every server does not need external IP address. The system also solves the aviliability problem, so it can handle huge number of users. Theoretical experiments proved that, when the number of users using the system is low, the Front Controller approach is more effective, but when the number of users grows at some point this approach can not handle all the user requests. In this case the proposed Broker design pattern approach solves the problem. The proposed broker design patter was successfully implemented in real life and has been tested to be functional.

Lygiagrečiųjų algoritmų šablonų tyrimas ir kūrimas / Investigation and development of parallel algorithm templates

Baravykaitė, Milda Marija 10 July 2006 (has links)
Parallel computations are used in many areas where large computation amounts are required and/or faster response is critical. The development of parallel algorithms and parallel programming are complicated and require additional knowledge. To ease the parallel programming and algorithm parallelization many tools are developed. One class of such tools is algorithm templates. The idea of algorithm templates is to separate the problem specific and general parts of the algorithm. The general part can be implemented as a reusable module. The problem specific part of the algorithm should be implemented by the user. When these ideas are used for parallel programming, the template has to specify the main parts of the parallel algorithm: partitioning, communications, mapping, synchronization. Master – slave algorithms are very popular and widely used in parallel programming. It is efficient both for homogeneous and heterogeneous parallel computers. Parallelization tools of master – slave algorithms using popular communication libraries are useful. Many problems of engineering, economics and other fields are formulated as optimization problems. Optimization problems are often complicated and computation intensive. Therefore the creation of automatic parallelization tools of popular branch and bound optimization algorithms is relevant. Grillage type foundations are popular in case of weak grounds. It consists of beams that are supported by piles or reside on other beams. In order to... [to full text]

UAB „GNT Lietuva" duomenų integravimo posistemio reinžinerija / Reengineering of data integration subsystem in JSC "GNT Lietuva"

Kungytė, Indrė 13 August 2010 (has links)
Atlikta duomenų integravimo procesų, metodų bei DI technologijų ir įrankių analizė siekiant rasti labiausiai tinkamą variantą įmonei. Išnagrinėti MS SQL 2005 Server SSIS paslauga, Oracle ir įmonėje veikusi MS SQL 2000 Server DTS funkcija. Duomenų integravimo įrankiai paremti ETL platforma. Tai procesai, leidžiantys kompanijoms perkelti duomenis iš įvairių šaltinių, pakeisti formatą ir įkelti juos į kitas duomenų bazes, duomenų centrus, nagrinėjimo saugyklas ar į kitas operacines sistemas palaikyti verslo procesus. Įvykdyta GNT įmonės duomenų integravimo sistemos posistemio reinžinerija naujai pasirinkta technologija. Reinžinerija yra egzistuojančios sistemos analizės ir modifikavimo procesas, atliekamas kai norima pertvarkyti sistemą. Pasirinktas informacijos apie produktus duomenų integravimo procesas, sukurtas DTS pagalba. Procesas patobulintas ir perkeltas į naują technologiją. Atlikus įmonėje veikiančių duomenų integravimo procesų analizę, pastebėtas skirtingas duomenų detalumas ir galimybė juos suskirstyti į kategorijas. Gauta informacija apibendrinta šablonu pavidalu, kuris pavadintas „Bendrinių duomenų atskyrimo šablonu“. Eksperimento metu nustatytas proceso pagreitėjimas, panaudojus sukurtą šabloną. Jis sėkmingai taikomas kitiems duomenų integravimo procesams, atliekant reinžinerią. / The research area of thesis covers various data extraction, transfer and integration methods and technologies; the main object of the research is the process of transferring data from remote subsidiaries and integrating it into one central database currently active in JSC “GNT Lietuva”. The goal of this research is to move data integration (DI) processes into a new technological environment and upgrade them without interrupting active daily DI process, ultimately creating a flexible data integration model (pattern), which could be reused in the future. Following tasks were carried out in order to achieve this goal: analysis of reengineering and data integration principles as well as new integration technologies; investigating their adaptability to the current DI processes and their improvement; implementing integration solutions and experimentation to verify the efficiency of new DI processes, and, finally, construction of a flexible integration solution. The final generated solution was formalized as a data integration pattern. Conclusions drawn from the experiment accomplished in JSC “GNT Lietuva” indicate that practical application of the pattern reduced overall duration of the DI process by 45,4%, whilst the additional application of the SSIS technology resulted in duration decrease of 81,99%. The data integration process became more flexible and new data sources can be easily incorporated from now on.

Lygiagrečiųjų algoritmų šablonų tyrimas ir kūrimas / Investigation and development of parallel algorithm templates

Baravykaitė, Milda Marija 12 July 2006 (has links)
Daugelyje mokslo sričių susiduriama su uždaviniais, kuriuos išspręsti esamais kompiuteriais užtruktų nepriimtinai ilgai arba neįmanoma dėl tų uždavinių dydžio ir skaičiavimų apimties. Lygiagrečiaisiais skaičiavimais siekiame spręsti uždavinius greičiau, arba spręsti didesnius uždavinius. Tačiau tiek lygiagrečiųjų algoritmų sudarymas, tiek jų programinis realizavimas yra sudėtingi procesai, reikalaujantys daug žinių ir įgūdžių. Taupant laiką ir pastangas, yra kuriami lygiagretinimo įrankiai, lengvinantys įvairių lygiagrečiųjų programų ar metodikų naudojimą. Šeimininkas – darbininkai algoritmai yra dažnai naudojami ir paplitę įvairiose lygiagrečiųjų skaičiavimų srityse. Lygiagrečiųjų ���eimininkas – darbininkai algoritmų programų kūrimo automatizavimas palengvina daugelio uždavinių sprendimą. Šeimininkas – darbininkai algoritmas efektyvus vykdant tiek homogeniniuose, tiek heterogeniniuose lygiagrečiuosiuose kompiuteriuose. Duomenims tarp procesorių perduoti naudojamos duomenų perdavimo bibliotekos sparčiai vystomos. Nemažai anksčiau kurtų lygiagretinimo įrankių naudoja PVM duomenų perdavimo biblioteką. Išpopuliarėjus MPI duomenų perdavimo bibliotekai aktualu pritaikyti įrankius jos naudojimui. Daug praktinių uždavinių gali būti formuluojami kaip optimizavimo uždaviniai. Daugelis optimizavimo uždavinių sudėtingi ir reikalaujantys daug skaičiavimų. Šakų ir rėžių algoritmo principai taikomi kuriant tikslius ir euristinius algoritmus optimizavimo uždavinių sprendimui. Optimizavimo... [to full text] / Parallel computations are used in many areas where large computation amounts are required and/or faster response is critical. The development of parallel algorithms and parallel programming are complicated and require additional knowledge. To ease the parallel programming and algorithm parallelization many tools are developed. One class of such tools is algorithm templates. The idea of algorithm templates is to separate the problem specific and general parts of the algorithm. The general part can be implemented as a reusable module. The problem specific part of the algorithm should be implemented by the user. When these ideas are used for parallel programming, the template has to specify the main parts of the parallel algorithm: partitioning, communications, mapping, synchronization. Master – slave algorithms are very popular and widely used in parallel programming. It is efficient both for homogeneous and heterogeneous parallel computers. Parallelization tools of master – slave algorithms using popular communication libraries are useful. Many problems of engineering, economics and other fields are formulated as optimization problems. Optimization problems are often complicated and computation intensive. Therefore the creation of automatic parallelization tools of popular branch and bound optimization algorithms is relevant. Grillage type foundations are popular in case of weak grounds. It consists of beams that are supported by piles or reside on other beams. In order to... [to full text]

Informacinės sistemos reikalavimų modelio atvaizdavimas į projektą, remiantis RUP / Mapping information system requirements to design, according to RUP principles

Tekoriūtė, Orinta 06 March 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe siekiama padidinti informacijos sistemų kūrimo proceso automatizavimo laipsnį, taip palengvinant IS kūrėjų darbą. Darbe tobulinamas IS reikalavimų analizės ir transformavimo į projektą metodas EMDA (angl. Extended Model Driven Approach), kuris automatizuoja transformaciją iš reikalavimų į projekto modelį. Ši transformacija skirta paslaugų informacinėms sistemoms ir remiasi vienu pasiūlytu architektūriniu būsenų koordinatoriaus šablonu, pagal kurį atlieka transformaciją ir reikalavimų į projektą. Šiame darbe EMDA metodas tobulinamas, sukuriant transformaciją iš reikalavimų į projekto modelį, remiantis kitu informacinių sistemų kūrimo metodu RUP (angl. Rational Unified Process) bei MVC (angl. Model-View-Controller) architektūriniu šablonu. Darbe aprašomas siūlomas transformavimo algoritmas ir jo realizacija, panaudojant CASE įrankį MagicDraw. Sukurtas sistemos vedlys (angl. Wizard) leidžia išvengti klasių diagramos kūrimo rankiniu būdu, taip automatizuojant diagramos (ir jos elementų) kūrimą. / This work aims to increase the degree of automation of information system development process, thus facilitating the work of developers. Extended Model Driven Approach (EMDA) automates the transformation from the requirements to the design model, based on only one architectural pattern (State Coordinator) and performs the transformation using this pattern. The method proposed in this work was developed by creating a transformation of the requirements to the project model, based on other information systems development approach RUP (Rational Unified Process) and MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern. The proposed transformation algorithm was implemented in as an extension to CASE tool MagicDraw. Developed system wizard automates the creation of class diagram (and its elements).

Nestacionarios paviršių padalinimo schemos / Variational subdivision schemes

Džiovalas, Tomas 02 July 2014 (has links)
Padalinimo paviršiai – greitas ir efektyvus glodžių paviršių konstravimas trimatėje erdvėje, naudojamas animacijoje. Nestacionarios padalinimo schemos, kitaip nei klasikinės (Catmull – Clark, Loop, Doo-Sabin), kiekviename padalinimo žingsnyje leidžia keisti padalinimo taisyklę, todėl galima išgauti žymiai platesnę paviršių aibę. Parašėme programinę įrangą, kuri pagal įvedamą tempimo parametrą γ konstruoja nestacionarias kaukes su trigonometrinėmis funkcijomis ir jas pritaiko paviršiams, turi galimybę pavaizduoti paviršiaus tinklelį 3D erdvėje ir gali jį eksportuoti į VRML formato failą. Nestacionarių padalinimo schemų ir sukimo paviršių pagalba, gavome plačią paviršių aibę į kurią įeina ir klasikinės CAD figūros. / Variational subdivision schemes as distinct from classical (Catmull – Clark, Loop, Doo-Sabin) in every subdivision step allows to change the subdivision rule. Therefore we are able to get wider set of smooth surfaces. We made a software that using the entered parameter γ constructs variational subdivision mask with trigonometric functions and applies it to surfaces. Software is able to show surface in 3D space with move, rotate and zoom abilities. Software also can export surfaces to VRML file format. Subdividing surfaces by our software we faced with border and extraordinary vertex problems. We suggested and realized two solving methods for both problems. Our software is able to control the surface's smoothness and sharpness in all subdivision steps. Using variational subdivision schemes and rotation methods, we can generate a wide set of surfaces witch also includes classical CAD figures (sphere, cylinder).

Nestacionarios paviršių padalinimo schemos / Variational subdivision schemes

Chaževskas, Andrius 02 July 2014 (has links)
Padalinimo paviršiai – greitas ir efektyvus glodžių paviršių konstravimas trimatėje erdvėje, naudojamas animacijoje. Nestacionarios padalinimo schemos, kitaip nei klasikinės (Catmull – Clark, Loop, Doo-Sabin), kiekviename padalinimo žingsnyje leidžia keisti padalinimo taisyklę, todėl galima išgauti žymiai platesnę paviršių aibę. Parašėme programinę įrangą, kuri pagal įvedamą tempimo parametrą γ konstruoja nestacionarias kaukes su trigonometrinėmis funkcijomis ir jas pritaiko paviršiams, turi galimybę pavaizduoti paviršiaus tinklelį 3D erdvėje ir gali jį eksportuoti į VRML formato failą. Nestacionarių padalinimo schemų ir sukimo paviršių pagalba, gavome plačią paviršių aibę į kurią įeina ir klasikinės CAD figūros. / Variational subdivision schemes as distinct from classical (Catmull – Clark, Loop, Doo-Sabin) in every subdivision step allows to change the subdivision rule. Therefore we are able to get wider set of smooth surfaces. We made a software that using the entered parameter γ constructs variational subdivision mask with trigonometric functions and applies it to surfaces. Software is able to show surface in 3D space with move, rotate and zoom abilities. Software also can export surfaces to VRML file format. Subdividing surfaces by our software we faced with border and extraordinary vertex problems. We suggested and realized two solving methods for both problems. Our software is able to control the surface's smoothness and sharpness in all subdivision steps. Using variational subdivision schemes and rotation methods, we can generate a wide set of surfaces witch also includes classical CAD figures (sphere, cylinder).

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