Spelling suggestions: "subject:"škola""
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Letní sportovní kurzy na středních školách / Summer sports courses at secondary schoolsBobačíková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
1 TITLE: Summer sports courses at secondary schools AUTHOR: Bc. Tereza Bobačíková DEPARTMENT: Department of Physical Education Faculty of Education of Charles University SUPERVISOR: Ph.Dr. PaedDr. Ladislav Kašpar, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The thesis deals with the issue of summer sports courses at secondary schools. I find that high schools offer summer sports courses, what is the diversity of their offerings, material and personnel support and interest from students, respectively. the reasons for their lack of interest or dissatisfaction with the offer. The theoretical part deals with activities and education in nature and their importance for children and youth. Zooming important concepts and trends associated with this area. In the next chapter I focus on the content of the summer sports courses with a range of sporting activities. Acquainted with the guidelines and safety principles for the successful conduct of the event. The research part describes the objectives and results of the research survey. The main aim of the thesis was to compare the offer with sports courses at various secondary schools in Prague 10. The research was used questionnaire for principals of secondary schools students and seniors. The questionnaire explored the current offer summer sports courses at secondary schools and students'...
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Vliv rodiny na školní úspěšnost žáků 2. stupně ZŠ / Impact of the Family on Learners' Success at Lower Secondary SchoolsPavlů, Anna January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis was focused on the influence of family on the school success of lower secondary students. Theoretical part of the thesis was created on the base of compilation and comparison of literature. The experimental part was made by qualitative research. The aim of this part was to explore more deeply the influence of divorce on school success of lower secondary students especially at the subjects English and Civics. The research was realized by semi-structured interview. The answers were analysed and then compared with the theory in the theoretical part. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Zabezpečování kvality vzdělávání v prostředí vysokých škol / Quality assurance of education in higher educationČrepaňa, Radek January 2009 (has links)
University in providing quality education needs to determine degree of fulfilment of customer needs. Therefore, the college needs to collect feedback on teaching evaluation by students in a systematic evaluation of teaching quality and its assurance. This thesis first looks at examining the current state of the problem in theory. The goal of the theoretical background of the problem is to provide a facilitator for further studying the problem in a particular situation. The output of the study is therefore an overview of the current state of problems in the Czech Republic and development opportunities. The next step is to map and description of current efforts in the system of the University of Economics, Prague. The work also carried out and evaluates own research among students of the faculty on student quality assessment of education. Work on the basis of these findings and analysis summarizes the recommendations in the issues under consideration, including proposals to modify the information system of the school. Another basis for these recommendations is the experiences of other universities. The main contribution is the proposal of the strategic map, which contains the structural elements of the problems embedded in the institution's strategic goals. The final recommendations of this work are a comprehensive summary of the steps necessary for the effective quality assurance of education in a school.
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Vztah školní nekázně k vybraným charakteristikám žáků / The relationship of school indiscipline with selected characteristics of studentsRemešová, Jana January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with issues of pupils' behavior and discipline at elementary schools. It consists of a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with basic concepts and general problems of discipline and inexplicably with available literature. The practical part is focused on the research of the frequency of individual manifestations of disruptive behavior, it is determined whether the lack of discipline is associated with one of the selected characteristics of the pupil, such as the type of school, gender, socio - economic situation of the family and the development of the frequency of individual manifestations of disruptive behavior from the sixth to ninth grade. The aim of the thesis is to find out the extent of undesirable behavior in selected schools. The research method used is the statistical analysis of the data and the collection method is in the form of questionnaire. The result is a summary of the most frequently occurring unruly behavior at second level of the elementary school and its comparison within selected characteristics from the pupilś point of view. Self-evaluation is compared with the evaluation of unruly behavior from the point of view of the class and with the assessment of hypothetical person's suggestion. Key words Discipline, school discipline,...
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Školní život na Podkarpatské Rusi v letech 1918 - 1945 / School life in the years 1918 - 1945 in SubcarpathiaBezdíčková, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The theme of this diploma thesis is school life in Subcarpathian Ruthenia between 1918-1945. The thesis tries to provide an overview of the development of education from the times of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy to Soviet Ukraine with a focus on the period of Czechoslovak government. In addition to the chapters on teachers, the language of instruction, teaching methodology, textbooks and teaching aids, there is also a chapter dedicated to the unique somatological research of school children. The work is based on archival materials supplemented by personal stories of witnesses. Its goal is to describe the normal school life in Subcarpathian Ruthenia, especially during the First Republic, from the point of view of pupils, students and teachers. Keywords: education, Subcarpathian Ruthenia, everyday life, Rusyns, memories, somatological research, teachers, Czechoslovak republic
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Spolupráce rodiny a školy / Family and school cooperationPetrusová, Jana January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the mutual cooperation of the family and the special elementary school. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part I deal with family and school cooperation, defining the concept of family, its functions and duties. The second chapter of this part consists of education of pupils with mental retardation. Here I'm going to explain the term of mental retardation, the causes of its origin, the dividing and the characteristics of the special elementary school. The last chapter of the theoretical part presents the model of the school holding the "Parents welcome" certificate. In the practical part I deal with specific research of family cooperation and special elementary school in Čáslav. The research is conducted through questionnaires and interviews. Also, I compare the requirements for awarding the "Parents welcome" brand to the forms of collaboration of a particular school. I'll find out if the Special School in Čáslav meets these criteria. Keywords: cooperation, family, special elementary school, mental retardation, brand "Parents welcome"
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Funkce školy a školního vzdělávání v současném pojetí / Function of schools and education in the current conceptKrátká, Zdeňka January 2012 (has links)
TITLE: Function of schools and education in current concept. AUTHOR: Bc.Zdeňka Krátká DEPARTME T: School Management Centre SUPERVISOR: Assoc. Prof. Jaroslav Kalous, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: Dynamic development of contemporary society significantly affects the education requirements. Therefore current educational program has to respond flexibly and implement new knowledge of technology, information and communication technology, economics, social disparities reflect accretion, changes in traditional family model, ecological threats. The role of school as a social institution must ensure the implementation of a range of functions and its operation is dependent on many involved factors associated not only with school itself but also with external environment. Thus in the first part, this thesis describes the function of schools and current school education. Further attention is also paid to the role and function of school leaders in education and school management. The second part is focused on the research performance of the functions of schools in primary education level. Although the results of the research are clear on the performance of most requested features, their direct impact on school and leisure-time activities of students and public must be improved.
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Spolupráce mateřských škol integrujících děti se zdravotním postižením se speciálněpedagogickými centry / Cooperation kindergartens integrating children with disabilities with special educational centres.Strouhalová, Dana January 2012 (has links)
TITTLE: Cooperation kindergartens integrating children with disabilities with special educational centers. AUTHOR: Bc. Dana Strouhalová DEPARTMENT: Department of special education SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Lenka Felcmanová ABSTRACT: The goal of my diploma thesis named "Cooperation between special learning centers and kindergartens that integrate children with disabilities" is to point out issues of integration process in common kindergartens.The first part deals with theoretical knowledge in the field and explains technical terms of special and preschool education. Then it focuses on a current legislative framework in Czech Republic which covers integration of children with disabilities into kindergartens. The second part of the thesis is research realized among teachers in preschool educational facilities. Its main purpose was to find how the integration process works and what are experiences of teachers who teach classes where are children with disabilities. The conclusion displays the meaning and how important it is to integrate children with disabilities in kindergartens. KEYWORDS: integration, inclusion, children with disabilities, kindergarten, special education centers.
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Současný krizový management středních odborných škol - vliv poklesu stavu žáků na středních odborných školách a odborných učilištích v Praze / Current risk management at secondary vocational schools - effect of the decline of students in secondary vocational schools and vocational schools in PragueTuška, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
TITLE: The current risk management at secondary vocational schools - effect of the decline of students in secondary vocational schools and vocational schools in Prague. AUTHOR: Bc. Pavel Tuška DEPARTMENT: The Centre of the educational management SUPERVISOR: RNDr. Jana Marková ABSTRACT: The prosperity of every secondary vocational school and vocational school is primarily based on the demand for their service which also depends on the behaviour of the school in times of crisis. The rapid demographic decline of students entering secondary education nowadays significantly affects operation of all secondary schools in the Czech Republic. Prague secondary vocational schools and vocational schools have to deal with the massive loss of interest in studying these schools. The aim of this master's paper is therefore an effort to characterize the potential impacts of the crisis on these education organizations. At the same times it tries to outline possible activities to reduce the risk of vocational schools in Prague business failure. Each Prague secondary vocational school or vocational school, however, is an organization totally unique, and therefore it must always be based also on the specific conditions applicable to the school. KEYWORDS: Secondary vocational schools, vocational schools, reducing the number of...
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Vnější a vnitřní prostředky herecké charakterizace / External and internal means of acting characterizationTrnková, Kamila January 2017 (has links)
External and internal means of acting characterization
The diploma thesis deals with the differences between the external and internal means used by the actor in creating the role and the suitability of their use. The author first defines the basics terms with which she works in the course of her work and their mutual relationships. Than she deals with self-stylization as a factor that influences actor in real life and consequentlly also during his profession. At the hearth of the work is the author´s reflection on her own acting dewelopment in the context of the initial rejection of external actors, and their subsequent admission. The lessons learned by the author to analyze the possible advantages and disadvantages of the chosen medium have gained from the experience gained during the DAMU studies, the first experience in film acting and the professional theater scene.
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