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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Náplň práce třídního učitele v současné základní škole / Responsibilities of a form master at a contemporary lower secondary school

Kodrlová, Lenka January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the definition of the responsibilities of a form master at a lower secondary school. The aim is to describe which activities should constitute the responsibilities of a form master at a lower secondary school, which activities form masters actually carry out, how their responsibilities are defined, and the way the form masters are informed about what they are expected to do. The theoretical part provides an overview of what can be found about form masters' work and their responsibilities in the specialized literature. In the practical part, documents issued by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the Czech School Inspectorate were scrutinised using the method document analysis. The analysis has shown that these documents do not contain any lucid definition of a form master and nor do they provide any list of their responsibilities. The second research method used in this thesis is a structured interview with four form masters working at different lower secondary schools. The interviews helped to find out what responsibilities these four form masters have to carry out and how they were informed about them. The four teachers have more or less the same responsibilities; taking attendance, communicating with parents and organizing school events being the most...

Spolupráce učitelů na malotřídní základní škole: případová studie / Cooperation of teachers on small school with composite classes: case study

Plavcová, Eliška January 2020 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce ABSTRACT This thesis aims to analyze and describe how the cooperation of pedagogical workers in selected a Little Class School, how cooperation works in practice. The theoretical part deals mainly with characteristic of Little Class school in the Czech republic, further focuses on teacher's personality, on the school climate and its environment where pedagogical employees work together. In the last chapter of theoretical part, cooperation as a topic is mentioned. It defines the basic concepts that are related to cooperation between educators. These concepts include Little Class school, teacher personality, professional development, climate and school environment, cooperation. In the theoretical part, cooperation between teacher and teaching assistant is also mentioned. The empirical part of the thesis contains a case study of a selected a Little Class school and how the cooperation takes place at this school. In the diploma thesis, these collection methods were used: observation, interview and questionnaire. Following is an analysis of the data collected and an assessment of the situation. This research showed interesting results. In the empirical part of diploma thesis are used knowledge from the theoretical part. KEYWORDS school climate, teaching staff, school management,...

Architektonické řešení prostoru mateřské školy v kontextu současného pojetí předškolního vzdělávání v České republice / Architectural design of nursery schools in the context of the current concept of pre-primary education in the Czech Republic

Jantačová, Eliška January 2020 (has links)
This Diploma thesis is dealing with problematics of architectural solution of working space within kindergarten in context with conception of contemporary preschool education in the Czech Republic. The goal of the thesis is to analyze architectural and spatial conditions within selected kindergartens in the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into two parts. Theoretical part is focused on preschool child, kindergarten, laws regulating architectural space solutions in kindergartens in the Czech Republic, and architectural and spatial parameters for kindergartens. The goal of thesis' practical part is to analyze how different spatial dispositions affect ongoing educational processes in examined kindergartens. Practical part states objectives of the thesis, research questions and methodological tools, applied during research phase of the thesis. It focuses on selected faculty kindergartens with different disposition solutions and analyzes their spatial disposition in relationship to educational processes and child's play. Then analyzes and compares different points of view to the problematics from selected professional educationalist and architects. Further the thesis summarizes recommendations on spatial arrangements, so they suit well all the needs of those participated in educational process. The...

Systémy elektronických žákovských knížek z pohledu učitelů / Pupils' record book systems from the viewpoint of teachers

Melichová, Karolína January 2021 (has links)
The theoretical part of the diploma thesis introduces the issue of gradebooks and school information systems. Finally, it describes the selected school information system Bakaláři, which is the subject of research. The research part deals with the view of teachers on online record books in education, on their evaluation and use of the Bachelors system. To collect research data, it was conducted through a questionnaire survey.

Tvorba a ověření přínosu vzdělávacího kurzu pro usnadnění volby vysoké školy / Creating the learning programme for facilitating the higher education school choice and verifying its benefits

Zeman, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The thesis aims at improving the process of choosing a university by designing an experimental educational course composed of activities focused on self-knowledge and working with information. The theoretical part includes an overview of the existing research about higher education school choice. To create suitable activities, it was necessary to know the importance of choice factors, prospective students' needs and the facts about current sources of information. The thesis also presents the current state of career consulting and courses focused on a similar subject. The empirical part describes the content of the online educational workshop and its implementation including students' evaluation. The verification of the course's benefits was secured by interviews with the students and by evaluation of their learning outcomes from the activities. Furthermore, the thesis contains a description of the research limits caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and a recommendation for future improvements and methodical use. Key words: Higher education choice, career consulting, prospective student, decision-making, designing methodology

Návrh metodického postupu pro výběr dotací z hlediska daňových nákladů pro příspěvkové organizace / Proposal of a Methodological Procedure for the Selection of Subsidies with Focus on Tax for an Allovance Organization

Hortová, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on the dealing of problem with choosing subsidy in choosed contributory organization. This problem will be analysed on two similar contributory organizations with focusing on taxation. The conclusion of the master thesisis metodical process of choosing subsidies for contributory organization taking into account taxation.

Založení malého podniku a strategie jeho rozvoje / Creating of Small Company and Strategy of its Development

Fáborský, Jindřich January 2011 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá vytvořením podnikatelského plánu pro malou společnost, která přichází na trh s novým, technologickým produktem. Společnost, která se již jeden rok pohybuje v oblasti jazykových kurzů vyvíjí software pro reálnou výuku přes internet. Jelikož se jedná o zcela nový koncept, je třeba ověřit, zdali existuje poptávka na trhu ze strany jazykových škol, soukromých lektorů a především samotných studentů. Pro pochopení motivů zákazníků byl použit primární výzkum prostřednictvím dotazníků. Technologický produkt jež je předmětem podnikatelského plánu je již ve vývoji a měl by být uveden na trh v dubnu roku 2012.

Plán reakce na nouzové situace v letecké škole / Emergency responce planing in approved traning organization

Jedlička, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This master‘s thesis is focused on the creation of the Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for an Approved Training Organisation (ATO). The first part of this thesis describes aviation organisations and other transport organisations that require Safety management system. The second part analyses requirements for documentation and regulations for applying Emergency Response Plan. In the third section there is an ERP general manual which helps ATO with the creation of the document. The last part contains the ERP created for a model ATO with the help of the general manual from the third chapter.

Šperk a jeho místo ve výtvarné výchově na prvním stupni základní školy / Jewellery and its place in Art Education at elementary school

Svobodová, Michala January 2012 (has links)
Svobodová, M.: Jewellery and its place in Art Education at elementary school/ graduation thesis / Prague 2011 / Charles University in Prague, faculty of Education - department of Art Education, p. 103 The theoretical background of this diploma thesis describes a brief history and development of the jewellery from the prehistoric times to the present days. It focuses mainly on the new history of production and jewellery design and tries to watch up the origin of author's jewel, mainly the trend of the non-traditional materials creation. In today's production, it presents a few alternative Czech designers and their work. Two creative successions that were realized with elementary school children are presented in didactical part. The last, creative section of the thesis presents author's own piece of work.

Volba školy v primárním vzdělávání jako důležitý mechanizmus ovlivňující spravedlivý přístup ke vzdělávání / Primary school choice - an important mechanism influencing equity in education

Simonová, Jaroslava January 2015 (has links)
Primary school choice - an important mechanism influencing equity in education Jaroslava Simonová Abstract This dissertation describes the process of school choice in primary education and the factors influencing it. Using a qualitative grounded theory design, the work builds on data from 41 interviews with parents from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. Parents' decision-making about school choice is shaped primarily by the organizational needs of parents and their inner need to be a "good parent". When being interviewed, parents report a number of criteria, which, according to them, are important in school choice. However, for many of them they fail to obtain relevant and reliable information. Therefore, they may eventually make a decision based on criteria other than those referred to as important, although they are rarely aware of this shift and the change in criteria. There are three unavoidable criteria in decision-making: availability, reputation and the emotions that parents experienced at school during their visit. The child's needs are the important intervening conditions. They play an important role, especially if the parents feel that their child has some particular needs. The parents' experience with the education system and their personality characteristics are also important. The significant...

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