Spelling suggestions: "subject:"škola""
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Kyberšikana na základních školách / Cyberbullying at basic schoolsPlešr, Dominik January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the theme of cyberbullying at selected basic schools in the Czech Republic. The conceptual basis rests upon Lawrence Kohlberg theory of moral development and theory of social pathology. Through the desk research of the relevant Czech and international research, and through experts interviewing, the aims of the thesis are mainly exploratory, i.e. to explore the nowadays situation in (incl. effects and prevention/fighting of) cyberbullying at sample basic schools in the Czech Republic.
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Reflexe změny v řízení pedagogického procesu na přelomu osmdesátých a devadesátých let / Reflection of change in the management of the pedagogical process at the turn of the 1980s and 1990sKaplanová, Jitka January 2018 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the reflection of the change in the pedagogical process management at the turn of the 1980s and the 1990s. The aim of the thesis was to find out the influence of changes in social, political and economic conditions at the turn of the 80s and 90s on the concept of pedagogical process management. We wanted to clarify the management style in the historical context. We also wanted to identify the causes of these changes - whether it is conceptual and strategic documents of the education sector, or it is still changing legislation or other factors. In the theoretical part, we reflected changes in the pedagogical process management from 1989 until today. We described the development of the phenomenon of primary school management with an emphasis on the pedagogical process. Our assumptions were based on theoretical approaches of pedagogy and general management. The aim of the research part is to clarify the relations, to create and to describe the scheme of the pedagogical process management due to changing conditions after 1989. The design of qualitative research was chosen as a research method of oral history. Data collection consisted of analyzing and comparing documents and then conducting in-depth interviews with the headmasters of elementary schools. Based on the...
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Dramatická výchova v osobnostním a sociálním rozvoji studentů technických vysokých škol / The role of Drama-in-Education in personal and social development of persons studying technology at university levelSchmidtová, Monika January 2019 (has links)
The role of Drama-in-Education in personal and social development of persons studying technology at university level Abstract The dissertation thesis deals with application of the Drama-in-Education form in a curriculum of a technical university. The courses at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague were aimed to help the personal and social development of the students. As such courses and the form were unusual in the study plans in the time of research, both the outcome and the students' perception of the courses are studied. In general, the work aims to verify whether the Drama-in-Education form is able to effectively help the personal and social development of technically oriented students in tertiary education. The text consists of two parts. The theoretical part describes the historical and cultural context in which Drama-in-Education and also Personal and Social Education originated and were integrated into the educational process. It documents how complicated was the integration of Drama-in-Education into the Czech educational system. The research section describes and analyzes compulsory elective courses that took place at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague in 2011/12 and 2012/2013. The thesis seeks to answer the question how...
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Implementace Digital Object Identifier na univerzitách v České republice: zkušenosti a doporučení / The implementation of Digital Object Identifier at the univerisities in Czech Republic: experience and recommendationsRumpíková, Kristina January 2019 (has links)
(in English): The aim of this thesis is to present persistent identification system of digital object identifier and analyze of use of DOI on a sample of public universities in the Czech Republic. The first part introduce the DOI system, its structure, advantages and examples of use in recent time. The second part is focused on analysis of current use of DOI in public univeristies. To fullfil this purpose researched questions were stated. Data was collected were determined in questionaire survey and semi structured interview. The conclusion of thesis proposes a direction of further reflection towards improvement of current situation.
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Analýza postojů aktérů vysokoškolské vzdělávací politiky v utváření politiky doktorského studia. / Analysis of Attitudes of Higher Education Policy Actors in the Formation of Doctoral Study Policy.Buřičová, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA FAKULTA SOCIÁLNÍCH VĚD Institut Sociologických studií Katedra Veřejné a sociální politiky Diplomová práce 2019 Bc. Barbora Buřičová UNIVERZITA KARLOVA FAKULTA SOCIÁLNÍCH VĚD Institut Sociologických studií Katedra Veřejné a sociální politiky Analýza postojů aktérů vysokoškolské vzdělávací politiky v utváření politiky doktorského studia Diplomová práce Autorka práce: Bc. Barbora Buřičová Studijní program: Sociologie Vedoucí práce: Dr. Mgr. Aleš Vlk Rok obhajoby: 2019 Prohlášení 1. Prohlašuji, že jsem předkládanou práci zpracovala samostatně a použila jsem jen uvedené prameny a literaturu. 2. Prohlašuji, že práce nebyla využita k získání jiného titulu. 3. Souhlasím s tím, aby práce byla zpřístupněna pro studijní a výzkumné účely. V Praze dne Bc. Barbora Buřičová Bibliografický záznam BUŘIČOVÁ, Barbora. Analýza postojů aktérů vysokoškolské vzdělávací politiky v utváření politiky doktorského studia. Praha, 2019. 89 s. Diplomová práce (Mgr.). Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut Sociologických studií. Katedra Veřejné a sociální politiky. Vedoucí diplomové práce Dr. Mgr. Aleš Vlk. Rozsah práce: 149 153 znaků s mezerami Anotace Předkládaná diplomová práce se zaměřuje na postoje aktérů vysokoškolské vzdělávací politiky k problematice doktorského studia. Doktorské studium je v...
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Reflexe čtenářství žáků deváté třídy základní školy / Reading skills reflection of the ninth grade elementary school pupilsDufková, Diana January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on reading of the ninth grade school pupils. The aim is to evaluate the influence of school teaching of the subject Czech language and literature on pupils and their approach to reading. The theoretical part introduces key terms, importance of reading, factors influencing the reading of children and youth, reading of pubescents and deals with the role of the school in forming of reading habits. The research was carried out in the ninth grade of lower-secondary school. It was a qualitative method in the form of questionnaires. Specific research questions have been identified in cooperation with the school and the teacher. The research results - in the context of the suggestions offered by the school - provide feedback for the school and teacher.
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Možnosti implementace demografie do výuky na středoškolské úrovni / Possibilities of demography implementation in the classes at higher secondary education levelVondrášek, Martin January 2020 (has links)
Possibilities of demography implementation in the classes at higher secondary education level Abstract The main goals of the diploma thesis are to evaluate the degree of implementation and the potential of demography during lessons at the higher secondary school level and to suggest specific activities that can be implemented within the lessons. It is the first thesis aimed solely at the didactics of demography. The work uses publicly available online databases of the Czech Statistical Office, the United Nations and the Population Reference Bureau. An analysis of syllabi of subjects from the first years of selected universities, a content analysis of selected secondary school textbooks and a Framework Education Programme were performed. The analyses show a large scope for the implementation of demography not only in the teaching of geography. The work is complemented by specific proposals of activities that can be used in teaching at upper secondary schools. Keywords: Czechia, demography, teaching demography, implementation, upper secondary schools, textbook analysis, Framework Education Programme
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Příklady dobré praxe kariérového poradenství na základních školách / Best practices of career guidance in lower secondary schoolsLisý, Marek January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on career guidance in primary and mainly lower secondary schools. The goal of the thesis is to identify and describe the best practices of career guidance from the perspective of a lower secondary school career or educational counsellor, and also from the perspective of the education system. The theoretical part fulfills this goal by describing inspirational approaches to career guidance in selected European countries (Finland, England and France). Using in-depth semi-structured interviews, the research part examines and describes the work of six career guidance facilitators at four lower secondary schools and one upper secondary school, which were purposefully selected as possible examples of best practice. The outcome of the thesis is a detailed insight into the attitudes and approaches to career guidance of the selected respondents, description of 36 unique career guidance activities, and a set of both systemic and specific recommendations for improving the state of career guidance in lower secondary schools. Although the work is focused on lower secondary schools, its outputs are also applicable to upper secondary schools.
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Poruchy autistického spektra ve výuce na středních zdravotnických školách / Autism spectrum disorderčs in the education system of the secondary nursing schoolsNiederlová, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterized by deficits in the areas of communication and social interaction, stereotypic behaviour and changes in the sensory processing. These symptoms pose challenges to everyday situations such as visits to the doctor's office, which are more stressful for children with ASD and their parents than for the general population. Furthermore, more than one-third of parents have encountered refusal to provide medical care for their child because of ASD. In our diploma project, we combined the parent's reports with an analysis of international sources to create a project called AutFriendly which aims to increase the knowledge of the Czech healthcare practitioners about ASD. In the presented thesis, we summarize the theoretical background in the field of healthcare provision for people with ASD and we review current Czech and international literature to show how the topic of ASD is addressed in the education of healthcare practitioners. In the practical part of the thesis, we summarize our two-year experience with the AutFriendly project. First, we created a two- hour AutFriendly workshop for the students of secondary schools of nursing and we put it into practice with more than 250 participating students of the Czech secondary schools of nursing. Second, we...
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Akvizice ve vysokoškolských knihovnách: klíčové otázky / Acquisitions in academic libraries: key issuesMálková, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis deals with acquisitions in academic libraries. It briefly outlines the characteristics of universities and describes the acquisition process and other related issues. Content analysis of foreign literature maps acquisitions in academic libraries abroad. Literature review is combined with a case study in the European University Institute. The research of the current acquisition practice in Czech academic libraries was done using the Delphi method. The conclusion of this thesis is dedicated to the summary and comparison of the information gained from the literature review, the case study and the research. Key problems and trends in academic acquisitions are formulated.
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