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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dítě na počátku školní docházky / Child in the beginning of school attendance

Jílková, Dana January 2011 (has links)
Anotation The Diploma thesis deals with the transition of a child from nursery school to primary school. The important factor deciding on the entrance to primary school is school maturity and school preparedness. The theoretic part deals with these themes., The theoretic part further describes the characteristics of a preschool child, its entrance to primary school and school attendance postponement. The practical part investigates the whole process of primary school enrollment. It finds out how school mature or immature children are. The basic methods of the research investigation are the orientation Test of School Maturity (Jirásek), observation, casuistical methods of preschool children and conversation with chosen children.

Ekonomická gramotnost ředitele školy / Economic Literacy of Headmaster

Blažková, Vlasta January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with examining the economic literacy of a headmaster. The topic has been chosen because of the belief that a good financial management is important for the development of a school. Another reason for the choice is the fact that there is virtually no set of unambiguously defined responsibilities and no set of suggested knowledge in the economic area which would provide guidance for headmaster in his work. The aim of the theoretical part is to find the necessary information, to define the key terms and to place the economics of the school management into the legislative framework. The practical (research) part examines the actual state of knowledge and the activity of headmasters in the financial management of the school. The difficulty, the risk of financial management in relation to other managerial activities and the comparability of different types and sizes of schools are also examined here. The outcome of this thesis is to give the definition and the content of the economic and financial literacy of a headmaster. It is also to determine the level of the financial literacy of the interviewed headmasters. KEYWORDS: Headmaster, economic literacy, financial literacy, decision-making authority, responsibilities of the headmaster, delegation of responsibilities, financial...

Ověření postupů práce s poezií na 2.stupni základní školy / Verification of procedures of work with poetry in grades 6-9

Bierdümpflová, Marie January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is dealing with verification of procedures of work with poetry at grades 6- 9. Term of poetry and concisely summarized development of poetry for children and young is defined in the theoretical part. Chapter Poetry at school is dealing with position of poetry in curriculum documents, with the role of teacher by teaching poetry and with reading- books and methodical manuals, which teacher can use. Teaching methods and closer specified of methods destined especially for work with poetry are defined further. Theoretical part concludes characteristic of pupils at grades 6-9 from evolutionary psychologic's view. Practical part intorduces a brief characteristic of lections, there is an explanation of their structure and sorting. In the next part is explained methodology of choosing texts, description of the enviroment of primary school Hanspaulka, where the lections were verified, and pupils who worked with. After that follows each lection for different classes of upper level of primary school. The lections were verified and also evaluated. Supplemetnal worksheets which were used in lections as well are added.

Vzdělávání ředitele školy - komparace České republiky, Bavorska a Severního Porýní-Vestfálska / Education of a School Headmaster - Comparison of the Czech Republic, Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia

Jícha, Zbyněk January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this work is to answer the following question: ‚Is it possible to compare qualification training and forms of further training of headmasters in different countries?' The author of this thesis deals with headmaster training in the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany (Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia). He obtained information about education systems and education opportunities in these countries through selected research methods which were a questionnaire and interviews with school headmasters. The need for proper managerial qualification of headmasters necessary for them to meet requirements for discharge of the function is proved by the fact that today headmasters have to cope with demands made on their competency readiness which they can receive through good specialized training. The information obtained can be used as a pattern or methodical recommendations because in every country the managerial education follows different qualifying models. KEYWORDS: lifelong training, further training of teachers, professional career, further training of headmasters, headmaster competence, competence profile, qualifying model

Vliv ředitelů škol na vzdělávání a profesní rozvoj pedagogických pracovníků / Influence of Headmasters on the Education and Professional Development of Educational Staff

Ševčíková, Eva January 2014 (has links)
This work focuses on personal management in education and circumstances relating to it, respectively on one of the basic personal activities, that is education and development of employees. Personal development of staff and their further education should be ongoing. The premise is that school management plays vital role in further staff education. This work is to find out, whether or not this really is true, that teachers perceive director as the key person who influences their professional growth. Data is analysed with combination of quantitative and qualitative research. Research analysis shows, that in selected primary schools, teachers perceive their directors as adequately competent and well motivating on their quest to professional development. Teachers are aware of various forms of further education. The ways they use this knowledge vary. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Komparace hodnocení zaměstnanců jako personální činnosti ve školství a v ziskových organizacích / Comparison of Staff Evaluation As Part of Personnel Activities in Educational Institutions and Profit Organisations

Galata Hrbková, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
This paper deals with a comparison of the staff evaluation systems in the commercial sector and the education system. The theoretical part highlights the role and significance of personnel work for achieving goals and an organization's strategies, and defines the basic terms from the personnel and staff evaluation areas. It particularly focuses on the description of the functions, goals and methods of staff evaluation; potential problems arising from the evaluation have been covered as well. The small enterprise and the Czech primary school have been selected as representative subjects for the subsequent comparison. Further, the difference between the roles of the for-profit (business) sector and the public sector, between the organizations' goals in both sectors and the basic background of the workings of both organizations are explained. Regarding the enterprise, the focus is also on the context of personnel work and staff evaluation as a means of attaining the financial goals of the business. The section about schools deals with the methods of school management, the particularities of the teachers' profession and the resulting characteristics of personnel work at schools as well as the methods used for teachers' evaluation. The research part of the paper takes on the form of qualitative...

Výuka sexuální výchovy na 1. stupni vybrané základní školy / Teaching of Sex Education at the chosen lower Primary School

Jirků, Magdaléna January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on sex education in the lower Primary School. The aim is to map it on the general level, that means its definition and settings for Primary Schools, and then to design the teaching units and to do a partial implementation at the chosen school. The theoretical part describes the development of sex education, inspiration from abroad and mainly its current concept from 1989 until today. There are mentioned its objectives, principles and ethics, legal representation, the negative aspects of human sexuality, the course and content. The thesis also examines the role of family and school. The practical part focuses on the approach of parents and teachers to sex education at the chosen school through a survey and a structured interview. Based on the positive results, there is a proposal of teaching units for education implementation, verification of one of them in practice, and there is also a list of recommended literature and materials for parents. KEY WORDS sex education, inspiration from abroad, current concepts, human and his/her health, sexuality, prevention, school concept, design of teaching units, cooperation

Chrámy vědění osiřely: Intervenční úsilí představitelů protektorátní správy o zmírnění následků německé akce vůči českému vysokému školství na podzim roku 1939 / Temples of knowledge had been orphaned: The interventional struggle which was led by representatives of protectorate administration in order to mitigate consequences of the German proceeding against Czech universities in autumn 1939

Borl, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis concerns itself with a struggle of the administration of the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia to deal with the consequences of the German action of 17th November, when as a revenge for previous demonstrations Czech universities in the Protectorate were closed and more than a thousand of their students were arrested and sent to concentration camps in Germany. The thesis is divided into 4 main chapters. The first one concerns itself concisely with reasons, course and immediate consequences of the German "Special action of 17th November 1939". The content of the second chapter is formed by an exposition of a struggle to achieve liberation of the jailed students and their comeback home that was realised by the interventions of the state president Hácha and the Protectorate government at the representatives of the occupation regime; and then an inquest of their tactics and its successfulness at these interventions. A topic of the next chapter is a description and an analysis of the problems accompanying the closure of Czech universities, with which the Protectorate government was also forced to deal. Among them there were for example a placement of the students, who were not jailed but prevented from continuing in their studies and whom the Protectorate government strove to protect...

Zahraniční studenti v Československu v 60. a 70. letech: vzájemné soužití a vztah k českolsovenskému obyvatelstvu / Foreign Students in Czechoslovakia from 1960s and 1970s: Social Life and Relations to the Czechoslovak Population

Medvecová, Mária January 2015 (has links)
This work focuses on foreign college students in former Czechoslovakia, coming from so-called developing countries. It portrays the students' daily life, their relationships and conflicts, as well as their coexistence alongside the Czechoslovak population. Firstly, it will be necessary for us to pinpoint the subjects the foreigners studied, and then identify university archives used as research sources (tentatively, sources are available from Charles University and the Universita 17. listopadu university in Prague). Besides their studies, this work focuses on the students' life at the dormitories, their conflicts, and their cultural and social life. The research will, naturally, have to be put into context of Czechoslovakia's strategies and ambitions in the international politics, especially in relation to the so- called developing countries. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Inovativní přístupy ve výuce na 1. stupni základní školy / Inovative approaches in education at primary school

Koubíková, Alena January 2014 (has links)
My diploma thesis is focused to innovative approaches in primary schools, and specifically the methods of critical thinking. It describes the theoretical basis of methods of critical thinking, dealing with three-phase model of learning and program Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking. This thesis treats individual critical thinking methods used in conventional lessons non- specialist primary schools. The empirical part of the action research was conducted in the Lauder school in Prague, where the author works as the class teacher. Investigations Research investig of pupils author explores how specific methods is using in the classroom perceive subjectively by pupils. Form of a questionnaire aimed at teachers find out how often teachers use these methods into their lessons, and if the methods of critical thinking are actually effective. The data obtained from the empirical investigation are presented in written and graphical form and are interpreted with regard to the theoretical background of this thesis.

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