Spelling suggestions: "subject:"škola""
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Využití ICT ve výuce anglického jazyka na 1. stupni ZŠ / Using ICT in English language teaching at primary schoolKRPEJŠOVÁ, Michala January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the possibilities of using ICT in English language teaching at primary school. The theoretical part deals with the definition of the concept of ICT, ways of implementing ICT in teaching, further describes the possible advantages and disadvantages of using ICT in teaching at primary school and mentions the didactic functions of ICT and general education and language objectives supported by technologies. The practical part of this thesis presents ten specific activities using ICT in English language lessons at primary school. These activities are always properly described in terms of educational objectives, ways of their realization and in the end are reflected. Each activity was tested in practice in advance. The research carried out in this thesis deals with the use of ICT among teachers at an elementary school in Pilsen and reflects their opinion on technologies and their future in English language teaching at primary school.
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Tvaroslovná kompetence žáků 1. stupně základní školy / Pupils' morphological competence at the first stage of primary schoolJuričičová, Iveta January 2019 (has links)
This final thesis works with the topic of standard Czech language at the 1st level of primary schools. The theoretical part deals with the units of the Czech national language, standard Czech language and its development, current phenomenons in contemporary Czech, common Czech language, Czech dialects and sociolects. Furthermore, it briefly describes the development of teaching of standard Czech language at schools and other possibilities of teachers. It also analyzes particular morphological aspects of individual morphological changes subsequently examined in the practical part. The empirical part is a quantitative analysis and comparison of the ability of pupils of the first grade of selected schools in the Central Bohemian Region to identify the non-standard expressions and replace them with the correct standard forms. The work partly verifies the selected hypotheses and compares the results primarily with the results of similar research carried out at the 2nd level of primary schools.
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Aplikace kompetenčního modelu v podmínkách veřejné obchodní akademie / Applying the Competence Model in the Public Business AcademyDobaková, Petra January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the use of competences and competency model as an effective tool of personnel management of the organization. Competency - based / HR / Management (CBM) is an actively used model primarily in the commercial sphere. However, in recent years, more and more government organizations have also approached this governance model. The theoretical and empirical part of the thesis deals with the issue of acquiring and using various types of competencies, compiling a competency model and their subsequent application in personnel management. The definition of basic terms and principles of competency management is based on the study of professional literature and binding documents that link the principles of competence management to the lifelong learning strategy and learning organization models. The empirical part first deals with the actual use of competencies and competency models in the conditions of public business academies in Prague and Central Bohemia. It describes the current state of use of human resources management by competency of the director of public business academies in the region. The observed state is compared with the results of the Trexima, spol. s r.o. in the commercial organizations, which was implemented in 2014. The empirical part is further focused on the...
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Odborná kvalifikace pedagogických pracovníků základních škol ve vztahu k Dlouhodobému záměru vzdělávání a rozvoje vzdělávací soustavy České republiky / Professional Qualification of Pedagogical Staff of Elementary and Secondary Schools in relation to the Long-term Plan for Education and Development of the Educational System of the Czech RepublicKubíček, David January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with current qualifying requirements on pedagogical workers working at primary and secondary schools in context of component goals achievement given by Education Policy Strategy 2020. It is devided into two parts. The teoretical part is devoted to amendments to Act n. 563/2004 (Act on Educational Workers) from the perspective of legal claims to professional qualification of pedagogical workers and searches connects with component goals defined in Education Policy Strategy 2020 and other curricural documents. It captures possible pitfalls of providing skilled pedagogical workers that follow from regional situation on the labor market and describes possibilities of their solutions includinng opinions of control members especially Czech School Inspection. It defines goverment priorities in relation to the teaching profession. The research part compares availability of skilled pedagogical workers in parts of two Czech Republic regions where there is assumption of different potential on labor market. KEYWORDS pedagogical worker, Pedagogical Workers Act, qualifications, standard, Long-term Plan for Education and Development of the Educational System
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Pojetí regionálních dějin ve výuce dějepisu na středních školách ve městě Příbram / The concept of regional history in history teaching in secondary schools in the town of PribramBLAŽKOVÁ, Hana January 2011 (has links)
The diploma work is focused on the conception of regional history teaching in the city of Příbram. It brings an up-to-date view on regional history seen through didactis and tries to show contemporary condition in the regional historical research. The whole work is divided into three big parts. The first one is aimed on the term region, on its meaning and understanding. Further it maps significant regional historians and researchers, it briefly draws near their work and makes us familiar with important personalities of Příbram regional research. It also deals with the history of the town Příbram and its closest surroundings. Data obtained from an empirical research, which was taken at seven high schools in Příbram where history as a subject is taught in final exams branches classes, are elaborated in the second part of the work. The found out facts about the state of regional history in history teaching are then compared with the former aims and hypothesis. The third part is focused on certain methodical possibilities of taking advantage of regional history in history teaching at high schools. Two proposals for project teaching methods which might be used in lectures by the teachers are presented.
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Akademické milieu v časech prověrek - vysoké školy v letech 1948-1956. Poválečná reforma českého vysokého školství a její kořeny / The Academic Milieu in Times of Communist Vetting - Higher Education in 1948-1956. Post-war Reform of Czech Higher Education and Is OriginsJareš, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with a reform of Czech higher education after the Second World War. While traditional treatments follow the communist experiment from its beginnings until its 'inevitable' downfall in 1989, this work focuses on its roots and end with the adoption of the new Higher Education Act in 1950. This reversal of perspective reveals similarities between the communist reform and modernisation trends which influenced the development of higher education also in the West. We follow the discussion about the future of higher education, which went on in 1930s-1950s, try to see how universities tried to approach the tension between their freedoms and demands for serving the public, and analyse the way in which the communist reform responded to this issue. Czech higher education was formed by Humboldtian principles, which were partly implemented in mid-19th century. During the interwar period, this framework basically remained in place: higher education developed in terms of quantity rather than quality but certain problems with demanded attention also started coming to the fore. Attempts by the Ministry of Education to implement partial reforms met with resistance from the academic institutions and many academics focused on passionately defending the autonomy of universities. During the wartime, the...
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Autoevaluace na středních školách / Self-evaluation in Secondary SchoolsČapková, Dana January 2016 (has links)
SELF-EVALUATION IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS Abstract The dissertation thesis focuses on self-evaluation - self-evaluation of schools - in secondary schools in the Czech Republic with an emphasis on creation and development of professional community of teachers and creation of schools as Learning Organizations. The current state of research in the field of self-evaluation is described by the study of Czech and foreign literature. Self-conducted empirical investigation helped to determine the real state of its implementation in our secondary schools. In the framework of the thesis, self-evaluation is understood as a condition for further development of the school, improvement of the quality of teachers and all school activities; so that the school would be able to best reflect the needs of the market and its social partners. The purpose is to allow the school itself to assess its situation, to define its own problems and to find solutions - to find self-improvements. The thesis introduces a variety of approaches, benefits and difficulties that the current state of self-evaluation causes. The first part defines basic concepts, describes quality management systems used in educational process and legislative framework for the implementation of self-evaluation in secondary schools. Supporting part comprises a summary of...
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Literatura pro děti a mládež jako inspirační zdroj v hodinách výtvarné výchovy / Literature for Children and Young People as an Inspirational Source on Art LessonsNEUŽILOVÁ, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The presented qualifying thesis with the title ?Literature for Children and for Young People as an Inspirational Source on Art Lessons? deals with interdisciplinary relations of two branches of humanities: art and Czech language. Its theoretical part focuses on the characteristic of the middle school pupil from the point of view of psychology as well as from the point of view of reading and artistic skills. Practical part of the thesis includes empirical research examining reading activities and leisure time of present-day young people. The results of the research probe were taken into account in the art project (thematic array) which is partly put into practice in the middle school.
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Etická výchova pro starší školní věk a výzkum v okrese Tábor / Ethics Education for Older School Age and Research in District TáborSAMCOVÁ, Věra January 2012 (has links)
This work is focused on ethics education for pupils of older school age. The first part is theoretical, the basic definitions are presented here. Older school age is described from a view of evolutionary psychology and also changes typical for this age are mentioned. The work deals with the position of the ethics education for older school age in the curricula of the Czech Republic and it presents different views on this topic. The practical part concerns the research of the ethics education for older school age in district of Tábor. The final section provides commentary of the results of the research survey among teachers of the ethics education for older school age and it analyses the obtainech infomation.
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Fair Trade aktivity a produkty v České republice / Fair Trade activities and products in the Czech RepublicSOKOLÍK, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study work is the analysis of Fair Trade Products and activities in the Czech Republic. The analysis focuses on projects "Fair Trade Schools" and "Fair Trade Towns". The analysis includes an overview of other activities to support Fair Trade. The product analysis is directed to online stores and changes in the segment of chain stores.
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