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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Žmonių išteklių valdymas, tobulinant motyvacines sistemas / Motivation systems development of human resources management

Česonytė, Dovilė 20 June 2014 (has links)
"Žmonių išteklių valdymas, tobulinant motyvacines sistemas" darbo objektas – žmonių išteklių valdymo tobulinimo motyvacinės sistemos. Darbo tikslas – ištirti motyvacinių sistemų tobulinimo įtaką žmonių išteklių valdymui. Nustatyto tikslo realizavimui iškelti sekantys darbo uždaviniai: išnagrinėti žmonių išteklių valdymo svarbą bei ypatumus; apibrėžti motyvacijos sampratą, teorijas ir efektyviausius motyvavimo metodus; analizuoti jau atliktus tyrimus žmonių išteklių motyvavimo srityje; atlikti įmonių, taikančių žmonių išteklių motyvacines sistemas, empirinį tyrimą ir įvertinti naudojamų motyvacinių sistemų efektyvumą; pateikti siūlymus motyvacinių sistemų tobulinimui ir suformuoti bendrą žmonių išteklių motyvacijos modelį. Tyrimo metu buvo siekiama susipažinti su organizacinės veiklos ypatumais, motyvacinių sistemų naudojimu ir kaip jos įtakoja darbuotojų veiklą. Tyrimas parodė, kad organizacija tai ne tik struktūrinis vienetas, bet ir žmonės bei procesai vykstantys jos viduje. Todėl svarbiausias taikomos motyvacinės sistemos privalumas - atitikimas įmonėje dirbančių individų poreikiams. / The object of “Motivation Systems Development of Human Resources Management“ thesis – motivation systems development of human resources management. The goal of this paper is to explore impact of development of motivation systems on human resource management. The following tasks have been set in order to achieve the above goal: - To investigate an importance and peculiarities of human resource management; - To define motivation conception, theories and most effective methods; - To analyse already done researches in human resource motivation field; - To fulfil the empirical research of organizations practicing human resource motivation systems and estimate it’s effectiveness; - To produce proposals for development of motivation systems and to form general human resource motivation model. An empirical study has lasted about a year. During the course of this study the researcher was seeking to become acquainted with peculiarities of organizational activities, usage of motivation systems and how do these systems affects employees management. The study showed that the organization it’s not only structural unit, but it is an individuals and processes performing in it. That’s why the most important necessity of it - accordance to an employees needs. Therefore the model of motivation system must have also financial and not financial motivation measures and be based on organization’s and employee’s benefit. Moreover, in order to achieve the efficacy of the system, it has to be dynamic... [to full text]

Odontologų poreikio ir pasiūlos planavimas / Requirement and supply projections for dentists

Zakaitė, Živilė 08 June 2006 (has links)
Requirement and supply projections for dentists Aim of the study. To prepare requirement and supply projections for dentists in Lithuania for the next decade. Objectives. 1) To evaluate the changes in number and distribution of dentists in Lithuania in 1993-2004; 2) To evaluate the drop out from undergraduate studies of students of the Faculty of Odontology of Kaunas University of Medicine; 3) To evaluate the retention in profession of dental graduates of Faculty of Odontology of Kaunas University of Medicine; 4) To determine the requirement for dentists until 2015; 5) To forecast supply of dentists for the next decade. Methods. While estimating the number and distribution of dentists in Lithuania the data of Lithuanian Health Information Centre were analyzed. While estimating the distribution of dentists by age and gender in Lithuania the data of Health Care and Pharmacy Professionals Licence Registry were analyzed. While estimating the drop out from undergraduate studies and retention in the profession, cohort analysis of the matriculates of Faculty of Odontology of Kaunas University of Medicine was carried out. The requirement for dentists was evaluated by carrying out the Delphi survey. Supply of dentists was projected using computer simulation model by J. Dewdney. Results. In 1993-2004 the number of dentists per 10 thousand population increased from 5.3 to 6.6 in Lithuania. There were 2272 dentists in Lithuania in 2004. Only one third of them were working in districts... [to full text]

Personalo vertinimo sistemos įtaka žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymui telekomunikacijų sektoriuje / Personnel evaluation system impact of human resource management in the telecom sector

Bartkuvienė, Birutė 26 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama, kokia personalo vertinimo įtaka žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymui telekomunikacijų sektoriuje. Personalo kompetencijos vertinimas glaudžiai susijęs su žmogiškųjų ištekliu valdymu telekomunikacijų įmonėse. Personalo nuomonės tyrimas yra naudingi tiek organizacijai, tiek jos darbuotojams. Dažnai vertinimo rezultatai padeda diagnozuoti organizacijoje vykstančius teigiamus ir neigiamus personalo valdymo procesus, darančius įtaką organizacijos veiklos rezultatams, įvardinti problemas ir numatyti jų sprendimo būdus. Tinkamai paruošta darbuotojų veiklos vertinimo sistema sudaro sąlygas plėsti specialistų kompetenciją, kuri būtina, siekiant tam tikrų, konkrečių, tikslų – ir visos organizacijos, ir pačių darbuotojų. Profesinius sugebėjimus ugdyti padeda ir reguliarūs pokalbiai, kurių metu aptariami darbo rezultatai. Įdiegus darbuotojų veiklos vertinimo sistemą, įmonės vadovai nuolat po ranka turi specifinės informacijos, kuri būtina priimant sprendimus, susijusius su darbuotojų atlyginimais ir paaukštinimu. Be to, sistema skatina žmones geriau dirbti ir padeda nustatyti jų mokymo poreikius. Labai svarbu, kad visi darbuotojai būtų vertinami vienodai ir objektyviai. Būtina pabrėžti, kad darbuotojų veiklos vertinimas – tai tik visos įmonės darbo rezultatų valdymo sistemos dalis. Darbe kalbama apie strateginio žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo ir tradicinio personalo valdymo skirtumus, identifikuojami elementai, lemiantys personalo strategijos virsmą žmogiškųjų išteklių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This work examines the influence of the staff evaluation of human resources management of the telecommunications sector. Assessment of staff competence is closely related to human resources management of the telecommunications companies. The staff opinion survey is useful for both the organization and its employees. Often, the results of the assessment helps diagnose the organization taking place in the positive and negative effects of the personnel management processes affecting organizations' performance, identify problems and provide solutions. Properly trained staff performance assessment system allows for expansion of specialist expertise, which is essential to certain, specific, goals – and all the organizations and their employees. Helps develop the professional skills and regular conversations, during which the work results. The introduction of staff performance assessment system, the company executives on hand to keep the specific information necessary for decisions relating to staff salaries and promotions. In addition, the system encourages people to work better and helps to identify their training needs. It is very important that all employees are treated equally and objectively. It should be stressed that the staff activity – it is only the total performance of the business management system. In work analyzing the strategic human resource management and the differences between traditional personnel management, identified the elements that determine the strategy... [to full text]

Visuomenės sveikatos specialistų poreikio ir pasitraukimo studijų metu tyrimas / Study of public health specialists requirement and withdrawal during the studies

Bartulytė-Šukaitienė, Aušra 14 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study. To estimate the requirement for public health (PH) specialists and to evaluate their withdrawal during the studies. Objectives. 1. To evaluate the changes in number and distribution of PH specialists in Lithuania in 1993-2002. 2. To evaluate the withdrawal of students of Faculty of PH of KUM during pre-diploma studies. 3. To evaluate the withdrawal of students of Faculty of PH of KUM during post-diploma studies. 4. To estimate the requirement for PH specialists until 2015. Methods. While estimating the number and distribution of PH specialists in Lithuania the data of LHIC were analyzed. While estimating the withdrawal of PH students during pre-diploma and post-diploma studies, cohort analysis of the matriculates of Faculty of PH of KUM was carried out. The requirement for PH specialists was evaluated by carrying out the Delphi survey. Results. In 1993-2002 the number of PH specialists per 10 thousand population decreased in Lithuania: mostly the number of PH specialists with non-university medical education. In 1994-2000 84.9 percent of 272 matriculates graduated from Faculty of PH of KUM. 2.5 percent of students graduated earlier than after 4 years, because they had moved from Faculty of Medicine to the third or the fourth course of PH studies. The number of students who left for other faculties was 2.9 percent. It was impossible to find out the outcome of studies of 1.5 percent of students. Totally, 10.7 percent of students have not graduated from the... [to full text]

Internationalisation of higher education institutions: human resource management / Aukštojo mokslo institucijų veiklos internacionalizavimas:žmonių išteklių vadyba

Radzevičienė, Asta 29 June 2007 (has links)
Enhancing of internationalisation in Higher education institutions is investigated in the dissertation, with the priority given to human resource management. The intercultural competence is identified as an instrument for complex improvement of internationalisation: its perspectives quantitative and qualitative results. The theoretical and empirical research results are summarised in the concept of HEIs’ internationalisation proposed, which is based on the idea of human resource intercultural competence development. / Darbe nagrinėjamos aukštojo mokslo institucijų veiklos internacionalizavimo tobulinimo problemos, prioritetizuojant žmonių išteklių vadybą. Analizuojama aukštojo mokslo institucijų internacionalizavimo samprata, subjektai ir veiksniai sąlygojantys internacionalizavimo plėtrą, bei kokybinius ir kiekybinius parametrus. Atliktų teorinių ir empirinių tyrimų rezultatai yra apibendrinami pateikiamoje aukštojo mokslo institucijų internacionalizavimo koncepcijoje, grįstoje aukštojo mokslo institucijų žmonių išteklių tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos formavimu. Darbe patiekiami sprendimai siūlomai koncepcijai realizuoti.

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