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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The multicriteria interaction of inputs and outputs in performance of state forest enterprises / Valstybinių miškų urėdijų veiklos daugiarodiklė išteklių ir rezultatų sąveika

Kavaliauskas, Marius 07 January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the research. To investigate the possibilities of adaptation regarding to methods of performance evaluation using multicriteria interaction of Inputs and Outputs in State Forest Enterprises. The tasks: 1) to make analysis of annual reports of State Forest Enterprises: 2) to prepare the primary system of indices representing the performance of State Forest Enterprises; 3) to implement the survey of experts regarding the preparation of primary system of indices; 4) to analyze the interaction of Inputs and Outputs in the primary system of indices; 5) to prepare the integrated system of indices representing the performance of State Forest Enterprises; 6) to analyze the interaction of Inputs and Outputs in the integrated system of indices; 7) to analyze the results of multicriteria interaction of Inputs and Outputs concerning the performance in State Forest Enterprises. Novelty. The system of indices representing performance of State Forest Enterprises were build, also, the weights of indices were determined. The modified Data Envelopment Analysis method for performance evaluation of State Forest Enterprises was improved. Chosen methods of multicriteria interaction of Inputs and Outputs enabled to evaluate the performance of State Forest Enterprises by distinct aspects. Scientific and practical significance. The investigations of performance of State Forest Enterprises using multicriteria interaction of Inputs and Outputs could be used as decision support system in... [to full text] / Tyrimo tikslas. Ištirti daugiarodiklės išteklių ir rezultatų sąveikos analizės metodų galimybes miškų urėdijų veiklos efektyvumui vertinti. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) atlikti miškų urėdijų metinių ataskaitų analizę; 2) parengti pirminę miškų urėdijų veiklą apibūdinančių rodiklių sistemą; 3) atlikti miško ūkio ekspertų apklausą dėl pirminės rodiklių sistemos; 4) išanalizuoti pirminės rodiklių sistemos išteklių ir rezultatų sąveiką; 5) parengti sustambintą miškų urėdijų veiklą apibūdinančių rodiklių sistemą; 6) išanalizuoti sustambintų rodiklių sistemos išteklių ir rezultatų sąveiką; 7) atlikti miškų urėdijų veiklos vertinimo pasirinktais metodais rezultatų analizę. Darbo naujumas. Parengta miškų urėdijų veiklą apibūdinančių rodiklių sistema, nustatyti tų rodiklių svoriai. Pritaikytas modifikuotas duomenų gaubtinės analizės metodas. Daugiarodiklės išteklių ir rezultatų analizės metodų įvairovė įgalino miškų urėdijų veiklą vertinti įvairiais aspektais. Praktinė darbo vertė. Miškų urėdijų veiklos tyrimai daugiarodiklės išteklių ir rezultatų sąveikos analizės pagrindu gali būti panaudoti kaip sprendimų paramos sistemos dalis valdant valstybinį miško ūkį. Šiame darbe ekspertų apklausos, šiuolaikinių matematinių metodų ir ankstesnių tyrimų pagrindu siekiama naujai pažvelgti į valstybinių miškų urėdijų veiklos analizę, didžiausią dėmesį skiriant bendrajai rodiklių sistemai, taip pat jų svorių problemai bei išteklių ir rezultatų sąveikai taikant daugiarodiklius vertinimo metodus.

Valstybinio subsidijavimo įtakos verslui vertinimas / Evaluation of State Subsidising Effect on Business

Bruzgė, Šarūnas 05 June 2014 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos verslo valstybinio reguliavimo rūšies – valstybinio subsidijavimo įtakos verslui problemos bei galimybės padidinti verslo reguliavimo efektyvumą. Pagrindinis tyrimo objektas yra valstybinis subsidijavimas įmonėms, kaip valstybės intervencijos į rinkos funkcionavimą forma. Autoriaus atlikta tyrimo objekto analizė leido nustatyti svarbiausius subsidijų parametrus, lemančius jų įtaką verslui, pasiūlyti naują verslo reguliavimo priemonių vertinimo modelį. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas – nustatyti valstybinio subsidijavimo įtaką verslui. Darbe sprendžiami šie pagrindiniai uždaviniai: nustatyti subsidijų poveikiui didžiausią įtaką turinčius parametrus, parengti rekomendacijas subsidijų dydžiui ir formai, kurie leistų siekti didesnio subsidijų efektyvumo, bei suformuluoti pasiūlymus tiek tolimesniems tyrimams, tiek ir verslo reguliavimo priemonių vertinimui. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, keturi skyriai, rezultatų apibendrinimas, naudotos literatūros, autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašai ir šeši priedai. Įvadiniame skyriuje aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašomas tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, aprašoma tyrimų metodika, darbo mokslinis naujumas, darbo rezultatų praktinė reikšmė, ginamieji teiginiai. Įvado pabaigoje pristatomos disertacijos tema autoriaus paskelbtos publikacijos ir pranešimai konferencijose bei disertacijos struktūra. Pirmajame skyriuje analizuojami valstybinio verslo reguliavimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The dissertation examines type of state regulation of business – state subsidizing effect on business and possibilities to increase the efficiency of business regulation. The main object of analysis is state subsidising to companies as a form or state intervention to market functioning. The author‘s conducted research object analysis allowed the identification of subsidy parameters influencing the effect on business and propose new model for evaluation of business regulation measures. The main aim of dissertation – determine the effect of state subsidising effect on business. The dissertation addresses following key challenges: determine subsidy parameters having biggest influence on subsidy effect, prepare recommendations for subsidy size and form, that will allow higher effect of subsidy, formulate recommendations and proposals for future research and valuations of business regulation measures. Dissertation consists of an introduction, four chapters, research generalisation, a summary of the literature and the author of publications on the dissertation topic and six annexes. Introductory chapter discusses the research problem, the relevance of research and describes the object of the formulated goal and objectives, describes research methodology, scientific novelty, the results of practical significance. Introductory chapter is concluded with the dissertation author publications and conferences, and the thesis structure. The first chapter is devoted to analysis of the... [to full text]

Landfill Site Selection By Using Geographic Information Systems

Sener, Basak 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
One of the serious and growing potential problems in most large urban areas is the shortage of land for waste disposal. Although there are some efforts to reduce and recover the waste, disposal in landfills is still the most common method for waste destination. An inappropriate landfill site may have negative environmental, economic and ecological impacts. Therefore, it should be selected carefully by considering both regulations and constraints on other sources. In this study, candidate sites for an appropriate landfill area in the vicinity of Ankara are determined by using the integration of Geographic Information Systems and Multicriteria Decision Analysis. For this purpose, sixteen input map layers including topography, settlements (urban centers and villages), roads (Highway E90 and village roads), railways, airport, wetlands, infrastructures (pipelines and power lines), slope, geology, land use, floodplains, aquifers and surface water are prepared and two different MCDA methods (Simple Additive Weighting and Analytic Hierarchy Process) are implemented in GIS environment. Comparison of the maps produced by these two different methods shows that both methods yield conformable results. Field checks also confirm that the candidate sites agree well with the selected criteria.

Choice determinants of donors giving to charities

Alexander, Fraser Unknown Date (has links)
The research applied multi-criteria decision-making analysis to donor decisions regarding the choice of a particular charity in order to identify which donor attitudes are significant in the giving decision. Factors affecting the appeal of major charities in Health and Disability were compared. The giving decision has not been widely researched overseas and particularly in New Zealand there is a need to do this in order to better manage Not-for-profit marketing resources. 24 factors associated with giving decisions were identified and quantified giving rise to a fully-specified giving model and potentially direct benefits to charitable organizations. The research has made a contribution to our understanding of donor choice determinants and giving models.

Διοίκηση αλλαγής και μέθοδοι πολυκριτήριας ανάλυσης

Μίχος, Νικόλαος 26 April 2012 (has links)
Ζούμε μια μεταβατική εποχή, που καθορίζεται από τις τεράστιες τεχνολογικές εξελίξεις, τη διεθνοποίηση των αγορών και της γνώσης και την ευκολότερη επικοινωνία των κατοίκων ολόκληρου του πλανήτη σε όλους τους τομείς δραστηριοτήτων τους. Όροι, όπως παγκοσμιοποίηση, συγχωνεύσεις εταιριών, αυξομειώσεις στα μεγέθη των επιχειρήσεων, τεχνολογική πρόοδος, περιγράφουν ποικίλες δυνάμεις στην αγορά εργασίας, οι οποίες μεταβάλλουν τους παραδοσιακούς κανόνες που επί χρόνια έχουν ρυθμίσει την επαγγελματική μας ζωή. Τα νέα τεχνολογικά μέσα μεταβάλλουν ριζικά τον τρόπο διάδοσης των επιστημονικών γνώσεων και των πληροφοριών, επηρεάζοντας, έτσι, και την οργάνωση της εκπαίδευσης, της εργασίας, της παραγωγής. Η εργασία αυτή περιγράφει την παγκοσμιοποίηση στον επιχειρηματικό χώρο και την παρουσιάζει σαν την αιτία για τις αλλαγές στη δομή και τον τρόπο λειτουργίας επιχειρήσεων και οργανισμών, στην προσπάθειά τους να ανταπεξέλθουν στις απαιτήσεις του ανταγωνισμού. Προκύπτει λοιπόν το θέμα της Διοίκησης Αλλαγής, ένας κλάδος σύγχρονος, που αποτελεί αντικείμενο μελέτης επιστημόνων και ειδικών σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο. Η εργασία αυτή αποτελεί το πρώτο βήμα προσέγγισης του κλάδου της Διοίκησης Αλλαγής μέσα από τεχνικές Πολυκριτήριας Ανάλυσης και Υπολογιστικής Νοημοσύνης, έχοντας σαν στόχο να προτείνει μια μεθοδολογία έρευνας και μελέτης, η οποία θα οδηγήσει στη δημιουργία μοντέλων βελτιστοποίησης διαδικασίας αλλαγής στις επιχειρήσεις. / We are living a transitional period, determined by the enormous technological developments, the globalization of markets and knowledge, and facilitate communication among people throughout the world in all areas of activity. Terms such as globalization, corporate mergers, changes in the size of business,technological progress, describe various forces in the labor market, which change the traditional rules that for years have set up our professional lives. The new technology means fundamentally change the way the dissemination of scientific knowledge and information, impacting so, the organization of education, work and production. This paper describes globalization in business and present it as the reason for the changes in the structure and operation of enterprises and organizations in their efforts to meet the demands of competition. It followed the theme of Change Management, a modern industry, which is the subject of study and individual scientists around the world.This work is the first step approach to Change Management industry through technical Multicriteria Analysis and Computational Intelligence Aiming to propose a research methodology and design, which will create optimization models change process in companies.

Optimisation heuristique pour la résolution du m-PDPTW statique et dynamique / Heuristics optimization for the resolution of the m-PDPTW static and dynamic

Harbaoui dridi, Imen 15 December 2010 (has links)
De nos jours, le problème de transport de marchandise occupe une place importante dans la vie économique des sociétés modernes. Le problème de ramassage et de livraison (pick-up and delivery problem) est l’un des problèmes dont une grande partie des chercheurs s’y est intéressée.Il s’agit de déterminer un circuit de plusieurs véhicules, de façon à servir à coût minimal un ensemble de clients et de fournisseurs répartis dans un réseau, satisfaisant certaines contraintes relatives aux véhicules, à leurs capacités et à des précédences entre les nœuds. Les travaux de recherche développés dans cette thèse portent sur le PDPTW (Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows) à plusieurs véhicules (m-PDPTW). Ce dernier a été traité dans les deux cas : statique et dynamique. Nous avons proposé plusieurs approches de résolution du m-PDPTW basées sur les algorithmes génétiques, l’optimisation multicritère et le calcul des bornes inférieures, et ceci pour minimiser un certain nombre de critères comme : le nombre de véhicules utilisés, la somme des retards ou le coût total de transport. Ces approches ont donné de bons résultats, principalement au niveau de la minimisation de la somme des retards où nous avons obtenu, dans plusieurs cas, un retard nul avec un coût de transport tolérable / Nowadays, the transport goods problem occupies an important place in the economic life of modern societies. The PDPTW (Pickup and delivery problem with Time Windows) is one which a large part of researchers was interested. This is an optimization vehicles routing problem which must meet requests for transport between suppliers and customers satisfying precedence and capacity.Researchers developed in this thesis concerns the resolution of the PDPTW with multiple vehicles (m-PDPTW). The latter was treated in two cases: static and dynamic.We have proposed some approaches to solving the m- PDPTW, based on genetic algorithms, multicriteria optimization and the lower bounds, and this to minimize a number of criteria such as: the vehicles number, the total travel cost, and the total tardiness time.Computational results indicate that the proposed approach gives good results with a total tardiness equal to zero with a tolerable cost

Environmental Sustainability and Conventional Agriculture: An Assessment of Maize Monoculture in Sinaloa, Mexico Using Multicriteria Decision Analysis and Network Analysis

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: Sinaloa, a coastal state in the northwest of Mexico, is known for irrigated conventional agriculture, and is considered one of the greatest successes of the Green Revolution. With the neoliberal reforms of the 1990s, Sinaloa farmers shifted out of conventional wheat, soy, cotton, and other commodities and into white maize, a major food staple in Mexico that is traditionally produced by millions of small-scale farmers. Sinaloa is now a major contributor to the national food supply, producing 26% of total domestic white maize production. Research on Sinaloa's maize has focused on economic and agronomic components. Little attention, however, has been given to the environmental sustainability of Sinaloa's expansion in maize. With uniquely biodiverse coastal and terrestrial ecosystems that support economic activities such as fishing and tourism, the environmental consequences of agriculture in Sinaloa are important to monitor. Agricultural sustainability assessments have largely focused on alternative agricultural approaches, or espouse alternative philosophies that are biased against conventional production. Conventional agriculture, however, provides a significant portion of the world's calories. In addition, incentives such as federal subsidies and other institutions complicate transitions to alternative modes of production. To meet the agricultural sustainability goals of food production and environmental stewardship, we must put conventional agriculture on a more sustainable path. One step toward achieving this is structuring agricultural sustainability assessments around achievable goals that encourage continual adaptations toward sustainability. I attempted this in my thesis by assessing conventional maize production in Sinaloa at the regional/state scale using network analysis and incorporating stakeholder values through a multicriteria decision analysis approach. The analysis showed that the overall sustainability of Sinaloa maize production is far from an ideal state. I made recommendations on how to improve the sustainability of maize production, and how to better monitor the sustainability of agriculture in Sinaloa. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. Sustainability 2011

Supply chain design with product life cycle considerations / La prise en considération du cycle de vie du produit dans la conception des chaînes logistiques

Besbes, Khaoula 12 December 2013 (has links)
Notre travail de recherche traite la problématique de la conception d’une chaîne logistique multi-niveaux tout en tenant compte du cycle de vie du produit. Par cycle de vie du produit, nous voulons dire la succession des quatre phases de commercialisation que traverse un produit à travers le temps, à savoir : l’introduction, la croissance, la maturité et le déclin. L’objectif est de mette en place un modèle mathématique qui soit fondé sur une analyse approfondie des différents acteurs de la chaîne, selon la phase du cycle de vie du produit.Trois principaux modèles ont été développés dans cette thèse. Chacun fait l’objet d’un chapitre à part entière.Le premier modèle développé vise à concevoir une chaîne logistique de coût minimum, tout en prenant en considération l’efficacité des différents acteurs potentiels calculée selon plusieurs critères (coût, qualité, innovation, qualité du service, délais de livraisons, …), ainsi que sa variation au cours du cycle de vie du produit. Un deuxième modèle a été mis en place pour la conception d’une chaîne logistique durable, tout en prenant en considération le cycle de vie du produit. Dans ce modèle, trois objectifs différents ont été pris en compte à la fois, à savoir, un objectif économique, un objectif environnemental et un objectif social. Dans les deux premiers modèles, nous avons supposé que le produit aura un cycle de vie classique. Cependant, dans la réalité, ceci n’est pas toujours le cas. En effet, quelques produits connaissent des cycles de vie très atypiques et donc très éloignés de la courbe d’un cycle de vie théorique. Pour ce faire, un troisième modèle stochastique a été proposé pour la conception d’une chaîne logistique robuste, tenant compte des différents scénarios du cycle de vie du produit. / Our research addresses the problem of designing a multi-level supply chain, while taking into consideration the product life cycle. By product life cycle, we mean the succession of the four marketing stages that a product goes through since its introduction to the market and until it will be removed from. All products have a life cycle which can be classified into four discrete stages: introduction, growth, maturity and decline.Depending on the product life cycle phases, and based on a thorough analysis of the different supply chain potential actors, this study aims to establish mathematical models to design an efficient supply chain network. Three main models have been developed in this thesis. The first proposed model aims to design a product-driven supply chain with a minimal total cost, taking into consideration the evaluation of the different potential actors effectiveness, according to several criteria (cost, quality, innovation, quality service, timely delivery, ...).A second model was developed to design of a sustainable supply chain network, taking into account the product life cycle. In this model, three different objectives at the time were considered, namely, an economic objective, an environmental objective and a social objective.In the two previous models, we have assumed that the product has a classical life cycle. However, in the reality this is not always the case. Indeed, some products have very atypical life cycles, whose curves are very different from the classical one. To tackle this problem, in the third part of this thesis, we propose a stochastic model to design a robust supply chain network, taking into account the different product life cycle scenarios.

Proposta de uma sistemática para escolha de um provedor de serviços logísticos

Velho, Cassiane Oliveira January 2010 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas a atividade logística vem recebendo status estratégico como sendo uma variável importante para a obtenção de vantagem competitiva por parte das empresas. Dessa forma, as organizações vêm investindo significativamente no desenvolvimento de sistemas logísticos ágeis e na coordenação eficiente das cadeias de abastecimento nas quais estão inseridas. No entanto, para não perderem competitividade e realmente agregar valor ao seu negócio, muitas dessas empresas estão se focando cada vez mais em seu core business e, consequentemente, transferindo para terceiros algumas ou todas as suas atividades logísticas como forma de reduzir custos e aumentar a eficiência de sua operação. Assim, este trabalho trata do problema de tomada de decisão de terceirização das atividades logísticas e de como viabilizar a seleção de um provedor de serviços logísticos (PSLs). Para isto, foi elaborada e proposta uma sistemática de apoio à análise e seleção de um PSL que agrega conceitos gerais de gestão de projetos e de análise multicriterial para embasar a escolha pelo PSL mais adequado. Nesse particular, foi utilizado o método AHP – Analytic Hierarchy Process - que permite tratar aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos, tendo sido aplicado a problemas que envolvem a tomada de decisão em segmentos distintos. Como forma de validação da sistemática proposta, ela foi aplicada parcialmente em uma empresa fabricante de motores diesel com forte viés na logística de abastecimento e que estava em processo de terceirização de parte de suas atividades logísticas. Como principais resultados, encontrou-se que a sistemática foi aderente ao ambiente empresarial encontrado, auxiliando a análise e compreensão das oportunidades e riscos relativos à terceirização das atividades logísticas e dos atributos importantes a serem considerados no processo de seleção e escolha do PSL que mais esteja adequado à realidade da empresa contratante; e mostrando adicionalmente que o preço não é o fator mais importante no momento da decisão. / In recent decades the logistics activity has received strategic status as an important factor for gaining competitive advantages for businesses. Thus companies have been investing significantly in the development of agile logistics systems and efficient coordination of the supply chains, in which they operate. However, to avoid losing competitiveness and really add value to their business, many of these companies are increasingly focusing on their core business and thus transferring to others some or all of their logistics activities as a way to reduce costs and increase efficiency of their operation. This work addresses the problem of decision-making on outsourcing of logistics activities and how to facilitate the selection of a Third-Party Logistics (3PL). For this, it was developed and proposed a system to support the analysis and selection of a 3PL that combines general concepts of project management and multicriteria analysis to base the choice of the 3PL that better fits the current needs. In particular, we used the AHP - Analytic Hierarchy Process - which could handle qualitative and quantitative aspects, since it has been applied to many decision-making problems in different segments. As a way of validating the proposed methodology, it was partially applied to a manufacturer of diesel engines with a strong bias in its supply chain logistics, which was in process of outsourcing part of their logistics activities. As the most important results, it was found that this methodology adhered to the business environment, supporting the analysis and understanding of the opportunities and risks for the outsourcing of logistics activities, as well as important attributes to be considered in the selection process and choice of a 3PL that is more appropriate to the reality of the contracting company. In addition, it showed that the price is not the most important factor for this decision.

Modelo de apoio à decisão para seleção de tecnologias de revestimento de fachadas / Decision aid model for facades cladding technologies selection

Gondim, Ivo Almino January 2007 (has links)
O interesse em reduzir manifestações patológicas, o possível impacto sobre a satisfação dos clientes e a busca por redução de custos são alguns dos fatores que, durante as fases de projeto arquitetônico, podem tornar complexa a decisão referente à seleção de uma tecnologia de revestimento de fachada. Diante disso, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo propor um modelo de apoio à decisão para seleção de tecnologias de revestimento de fachadas. O desenvolvimento do trabalho envolveu quatro fases de pesquisa. Na primeira, foi realizado um estudo sobre como são tomadas as decisões, com identificação dos atores envolvidos, caracterização das diferenças entre as alternativas potenciais e definição dos contornos da problemática de decisão. Na segunda fase, estruturou-se um modelo de decisão multicritério adequado para o contexto de decisão de interesse. O modelo desenvolvido leva em conta aspectos considerados importantes por profissionais com ampla experiência e incorpora características positivas identificadas em outros modelos encontrados na prospecção da bibliografia existente na área. Em seguida, na terceira fase, foram efetuados testes de aplicação do modelo, com seis decisores, tomando como referência um cenário de decisão fictício, estabelecido levando em conta as características da cidade de Fortaleza. A captura do sistema de valores dos decisores foi efetuada através de formulários. Os resultados oriundos dos formulários, com o auxílio de software e planilhas eletrônicas, serviram de base para que o modelo apresentasse suas recomendações. Durante as aplicações, os resultados parciais das capturas de conhecimento eram discutidos com os participantes do teste e analisados pelo pesquisador, com o objetivo de verificar se o procedimento deveria sofrer refinamentos ou ajustes. Por fim, na quarta fase, foi realizada uma validação qualitativa do modelo, através de entrevistas e formulários nos quais se discutia se a previsão do modelo seria útil e se coadunava com as expectativas dos decisores. Os resultados obtidos indicam que existe viabilidade para aplicação do modelo proposto, pois o mesmo foi considerado útil e válido pelos decisores dentro do seu contexto de aplicação. Acredita-se que, com o desenvolvimento e aperfeiçoamento da ferramenta proposta, a mesma venha a contribuir de forma significativa para apoiar escolhas de decisores na construção civil, em especial, em situações em que existem dúvidas sobre a tecnologia mais apropriada. Mais ainda, ao estruturar o processo de decisão, a mesma permite que se discutam os parâmetros e valores que influenciam cada decisão, permitindo uma melhor reflexão e consenso entre os intervenientes. / Interests in decreasing pathological manifestations, improve customers’ satisfaction and promote cost reductions are important considerations that, during the design building phase, may increase the complexity of the decision regarding facades cladding technology. The main purpose of the present work is to suggest a decision aid model for technological decisions, in the choice of facades cladding technologies. The research development involved four phases. In the first one, it was studied about how decisions are taken, with stakeholders’ identification, potential action characterization, and problematic definition. In the second phase, it was structured a model in accordance with context interests. The decision aid model considers aspects judged as important by experienced professionals and considers positive characteristics identified by models found in the literature of the area. In the third phase, simulation tests were realized with six decision makers, considering a fictitious project in Fortaleza city. Using formularies, individual values were captured from decision makers. The results collected with the aid of software and electronic sheets served as the basis for model recommendations. During the application of the model, partial results were discussed with decisionmakers and analyzed by the researcher so that they could be refined or adjusted. Finally, in the fourth phase, a qualitative validation was carried through interviews and formularies. This phase verified if the decision aid model was considered useful and valid by decision-makers. It was shown that the proposed tool can significantly contribute to help decision makers in the selection of facades cladding technologies, especially in complex situations. More yet, it can help to structure the decision process, becoming an important the tool for discussing the parameters and values influencing decisions, and helping stakeholders to reach a consensed solution.

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