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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Översättning av <em>Nöjd Kund Index</em> : Verksamhetsutveckling med kundfokus på JM AB

Grundström, Johan, Åberg, Filip January 2010 (has links)
<p>Titel: Översättning av Nöjd Kund Index - Verksamhetsutveckling med kundfokus på JM AB</p><p>Författare: Grundström, Johan; Åberg, Filip</p><p>Handledare: Blomgren, Maria</p><p>Kurs: Kandidatuppsats, 15hp, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, VT 2010</p><p>Bakgrund: I samhället cirkulerar mängder av managementidéer. För att en organisation ska kunna använda en idé så måste den översätta idén till organisationens förutsättningar. Kundfokus har kommit att spela en allt viktigare roll för företagens lönsamhet vilket har lett till ett ökat kundfokus de senaste decennierna. JM AB, ett företag verksamma inom bostadsutveckling, införde år 2002 Nöjd Kund Index för att kunna mäta deras kunders nöjdhet. Hur har idén om Nöjd Kund Index översatts på företaget?</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att genom en studie av JM AB beskriva hur Nöjd Kund Index översätts och hur konceptets funktioner utvecklas.</p><p>Metod: En kvalitativ metod valdes, där såväl intervjuer genomförts och dokument från JM använts.</p><p>Resultat: Studien visar att översättningsprocessen är en process vilken tar form och ändrar karaktär beroende på faktorer både inom och utanför företaget. Dessa processer kan pågå samtidigt och ta olika lång tid. Anledningen till att olika delar av processen tar olika långt tid beror på individers mottaglighet och referensramar. I JM:s fall har översättningen av Nöjd Kund Index medfört att konceptet fått nya funktioner vilka ännu inte institutionaliserats i företagets verksamhet.</p> / <p>Title: Translation of Customer Satisfaction Index - Business development with customer focus at JM Ltd</p><p>Authors: Grundström, Johan; Åberg, Filip</p><p>Tutor: Blomgren, Maria</p><p>Course: Bachelor thesis, 15hp, Department of Business Studies, VT 2010</p><p>Background: In society, many management ideas circulate. For an organization to be able to use an idea, the organization has to translate the idea to its conditions. Customer focus has come to play an increasingly important role in organizations’ profitability which has led to an increased customer focus in recent decades. In 2002, JM Ltd, a company active within housing development, introduced Customer Satisfaction Index in order to be able to measure their customers’ satisfaction. How is Customer Satisfaction Index translated at the company?</p><p>Objective: The objective of this thesis is to, through a study of JM Ltd, describe how Customer Satisfaction Index is translated and how the concept´s field of application has developed at the company.</p><p>Method: A qualitative method was chosen, where both interviews conducted and documents used.</p><p>Results: The study shows that the translation process is a process which takes shape and changes its character depending on factors both within and outside the company. These processes can run simultaneously and take various lengths of time. The reasons for this depend on individuals’ susceptibility and frames of reference. In the case of JM, the translation of Customer Satisfaction Index has led to new functions for the concept which not yet has been institutionalized in the company’s activities.</p>

Inträdes- och utträdesbarriärer : småföretagens rörlighet på den gotländska bankmarknaden / Enter- and exit barriers : the mobility of small businesses on the Gotlandic banking market

Johansson, Philip, Weinebrandt, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
<p>The main purpose of this study was to investigate which enter- and exit barriers that exist on the banking market for small enterprises located within the region of Gotland. The reason was to examine and identify which barriers that could affect the mobility among small enterprise bank customers on the bank market. To identify the barriers, the study was carried out partly by a quantitative survey with 33 small business owners respondents located at three different concentrated small enterprise areas within the region of Gotland. And partly by qualitative interviews that were conducted with two employees at Länsförsäkringar Gotland Bank.The result indicated that the enter barrier mostly depended on the aspect that business owners of small enterprises believed that bank switching were complicated. The business owners did also consider bank switching as time demanding. These two aspects created a kind of behavior loyalty towards the business owners present bank regardless if they are satisfied or truly loyal. Therefore according to us the banks should focus of removing the business owners thought of complication. The exit barrier we believe banks on Gotland should contemplate to preserve their current customers is satisfaction and relation which creates a loyalty towards the bank.The main purpose of this study was to investigate which enter- and exit barriers that exist on the banking market for small enterprises located within the region of Gotland. The reason was to examine and identify which barriers that could affect the mobility among small enterprise bank customers on the bank market. To identify the barriers, the study was carried out partly by a quantitative survey with 33 small business owners respondents located at three different concentrated small enterprise areas within the region of Gotland. And partly by qualitative interviews that were conducted with two employees at Länsförsäkringar Gotland Bank.The result indicated that the enter barrier mostly depended on the aspect that business owners of small enterprises believed that bank switching were complicated. The business owners did also consider bank switching as time demanding. These two aspects created a kind of behavior loyalty towards the business owners present bank regardless if they are satisfied or truly loyal. Therefore according to us the banks should focus of removing the business owners thought of complication. The exit barrier we believe banks on Gotland should contemplate to preserve their current customers is satisfaction and relation which creates a loyalty towards the bank.</p> / <p>Problemet vi undersökte var vilka barriärer banker kan utnyttja för att öka tillflödet av nya småföretagskunder men samtidigt behålla befintliga småföretagskunder. Syftet med studien har varit att urskilja vilka inträdes- och utträdesbarriärer som existerar för småföretagare på gotländska bankmarknaden. En enkätundersökning genomfördes som innehöll både slutna och öppna frågor. Intervjuer genomfördes med anställda på Länsförsäkringar Gotland med avsikt att undersöka en banks perspektiv avseende existerande barriärer. Den teoretiska referensramen baseras på befintliga teorier som behandlar finansiella och icke- finansiella barriärer där de icke- finansiella baserades på faktorerna; kundnöjdhet, kundrelation och kundlojalitet. Utifrån den teoretiska ramen och det empiriska materialet genomfördes en analys.Analysen visade att de existerande inträdesbarriärerna främst beror på uppfattningen bland småföretagsbankkunder att bankbyten är komplicerade. Tillsammans med att gotländska småföretagare anser att det är tidskrävande att genomföra ett bankbyte renderar i en beteendelojalitet vilket baseras på att småföretagare stannar kvar hos deras nuvarande bank oavsett omfattning av nöjdhet och lojalitet. Den identifierade inträdesbarriären borde åtgärdas då den hindrar småföretagarna att utvärdera andra bankaktörer.Priset lokaliserades som viktigt bland de undersökta gotländska småföretagarna, både för att attrahera och behålla bankens småföretagskunder. Utträdesbarriärer som vi anser banker ska fokusera på för behållandet av befintliga småföretagskunder är kundnöjdhet och kundrelation, vilka båda resulterar i kundlojalitet.Problemet vi undersökte var vilka barriärer banker kan utnyttja för att öka tillflödet av nya småföretagskunder men samtidigt behålla befintliga småföretagskunder. Syftet med studien har varit att urskilja vilka inträdes- och utträdesbarriärer som existerar för småföretagare på gotländska bankmarknaden. En enkätundersökning genomfördes som innehöll både slutna och öppna frågor. Intervjuer genomfördes med anställda på Länsförsäkringar Gotland med avsikt att undersöka en banks perspektiv avseende existerande barriärer. Den teoretiska referensramen baseras på befintliga teorier som behandlar finansiella och icke- finansiella barriärer där de icke- finansiella baserades på faktorerna; kundnöjdhet, kundrelation och kundlojalitet. Utifrån den teoretiska ramen och det empiriska materialet genomfördes en analys.Analysen visade att de existerande inträdesbarriärerna främst beror på uppfattningen bland småföretagsbankkunder att bankbyten är komplicerade. Tillsammans med att gotländska småföretagare anser att det är tidskrävande att genomföra ett bankbyte renderar i en beteendelojalitet vilket baseras på att småföretagare stannar kvar hos deras nuvarande bank oavsett omfattning av nöjdhet och lojalitet. Den identifierade inträdesbarriären borde åtgärdas då den hindrar småföretagarna att utvärdera andra bankaktörer.Priset lokaliserades som viktigt bland de undersökta gotländska småföretagarna, både för att attrahera och behålla bankens småföretagskunder. Utträdesbarriärer som vi anser banker ska fokusera på för behållandet av befintliga småföretagskunder är kundnöjdhet och kundrelation, vilka båda resulterar i kundlojalitet.</p>

Customer Satisfaction - An Investigation of Trivselhus

Ivarsson, Linus, Nilsson, Alexander, Rimfält, Torbjörn January 2010 (has links)
Purpose: This thesis investigates and analyzes the customer satisfaction over a 10-year time period among Trivselhus customers. Background: More companies in the building sector are starting to realize the importance of using cus-tomer satisfaction as a tool to enhance their competitive advantage. Customer satisfaction brings several positive aspects to a company, which can contribute to a successful business. It is crucial to fulfill customers‟ wants and needs in order to obtain customer satisfaction. Building a house is one of the largest investment people make in life, with important deci-sions that can affect their current way of living. Customer satisfaction is, therefore, crucial for a company like Trivselhus, where it is essential to keep their customers satisfied by of-fering the right products that fulfill their expectations. Another increasingly important aspect in people‟s lives today is the environment. This has now come to affect the house building industries as they have to fulfill customer expecta-tions regarding energy efficiency and environmental friendliness. Method: To answer the purpose, primary data have been collected by conducting a telephone sur-vey. The survey was made randomly among Trivselhus customers. From the different theo-ries, important categories that affect customer satisfaction were found. Aspects from all these categories were included in the questionnaire to explain customer satisfaction. The analysis is based on statistical data generated from the survey. Central tendency values and regression analysis makes it possible to explain which variables affect customer satisfaction among Trivselhus customers. Conclusion: The outcome of the research signifies, that customer satisfaction among Trivselhus cus-tomers has not changed during all the years covered in this research. There are several va-riables affecting customer satisfaction. These variables are included in different categories; Complaints, Expectations, Service Quality, Energy, Product Quality, and Image. Further-more, there is not enough evidence to prove that energy efficiency and environmental friendliness affect customer satisfaction geographically. / Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och analysera kundnöjdheten bland Trivselhus kun-der över en 10 års period. Bakgrund: Fler företag inom byggsektorn har börjat inse vikten utav att använda kundnöjdhet som ett redskap för att skaffa sig konkurrensfördelar. Kundnöjdhet medför flera positiva aspekter till ett företag, som kan bidra till en framgångsrik affärsverksamhet och det är viktigt att uppfylla kundernas förväntningar och behov för att få kunde nöjd. Att bygga ett hus är en utav de största investeringar som görs i livet, med viktiga beslut som kan påverka ens levnadssituation. Kundnöjdhet är därför avgörande för ett företag såsom Trivselhus, där det är viktigt att hålla sina kunder nöjda genom att erbjuda rätt produkter som uppfyller deras förväntningar och krav. En annan viktig aspekt idag är miljön. Det har visat sig att miljön har kommit att påverka byggsektorn eftersom de nu måste uppfylla kunders förväntningar även angående miljö och energi aspekter. Metod: För att besvara syftet har primärdata samlats in genom en telefonundersökning. Undersök-ningen gjordes slumpmässigt bland Trivselhus kunder. Från teorier hämtades viktiga kate-gorier som påverkar kundnöjdhet. Aspekter från alla dessa kategorier ingick i frågeställ-ningen för att kunna förklara kundnöjdhet. Analysen bygger på statistiska uppgifter. Me-delvärden samt regressions analys gör det möjligt att förklara vilka variabler som påverkar kundnöjdheten bland Trivselhus kunder. Slutsats: Resultatet utav studien visar att kundnöjdheten bland Trivselhus kunder inte förändrats under åren som behandlats, men det finns flera variabler som påverkar kundnöjdhet. Dessa variabler är inkluderade i olika kategorier; Klagomål, Förväntningar, Servicekvalitet, Energi, Produktkvalitet och Image. Vidare så finns det inte tillräckligt med bevis för att miljö och energi påverkar kundnöjdheten geografiskt.

Översättning av Nöjd Kund Index : Verksamhetsutveckling med kundfokus på JM AB

Grundström, Johan, Åberg, Filip January 2010 (has links)
Titel: Översättning av Nöjd Kund Index - Verksamhetsutveckling med kundfokus på JM AB Författare: Grundström, Johan; Åberg, Filip Handledare: Blomgren, Maria Kurs: Kandidatuppsats, 15hp, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, VT 2010 Bakgrund: I samhället cirkulerar mängder av managementidéer. För att en organisation ska kunna använda en idé så måste den översätta idén till organisationens förutsättningar. Kundfokus har kommit att spela en allt viktigare roll för företagens lönsamhet vilket har lett till ett ökat kundfokus de senaste decennierna. JM AB, ett företag verksamma inom bostadsutveckling, införde år 2002 Nöjd Kund Index för att kunna mäta deras kunders nöjdhet. Hur har idén om Nöjd Kund Index översatts på företaget? Syfte: Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att genom en studie av JM AB beskriva hur Nöjd Kund Index översätts och hur konceptets funktioner utvecklas. Metod: En kvalitativ metod valdes, där såväl intervjuer genomförts och dokument från JM använts. Resultat: Studien visar att översättningsprocessen är en process vilken tar form och ändrar karaktär beroende på faktorer både inom och utanför företaget. Dessa processer kan pågå samtidigt och ta olika lång tid. Anledningen till att olika delar av processen tar olika långt tid beror på individers mottaglighet och referensramar. I JM:s fall har översättningen av Nöjd Kund Index medfört att konceptet fått nya funktioner vilka ännu inte institutionaliserats i företagets verksamhet. / Title: Translation of Customer Satisfaction Index - Business development with customer focus at JM Ltd Authors: Grundström, Johan; Åberg, Filip Tutor: Blomgren, Maria Course: Bachelor thesis, 15hp, Department of Business Studies, VT 2010 Background: In society, many management ideas circulate. For an organization to be able to use an idea, the organization has to translate the idea to its conditions. Customer focus has come to play an increasingly important role in organizations’ profitability which has led to an increased customer focus in recent decades. In 2002, JM Ltd, a company active within housing development, introduced Customer Satisfaction Index in order to be able to measure their customers’ satisfaction. How is Customer Satisfaction Index translated at the company? Objective: The objective of this thesis is to, through a study of JM Ltd, describe how Customer Satisfaction Index is translated and how the concept´s field of application has developed at the company. Method: A qualitative method was chosen, where both interviews conducted and documents used. Results: The study shows that the translation process is a process which takes shape and changes its character depending on factors both within and outside the company. These processes can run simultaneously and take various lengths of time. The reasons for this depend on individuals’ susceptibility and frames of reference. In the case of JM, the translation of Customer Satisfaction Index has led to new functions for the concept which not yet has been institutionalized in the company’s activities.

Managing Logistical Complexity: Agility and Quality in Newspaper Distribution : An Empirical Study of Herenco Distribution AB

NKume-Kwene, Samuel Ngole, Besong, Fred Tanyi January 2009 (has links)
Introduction Overtime the execution and control of business activities to meet and even exceed customer satisfac-tion has become an absolute top priority. This is because with an increase in the demand for diverse products and services of quality in unprecedented numbers, there is an automatic injection of complexi-ty into the activities and processes which companies undertake in order to fulfill customer satisfaction. This complexity which could be logistical in nature is usually centered on the provision of quality prod-ucts and services on a timely basis for customer satisfaction. In order to keep this complexity aspect in check while fulfilling customer satisfaction, there is the need to manage the different facets of complex-ity that relate to quality and agility. Purpose The purpose of this study is to understand the managerial actions on the logistical challenges of quality and agility in a Newspaper Distribution Company. Method In order to fulfill the purpose, the authors undertook a qualitative-single case study following an induc-tive approach. Interviews were conducted with two managers and these were basically face-to-face in-terviews though we also conducted some of the interviews by phone. Findings Managing complexity challenges of quality and agility requires the utilization of Total Quality Manage-ment (TQM), Just-in-Time (JIT) and Information flow (IF). Through the utilization of TQM, quality standards are enhanced through continuous improvement and the pursuit of excellence in the activities of the company. JIT as a philosophy helps in the elimination of waste and in the speeding up of processes within a company’s supply chain that result to the timely delivery of goods and services to customers in order to enhance customer satisfaction. Also, Information flow through the aid of diverse technologies such as mobile phones, radio phones, the internet, the World Wide Web, Customer Rela-tionship Management systems, Structured Query Language relational database but also word of mouth transmission have helped in the facilitation of decision making in the company relating to the delivery of quality products and services in an agile or responsive manner for customer satisfaction. Practical and Theoretical Implication The attainment of the requisites of agility while maintaining delivery quality may not be sufficient to enhance customer satisfaction. The information in the model provides management with a pathway to follow in solving logistical challenges towards enhancing customer satisfaction. The study offers theory development opportunities. Originality A model of logistical complexity management was designed for the attainment of customer satisfaction.


SAPUTRA, ABADI DWI January 2010 (has links)
Railway is one of public transport mode on land transportation. Railways, as mass public transport modes, have unique characteristics. It has large capacity, high safety level, and free from traffic jam. Those characteristics make railway a primary public transportation. In  fact, even railway transportation has a lot of benefits for society life but they still faced by the problem. Service quality level of Railways transportation is still low compared with other transportation modes. At present railways operation is still colored with the delay, limited condition vehicle, and unclear train travel information that often disadvantage passengers, and many other services offered fail to attract passengers. These conditions result in decreasing the quality of services and insufficient railways operation. The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between customer satisfaction towards provided service with the desire to do a complaint and to find the factor from service quality that has significant influences to customer satisfaction towards PT KAI services. From that data, and also comparison study between PT Kereta Api Indonesia and Statens Järnvägar (SJ) AB, Sweden, we can recommend the service standards design, service guarantee and complaint handling system that need to be adjusted with the interest of consumer. The data was collected via field survey in the station that located in Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Pekalongan. This research shows several findings. First, there are six factors of service quality attributes that have significant influences to customer satisfaction towards PT KAI services for commuter class (Information, Appearances, Service coverage, Tangible, Safety &amp; security, and Cost), seven factors for business class (Travel time, Information, Scheduling, Comfort, Tangible, Safety &amp; security, and Service coverage), and also seven factor for executive class (Appearances, Safety &amp; security, Information, Comfort, Tangible, Travel time, and Cost). Second, while the commuter class passengers complain on the Safety &amp; security attribute, for business class it is the information that influence the desire to complain. Meanwhile for executive class, passengers are mostly satisfied with the service given by PT KAI. Third, to decrease the number of complaints, some effective mechanisms to handle those complaints and learning from Statens Järnvägar (SJ) AB are necessary to take. Fourth, the service standards for PT KAI can be classified into 6 details of service, (safety and security attributes; comfort and appearances attributes; availability of information aspect attributes; tangible attributes; service coverage attributes; and the operations of train). For service guarantee design, this research focus on travel time guarantee. Learning from Statens Järnvägar (SJ) AB on Sweden service guarantee, PT KAI can adopt and use their system to increase customer satisfaction.

Kundservicekvalitet   : En enkätundersökning om servicekvalitet i Apoteket AB:s uppsalabutiker / Customer service quality  : A questionaire on quality of service in the stores of Apoteket AB

Geibe, Mattias January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Contractual Governance of Indonesia Railway System - Case Study:Customer Satisfaction in Jabodetabek Area Vs Värmlandstrafik AB

Sunarto, Retno Sari January 2009 (has links)
The growth of private motor vehicle grows rapidly each year have negative impact not only forthe extra contribution of air pollution but also to time wasting. That impact can lead todecreasing of people quality life. Public transportation is one of the solutions for the problem.Therefore, the shift from private motor vehicle user to public transportation, in other wordincreasing market share of public transportation, is necessary. One of the public transportationthat can attract more market share is railways. It has large capacity, high safety level, and freefrom traffic jam. Those characteristic makes railway as primary public transportation.Indonesian railways nowadays have lot of problems and receive many complaints from thepassenger. Train travel is still colored with the delay, limited well-condition vehicle, and uncleartrain travel information that often disadvantage passengers, and many of services offered werefailed to attract passengers. These conditions result in decreasing quality of services andinsufficient railways operation. This will be a barrier to Indonesian railways accomplishment inmaking it to be a reliable and sustainable transport mode. Therefore, to improve market shareand to improve the railway condition, it necessary to have contractual governance withstandard that can lead to costumer satisfaction and making the process improve therelationship between the stakeholders. This lead to the problem of what is the customersatisfaction factors in using railway as their transport, what service quality item that satisfiedthe passenger, and how contract can maintain the relationship between the stakeholders.Finding in this thesis consist of several point. First, from the customer satisfaction index, thecustomers of Jabodetabek commuter train are not satisfied with the service. Second, theanalysis discovered that there are four factors that have high correlation with overallsatisfaction. The four factors are equipment and facility, assurance, competency, and traveltime and appearance. The attributes is grouping into five SERVQUAL dimension. Fromregression analysis of SERVQUAL dimensions there are two service items that influence thecustomer satisfaction; assurances and tangibles. Third, from gap analysis there are gaps inservice process that need to be closed in order to deliver service quality which lead tocustomer satisfaction in railway operational. Fourth, from contract analysis can be concludedthat present condition PT.KAI as the operator cannot perform as it is stated in contract. Thiscan be influenced by many factors such as; the lack of infrastructure, the lack of vehicle,customer misbehavior, staff misbehavior and external factors. In delivering service qualitywhich can lead to customer satisfaction, it is recommended to improve the service that relatedto assurances and tangible items and to involves passengers in controlling and improvingrailway operational. The result expected from the improvement is the increase of overallperformance of railway operation which can lead to the increase customer satisfaction andmarket share. From side of contractual governance, the research discovered that there areproblem in contract clausal and relationship between DGR, PT. KAI and people as customer ofrailway service. The recommendation is to include customer complains in setting contractclausal that can make DGR, PT. KAI and people as customer in mutualism developingrelationship.

Studenters kollektivtrafik : Studenters preferenser och önskemål på ett nytt biljett- och informationssystem inom kollektivtrafiken i Värmland / Students public transport : Students preferences and desires for a new ticket and information system for public transport in Värmland

Kask Ogenblad, Oscar, Sabaro, Hamid January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The Influence of Green Learning-Orientation, Capability, and Image on Performance

Chang, Nai-Jen 03 February 2012 (has links)
This study develops two researches to examine the influence of green concept on performance. The research I focuses on firm level. The research II focuses on consumer level. In the research I, the results show that (1) green learning-orientation is positively associated with proactive green innovation capability, (2) green learning-orientation is positively associated with firm performance, and (3) proactive green innovation capability is positively associated with firm performance. Thus, companies that are pioneers in green learning have the ability to enhance their innovation capability in terms of processes, products, and services and increase their performance. Additionally, proactive green innovation capability is also an important source of performance. In the research II, the results show that (1) green product quality is positively associated with green customer satisfaction and green customer loyalty; (2) green corporate image is positively associated with green customer satisfaction and green customer loyalty; and (3) green customer satisfaction is positively associated with green customer loyalty. The results indicate that green product quality can bring about green customer satisfaction and green customer loyalty. Additionally, green corporate image can contribute to green customer satisfaction and green customer loyalty.

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