Spelling suggestions: "subject:"“discordant”"" "subject:"“discordance”""
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"Life is better when you girlboss together" : Building a Safe Space Within the Digital Sphere, a Case StudyAledo, Maylis January 2023 (has links)
The study is located in feminist studies through the lens of cultural theory, more specifically in the area of "Girlhood studies", developed in the 1990s. The development of the field correlates with the rise of cultural goods targeted at girls: movies, music, and magazines as well as the development of teenagehood as an identity of its own right. "Girl studies" or "Girlhood studies" focuses then on the relationship between "girls" as a social group to modernity. Pioneer authors such as Catherine Driscoll explore the idea of a "girl culture" and retrace the history of girlhood in an attempt to create a "genealogy of girls". Angela McRobbie, coined "Bedroom culture", which designates the way girls and women have been historically confined to their homes and bedrooms and how they developed their own ways of participating in cultural activities from within the house. Girlhood has been historically associated with modernity. Thus, Catherine Driscoll, states that "feminine adolescence is necessarily shaped by and a component of capitalism as the dominant political organization of late modernity (Driscoll, 2002). Therefore, the existence of girlhood and "girl culture" seem to be biased and somewhat inauthentic. In this way, girls are often dismissed as cultural agents of their own. In the frame of girlhood studies, I intend to deepen our common understanding of how girls and young women make use of digital platforms today. In this case, I'll be focusing on the Discord server created earlier this year the GirlBlogSphere by Zoe London, or 'pauvreoison' on Instagram. Through the study, I wish to put girls and young women's online productions to the forefront and to get an overview of the way they create communities, share, produce culture, and craft their identities. The GirlBlogSphere is a perfect case of community and participatory-based initiative that showcases major and interesting aspects of girl culture. I conducted email interviews to accommodate each of the participant's schedules and time zones. Conversations and pictures shared in the server were also used to illustrate theories, hypotheses, and data extracted from the interviews.
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Contributions of Peer Rejection and Family Discord to Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms Among Trans Children.Munroe, Mary K. 25 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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When You Wish Upon a Character Banner: An Exploratory Discourse Analysis of a Genshin Impact Player CommunityAl-Nawasreh, Sophia, Andersson, Alex January 2022 (has links)
An exploratory discourse analysis was performed on a community of practice based on Discord, an instant messaging platform. The community of practice is a group of gamers (people who play video games), dedicated to the cross-platform free-to-play game Genshin Impact. A corpus of messages was gathered from the community’s public message logs, which spanned a period of three days during the release of Genshin Impact’s most financially lucrative character banner. From the corpus, numerous themes in players’ discussions have been observed; such as reactions to the gacha’s probability system, displays of problem gaming, sexualization of female characters, and opinions regarding monetization & the game’s developers. This study would be beneficial for future studies that pertain to player behavior and gamer culture that can also use communities of practice on platforms such as Discord, in order to gain insight into niche communities of engaged users. / En utforskande diskursanalys utfördes på praxisgemenskapen baserad på Discord, en plattform för snabbmeddelanden. Praxisgemenskapen var en grupp spelare dedikerade till det plattformsoberoende gratisspelet Genshin Impact. En korpus av meddelanden samlades in från gemenskapens offentliga meddelandeloggar, som sträckte sig över en period av tre dagar under lanseringen av Genshin Impacts mest ekonomiskt lukrativa karaktärsbanner. Från korpusen har många teman i spelarnas diskussioner observerats; såsom reaktioner på gachas sannolikhetssystem, visningar av problemspelande, sexualisering av kvinnliga karaktärer och åsikter om intäktsgenerering samt spelets utvecklare. Framtida studier som avser spelarbeteende och gamerkultur kan också använda praxisgemenskaper på plattformar som Discord, för att få insikt i nischa gemenskaper av engagerade användare.
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Information theoretic resources in quantum theoryMeznaric, Sebastian January 2012 (has links)
Resource identification and quantification is an essential element of both classical and quantum information theory. Entanglement is one of these resources, arising when quantum communication and nonlocal operations are expensive to perform. In the first part of this thesis we quantify the effective entanglement when operations are additionally restricted to account for both fundamental restrictions on operations, such as those arising from superselection rules, as well as experimental errors arising from the imperfections in the apparatus. For an important class of errors we find a linear relationship between the usual and effective higher dimensional generalization of concurrence, a measure of entanglement. Following the treatment of effective entanglement, we focus on a related concept of nonlocality in the presence of superselection rules (SSR). Here we propose a scheme that may be used to activate nongenuinely multipartite nonlocality, in that a single copy of a state is not multipartite nonlocal, while two or more copies exhibit nongenuinely multipartite nonlocality. The states used exhibit the more powerful genuinely multipartite nonlocality when SSR are not enforced, but not when they are, raising the question of what is needed for genuinely multipartite nonlocality. We show that whenever the number of particles is insufficient, the degrading of genuinely multipartite to nongenuinely multipartite nonlocality is necessary. While in the first few chapters we focus our attention on understanding the resources present in quantum states, in the final part we turn the picture around and instead treat operations themselves as a resource. We provide our observers with free access to classical operations - ie. those that cannot detect or generate quantum coherence. We show that the operation of interest can then be used to either generate or detect quantum coherence if and only if it violates a particular commutation relation. Using the relative entropy, the commutation relation provides us with a measure of nonclassicality of operations. We show that the measure is a sum of two contributions, the generating power and the distinguishing power, each of which is separately an essential ingredient in quantum communication and information processing. The measure also sheds light on the operational meaning of quantum discord - we show it can be interpreted as the difference in superdense coding capacity between a quantum state and a classical state.
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Gaussian non-classical correlations in bipartite dissipative continuous variable quantum systemsQuinn, Niall January 2015 (has links)
This thesis probes the usefulness of non-classical correlations within imperfect continuous variable decoherent quantum systems. Although a consistent function and practical usefulness of these correlations is largely unknown, it is important to examine their characteristics in more realistic dissipative systems, to gain further insight into any possible advantageous behaviour. A bipartite separable discordant state under the action of controlled loss on one subsystem was considered. Under these conditions the Gaussian quantum discord not only proved to be robust against loss, but actually improves as loss is intensified. Harmful imperfections which reduce the achievable level of discord can be counteracted by this controlled loss. Through a purification an explanation of this effect was sought by considering system-environment correlations, and found that a flow of system-environment correlations increases the quantumness of the state. Entanglement recovery possibilities were discussed and revealed the importance of hidden quantum correlations along bi-partitions across the discordant state and a classically prepared "demodulating" system, acting in such a way as to partially cancel the entanglement preventing noise. Entanglement distribution by separable states was studied by a similar framework, in an attempt to explain the emergence of quantum entanglement by a specific flow of correlations in the globally pure system. Discord appears to play a less fundamental role compared to the qubit version of the protocol. The strengthening of non-classical correlations can be attributed to a flow of classical and quantum correlations. This work proves that discord can be created in unique ways and, in select circumstances, can act to counteract harmful imperfections in the apparatus. Due to this advantageous behaviour discord indeed may ultimately aid in more applicable "real world" applications, which are by definition decoherent.
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Computação quântica baseada em medidas projetivas em sistemas quânticos abertos / Measurement-based quantum computation in open quantum systemsArruda, Luiz Gustavo Esmenard 20 June 2011 (has links)
Usamos um modelo exatamente solúvel para calcular a dinâmica da fidelidade de uma computação baseada em medidas projetivas cujo sistema interage com um meio ambiente comum que insere erros de fase. Mostramos que a fidelidade do estado de Cluster canônico oscila como função do tempo e, como consequência, a computação quântica baseada em medidas projetivas pode apresentar melhores resultados computacionais mesmo para um conjunto sequencial de medidas lentas. Além disso, apresentamos uma condição necessária para que a dinâmica da fidelidade de um estado quântico geral apresente um comportamento não-monotônico. / We use an exact solvable model to calculate the gate fidelity dynamics of a measurement-based quantum computation that interacts with a common dephasing environment. We show that the fidelity of the canonical cluster state oscillates as a function of time and, as a consequence, the measurement-based quantum computer can give better computational results even for a set of slow measurement sequences. Furthermore, we present a necessary condition to the fidelity dynamics of a general quantum state presents a non-monotonical shape.
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Sobre-representação e interesses regionais: o caso da lei de informática / Overrepresentation and regional interested: the case of law of informaticsCosta, Simone Aparecida 20 September 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação teve como objetivo testar a proposição de Stepan (1999) a respeito da sobre-representação dos estados menos populosos no Congresso Nacional. Segundo o autor, a sobre-representação permite que os parlamentares dos estados menos populosos se unam para vetar reformas que são contrárias a seus interesses. Para testar a proposição de Stepan, escolhemos como objeto de estudo a reedição da Lei de Informática (Lei no 8.248, de 23 de outubro de 1991) em dois momentos: no governo Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) - Lei no 10.176/2001 - e no governo Lula - Lei no 11.077/2004. A análise compreende a tramitação das leis, desde a proposição encaminhada pelo Executivo federal até a sanção presidencial ao texto final, além de buscar compreender como o tema entrou na pauta dos governos FHC e Lula. A tramitação da Lei de Informática nesses dois momentos foi pautada por questões regionais que opuseram a bancada do Amazonas, contrária a aspectos da lei, e a bancada de São Paulo, que mais tinha interesse na renovação do benefício fiscal concedido pela lei. O resultado, de modo geral, foi desfavorável à bancada do Amazonas, que não conseguiu formar um grupo capaz de defender seus interesses. Portanto, não conseguimos confirmar a proposição de Stepan. / This essay aimed to test Stepan\'s proposition (1999) on overrepresentation of less populous Brazilian states in the Congress. According to the author, this overrepresentation allows congressmen from less populous states to gather in order to block reforms which go against their interests. So as to test Stepan\'s proposition, we have chosen as case study the republishing of the \"Law of Informatics\" (Law 8.248, October 23rd, 1991) in two moments: under Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) Presidency (Law 10.176/2001) and under Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Presidency (Law 11.077/2004). The analysis comprehends the full transit of the bill, from Executive proposal through governmental sanction, and attempts to understand the way this issue came into object of attention both under FHC and Lula. The transit of the \"Law of Informatics\" within these two moments was guided by regional issues which opposed congressmen from de state of Amazonas, who were against some aspects of the law, and the ones from São Paulo, who were more interested in renovating the fiscal benefits granted by the law. The aftermath was unfavorable to Amazonas\'s congressmen, who were not able to make up a group capable of defending their interests. Thus, we did not manage to confirm Stepan\'s proposition.
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Encontrar a voz: uma pesquisa-ação na escola de ensino fundamental ajudando crianças a emitir a voz cantada / -Iwamoto, Judith de Souza Coimbra 23 February 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho investigou a questão da desafinação vocal infantil em alunos de uma escola pública de Ensino Fundamental na cidade de Barueri, São Paulo. Essas crianças não conseguiam cantar de maneira satisfatória, apesar da prática do canto coletivo e dos modelos vocais do professor e do colegas nas aulas de Música da escola. Adotada a metodologia da pesquisa-ação (Thiollent, 2008), foram investigadas as causas do problema e tomadas novas medidas pedagógicas que culminaram na elaboração de um programa de atividades vocais. O referencial teórico que serviu de base para esta pesquisa está apoiado nos trabalhos de GARDNER (2002), ILARI (2006), FORCUCCI (1975), LECK (2002), SOBREIRA (2003), RAO (1996-2005), TELFER (2003) e GOETZE (2003). Os resultados do trabalho foram positivos, revelando a possibilidade de melhorar o problema da desafinação em alunos da escola básica, mediante um atendimento individual e ênfase na prática do canto coletivo desde os primeiros anos escolares. / This work investigated the question of the infantile vocal discord in pupils of a public school of Basic Education in the city of Barueri, São Paulo.These children did not obtain to sing in satisfactory way, although of the collective singing practice and of the vocal models of the professor and the colleagues in the lessons of music of the school. Adopted the methodology of the research-action (Thiollent, 2008), was investigated that the causes of the problem and new pedagogical measures had culminated in the elaboration of a program of vocal activities. The theoretical referencial that served of base for this research is supported in the works of GARDNER (2002), ILARI (2006), FORFUCCI (1975), LECK (2002), SOBREIRA (2003), RAO (1996-2005), TELFER (2003) and GOETZE (2003). The results of the work had been positive, disclosing the possibility to improve the problem of the discord in pupils of the basic school, by means of an individual attendance and the emphasis in the practice of collective singing since the first pertaining to school years.
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Medida da dinâmica de correlações quânticas em ressonância magnética nuclear / Measurement of quantum correlations dynamics in nuclear magnetic resonanceSilva, Isabela Almeida 22 July 2013 (has links)
Nesta dissertação apresentamos um estudo dos mecanismos de decoerência de sistemas quânticos de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN) e os seus efeitos sobre a evolução temporal das medidas de correlação não-clássica. Para tal, apresentaremos inicialmente uma revisão bibliográfica sobre alguns dos diversos quantificadores de discórdia quântica, tais como discórdia entrópica, geométrica e negatividade do caráter quântico. Para descrever os canais de atenuação de fase e de amplitude generalizada, que descrevem a relaxação de sistemas de RMN, utilizamos o formalismo de operações quânticas, através da descrição dos operadores de Kraus. As implementações experimentais foram realizadas a partir de sistemas de 2 q-bits descritos por sistemas de RMN de 2 spins 1/2 acoplados via acoplamento J e sistemas de spins 3/2 sujeitos ao acoplamento quadrupolar. Experimentalmente, observamos o surgimento do fenômeno de congelamento (freezing) da discórdia quântica para o sistema de 2 spins 1/2 e o fenômeno de duplo sudden-change em um sistema de spin 3/2. Além disso, propuzemos um método de medida direta para os elementos da matriz densidade de um sistema de 2 spins 1/2 acoplados via acoplamento J, que permite obter toda a informação necessária para o cálculo dos quantificadores de discórdia sem que seja preciso reconstruir completamente a matriz densidade, ou seja, sem empregar o dispendioso método de tomografia de estado quântico (TEQ). / We present a study of the decoherence processes in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) quantum systems and their effects on the temporal evolution of non-classical correlations. For that, we review some quantum discord quantifiers, such as entropic and geometric discord as well as negativity of quantumness. To describe the relaxation of NMR systems, we use Kraus operators phase and generalized amplitude damping channels. The experimental demonstrations were achieved in 2 qubits systems implemented by J coupled spins 1/2 as well as spins 3/2 subject to quadrupolar interaction. We demonstrate the freezing phenomenon of quantum discord in a 2 spins 1/2 system, subject to phase and amplitude damping channel, and the phenomenon of double sudden-change in a spin 3/2 system, subject to amplitude damping channel. Furthermore, for spin 1/2 system, we introduce a method to selectively measure density matrix elements, that provide the necessary information to calculate discord quantifiers, without needing the full reconstruction provided by usual quantum state tomography.
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An?lises gen?micas da on?a-pintada (Panthera onca) : caracteriza??o do genoma completo e investiga??o de regi?es sob sele??o atrav?s de compara??es interespec?ficas e populacionaisFigueir?, Henrique Vieira 11 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-05-04T17:15:51Z
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TES_HENRIQUE_VIEIRA_FIGUEIRO_COMPLETO.pdf: 4680551 bytes, checksum: 8695b78fe6812f4690586975941c4c31 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-04T17:15:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
TES_HENRIQUE_VIEIRA_FIGUEIRO_COMPLETO.pdf: 4680551 bytes, checksum: 8695b78fe6812f4690586975941c4c31 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-03-11 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / In the past 10 years, high throughput sequencing has revolutionized evolutionary biology. With the technical advances that emerged with the genome sequencing of model species, it is now possible to apply these techniques to taxonomic groups without any previously available genetic resources. Complete genome sequencing and reduced representation methods have enabled us to explore deeper evolutionary questions, such as detecting ancient hybridization and signatures of selection on a genomic scale. Among the groups that could benefit from these methods is the Panthera genus. The group is composed by five species (P. onca, P. tigris, P. leo, P. pardus and P. uncia), all of which are large felids that exert important ecological role as apex predators in their habitats. Their low densities, alarming rates of habitat loss and chronic conflict with humans, all of them are threatened with extinction in the wild and thus important targets for conservation. One of the species in this group, the jaguar (P. onca), is the only member of the genus currently present in the Neotropical region, and the focus of our study. The jaguar has a color pattern similar to that of the leopard, but a much more robust constitution, with massive jaws and shorter limbs. The present study aims to characterize for the first time the jaguar genome, and to perform comparative analyses with the genomes from all other Panthera species. In addition, we seek to perform population genomic analyses with Brazilian jaguar populations and search for signatures of divergent selection in different regions. We have sequenced four genomic libraries, with an estimated coverage depth of 84x. The complete genome sequence allowed the annotation of 25,441 genes and the description of other genomic features (e.g. ncRNA, microsatellites, numts). Additionally, we have sequenced the genome of a leopard at low coverage, with an estimated depth of 25x. With the addition of these two genomes, we were able obtain a genomic data set containing all five Panthera species, which was used to perform phylogenetic discordance analyses and to detect signatures of selection using a dataset encompassing 13,143 orthologous genes. We were able to demonstrate the presence of hybridization events during the speciation
process of the species, as well as signatures of selection in genes potentially involved in important characteristics of these iconic animals. Among them, the jaguar?s robust build, the social behavior of lions, cold environment adaptations in the snow leopard and the tiger?s stripes. Using an exome capture approach, we performed a population genomics study targeting jaguar populations from different Brazilian biomes. In addition to assessments of genetic diversity and population structure, we detected signals of local adaptation using multiple methods. Among the obtained results is the presence of genes under selection that are related to energetic metabolism in the Amazon, body development in the Pantanal and immunity in the Atlantic Forest. Additionally, we observed several pigmentation-related genes under selection in different biomes. Those genes affect not only pigmentation, but also have pleiotropic effects in development and immunity
routes. Overall, these results help to understand the evolutionary processes that have shaped the adaptation of Panthera species, and particularly the jaguar, to the environments where they currently live. / Nos ?ltimos 10 anos, o sequenciamento gen?mico de alto desempenho revolucionou a biologia evolutiva. Com os avan?os gerados pelo sequenciamento do genoma completo de esp?cies modelo, agora ? poss?vel aplicar essas t?cnicas em animais com praticamente nenhum recurso gen?tico dispon?vel. O sequenciamento completo de genomas, bem como o uso de t?cnicas de representa??o reduzida, permitem explorar quest?es evolutivas complexas como, por exemplo, detec??o de hibrida??o e assinaturas de sele??o natural em uma escala gen?mica. Dentre os grupos taxon?micos que podem se beneficiar de tais t?cnicas est? o g?nero Panthera. O grupo ? composto por cinco esp?cies atuais (P. onca, P. tigris, P. leo, P. pardus e P. uncia), todas elas apresentando grande porte e atuando como predadores de topo nos ambientes que ocupam. Devido ?s baixas densidades, alarmante perda de habitat e constantes conflitos com humanos, o n?vel de amea?a em que essas esp?cies se encontram ? preocupante. Dentre as esp?cies do grupo, est? a on?a-pintada (P. onca), ?nica integrante do g?nero na regi?o Neotropical e o principal foco deste trabalho. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo busca caracterizar pela primeira vez o genoma da on?a-pintada, incluindo an?lises comparativas com as outras quatro esp?cies do g?nero. Al?m disso, o trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar as popula??es de on?a no Brasil e buscar assinaturas de sele??o divergente nos biomas que ela ocupa. Para o sequenciamento do genoma da esp?cie, foram utilizadas quatro bibliotecas gen?micas, com uma cobertura estimada de 84x. A sequ?ncia do genoma completo permitiu a anota??o de 25.441 genes e a descri??o de outros componentes do genoma (p.ex. ncRNA, microssat?lites, numts). Adicionalmente, foi sequenciado o genoma de um leopardo (P. pardus) com cobertura estimada de 25x. Com esses dois novos genomas, completou-se um conjunto abrangendo todas as cinco esp?cies do g?nero, permitindo a realiza??o de an?lises de discord?ncia filogen?tica para o grupo e detec??o de sele??o positiva utilizando um conjunto de 13.143 genes ort?logos. Foi poss?vel demonstrar eventos de hibrida??o durante o processo de especia??o das esp?cies do g?nero, bem como sinais de sele??o positiva
em genes envolvidos em caracter?sticas que se destacam nos grandes fel?deos. Entre eles, fen?tipos potencialmente afetados por genes sob sele??o incluem o cr?nio e membros robustos da on?a-pintada, o comportamento social no le?o, adapta??o ao frio no leopardo das neves e a presen?a de listras no tigre. Com o uso de captura de exoma, que tem como objetivo o sequenciamento do conjunto de exons da esp?cie, foi poss?vel realizar uma nova avalia??o das caracter?sticas gen?ticas de popula??es de on?a-pintada, bem como a detec??o de assinaturas de adapta??o local. Entre os resultados obtidos est? a presen?a de genes sob sele??o relacionados com metabolismo energ?tico em popula??es da Amaz?nia, adapta??es relacionadas com desenvolvimento corporal no Pantanal e imunidade na Mata Atl?ntica. Adicionalmente, foram observados diversos genes de pigmenta??o com assinaturas de sele??o em diferentes biomas. Esses genes, al?m de afetarem a colora??o dos animais, possuem efeitos pleiotr?picos no desenvolvimento e imunidade da esp?cie. Esses resultados auxiliam no entendimento dos processos evolutivos que moldaram a adapta??o das esp?cies do g?nero, e em especial a on?a pintada, aos ambientes que elas ocupam atualmente.
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