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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Computação quântica baseada em medidas projetivas em sistemas quânticos abertos / Measurement-based quantum computation in open quantum systems

Luiz Gustavo Esmenard Arruda 20 June 2011 (has links)
Usamos um modelo exatamente solúvel para calcular a dinâmica da fidelidade de uma computação baseada em medidas projetivas cujo sistema interage com um meio ambiente comum que insere erros de fase. Mostramos que a fidelidade do estado de Cluster canônico oscila como função do tempo e, como consequência, a computação quântica baseada em medidas projetivas pode apresentar melhores resultados computacionais mesmo para um conjunto sequencial de medidas lentas. Além disso, apresentamos uma condição necessária para que a dinâmica da fidelidade de um estado quântico geral apresente um comportamento não-monotônico. / We use an exact solvable model to calculate the gate fidelity dynamics of a measurement-based quantum computation that interacts with a common dephasing environment. We show that the fidelity of the canonical cluster state oscillates as a function of time and, as a consequence, the measurement-based quantum computer can give better computational results even for a set of slow measurement sequences. Furthermore, we present a necessary condition to the fidelity dynamics of a general quantum state presents a non-monotonical shape.

Encontrar a voz: uma pesquisa-ação na escola de ensino fundamental ajudando crianças a emitir a voz cantada / -

Judith de Souza Coimbra Iwamoto 23 February 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho investigou a questão da desafinação vocal infantil em alunos de uma escola pública de Ensino Fundamental na cidade de Barueri, São Paulo. Essas crianças não conseguiam cantar de maneira satisfatória, apesar da prática do canto coletivo e dos modelos vocais do professor e do colegas nas aulas de Música da escola. Adotada a metodologia da pesquisa-ação (Thiollent, 2008), foram investigadas as causas do problema e tomadas novas medidas pedagógicas que culminaram na elaboração de um programa de atividades vocais. O referencial teórico que serviu de base para esta pesquisa está apoiado nos trabalhos de GARDNER (2002), ILARI (2006), FORCUCCI (1975), LECK (2002), SOBREIRA (2003), RAO (1996-2005), TELFER (2003) e GOETZE (2003). Os resultados do trabalho foram positivos, revelando a possibilidade de melhorar o problema da desafinação em alunos da escola básica, mediante um atendimento individual e ênfase na prática do canto coletivo desde os primeiros anos escolares. / This work investigated the question of the infantile vocal discord in pupils of a public school of Basic Education in the city of Barueri, São Paulo.These children did not obtain to sing in satisfactory way, although of the collective singing practice and of the vocal models of the professor and the colleagues in the lessons of music of the school. Adopted the methodology of the research-action (Thiollent, 2008), was investigated that the causes of the problem and new pedagogical measures had culminated in the elaboration of a program of vocal activities. The theoretical referencial that served of base for this research is supported in the works of GARDNER (2002), ILARI (2006), FORFUCCI (1975), LECK (2002), SOBREIRA (2003), RAO (1996-2005), TELFER (2003) and GOETZE (2003). The results of the work had been positive, disclosing the possibility to improve the problem of the discord in pupils of the basic school, by means of an individual attendance and the emphasis in the practice of collective singing since the first pertaining to school years.

The Ties that Bind: The Role of Place in Racial Identity Formation, Social Cohesion, Accord, and Discord in Two Historic, Black Gentrifying Atlanta Neighborhoods

Combs, Barbara Harris 09 April 2010 (has links)
Recent research has uncovered a new phenomenon in some distressed areas, black gentrification. Black gentrification follows the same pattern as mainstream gentrification with one notable exception: In black gentrifying neighborhoods both the poor and working class residents who resided in the neighborhood prior to its “gentrification” and the new residents of greater economic means are black. An additional hallmark of black gentrification that distinguishes it from traditional gentrification is that black gentrifiers in black gentrifying neighborhoods often feel a responsibility or obligation to their lower income black neighbors. Prior to the economic downturn in the United States, some in-town Atlanta neighborhoods were undergoing black gentrification. Amidst the current mortgage foreclosure epidemic facing the U.S., distressed urban areas like the ones under study, which began to gentrify in the last ten to twenty years, can easily fall prey to mortgage fraud and/or further decline. Sustained revitalization efforts require that the neighborhoods maintain a critical density level; therefore, neighborhoods cannot afford to lose more citizens. My dissertation focuses on two historic, black gentrifying in-town Atlanta neighborhoods: the Old Fourth Ward and the West End. The Old Fourth Ward is the location of the birth home of one of Atlanta’s most celebrated sons, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The West End, once a center of black consciousness in the city, now boasts one of the highest mortgage fraud rates in the nation. Revitalization efforts in both communities are in jeopardy. This dissertation explores ways to strengthen social and economic cohesion in these gentrifying black communities. Specifically, I argue that attachment to the neighborhood space (something I term “place affinity”) has the potential to obviate social tensions in gentrifying black communities and bind residents to each other and the social space they all occupy.

Sobre-representação e interesses regionais: o caso da lei de informática / Overrepresentation and regional interested: the case of law of informatics

Simone Aparecida Costa 20 September 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação teve como objetivo testar a proposição de Stepan (1999) a respeito da sobre-representação dos estados menos populosos no Congresso Nacional. Segundo o autor, a sobre-representação permite que os parlamentares dos estados menos populosos se unam para vetar reformas que são contrárias a seus interesses. Para testar a proposição de Stepan, escolhemos como objeto de estudo a reedição da Lei de Informática (Lei no 8.248, de 23 de outubro de 1991) em dois momentos: no governo Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) - Lei no 10.176/2001 - e no governo Lula - Lei no 11.077/2004. A análise compreende a tramitação das leis, desde a proposição encaminhada pelo Executivo federal até a sanção presidencial ao texto final, além de buscar compreender como o tema entrou na pauta dos governos FHC e Lula. A tramitação da Lei de Informática nesses dois momentos foi pautada por questões regionais que opuseram a bancada do Amazonas, contrária a aspectos da lei, e a bancada de São Paulo, que mais tinha interesse na renovação do benefício fiscal concedido pela lei. O resultado, de modo geral, foi desfavorável à bancada do Amazonas, que não conseguiu formar um grupo capaz de defender seus interesses. Portanto, não conseguimos confirmar a proposição de Stepan. / This essay aimed to test Stepan\'s proposition (1999) on overrepresentation of less populous Brazilian states in the Congress. According to the author, this overrepresentation allows congressmen from less populous states to gather in order to block reforms which go against their interests. So as to test Stepan\'s proposition, we have chosen as case study the republishing of the \"Law of Informatics\" (Law 8.248, October 23rd, 1991) in two moments: under Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) Presidency (Law 10.176/2001) and under Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Presidency (Law 11.077/2004). The analysis comprehends the full transit of the bill, from Executive proposal through governmental sanction, and attempts to understand the way this issue came into object of attention both under FHC and Lula. The transit of the \"Law of Informatics\" within these two moments was guided by regional issues which opposed congressmen from de state of Amazonas, who were against some aspects of the law, and the ones from São Paulo, who were more interested in renovating the fiscal benefits granted by the law. The aftermath was unfavorable to Amazonas\'s congressmen, who were not able to make up a group capable of defending their interests. Thus, we did not manage to confirm Stepan\'s proposition.

Medida da dinâmica de correlações quânticas em ressonância magnética nuclear / Measurement of quantum correlations dynamics in nuclear magnetic resonance

Isabela Almeida Silva 22 July 2013 (has links)
Nesta dissertação apresentamos um estudo dos mecanismos de decoerência de sistemas quânticos de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN) e os seus efeitos sobre a evolução temporal das medidas de correlação não-clássica. Para tal, apresentaremos inicialmente uma revisão bibliográfica sobre alguns dos diversos quantificadores de discórdia quântica, tais como discórdia entrópica, geométrica e negatividade do caráter quântico. Para descrever os canais de atenuação de fase e de amplitude generalizada, que descrevem a relaxação de sistemas de RMN, utilizamos o formalismo de operações quânticas, através da descrição dos operadores de Kraus. As implementações experimentais foram realizadas a partir de sistemas de 2 q-bits descritos por sistemas de RMN de 2 spins 1/2 acoplados via acoplamento J e sistemas de spins 3/2 sujeitos ao acoplamento quadrupolar. Experimentalmente, observamos o surgimento do fenômeno de congelamento (freezing) da discórdia quântica para o sistema de 2 spins 1/2 e o fenômeno de duplo sudden-change em um sistema de spin 3/2. Além disso, propuzemos um método de medida direta para os elementos da matriz densidade de um sistema de 2 spins 1/2 acoplados via acoplamento J, que permite obter toda a informação necessária para o cálculo dos quantificadores de discórdia sem que seja preciso reconstruir completamente a matriz densidade, ou seja, sem empregar o dispendioso método de tomografia de estado quântico (TEQ). / We present a study of the decoherence processes in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) quantum systems and their effects on the temporal evolution of non-classical correlations. For that, we review some quantum discord quantifiers, such as entropic and geometric discord as well as negativity of quantumness. To describe the relaxation of NMR systems, we use Kraus operators phase and generalized amplitude damping channels. The experimental demonstrations were achieved in 2 qubits systems implemented by J coupled spins 1/2 as well as spins 3/2 subject to quadrupolar interaction. We demonstrate the freezing phenomenon of quantum discord in a 2 spins 1/2 system, subject to phase and amplitude damping channel, and the phenomenon of double sudden-change in a spin 3/2 system, subject to amplitude damping channel. Furthermore, for spin 1/2 system, we introduce a method to selectively measure density matrix elements, that provide the necessary information to calculate discord quantifiers, without needing the full reconstruction provided by usual quantum state tomography.

Marital Satisfaction and Depression in a Study of Brazilian Women: A Cross-Cultural Test of the Marital Discord Model of Depression

Hollist, Cody S. 23 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Depression is a major societal health problem with individual, familial, social, and economic costs. Cross sectional research has linked depression and marital discord, with women frequently having a higher association between variables. Several longitudinal research studies have linked marital satisfaction to subsequent depression. The Marital Discord Model of Depression states that marital discord is an important antecedent in the development of depression. While some empirical evidence exists supporting this premise, no research has been done with Latinos. The purpose of this study was to test the longitudinal relationship between marital satisfaction and depression among Latina women. The data was conducted in two waves, 2 years apart, from a Brazilian sample of 99 females. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) procedures. The results indicated that there was a strong association between marital satisfaction and depression. Marital satisfaction at time-1 was a significant predictor of, not only time-1 depression, but also time-2 depression. Marital satisfaction and depression at time-1 predicted 59% of the time-2 depression scores. These results provide evidence that the Marital Discord Model of Depression is an appropriate theoretical model for the conceptualization of marital discord and depression with Latina women. With previous research already having established the effectiveness of Behavioral Marital Therapy of Depression (BMT-D) for treating depression among Caucasian couples, these results suggest that BMT-D might also an appropriate treatment for depression among Latinos. Further BMT-D effectiveness research needs to be done to test the utility of interventions with the Latino population. Further research also needs to be done to test the longitudinal association of marital distress and depression among Latinos living in the United States.

Yinka Shonibare. Post Colonial Discord and the Contemporary Social Fabric of 2017.

Stavrianou, Jennifer Dawn 04 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Dissensions, conflits internes, guerre civile en Grèce et à Rome. Etude lexicologique / Civil Discord, Internal Conflicts, Civil War in Greece and Rome. Lexicological Study

Fevrier Reulier, Françoise 19 November 2011 (has links)
Nommer les conflits internes est difficile pour ceux qui vivent de tels événements. Il faut compter avec la censure, la difficulté d’exprimer ce qu’est un conflit de ce type et, surtout, la vision personnelle de chacun. Cette étude a pour objet d’appréhender les dénominations utilisées dans la prose historique (discours / historiographie) par des témoins et / ou des protagonistes à travers l’étude de pages célèbres de conflits internes en Grèce et à Rome (fin de la République). Bien que les époques et les contextes soient différents, la comparaison entre les lexiques utilisés par Thucydide, Xénophon, Polybe, César, Cicéron et Salluste révèle des constantes tant au niveau des notions employées que des techniques de dénominations adoptées. L’étude comparée permet d’approfondir la particularité de chaque langue. Les Grecs recourent à une évocation ancienne, στάσις dont le champ d’emplois, très vaste, demande des étais. A l’époque classique, les dénominations métaphoriques en précisent l’emploi. Mais ces apports s’avèreront par la suite insuffisants et conduiront Polybe à employer d’autres approches de dénominations préfigurant les choix latins futurs. A Rome, autour d’une dénomination nouvelle, bellum ciuile et de son pendant, ciuile bellum, historiens et orateurs multiplient les désignations et exploitent des techniques de dénominations diverses, pour tenter d’imposer leurs conceptions des conflits civils. Plusieurs des évocations exploitées sous l’Empire en seront issues. / Giving a name to civil conflicts is difficult for those who are part of them. One must deal with censorship, the difficulty of talking about a conflict of that kind and, overall, the personal view of each person. The aim of this study is to analyze how witnesses and participants use words in historical literature (speeches, historiography) through the study of famous writings of civil conflicts during Greek and Roman Antiquity (in the late Republic). Though periods and historical situations were different, comparing lexical terms used by Thucydides, Xenophon, Polybius, Caesar, Cicero and Sallust highlights some continuous similarities about exposed concepts and technical naming methods. The comparative study allows us to study particularities of each language. Greeks writers usually use the old word στάσις, whose very large field needs several stays. In classical times, metaphorical wordings clarify its meanings. But these benefits becoming inadequate, Polybius had to use different approaches of designating conflicts, foreshadowing later choices of words by Roman authors. In Roman times, around the new name bellum ciuile, and its equivalent, ciuile bellum, historians and writers multiply words and various ways of naming situations of civil wars, for trying to force upon their understanding of these wars. Several of those words will be exploited under the Empire to follow up this way of imposing one’s conceptions.

Le divorce pour discorde en droit marocain sous le nouveau code de la famille / Divorce on the ground discord on Moroccan law under the new family code

Boussahmain, Rabia 29 March 2014 (has links)
Le rétablissement de l’égalité rompue entre les époux était l’une des questions épineuses qui ont motivé les différentes réclamations des réformes du droit de la famille au Maroc.La nouvelle voie de divorce pour discorde s’inscrit dans cette logique qui est d’octroyer à la femme le droit de se libérer du lien de mariage sans qu’elle ait besoin d’établir aucun motif, tout comme le droit du mari à la répudiation.La procédure de discorde, d’origine purement religieuse, est appelée à assurer une double fonction, d’une part, répondre à la question du référentiel religieux, d’autre part, rétablir l’égalité entre les sexes lors de la rupture du lien conjugal. Mais la réglementation législative de cette institution cache un consensus entre les deux courants : conservateur traditionaliste et celui favorable à la promotion des droits de la femme, ce qui ne manque de se répercuter sur la pratique jurisprudentielle et l’appréhension doctrinale de la procédure de divorce et menace l’existence même des motifs classiques de divorce voire de la répudiation. / Restoring the equality disrupted between spouses is one of the big issues which motivated the claims to reform the family code in Morocco.The new divorce on the ground of discord is to grant women the right to free herself from the marriage bond without providing a cause, same as the right of men of repudiation.The discord procedure, which is purely religious, aims at answering the religious terms of reference and restoring the equality between men and women when the marital bond is terminated.However, the legislative regulation in this institution hides a consensus between the two parties: conservative and traditionalist vrs the one in favor of promoting women’s right. This affect the practice of the law case and the apprehension of doctrinal nature of the divorce procedure. It also presents a threat to the classic causes of divorce and even to the repudiation.

Sibling Influences on the Psychosocial Effects of Children's Exposure to Domestic Violence

Caldwell, Jessica Marie January 2014 (has links)
Despite the large number of children and siblings who are exposed to domestic violence, relatively few studies have examined sibling influences on the psychosocial effects of exposure to domestic violence. The aim of this study was to explore the opinions of experienced child and family clinicians on whether, and how, the presence of siblings moderates children’s experiences of domestic violence and any subsequent effects on their development and wellbeing. This study employed an Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis to analyse interviews with five clinicians. Analysis of the interviews revealed six superordinate themes; one sibling taking on a protective and parental role; polarisation of sibling relationships; factors influencing sibling relationships; the impact on the sibling taking on a parenting or protective role; impact on the sibling being protected; and the importance of individual family context. Overall, the findings from the interviews with the clinicians suggest that in families where children are exposed to domestic violence one child tends to take on a parental role and also attempts to protect their siblings from the violence. These results also emphasise the importance of formulation in understanding the influence of sibling relationships on the psychosocial effects of domestic violence, as there are many different factors which need to be considered. Some implications for clinical practice are discussed and potential future research directions are outlined.

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