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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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導入總整課程概念於臺灣中小學師資職前教育之研究 / A Study on Integrating the Concept of the Capstone Course into Primary and Secondary Teacher Education in Taiwan

陳培菱, Chen, Pei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在導入總整課程概念於臺灣中小學師資職前教育,探討國外總整課程之內涵與功能,初步建構臺灣中小學師資職前教育之總整課程,並提出結論與建議,以供未來師資培育大學發展總整課程之參考。 研究方法上,先以文件分析出可行之臺灣中小學職前教育總整課程,接著以專家問卷進行課程的刪修,再利用模糊德菲法探究專家學者對課程具備整合、反思與銜接功能之看法,最後根據專家學者們之共識,完成我國中小學師資職前教育總整課程。根據研究之結果與分析,歸納主要結論如下: 一、中小學師資職前教育總整課程形式包含「實地教學經驗」、「研究計畫」、「專題討論」、「歷程檔案」、「綜合表現與評量」五大類。 二、以實地教學經驗,如「半年教育實習」、「分科/分領域教學實習」、「實踐史懷哲精神教育服務計畫」等,在中小學師資職前教育總整課程之各功能認同度最高。 三、臺灣中小學師資職前教育總整課程依據類型不同,具備總整性存在差異。 最後,本研究根據研究結果,提出相關建議,俾供各師資培育之大學以及後續研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to integrate the concept of capstone course to pre-service primary and secondary teacher education in Taiwan. This paper not only explores the connotation and function of the capstone course in pre-service teacher education, but also constructs the capstone course in pre-service teacher education for Taiwan. It also provides conclusions and suggestions for universities that offers teacher training programs to develop their capstone course in the future. The main conclusions follow: 1.The capstone courses of pre-service teacher education include five categories: "field experience", "research project", "seminar", "portfolio", "comprehensive performance and evaluation". 2.The field experience, such as " student teaching", " teaching practicum ", " Schweitzer program " and so on, has the highest capstone function in Taiwan’s pre-service primary and secondary teacher education. 3.The function of capstone course is much different in Taiwan according to varietal types of professional courses and activities of pre-service primary and secondary teacher education. In conclusion, the findings and results in the hope of providing suggestion for the universities that offers teacher training programs and more studies in the future.

中小學校長在職專業增能課程指標建構之研究 / A Study on the Indicators Construction of Inservice Professional Development Course for School Principals

張綺文 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的為建構中小學校長在職專業增能課程指標,提供校長專業發展支持機構、教育行政機關作為校長在職增能與專業發展相關課程與政策制定之參考。研究方法部分,經由文獻探討分析初擬中小學校長在職專業增能課程指標,邀請13位相關領域專家學者以及資深經歷之中小學校長針對指標進行適切性評估與指標修訂,而後以概念構圖法進行指標分群與重要性評定,得出上位概念之指標構面及權重,建構中小學校長在職專業增能課程指標系統,依據研究結果與分析歸納結論與建議如下。 結論: (一)本研究建構之中小學校長在職專業增能課程指標系統共計五構面22項指標,構面分別為:「一、課程教學與學生學習」構面含5項指標、「二、領導知能與溝通決策」構面含4項指標、「三、資源運用與空間規劃」構面含5項指標、「四、行政實務與知識管理」構面含4項指標、「五、學校行銷與品牌形塑」構面含4項指標。 (二)「領導知能與溝通決策」構面為最重要之中小學校長在職專業增能課程指標構面。 (三)學生適性學習及危機管理為最重要之中小學校長在職專業增能課程指標。 (四)中小學校長在職專業課程指標於不同對象之重要性有其差異,學者專家認為「學生適性發展」及「危機管理與實務」兩項最為重要;資深經歷中小學校長則認為「學生適性發展」、「學校領導知能與實務」及「辦學理念與校務發展規劃」最為重要。 建議: (一) 中小學校長在職增能宜建立有系統化之課程指標作為參照。 (二) 中小學校長在職專業增能課程首重於領導知能與溝通決策。 (三) 中小學校長在職專業增能課程宜著重於學生適性發展。 (四) 中小學校長在職專業增能課程建構應參酌不同利害關係人意見。 / The purpose of this study is to construct the indicators of inservice professional development course for elementary and secondary school principals, which provide principals professional development support agencies and educational administration departments as a reference for planning principals inservice professional development course and policy related to professional growth and professional development. As for research method, by means of literature review, 22 indicators of inservice professional development course for school principals had been organized based on an expert survey, which survey 13 experts. Concept mapping questionnaire used to analyze experts' opinion on the importance of each indicator and to help indicator selection. At last stage, find the weight of each indicator within each dimension and construct the system of indicators of inservice professional development course for school principals. The main conclusions as below: 1. This study constructs an indicator system of inservice professional development course for school principals of 5 dimensions and 22 indicators in total. The 5 dimensions are: I. curriculum, teaching and student learning, which include 5 indicators. II. leadership knowledge, communication and decision making, which include 4 indicators. III. resource utilization and campus space planning, which include 5 indicators. IV. administrative practice and knowledge management, which include 5 indicators. V. school marketing and brand shaping, which include 5 indicators. 2. Leadership knowledge, communication and decision-making is the most important dimension of inservice professional development course for school principals. 3. Adaptive learning and crisis management are the most received expert attention. 4. The importance of different objects have their differences of inservice professional development course for school principals. Scholar think Adaptive learning and crisis management are the most important indicators. on the other hand, school principal think Adaptive learning, school leadership knowledge and practice, and school philosophy and development planning are the most important indicators. According to the result, here are some recommendations as below: 1. It is advisable to establish systematic curriculum indicators as a reference for inservice professional development course for school principals. 2. Inservice professional development course for school principals most emphasis on leadership knowledge and communication and decision-making. 3. Inservice professional development course for school principals most emphasis on Adaptive learning. 4. Inservice professional development course for school principals should take into account the views of different stakeholders.


陳宜敏 Unknown Date (has links)
「國民中小學組織再造及人力規劃試辦方案」政策主要是為了配合九年一貫 課程實施,重視學校本位課程,期透過總量員額管制、調整國民小學組織與人力架構,促進教學與行政責任,期能減輕教師教學及行政負擔,並發揮教育經費使用效益。本研究旨在瞭解臺北市國民小學參與國民小學組織再造與人力試辦規劃方案實施情形與成效、探討臺北市國民小學教師對於國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案之認知程度與支持度、瞭解臺北市國民小學教師對於學校滿意度與學校組織規劃之意見。採用文件分析法與問卷調查法二種研究方法。研究者蒐集臺北市國民小學參與「中小學組織再造及人力規劃試辦方案」之相關文件資料,並自編「臺北市國民小學學校組織再造調查問卷」,受試者包括臺北市92至95學年度參與試辦方案之9所國民小學及未參與試辦方案之9所國民小學,普查該18所國民小學之1,000名教師,可用問卷回收率達70.6﹪。茲根據研究所得,做成結論如下。 壹、臺北市參與試辦方案之國民小學為提升學校效能等因素參與試辦後,由試辦小組進行宣導、規劃試辦與檢討,雖面臨配套措施尚未健全等困難,但以各種組織再造策略,期許達成預定目標。 貳、臺北市參與試辦方案之國民小學教師對於試辦成果普遍表示肯定滿意與支持,除達成教育部與臺北市政府教育局之四項預期目標外,並獲得學校成員、家長與學生之高度肯定。 參、臺北市國民小學教師對於國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案認知情形屬中等程度。 肆、不同性別、年齡、服務年資、最高學歷、現任職務、學校規模、學校地區、學校校齡、參與方案與否之臺北市國民小學教師對試辦方案認知情形達顯著差異。 伍、臺北市國民小學教師對於國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案支持度屬中上程度,且最支持「總量員額管制,彈性調整處室編制」。 陸、不同性別、服務年資、學歷、現任職務與學校地區的臺北市國民小學教師對國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案支持度達顯著差異。 柒、臺北市國民小學教師對於組織再造試辦方案整體認知程度與支持度相關情形 達顯著。 捌、臺北市國民小學教師對於「學校整體滿意度」屬中上程度。 玖、不同職務、學校規模、學校地區、學校校齡、參與試辦方案與否之臺北市國民小學教師對學校現況滿意度達顯著差異。 拾、臺北市國民小學教師強烈贊同「部分行政工作可視性質改由『一般行政』或『教育行政』專長之職員擔任,如總務處主任與組長」;同時贊成「學校控留部分教師員額改聘兼任人員」,並相當支持「與教學無關之行政工作採勞務外包」等組織員額彈性規劃之作法。 拾壹、五成以上臺北市國民小學教師同意小幅度調整學校組織架構。 茲根據以上結論,提出教育行政機關與學校執行「國民中小學組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案」之建議如下。 壹、參與試辦方案學校實施成效良好,參與試辦學校數量值得逐年增加,教育部可考慮持續擴大試辦。 貳、安排訪視活動、舉辦成果發表會或成立校際策略聯盟,以瞭解學校試辦情形並分享交流經驗,以利檢討改進。 參、採取漸進式的學校組織再造,小幅度調整行政組織結構。 肆、調整不同學校規模之人員編制或擴大學校行政人員編制。 伍、妥適善用校內外人力資源並控留部分教師員額改聘兼任、代課、教學支援人員。 陸、非屬教學專業之固定項目委外辦理,由教育行政機關統一發包。 柒、依據學校特色與需求,彈性規劃整體組織再造及人力調整,並持續檢討改進。 捌、持續宣導與溝通組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案,並加強特定族群之宣傳,由下而上建立共識,擴大組織再造參與層面。 玖、教育行政機關在法令與經費上提供相關配套措施,增加學校的執行力與行動力。 拾、組織再造與人力規劃試辦方案的推動應由組織結構的調整邁向組織文化的 重塑。 拾壹、對未來研究的建議。 / “The Organization Restructuring and Human Resource Planning Project of the Elementary and Secondary School” policy is a complement to the implementation of Grade 1-9 Curriculum. It emphasizes school-based curriculum and hopes to expand the responsibility of teaching and administration, to alleviate the loads of teaching and administration, and to improves the costs-benefits of educational budgets through total personnel control and adjustment of elementary and secondary schools’ organization and human resource structure. The purposes of this study were to realize the implementation and effectiveness of the organization restructuring and human resource planning project of elementary and secondary schools in Taipei, to investigate the level of cognition and support of this project from the teachers of elementary schools in Taipei, and to understand their satisfaction levels toward school and their opinion regarding organization planning of schools. The research methods used in this study were document analysis and questionnaires. The researcher collected relevant documents regarding this project from elementary schools in Taipei and designed “The Organization Restructuring Questionnaire of Elementary Schools in Taipei”. The participants included 9 participating elementary schools and 9 non-participating elementary schools in Taipei from the academic year of 92 to 95. The questionnaires were sent to 1000 teachers from this 18 elementary schools. The valid rate of return is 70.6 %. The results of this study were as follows: 1.Due to the reasons of being appointed from the educational department, considering the needs of the schools, improving school effectiveness, and activizing school human resources, the elementary schools in Taipei which participating in this project first formed a committee to promote, plan, and evaluate.Although facing the difficulties of immature conceptualization and the void of corresponding interventions, five restructuring strategies including adjusting organization structure, re-designing job duties, re-allocating human resources, teaming the task forces ,and simplifying operation process were used. In addition to attain the four expected goals of the Ministry of Education, it was also hoped that certain goals regarding administration management, organization structure, teaching , learning, and parents’ service were be achieved. 2.The elementary teachers participating in this project expressed general satisfaction and support toward the results. Besides the four expected goals from The Ministry of Education and Taipei City Government Educational Department, highly recognition from the staff, parents and students were acquired. 3.The elementary school teachers in Taipei expressed medium cognition level toward this project. 4.There were significant differences in the cognition level toward this project between gender, age, seniority, education background, position, school scale, school area, and participation or not of the elementary school teachers in Taipei. 5.The elementary school teachers in Taipei expressed medium to high support level toward this project and support “total personnel control and flexibly adjust the organization of units” the most. 6.There were significant differences in the support level toward this project between different gender, seniority educational background, position, and school areas of the elementary school teachers in Taipei. 7.There was significant positive correlation between the cognition level and support level toward this project of the elementary school teachers in Taipei. 8.The elementary school teachers in Taipei expressed a medium to high satisfaction level toward “the general satisfaction of school”. 9.There were significant differences in the satisfaction level toward the present status of school between different position, school scale, school area, school history, and participation or not of the elementary school teachers in Taipei. 10.The elementary school teachers in Taipei strongly agreed that: (1)Some of the administration work can be took by staffs with normal administration specialty or educational administration specialty ; (2)School maintained certain personnel quatos and hire part-time employees . (3)Outsourcing the non-teaching relevant administration work. 11.Half of the elementary school teachers in Taipei agreed small-scale school organization restructuring. According to the above results, suggestions were provided to the administration institutions and schools which participated in the project: 1.The school participating in the project had good performance. Therefore, the Ministry of Education could consider expanding the participation to more schools gradually. 2.In order to share the experience and to benefit improvement, it is suggested to arrange visiting activities, to hold a results presentation, or to establish strategic alliances between schools. 3.Proceed school restructuring gradually and have small-scale administrative organization restructure. 4.Adjust the staffing of different school scales and expand the staffing of school administration personnel. 5.Using the human resources outside from the school more properly and maintain the teacher quotas to employ part-time, substitute teacher or teaching-supportive staff. 6.Outsourcing the non-teaching items through educational administration institutions. 7.According to the characteristics and demands of the schools, plan organization structure and human resources adjustment flexibly and evaluation continuously. 8.Promote and communicate the project continuously and reinforce the advertising to specific audience in order to expand the scope of organization restructuring. 9.In order to increase the execution of schools, educational administration institutions should provide corresponding interventions in laws and budgets. 10.The promotion of the organization restructuring and human resource planning project should move from the adjustment of organization structure to the re-shaping of organizational culture. 11.The recommendation to future research.

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