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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


游添榮 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著交通及資訊科技的迅速發展,不僅商品交易的過程可在極短的時間內傳送至世界各個角落 ,也加速實體商品在國際間流通的速度,許多不能移動的生產資源也都可以在各地自由流通,因此各國的經濟也朝向國際化、全球化及自由化發展,在國際化經營過程中,由於企業派往海外工作人員隨之增加,如何有效進行國際化人力資源管理成為重要工作,如何進行海外工作人員的選派亦成為企業必需面對的重要課題 . 在企業進行國際化經營之際,由於派往海外工作人員經常會被指派一些重要的職位,因此如何降低外派的失敗率,必需從外派人員的評選階段減少錯誤做起.特別是外派人員的發展策略,常涉及員工個人、家庭、企業組織間互動過程及相關情境因素影響,也造成了複雜性. 過去雖有文獻探討外派人員的失敗原因、甄選準則,但鮮少分別從主管及員工不同角度,探討企業進行海外派遣發展策略所考慮因素(準則)重要程度排序及評估各項因素(準則)相對於不同派遣地區之重要程度.本研究擬由相關文獻進行次級資料蒐集,並以台灣某家電子產業之上市公司為實證對象,進行以下之研究: 一、 藉由整理相關文獻、問卷調查,整合不同群體意見,建立一套兼具功效性、客觀性、週延性及整體性的企業海外人力派遣評估因素之層級評估架構. 二、 利用層級分析法(Analysis Hierarchy Process, AHP)的層級概念與特徵向量法來分析,求得主管、員工不同群體及整體對於評估準則之權重值大小,建立權重體系. 三、 結合模糊多評準決策法(Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Marketing, FMCDM),請受訪群體針對不同的派遣地區,導出各項評估因素(準則)相對於不同派遣地區之重要程度並據以排序,以作為企業進行海外人力派遣評選作業方案之評估.


高必綺, Kao, Bi-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
不景氣之下,企業獲利大幅縮水,瘦身計劃成為燃眉之急,終身雇用的觀念已成為神話。人力業者指出,在經濟環境巨變下,雇主與員工的勞動關係已大為顛覆,除核心幹部外,企業運用短期的派遣員工,已成為企業縮減勞務成本的方法。業者估計,委外派遣人力,可以為企業縮減每人一五%的勞務成本。在國際勞動基準方面,雖然第九十六號公約嘗試為私營就業服務機構重新定位,但此公約生效後,卻面臨勞動市場的質變與量變,各類型臨時工作機構紛紛出現。面對這種情況,國際勞工組織(ILO)遂於一九九七年通過私立就業機構第一八一」號公約(Convention Concerning Fee-Charging Private Employment, No.181),此公約擴大了私立就業機構的服務範圍至勞動派遣業,其身份的轉變,不但從過去仲介招募與安置之角色,更進一步成為臨時性勞動者之正式雇主。 「勞動派遣業」是經濟與社會現實環境下,新興的勞動型態,複雜的三方兩地勞動關係,會對傳統的勞動關係帶來什麼樣的挑戰?對勞工權益衍生哪些新課題?就我們現行相關勞動法規是否能有效規範勞動派遣業者?是否能有效保障受派勞工之權益?是本論文探討的重點!本研究的目的如下: (一)釐清勞動派遣的概念與三方兩地的關係 (二)分析勞動派遣的國際趨勢與台灣概況 (三)分析勞動派遣所衍生出的課題 (四)現行相關法規是否能有效解決問題 (五)建立符合我國國情需要之勞動派遣機制

我國食品公衛部門人力彈性策略與契約人力之研究 / Research of Flexibility Strategy and Contractual Manpower in Taiwan’s Food and Public Health Departments

邱昭菁, Chiu, Chao Ching Unknown Date (has links)
近年來我國公部門為能創造小而全的政府,積極從事組織再造與行政革新。除原業務需執行外,又增加新業務,為能彌補暫時性工作高峰的人力不足,而使用人力資源彈性政策、大量私法契約人員與派遣人員等臨時人力,以期增加人事運用彈性與降低人事經費支出。我國政府為因應暫時性工作高峰所帶來的人力需求,在運用臨時勞力上已有一段時間,但因現階段法令、政策與相關規範未能符合公部門使用臨時勞動力之需求與人事運用之彈性,以致造成人數眾多之臨時勞動人力之勞動權益未能獲得妥適之對待之情形。 本研究係從人力資源彈性策略理論及公部門契約性人力運用產生與發展之影響談起,探究我國食品公衛機關之私法契約人力及派遣人力運用與管理之情形,再輔以深度訪談之個案分析,藉由實務的觀察與訪談,並以人力資源彈性策略(職能彈性、契約彈性、薪資彈性、績效管理)及相關管理措施(進用、遴選、角色、任務、定位、考核、權利與義務、相關勞動基準法規等)來作歸納分析並獲致結論,最後期能作為該機關未來有效之管理與應用。 本論文結論與建議:在管理面:一、因應突發事件,正式預算編制員額不足,有續採私法契約人力及派遣人力支應之所需;可請增補充人力。二、人力之管理分工不一,盡可能尋找單一窗口。三、目前對臨時人員職位或身分做過多的分類,建議尋找法規鬆綁於薪資、福利、訓練與出國之限制上盡量一致。四、在管理與激勵上,能理解員工個性,盡量平等與民主管理並激發其內在潛力、主動性和創造精神。五、仍要有不適任淘汰機制及避免久任的情況。在法治面:一、建議重新檢討如何打破臨時人員不能行使公權力的困難。二、減少或整合或重新檢討私法契約臨時人員及派遣人力之運用。三、陞遷與遷調制度與權益福利及生涯規劃保障,可向政府建議在未來檢討人事制度時可考量給予鬆綁或容許契約人力到達一定年資變成正式人員。在其他方面:精進職掌業務管理制度或風險管理,減少臨時重大突發事件。 / According to the original services cannot be abandoned as well as the new services were added and temporary manpower shortage during peak work that the Taiwan government is actively engaging in organizational reengineering and administrative reform as well as creating the small but complete government in recent years. The public sectors used the adopt manpower flexibility strategy such as using the contractual staffs and employing the dispatched laborers to increase personnel flexibility and reduce personnel salary. But bounding by the law, the government agencies cannot meet the needs of temporary labor and flexibility in using the personnel. Furthermore, it makes a large number of temporary labor’s right failed to get reasonable treatment. This study used the qualitative method on flexibility strategy of human resource and contractual manpower in Taiwan's agencies. The in-depth interview and observation was conducted to collect data, including flexibility strategy of human resource (functional flexibility, contract flexibility, wage flexibility and performance management) and management measurement(hiring, selection, roles, tasks, orientation, assessment, rights and obligations and the Labor Standards Law). Based on these data to summarize and make conclusion. The result could be as a reference for managing of government agencies. The results and suggestions as the following: First, the management phase: 1. It is necessary to continue to use the contractual staffs and dispatched laborers for temporary manpower shortage during the peak work.2. Management of the contractual manpower is responsible for the different units that could to find a single window. 3. The regulations of making payroll, benefits, training and limiting for aboard could be consensus to the normal staffs. 4. Their inherent potential, initiative and creativity should be stimulated through the management and motivation. 5. The evaluation of labor unfitting should be established and avoid the long time hiring. Secondly, for the legal phase: 1. It should be reviewed the issue of the temporary staff in public sector cannot conduct the government jobs.2. The interests of contractual workers should be protected. 3. Should review the promotion and career planning system to allow contractual labor to promote to formal staffs when getting the enough working experience. In other phase, the temporary incidents could reduce through the responsibilities planning and risk management.

臺北市公有路邊停車場經營管理機制評選之研究 / Ranking and Selecting the Management of Taipei ,s Public Curb Parking Lot

陳美珍, Chen, Mei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
這篇論文主要是要建構一個在考慮經濟面及效率面下,評估公有路邊停車場經營管理績效的機制。當考慮經濟面及效率面時,包含權利金委外、開單勞務委外及人力派遣與政府自辦的比較,何者較具有經營管理優勢。本文選擇以這四個制度為分析對象的理由,主要是源自於公共選擇理論。另外,評估方法則應用層級分析法來評估這四個經營管理機制。而在考慮經濟與效率為目標下,評估指標分別從投入與產出這二個面向著手,其中投入面向之評估指標有人力、設備及費用,產出面向之評估指標則有每格位開單率及每人每日營收金額等。以臺北市西門地區做為實證分析對象,透過問卷調查24名專家學者對評估指標的權重,再以簡單加權法求算各個替選方案評點,研究結果發現,開單勞務委外為最優方案,其次為權利金委外,而政府自辦在經濟及效率面向,與其他三個方案比較結果,顯示最不具有經營管理優勢。 / This thesis is aimed at construct the scheme of evaluating the management economy and efficiency for public curb parking lot. Those which draw up the parking charge list including of royalty, labor-outsourcing and leased work, are compared with the government manages oneself, when consideration economy and efficiency which alternative has the superiority of operation and management. The rationale to choice these four alternatives as evaluative object is the public choice theory. Moreover, the consideration of performance evaluation has three indicators such as manpower, facility and expenditure under the schema of input, and two indicators such as the rate of draw up the parking charge list for a parking space and each person of daily earning under the schema of output. Further, analysis hierarchy process and SAW are applied for the appraisal method. In empirical study, 24 experts replied our questionnaire survey. The result suggest that the priority alternative is labor outsourcing and the government manages oneself is inferior to other three alternatives. We develop a framework to promote a better understanding of the important of public curb parking lot performance management. Using the review literature and the results an empirical study of Taipei’s curb parking lots, we developed the framework presented herein, in hope that if would stimulate more interest in this area.

決定台灣薪資成長因素的探討 / An investigation on the determination factors on the labor wage in Taiwan

林佳雯 Unknown Date (has links)
近十年來,台灣出現薪資成長停滯的現象,實質薪資更是停留在十年前的水準,究竟是什麼原因使得台灣薪資無法向上提升,是本研究所要討論的重點。 本文利用台灣1980年1月到2011年12月共384筆月資料,以普通最小平方法(Ordinary Least Square, OLS)進行迴歸估計,找出顯著影響台灣薪資成長的因素,實證結果發現消費者物價、名目放款利率、失業率、就業人數、人力派遣業員工人數、平均勞工保險投保薪資站平均經常性薪資比重、基本工資、非經常性薪資以及對外投資金額對於台灣的薪資有顯著的影響。本文並根據過去的數據資料,發現進十年來因為物價上漲吃掉名目薪資上漲的幅度,使得實質薪資倒退到十年前的水準;另一方面,由於失業率對於薪資是顯著負向的影響,而自1997亞洲金融風暴開始,台灣失業率節節攀升,因此近十年來相對較高的失業率是使得薪資無法成長的重要原因。本研究結果也發現,雇主對於勞工保險的沉重負擔、實質基本工資停滯並未給予勞工實質的保障,以及名目放款利率大幅下跌、非經常性薪資及對外投資金額快速增加、人力派遣業快速成長等因素,亦是使得台灣近十年來薪資都不漲的原因。 除了針對全國的薪資影響因素做討論之外,本文也針對工業部門、製造業、服務業部門以及金融保險業的薪資影響因素進行實證分析。實證結果發現,消費者物價指數、失業率、平均勞工保險投保薪資佔平均經常性薪資比重等變數對於工業部門、製造業、服務業部門以及金融保險業的薪資都有顯著影響。

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