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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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莊秉宜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為國內少數研究企業贊助活動之論文,本研究之目的為探討當企業從事贊助活動時,可能產生的外溢效果,其中,外溢效果以品牌形象和企業形象來衡量,並將外溢效果分為產生於企業內部的外溢效果與產生於企業外部的外溢效果兩種,在企業內部外溢效果部分,探討當企業以企業名義從事贊助活動時,是否會提升品牌形象;當企業以品牌名義從事贊助活動時,是否會提升企業形象;以及企業規模是否會影響外溢效果的產生。在企業外部外溢效果部分,探討企業從事贊助活動時,贊助效果是否會外溢到其他同業競爭者;當同業競爭者的規模與從事贊助者相似時,是否會較容易產生外溢,希望藉由這些研究,讓企業從事贊助活動時,能發揮事半功倍的效果。 本研究依企業內外部進行區分,將主研究分為研究一與研究二,研究一主要探討企業內部外溢效果,以實驗法進行,測試「企業規模」、「以品牌名義/以企業名義」和「從事贊助活動」對於「品牌形象」和「企業形象」之影響,屬於2×2×2之實驗設計,以維他露舒跑與統一純喫茶作為研究標的。但發現研究一無法證明企業從事贊助活動時會產生企業內部的外溢效果,推測可能原因為兩個品牌與企業之品牌形象與企業形象已經相當高,可再經由品牌或企業從事贊助活動之方式提升品牌形象與企業形象的空間有限,日後可針對此處加以修正後進行更深入之研究。 而研究二主要探討企業外部外溢效果,採用調查法進行,以中國信託蓮花卡和花旗銀行喜憨兒卡為調查標的,測試被誤認為贊助者之銀行是否因此提升其企業形象,以及規模相似會不會導致誤認贊助者情形更為嚴重。結果發現被誤認之台新銀行的確因被誤認為贊助者而提升其企業形象,但是規模相似的中國信託與花旗銀行卻無外溢較多之情況,推測原因應與企業之形象相關,因為中國信託與台新銀行同為本土銀行,形象相似,較容易外溢,而中國信託與花旗銀行一為本土一為外商,形象差異較大,不易產生外溢。建議未來可採用形象相似的廠商再進行贊助活動外溢效果之探討。 / This study focuses on the spillover effect of the sponsorship for which measurements are made based on brand image and the corporate image. The spillover effect could be resulted from both the internal and external aspects of the corporate. In the part of the internal spillover effect, this study examines whether the brand/corporate image is enhanced through any form of sponsorship activity in the name of corporate/brand. Whether or not the influences of the scale of the corporate on the spillover effect exist, is also discussed. On the other hand, for the external spillover effect, this research discusses any possible benefit could be acquired by the competitors when the corporate carries out the sponsorship. If the scale of the corporate and its competitors are similar, the consumer will misremember the sponsor easier. The purpose of this study is to provide useful suggestions which might allow the corporate be more efficient for carrying out its sponsorship activities. The results of the study on the internal aspect of the spillover effect generated by the sponsorship show that the brand/corporate image is not enhanced through the sponsorship in the name of the corporate/brand. The possible reason might be the existing ceiling effects of the brand/corporate image. According to the results of the study on the external aspect of the spillover effect of sponsorship, the corporate image of the competitor is enhanced since it is mistakenly recognized as the actual sponsor. However, from the viewpoint of the similarity in the size corporate scale, the external spillover effect does not emerge easier presumably due to that one of the investigated targets is a local bank and the other one is a foreign bank. The differences between a local bank and a foreign bank are complicated enough to cause difficulty in transferring the spillover effect. According to the results of this study, the suggestion for future studies is to target the corporate with more space work on to improve its image in order to discuss the internal spillover effect. For the external spillover effect, the further studies could include the criteria in selecting the competitors i.e. whose corporate image profiles are similar to the target corporate, in order to test the external spillover effect.

企業贊助之整合行銷傳播研究-以統一超商的Simple Life簡單生活節為例

馬其文, Ma,Chi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
由於消費習慣的改變以及新興媒體的出現,企業透過傳統行銷模式進行行銷手法,已經無法吸引消費者的注意;傳統媒體漸漸的被新興媒體所取代,企業在廣告投資上也逐漸分散到各不同型態的媒體上。取而興起的整合行銷傳播概念,強調透過行銷訊息的整合,建構出企業行銷的「綜效」。 企業認知整合行銷傳播對於行銷的重要,以廣告、公關、促銷或事件行銷、直效行銷等方式,藉由不斷重複溝通訊息,達到加深消費者印象的目的,在其整合行銷傳播的操作工具中,用贊助活動方式的案例也越來越普遍,他們開始強調以「感性」為主軸來進行行銷,期望藉之接近消費者,加強企業形象,進而達到增加銷售的最終目標。因此,本研究將針對企業贊助下之整合行銷傳播的內容、模式與操作手法作深入探討。 本研究以2006年7-ELEVEN贊助中子創新公司舉辦的「Simple Life簡單生活節」專案為個案,訪談專案負責人輔以蒐集的初、次級資料分析,期望透過企業與活動主辦單位之操作經驗與整合行銷傳播模式,瞭解在企業贊助情況下的整合行銷傳播內容為何,提供未來企業在操作相關專案時之參考。 研究發現在2006年舉辦的「Simple Life簡單生活節」專案,以多元價值的整合行銷傳播行銷策略,在場地和節目上做出切合主題的設計,並依據主題特性選擇較能深度溝通的媒體工具進行傳播操作,強化網路與在途媒體的應用,企圖影響目標族群的生活。也因為贊助企業7-ELEVEN的涉入較高,更能達到贊助目的,不過研究也發現「Simple Life簡單生活節」的操作缺乏長期的規劃,讓這次以LOHAS為主題,強調永續經營概念的行銷專案影響性受到打折。 本研究結論符合研究目的:1、7-ELEVEN贊助交換資源之外,並且在「Simple Life簡單生活節」內傳達LOHAS觀念。2、7-ELEVEN贊助「Simple Life簡單生活節」,可累積企業品牌正面形象,創造領導形象。3、7-ELEVEN透過一致性的訊息傳播,以及三階段整合行銷策略,透過「Simple Life簡單生活節」達成LOHAS觀念的深度溝通。4、趨勢潮流的操作,可整合商品資源,達到商業規模經濟的效果。5、以在途媒體當做整合行銷傳播的工具將越來越普遍。能在消費趨勢改變的時代,提供企業在操作贊助相關整合行銷傳播模式之參考。


胡雲輝 Unknown Date (has links)
企業秉持著取之社會用之社會的觀念,在獲利之後,紛紛地重新定位再出發,積極地熱中出錢贊助、主動發起各項公益活動,甚至專資成立基金會來從事長期性的公益行為。企業如此積極地贊助、參與各項公益活動,不但能履行社會責任,加強企業形象,降低買者道德危機成本,順利為企業行銷活動的推行,達到營利與非營利的雙重目的。 研究以銀行業為主,研究目的在於希望了解顧客對銀行投入企業社會責任的知覺對情感附著與忠誠是否呈現正向影響。由指導教授邱志聖老師所提出的4C架構分析可以得知,就是提高顧客的外顯單位效益成本中的由市場上所創造出來的效益,降低顧客的資訊搜尋成本,讓銀行的品牌知名度提升,並且降低顧客的道德危機成本,強化銀行的品牌形象,讓顧客相信,產生偏好,進而願意接受銀行所提供出來的服務,若銀行能再進一步讓顧客建立心理層面的專屬資產,則可提高銀行顧客的忠誠,進而達到銀行及非營利機構的雙重目的。 由研究的結果顯示,銀行從事公益活動與責任時讓顧客察覺,會顯著正向影響顧客對該行的信任,而信任的提升由結果亦可得知對銀行的情感附著與忠誠亦有正向顯著性的影響。由此可知,顧客對銀行的信任亦可藉由從事企業公益活動與責任來達到,在銀行從事內部控制稽核的同時,外部的公益活動的從事亦可降低顧客對銀行的道德危機成本,再者,本次研究顯示,信任的提升可以顯著提升顧客對銀行的情感報償與承諾。但值得注意的是,信任只是顧客對銀行產生忠誠與情感報償的變數之一,其他顧客所重視的變數等亦是重要變數,不可忽略,亦不要盲目地投入大量公益來增進認同感,因為認同感對最終顧客對銀行的忠誠與情感依附並不顯著,如同前述,在滿足了保健因子後再去追求激勵因子才是顧客對金融服務的忠誠與否的重要考量。


陳錦誠, Chen, Chin-cheng Unknown Date (has links)
公部門站在主要的資金提供者,並鼓勵企業加入贊助行列,支持表演藝術團體的持續發展。但是,有限資源面對眾多的申請者,資源提供者(公部門以及企業部門),大都採取被動的態度,受理申請。這種傳統的資源提供模式,採取名額多、補助額度少的方式。因此,為爭取更多的資源,表演藝術團體必須在不同部門之間奔走,尋求資金挹注的最佳組合。此一模式,長期以來,造成資金提供者與資金需求者(表演團體),雙方在資源交換的效率低、交換後雙方都不滿意;就社會行銷的觀點而言,如此的交換模式耗損相當高的交易成本,資源無法有效的整合與運用,無法創造最大的社會效益。使得公部門、企業、表演團體都急於尋找資源有效運用的良方。 以發掘商業組織為對象的創業投資,運用到以非營利組織為對象。透過策略管理的方式慎選投資標的,建構可以創造高社會報酬的計畫,稱為公益創投。本研究假設,公益創投可以運用在以創意為核心表演藝藝術產業,探討表演團體接受公益創投的可行性。公益創投主動尋求投資之標的,長期參與不僅投注資金,也投入人力以及各項資源。並要求達成設定的績效目標以及價值與利潤的回饋。 經由文獻探討,並以實務經驗者參與焦點座談的方式,實際模擬遴選準則以及實務上可能之標的等。發現對於公益創投的模式,表演藝術團體是有條件的接受,在尊重藝術創作的前提下,它提供一套系統化的投資方式,提昇資源應用的效率,創造更高的社會效益。讓有潛力的團體,能夠在需要的時機被主動發掘,成為重點投資的對象。是傳統藝術資源運用模式之外的另一項具有策略性的選項。建議,在現有的資源中提出一定的比例,採行公益創投的模式重點投資值得發展的計畫。 / The public sector plays a prominent part as the primary funding channels for performing arts groups as well as appeals to the private sector for joining the funding game. Limited funding resources have proven to be challenged for numerous fund-seeking applicants. The resource providers (public and private funding sectors) have been known to take on a passive attitude—accepting, assessing and allocating sent applications. This traditional interaction frequently adapts the “more dividers, less grant” model. In turn, performing arts groups spend more time circling different funding departments, in search of the best funding combination to meet their needs. This long-adopted method has caused low efficiency on both the funding providers and the funding seekers. Both parties rarely exchange their resources and even when do so, rarely are both parties satisfied with the mode of exchange. Taking the view of social marketing , this exchange pattern not only results in transaction costs, resources are left ineffectively integrated and therefore fails in reaching the best social beneficiary. Foreseeing hazardous future in funding, public sectors, enterprises and performing arts groups are jumping to find best applicable measures to resource integration. Seeking venture capitals to invest in nonprofit organizations. Weighing through strategic management and invest in the chosen organization to create high social rewards is “Venture Philanthropy”. This study hypothesizes Venture Philanthropy can be exercised on performing arts industry and based on this hypothesis, the study will discuss the feasibility of performing arts groups accepting Venture Philanthropy. Venture Philanthropy actively seeks investment target which not only participates in capital for the long run, but also puts forth human resources and other related assets. Investors must ask for the achievement of the assumed goal and the feeback of values and profits. In-depth research in literatures, seminars of administrators in performing arts groups, simulating panel selection with prospective invested candidates, this study finds Venture Philanthropy module is conditionally accepted by performing arts groups. Under the premises that investors trully respect artistic originalities , Mode of Venture Philanthropy provides a systematic investing frame and by increasing the efficiency of applied resources, highly beneficial results are introduced to the society. The module allows potential arts groups to be actively sought out in need time and become key investments. This boasts another strategic opportunity outside the traditional interaction between performing arts groups and funding sectors. In conclusion, it is highly suggested that a certain percentage of the existing resources can be released as Venture Philanthropy module to amplify deserving and potential groups .

LINE的科技意會與迷思-以企業品牌年輕化歷程為例 / The Technological Sense-making and Myth of LINE usage - A study of the enterprises innovate on promoting Brand Rejuvenation with LINE

吳秉昕, Wu, Pinghsin Unknown Date (has links)
由於許多企業對於LINE在號召年輕族群的能力寄與厚望,為了釐清目前企業對於評估LINE與操作LINE的策略是否合乎年輕族群的需求,本研究將聚焦於討論最早採用LINE的企業期待透過LINE進行品牌年輕化的歷程,以企業的實戰經驗切入,剖析早期採用LINE的企業進行品牌年輕化歷程與操作策略,同時透過釐清年輕族群對於使用LINE的經驗與需求兩相對照,試圖釐清目前企業使用LINE進行品牌年輕化的做法是否正確?是否有迷思存在的可能性?若因迷思存在而造成經營策略上的偏差,企業未來該如何修正與優化? 由於意會本質上是人們對事務的主觀認知,並且是一個持續性的流程,是一種複雜且動態的觀念,因此將採用深度訪談法針對企業的相關部門成員進行歷程的研究。為呈現企業內部與外在社會環境相關的完整脈絡,本研究也會輔以消費者訪談、文獻資料法與二手資料法作為資訊搜集與驗證成效的方式。研究結果發現,個案對於透過LINE推動品牌年輕化的歷程上,確實存有許多囿於過往經驗或組織文化所形成的主觀認知,導致其對於新科技的理解與其目標族群的需求有所落差。研究結果也顯示,LINE確實能為企業接觸到年輕族群,但需要提供他們所需要的服務和資訊,才能爭取他們對品牌的認同和好感,同時與年輕族群的互動形式,相較於過往的單向式傳播,也必須因應LINE的科技特質有所調整。 / As many enterprises place great expectations in LINE’s ability to call out the youth, in order to find out whether the enterprises’ strategies in assessment and operation on LINE meeting the demand of the youth, this research looks into the experience of the first runner enterprises that promote brand rejuvenation with LINE. By introducing the real-world experience of the enterprise, this research analyzes the journey and operation strategies of rejuvenating brands by using LINE in early years. Meanwhile, by comparing the experiences and demand of using LINE among the youth, this research aims at whether the methods of rejuvenating brands by using LINE are satisfying. Does the myth really exist? If the myth does exist and bring diversified business strategies, how can the enterprises revise and improve their strategies in the future? Since sense making is people’s subjective perception of affairs by nature and it is both a persistent process and a complicated and dynamic concept, this research focuses on the experience from members of relevant departments of the enterprise by in-depth interview. To present the context of the internal and external environment of the enterprise, this research also utilizes consumer interview, documents, and literature as the main data sourses and effectiveness verification. The research results show that cases do have many subject perceptions generated from previous confined experience or organizational culture in the course of LINE’s promotion of brand rejuvenation, which gives rise to difference between the understanding of new technology and the demand of target groups. The research results also show that LINE really enables the enterprise to access to the young people, but provision of their necessary service and information is required to get their recognition and good impression of the brand. Meanwhile, the means of interaction with the youth must be adjusted according to LINE’s technological nature comparing with previous single-direction dissemination.

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