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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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企業贊助之整合行銷傳播研究-以統一超商的Simple Life簡單生活節為例

馬其文, Ma,Chi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
由於消費習慣的改變以及新興媒體的出現,企業透過傳統行銷模式進行行銷手法,已經無法吸引消費者的注意;傳統媒體漸漸的被新興媒體所取代,企業在廣告投資上也逐漸分散到各不同型態的媒體上。取而興起的整合行銷傳播概念,強調透過行銷訊息的整合,建構出企業行銷的「綜效」。 企業認知整合行銷傳播對於行銷的重要,以廣告、公關、促銷或事件行銷、直效行銷等方式,藉由不斷重複溝通訊息,達到加深消費者印象的目的,在其整合行銷傳播的操作工具中,用贊助活動方式的案例也越來越普遍,他們開始強調以「感性」為主軸來進行行銷,期望藉之接近消費者,加強企業形象,進而達到增加銷售的最終目標。因此,本研究將針對企業贊助下之整合行銷傳播的內容、模式與操作手法作深入探討。 本研究以2006年7-ELEVEN贊助中子創新公司舉辦的「Simple Life簡單生活節」專案為個案,訪談專案負責人輔以蒐集的初、次級資料分析,期望透過企業與活動主辦單位之操作經驗與整合行銷傳播模式,瞭解在企業贊助情況下的整合行銷傳播內容為何,提供未來企業在操作相關專案時之參考。 研究發現在2006年舉辦的「Simple Life簡單生活節」專案,以多元價值的整合行銷傳播行銷策略,在場地和節目上做出切合主題的設計,並依據主題特性選擇較能深度溝通的媒體工具進行傳播操作,強化網路與在途媒體的應用,企圖影響目標族群的生活。也因為贊助企業7-ELEVEN的涉入較高,更能達到贊助目的,不過研究也發現「Simple Life簡單生活節」的操作缺乏長期的規劃,讓這次以LOHAS為主題,強調永續經營概念的行銷專案影響性受到打折。 本研究結論符合研究目的:1、7-ELEVEN贊助交換資源之外,並且在「Simple Life簡單生活節」內傳達LOHAS觀念。2、7-ELEVEN贊助「Simple Life簡單生活節」,可累積企業品牌正面形象,創造領導形象。3、7-ELEVEN透過一致性的訊息傳播,以及三階段整合行銷策略,透過「Simple Life簡單生活節」達成LOHAS觀念的深度溝通。4、趨勢潮流的操作,可整合商品資源,達到商業規模經濟的效果。5、以在途媒體當做整合行銷傳播的工具將越來越普遍。能在消費趨勢改變的時代,提供企業在操作贊助相關整合行銷傳播模式之參考。

非營利組織事件行銷實務研究-以法鼓山活動為例 / Event Marketing for the Non-profit Organization :A Case Study on Dharma Drum Mountain

藍家正, Lan, chia-cheng Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來隨著台灣的經濟、政治、社會的激烈變化,非營利組織為因應不同動機與需求,如雨後春筍呈現蓬勃發展。但是在資源極度競爭下,非營利組織要能因應環境的變化,獲取有利資源,發揮有效的服務,建立良性的發展運作,才能使組織永續經營;所以在非營利組織的管理知識與技術中,以事件行銷方法,為達成使命與目標或是提昇服務品質的有效工具,最為非營利組織所採用。 本研究以法鼓山舉辦活動中一些較成功的事件行銷個案作為研究對象,選擇這些活動雖然是含有主觀因素,但考慮各種活動的差異及特色,故選出的活動案例也有特定的原因。「2005年法鼓山世界佛教教育園區落成開山大典活動」是在計劃永遠趕不上變化的情況下,運用大量專業執行人力,獲得社會大眾及全球媒體關注,成功地達成廣宣目的;「2004年WYPS世界青年和平高峰會台北論壇活動」是跳脫兩岸政治籓籬,獲得聯合國教科文組織授權於台北舉辦的國際性論壇活動;「2002年隋代古石雕阿閦佛頭像復歸活動」是聯合國將2002年定為文化遺產年後,法鼓山適時透過具體行動,成功地推動古蹟文物保存工作,也開啟與連結兩岸宗教、學術與歷史文化交流的善門與契機;「2002年暑期心靈環保體驗營活動」是法鼓山知名度高的營隊,每年報名相當踴躍,活動深獲青少年朋友的歡迎,相關軟硬體規劃也獲得政府公部門認證與肯定。 針對法鼓山四個事件行銷個案,本研究依其企業組織構面、目標族群構面、傳遞訊息構面、傳遞媒介構面進行歸納分析探討,研究發現法鼓山這四個事件行銷個案都具有相當成效。這些成效主要是有良好的活動策劃,再加上有效的執行所致,除此之外,整體社會環境亦是很重要因素。而且法鼓山實證個案的行銷活動由於掌握Kotler社會行銷概念中「企業、消費者、媒體」的三構面,並擁有充分的成功要素,而能實際達成甚至超越組織初始設定的活動目標。茲提出以下九點研究發現,(一)顧問群的強力支援(二)彈性的活動專案組織設計.(三)功能完善、專業分工的義工支援系統(四)健全的管理風格與專業幕僚團隊(五)領導者的個人魅力及企圖心 (六)社會大眾(信眾)需求導向應用(七)淡化宗教色彩是吸引傳播媒體報導、民眾參與的主要因素(八)基本捐贈者維繫(九)專業化媒體策略運用。以作為其他非營利組織日後舉辦活動之參考建議。 / In recent years, Taiwan has witnessed drastic economic, political and social changes. In response to these changes, numerous nonprofit organizations (NPO) addressing different causes and needs have emerged. But in an extremely competitive environment, NPOs must seek out beneficial resources, offer efficient services and establish healthy development and operations to adapt to the environment and achieve continuity. In the management knowledge and techniques of NPO operation, the approach of marketing events and activities have been proven to be effective tools in achieving goals or enhancing service qualities. And this is why it has been used most extensively by NPOs. This research has chosen specific successful marketing cases of Dharma Drum Mountain Organization (DDM)as research subjects. Though the selection of these events would imply a certain degree of subjectivity, given the characteristics and differences between these cases, the choice for these case studies has been deemed to be justifiable. Regarding the four case studies of marketing from DDM, this paper has provided conclusive analyses on these cases on the aspects of corporate structure, targeted groups, information relay and its mediums. The research has discovered that all four case studies of marketing efforts by DDM produced desirable results due to well-thought-out activity planning and effective implementations. The entire social environment has been a critical factor in DDM’s successes. In addition, from these case studies, it is evident that DDM has a good grasp of Kotler’s social marketing concepts and the three sides of the concept: “enterprises, consumers and media”. With adequate elements for success, the DDM not only achieved the goals it had set for these events, but also received results beyond its expectations. The paper offers nine points of research findings as suggestions and references for other NPOs planning to organize events in the future: (1) powerful support and back-up of an advisory group, (2) flexible designs of activity project organization, (3) a full-functional and dedicated volunteer support system, (4) a sound management style and a crew of professional advisors (5) highly motivated leaders with charisma, (6) the orientation application of demands from the general population (followers), (7) mitigating religious touches to attract media courage and people’s participation, (8) keeping in touch with rudimentary donors and (9) deployment of professional media strategies


邱勝福, Chiu,Sheng-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是藉由事件(會議)行銷活動,評估推動政府研發成果溝通效果可能性。如何透過事件行銷整體設計,提升事件本身的話題性吸引媒體報導及促進參與者良好溝通是事件行銷的成功關鍵所在。 本研究藉由了解紡織科技國際論壇暨成果展(TIFE)之實際事件行銷活動四年個案持續內容,透過不同構面分析及參與者調查結果,驗證完整事件行銷規劃,確實提升國內外產業溝通效果。歸納相關研究重要結論如下: 1.活動區分研討會、論壇、靜態展三大部份,配合開幕專題規劃不但具有差異化也兼具整合效益,獲得所有參與者最大肯定與認同,也是事件行銷重要的成功關鍵。 2.開幕典禮專題演講主題規劃及諾貝爾得主邀請,及適當會前記者與主活動廣宣規劃策略,確實製造活動話題性並獲得媒體廣泛報導。 3.活動主題規劃貫穿研討會、論壇及靜態展子題規劃,聚焦活動主軸,使參與者能充分了解紡織產業技術及產品發展與研發成果,獲得國內外參與者的正面肯定與政府(主辦單位)的嘉許。 4.透過邀請學生參與活動使其了解產業發展現況,有助提升對產業永續經營之人才召募。 / The purpose of this study is to evaluate the possibility of promoting communication effect from research results of government supporting project, which is carried out by an event marketing。 In order to identify the fully event process planning which improves the communication effect on local and global textile industries, the study does focus on understanding the continuing promotion reality of TIFE (Textile International Forum and Exhibition) event during last four years and analyzing activity interfaces as well as results from participant’s questionnaires。Some conclusions are shown as follow : 1. The TIFE event includes technology and management symposiums、textile forums and static product shows, which is integrated by planning the opening theme and shows the differentiation and integration advantages of event program 。All these designs of TIFE event are the key issues of event marketing and the main agreement and support received from all event participants。 2. The talk of keynote speech planning in opening celebration, the invitation of the Nobel winners and the proper strategies of news report before the event and the promotion program for main activity are key issues to make the event become popular and reported by News。 3. The theme of TIFE event is connected by sub-themes of technology and management symposiums、textile forums and static product shows, which is focused and make the research results from development of textile technologies and products easy to be recognized by event participants and appreciated by the government officers。 4. By inviting students who do join the event and make them understand the development of textile industries, the help of promoting human resource required by textile industries can be improved 。


江奕辰, yi-chen chiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是探討非營利組織中佛教團體之事件行銷活動。在非營利組織日益蓬勃發展的現代社會中,如何適當的運用事件行銷以提升組織知名度,並獲取資源已經成為每個非營利組織團體思考的重要課題。 本研究藉由了解佛教法鼓山團體之實際事件行銷活動個案內容,透過下列四項構面分析以深入探討事件行銷之成功要素,並獲致以下數點重要結論: 企業組織構面: 一、 宗教團體領導人享有崇高知名度與魅力是活動成功的最佳保證 二、 宗教組織之幕僚單位委由外聘之專業經理人執行將使活動之籌備更有效率、更加成功。 三、 組織功能完善、分工專業的義工支援系統是活動成長的最佳助力。 目標族群構面: 一、 以客戶(信眾)需求為導向並重視客戶(信眾)滿意度是維護信眾關係的不二法門 傳遞訊息構面: 一、 活動同時兼具文化、教育功能,不以宗教為單一呈現方式是吸引傳播媒體報導、民眾熱烈參加的主要因素 傳遞媒介構面: 一、 正確的媒體策略,可收畫龍點睛、事半功倍之效果 採取主動出擊的策略,並採取下列重點 1. 良好的公關議題設定 2. 善用各項媒體資源 3. 以網路媒體為資訊平台中心 / The Exploration of the Event Marketing in Religion Type Non-profit Organizations —Based on Dharma Drum Mountain examples. Non-profit organizations have developed enormously in modern society. It has become a great issue for NPOs to apply event marketing to be well-known and obtain resources. This research is subject to exploring the event marketing in Buddhism organizations as non-profit organizations. In this research, by studying the practical event marketing campaigns of Dharma Drum Mountain, a well-known Buddhism organization, researcher analyzed in four dimensions to further find out the success factors of event marketing. Here are the main conclusions for each dimension: A. Dimension on Business organization: 1. The esteemed fame and attractiveness of religion organizations’ leadership is the best guarantee for the success of campaigns. 2. To prepare a campaign efficiently and successfully, it’s better to hire a professional manager from outside organization. 3. A well-organized and professional-diverse volunteer support system is the best aid for campaign. B. Dimension on Target group: 1. To focus on the needs of clients (followers) and respect their satisfaction is the only way to maintain the relationship with them. C. Dimension on Transferred message: 1. A campaign should contain culture and education function. Not just presenting religion message is the major factors that attracts the press report and gets the public attend. D. Dimension on Transferring media: 1. A correct media strategy will get strong effect. It’s important to take active plan and follow the points as below: (1). Well-defined public issues. (2). Make good use of every media resources. (3). Design information platform with online media tool.

從會話資本看電影行銷之價值創造 / Conversational capital management in movie marketing

蔡齡萱 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣國片行銷常受限於預算有限,多數利用「事件行銷」方式進行行銷宣傳,吸引觀眾進戲院觀賞影片。不同於好萊塢,台灣電影有許多在地元素能夠與消費者進行溝通,並配合活動來吸引媒體報導,成功增加曝光度。 行銷者最重要的任務即是創造並傳遞價值給消費者,由太陽劇團(Cirque du Soleil)行銷團隊提出的「會話資本」是一個新的操作模式,經由操作「八個引擎」能夠讓消費變成一件具有意義且值得與他人談論的經驗,藉由消費者的討論及散播這樣獨特的經驗,企業或商品的價值也由此提升。因此,本研究從會話資本觀點出發,依照事件行銷的架構去檢視電影「翻滾吧!阿信」及「那些年 我們一起追的女孩」透過電影行銷所帶來的價值創造,提出四個研究問題:(1) 兩部電影如何經營會話資本? (2) 電影與消費者如何互動來經營會話資本? (3) 媒體應用在經營此兩部電影的會話資本的特性為何? (4) 兩部電影如何使用會話資本累積名聲並創造價值? 對於兩個案研究,本研究得到結論:(1) 會話資本經營的方向決定於電影本身的定位及特色,而內容則決定於電影故事及團隊資源。(2) 消費者是經營會話資本中不可或缺的元素,加強消費者的參與,讓消費者的生命經歷與電影故事及精神產生連結有助於電影會話資本的經營。(3) 媒體是傳達電影訊息的重要媒介,透過會話資本的經營,其所產生的紀錄及價值能夠再次藉由媒體影響更多消費者 關鍵字:電影行銷、會話資本、事件行銷 / Taiwanese movie marketing is usually limited by a lean budget and most of the marketers adopt “event marketing” as the major promotion tool to attract audience. Different from Hollywood movies, Taiwanese movies have many local elements, which can connect with consumers, and activities to attract media coverage and succeed in increasing the exposure. The most important task of marketing is to create and deliver value to consumers. "Conversation Capital" developed by Cirque du Soleil marketing team is a new model. Using one or all of the eight engines in a consumption experience helps make the experience more meaningful and worth talking. In turn, through positive word-of-mouth, the value of the company or product would be raised. From the perspective of Conversational Capital, this research explores four questions through two case studies: “Jump Ashin!”and “You're The Apple Of My Eye”: (1) How is conversational capital managed in the cases? (2) How is conversational capital managed through the interaction of movies and consumers? (3)What is the feature of media appliance in managing the conversational capital? (4)How to raised positive reputation and create value by conversational capital? The conclusions of this research are the following: (1) The direction in managing conversational capital is determined by the position and characteristics of the film itself; whereas the content is determined by the film story and team resources. (2) Consumer is an indispensable element in the conversational capital. Strengthening the participation and connection of consumers ’life experience with the movie helps manage conversational capital. (3) Media is an important medium to convey the movie message, and through the conversational capital, the records and value can affect more consumers once more by the media. Keywords: Movie marketing, Conversational Capital, Event marketing

台灣主要報紙媒體報導國際重大事件行銷策略之研究-以伊拉克戰爭為例 / An analysis of event marketing strategy of leading newspapers in Taiwan on major international news reporting:A case study of Iraq war

郭無患, Kuo, W.H. Unknown Date (has links)
人類進入21 世紀,原本應是強調多元、協調、和平、進步的氛圍,但竟然就 在連第一個十年的一半都尚未結束,就爆發了即使是戰亂頻繁的20 世紀也難 得一見的大規模戰爭─伊拉克戰爭;當然,伊拉克戰爭有著基督教世界與回教 世界對抗的歷史遠因,也有著美國遭受911 恐怖攻擊的近因,但其所造成的影 響可能會牽動21 世紀。 伊拉克戰爭自然是眾所矚目的重大國際新聞事件,過去一向遭質疑國際觀不夠 的台灣媒體並沒有在報導此重大新聞中缺席,甚至,許多媒體還派出記者親赴 戰區傳回第一手新聞,加上新傳播科技的助力,從統計分析來看,台灣主要報 紙媒體在報導21 世紀頭一場戰爭中的表現,較過去為醒目。但本研究分析國 內3 大主要報紙媒體有關伊拉克戰爭的報導,並在相同的基礎上對比美國專業 新聞標竿與輿論領導品牌Washington Post,再納入事件行銷概念,希望能以更佳的高度、廣度、和深度上,探究國內報紙媒體報導國際重大新聞事件的作為。 / As it ushered in the 21st century, the world was supposed to enter an atmosphere that focused on peace, diversity, harmony and progress. However, in less than half of the first decade of the century, the United States waged a war on Iraq. The large scale of the war was even rarely seen in the 20th century that was frequently troubled by wars and turmoil. Of course, the centuries-old conflict between Christianity and Islam is one reason, while the terrorists attacks on the United States on Sept. 11, 2001 is another. The Iraq war could have a profound impact on the rest of the 21st century. The Iraq war received the attention of the media worldwide, including those in Taiwan that had often been criticized for the lack of sufficient international news coverage. Many media outlets even assigned reporters to the war zone in Iraq for the first-hand reporting with the use of new technologies. Statistics collected for this paper show that major newspapers in Taiwan have provided improved coverage for the first war in the 21st century than previous wars. This paper’s analysis focuses on Iraq war-related reports in three major Chinese-language newspapers in Taiwan and compares them with those reports in the Washington Post, a leading and influential U.S. newspaper. To provide a wide-scope and in-depth analysis, this paper also aims to discuss the role of the concept of event marketing in the coverage of major international events by news media in Taiwan.

實體與網路事件行銷關鍵因素分析 -以Intel為例 / The key success factor analysis of physical events and virtual events: a case study of Intel

王俊仁 Unknown Date (has links)
事件行銷一直以來為企業所受用,無論是建立企業形象、新產品上市、打造品牌知名度等皆可透過事件行銷之運用,來達到企業的行銷目的。而近年來由於網路科技運用的發展,包含社群網站的興起,事件行銷不再侷限於一般的實體活動或通路活動,而可以進一步透過網路讓事件效果影響力更為久遠,獲得更好的績效。然而,企業該如何制定實體與網路之事件行銷決策?而又是哪些原因會影響事件行銷的成功與否? 本研究將透過深度個案訪談及次級資料分析方式,針對企業在進行實體與網路之事件行銷時,其成功的關鍵因素為何,同時透過三種不同類型的事件行銷個案比較,輔以專業經理人之觀點,探討企業進行事件行銷的關鍵成功因素。 個案以Intel於2010與2011所舉辦之事件為例,依事件類型分類為「實體活動事件行銷」、「網路活動事件行銷」與「實體活動與網路結合之事件行銷」。 研究結果顯示,企業進行事件行銷的影響因素,主要涵蓋產品、價格、地點、定位、公共關係等五大構面。實體活動事件行銷的關鍵成功因素主要在於活動地點與事件訊息的決定。受訪經理人認為,消費者只要經過實體活動會場,即能以「視覺」來影響消費者,讓消費者留下印象,就極有可能因為接收到訊息而來參與活動或影響未來購買意願。 網路活動事件行銷成功關鍵因素在於活動定位,尤以活動的話題是否具有誘因為主。受訪經理人表示,雖然網路活動事件行銷能以較低預算進行,且不受時間、空間限制,然而活動網站的話題若不夠吸引消費者,即使運用再多的廣告,消費者也不會願意進入活動網站。 而實體活動與網路結合之事件行銷,由於具有實體與網路之特性,其成功的關鍵因素在於目標族群的設定與事件訊息的決定。目標客群需具有參加實體活動的意願,且願意繼續於網路上參與活動,此外,在活動事件訊息的設計上,也要能使實體活動參加者,繼續參與網路活動,並使其運用「義氣相挺」與「分享」的特性,在網路上繼續製造話題與吸引人氣,才能使事件行銷達到最大效益。

事件行銷滿意度與忠誠度之研究- 以天下雜誌「微笑台灣319鄉+」活動為例 / A Research on the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty of event marketing- a case study of Taiwan’s 319 townships

徐子玉 Unknown Date (has links)

表演藝術團隊策略性行銷之研究─以實驗國樂團國際巡迴音樂會為例 / Strategy marketing for performing arts group's ---national chinese orchestra's international touring concert.

涂聰雲, Tu, Tsung Yun Unknown Date (has links)
文化是民族國家延續的命脈,文化發展更是社會進步的原動力。行政院文化建設委員會(1997)宣示「外交應以文化為主軸,推動臺灣的文化面貌是國際交流的首要工作」,臺灣政黨輪替後並邁入21世紀,政府依然將「兩岸文化交流」及「國外展演與文化外交」為近年來之文化政策與施政方針 (文建會文化白皮書,2004)。相較之於經貿外交,以文化交流開拓之外交空間更為廣闊,透過國際文化交流,既可開拓我國際生存空間、同時也提升國家國際形象。 「藝術經營」不僅是拓展藝術文化事業的手法,更可藉由創意的「行銷策略」,促成藝術活動、文化事業的蓬勃發展,以及提昇文化產值、開創藝文生機的目的。如何適當的運用策略性行銷(Strategic Marketing)與事件行銷(Event Marketing)以提升組織知名度,並獲取資源已經成為每個非營利組織及表演藝術團體思考的重要課題。 文化藝術活動的國際展演,從製作、選擇、出訪與宣傳的層層環節,與當代的社會環境、文化政策、政治需求以及外交情勢,有著密不可分的互動關係,有效的藝術經營管理、成功的文化行銷搭配之下,才有健全藝術市場和文化產業的可能性,同時也才能提供藝術文化工作者的生存空間,以及永續經營的發展基礎。 本研究藉由了解實驗國樂團(National Chinese Orchestra) 四個國際巡迴演出活動事件整合為一「策略性」行銷方案,藉以提昇組織核心能力及競爭優勢,來探討傳統音樂性質之表演藝術團隊成功運用行銷策略,綜合樂團藝術層面、觀眾欣賞層面、媒體報導層面加以整合,歸納出活動願景、呈現價值及表演藝術團體與國際非營利組織合作所建構之互動成效,作為相關組織經營發展策略新思維。 / The culture is the life that the nation continues, and its progress is a driving force for the social development. In 1997, Council for Cultural Affairs of Executive Yuan announced “Culture will be the diplomatic theme and the promotion of Taiwan’s culture will be the first important work of international exchange”. After the party alternation in power, the new Government still took “cross-strait cultural exchange” and “international touring and cultural diplomacy” as its cultural policy and administration guiding principle. Through cultural exchange, Taiwan can reach wider and deeper in the international community than via economic diplomacy, and can also promote the international image of Taiwan. The knowledge of “Arts management” can be used to expand the business of culture and arts, besides, through marketing strategy; it also enhances the development, value and vitality of arts activities and cultural business. Therefore, how to apply “Strategic Marketing” and “Event Marketing” properly to promote the publicity of the organization so as to gain more resource is an difficult challenge for every NGOs and performing arts companies. The international tours of the arts and cultural activities interact closely with social environment, cultural policy, political needs and diplomatic circumstance in every steps of the production. Effective arts management and successful marketing can enhance the arts market and cultural industry; provide the living space for arts and cultural workers, as well as nourish the base for perpetual operation. This research took the international touring concerts of National Chinese Orchestra as a successful example to illustrate the application of event marketing strategy of traditional musical groups, and concludes the vision and achievements from the aspects of artistry, audience appreciation and news reports so as to provide new direction and strategy of relative organizations in future development.

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