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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


January 2020 (has links)
abstract: 当前,民营企业已成为中国重要支撑力量,而未来5到10年,约有300多万家民营企业面临传承困境。但学术研究领域在传承整体框架、配套机制建设方面有完整论述、有成功案例的所见不多。首先,针对以上民营企业的传承现状,本文将研究、回答五个问题:1、成功传承的标准和要素是什么?2、传承模式有哪几种,每种模式配套的传承机制是什么,该如何建立?3、民营企业应选择何种传承模式,如何选择?4、民营企业的整套传承方案如何落地搭建?5、是否有普适性的、可借鉴的民营企业传承模型,包含哪些要素? 其次,本文主要使用文献研究、案例研究、实证分析,选取中、美、德、日四家不同传承阶段、不同传承模式的知名民营企业,对其传承情况进行深入研究。在此基础上,归纳总结出传承的关键要素,对前述五个问题进行系统解答。同时,本文创新性地结合理论研究、案例研究及企业实践,提出适合我国大部分民营企业的传承全周期管理框架。 最后,根据以上研究,本文总结出关于中国民营企业传承的八大结论及建议:1、本质:权力的交接和义务的传递;2、两大风险:继任风险(继任人的能力要求)、代理风险(继任人对企业核心理念的意愿/忠诚度);3、降低风险的四大机制:领袖锻造、人才梯队、管控治理、激励机制;4、两大成功要素:“选领袖”和“建机制”;5、四大机制是并行推进、相辅相成的,要尽早构建、持续优化;6、三大模式:家族成员继承、内生培养经理人、外聘职业经理人;7、民营企业传承模型包含七大要素、五大步骤;8、民营企业在制定传承方案时,除了要注意传承模型中的要素,还要注意其他关键要素。 / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2020

Strategies for Teaching and Maintaining Chinese as Heritage Language for Chinese Children in Sweden : An investigation for identifying strategies that Chinese parents use helping their children learn and maintain their heritage language

Wanner, Bertil January 2023 (has links)
Chinese as a heritage language is one of the fastest lost languages in the world. In fact, in most Chinese families that have left China, the heritage language is lost by the second generation. When people move from their homeland to a place where the primary language is different from their home language, one issue becomes whether their heritage language can be retained. The situation in Sweden is quite different from that in English-speaking countries when it comes to maintaining Chinese as a heritage language. Most Chinese moving to Sweden have no prior exposure to the Swedish language. The purpose of this study is to find out which strategies Chinese parents use to help their children learn and maintain proficiency in the Chinese language. It also investigates the progress made using these strategies. A qualitative research approach was taken and semi-structured interviews of the children’s mothers were performed. Some of the children in the study were born in China and some were born in Sweden. During these interviews, a number of strategies were identified that parents use to help their children learn and maintain the heritage language. These included, for instance, mother tongue education, watching Chinese TV and films, parents giving their children encouraging comments, and associating with other Chinese families. Some families recommended strategies that they felt would be beneficial for others, like delaying the start of daycare. According to this study, the effects from, for example, mother tongue education and encouraging comments, should have implications on how educators shape their programs, and the way they engage the parents in their children’s language training. When analyzing the various strategies and their effects on the children in the study, it became apparent that the younger sibling always shows a lower level of Chinese proficiency compared to the older sibling. This phenomenon is herein called the younger sibling syndrome. / 汉语作为承袭语言是世界上消失速度最快的语言之一。事实上,在大多数离开中国的华人家庭中,承袭语言基本上到第二代就已被遗失。当人们从他们的祖国迁移到一个主要语言与他们的母语不同的地方时,就要面对如何保留自己母语的问题。在瑞典,汉语作为承袭语言在被传承方面的情况与英语国家截然不同。大多数移居瑞典的中国人早期很少接触过瑞典语。本论文的目的是找出生活在瑞典的中国父母使用哪些策略来帮助他们的孩子学习和维持他们的中文以及使用这些策略所取得的效果。本论文采取了质量研究方法,对孩子的母亲进行了半结构化访谈。研究中的一些孩子出生在中国,一些孩子出生在瑞典。在这些访谈中,笔者归纳出了一些父母用来帮助孩子学习和保持传统语言的策略。它们包括:母语教育、观看中文电视和电影、父母给孩子鼓励性的评价,以及与其他中国家庭的交往等等。一些家庭推荐了他们认为对其他人有益的策略,比如推迟开始幼儿园的时间。根据这项研究,例如母语教育和鼓励性评价的影响,会对教育者如何制定他们的教育计划,以及他们让父母参与孩子的语言培训的方式产生影响。在分析各种策略及其对研究中儿童的影响时,很明显,与哥哥姐姐相比,弟弟妹妹的中文水平总是较低。这种现象在本文中被称为幼弟妹综合症。

Attitudes towards Qingtian dialect among Qingtianese in Sweden

Wefer, Simon January 2022 (has links)
Emigrants from Qingtian County (Zhejiang province, China) have a long and rich history in Europe, but to date, little research has been done on their unique language, or its role in Qingtianese diaspora communities. Drawing inspiration from other studies about attitudes towards, and use of, Chinese heritage dialects in China and overseas, the author examines attitudes toward Qingtian dialect using established quantitative and qualitative sociolinguistic research methods. While the results indicate that most Sweden-based Qingtianese seem to have a relatively positive attitude toward their heritage dialect, there are strong signs of an ongoing language shift from Qingtian dialect to Putonghua. The results of the study also indicate some generational differences in attitude towards Qingtian dialect between younger and older Qingtianese, especially in regards to the perceived importance of being able to speak Qingtian dialect in connection with claiming a Qingtianese identity. The author concludes that additional research is needed to confirm the results of this study. / 青田县(中国浙江省)移民在欧洲有着悠久而丰富的历史,但迄今为止,关于他们独特的方言及其在青田移民社群中作用的研究却很少。本文从中国以及国际上对中国方言的研究中得到启发,运用定量以及定性的社会语言学研究方法考察居住在瑞典的青田人对青田方言的态度。结果表明,大多数瑞典青田人似乎对青田方言有相对积极的态度;同时,种种迹象表明,在瑞典的青田移民群体中,青田方言逐渐会被普通话替换。研究结果还表明,年轻和年长的青田人对青田方言的态度存在代际差异,特别是在对于掌握青田方言以及其对青田人身份认同的重要性上。笔者指出该篇论文的结果需要更大范围的研究来证明。

Les vieilles enseignes, partie intégrante du patrimoine culturel immatériel de Pékin / Non communiqué

Du, Lili 26 November 2012 (has links)
Depuis son adoption de la « Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel » en 2003, la Chine a lancé au niveau national, le répertoire de son patrimoine culturel immatériel, et a élaboré, mis en action des mesures pour sa sauvegarde. Pékin, ancienne capitale des cinq dynasties, possède une source abondante du patrimoine culturel immatériel. Les vieilles enseignes pékinoises représentent un vecteur particulier du patrimoine oral, l’art de la dénomination, l’art de l’enseigne, la culture traditionnelle à travers le Confucianisme ainsi que des savoir-faire. Cependant, par rapport à la valorisation économique, la valorisation culturelle de ces entreprises a été longtemps négligée. En recourant à la formulation du patrimoine culturel immatériel, le présent travail a voulu explorer et étudier la pluralité du patrimoine immatériel des vieilles enseignes pékinoises, afin de montrer son enjeu dans le développement et la pérennité de ces enseignes ainsi que pour la préservation de la culture locale de Pékin. / Since its adoption of the « Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage », China has launched in its territory, the identification of its intangible cultural heritage, and has elaborated, applied the safeguarding methods accordingly. Beijing, capital of five dynasties in ancient times, possesses an abundant resource of intangible cultural heritage. The time-honored brands, for example, are the vehicle of several elements strongly local-colored, such as oralheritage, name art, art of sign-board, traditional philosophy mainly represented by Confucianism, and traditional craftsmanship. Nonetheless, the cultural valorization of Beijing’s time-honored brands has not been stressed, on the contrary to their economical valorization. Relying on the formulation of intangible cultural heritage, this study explored and examined the plurality of these time-honored brands’ intangible heritage, in order to demonstrate its importance for these brands’ development and durability, as well as for the preservation of Beijing’s local culture. / 自从2003 年中国加入«非物质文化遗产保护公约»以来,开展了对其非物质文化遗产的 全面普查,并相应制定和执行了保护政策及措施。北京,作为中国五朝古都,拥有极为丰富 的非物质文化遗产资源。北京老字号就承载了从口头遗产,命名艺术,牌匾艺术,以儒家为 代表的传统思想,到其传统技艺等极具北京特色的项目。但是相对于其经济价值,北京老字 号的文化价值长期处于被忽视的地位。本文利用非物质文化遗产概念的提出,发掘并研究了 北京老字号的非物质文化遗产的多面性,借以阐明其对这些企业的生存和发展,及其对维持 北京地方文化特色的重要性。

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