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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


李樺瑾 Unknown Date (has links)
運用資訊及電腦科技的數位學習,漸漸改變許多人的學習方式。過去有許多數位學習之相關研究,大多從認知心理學、學習風格等學習理論面向,探討數位學習者的動機、參與態度、行為、滿意度、學習成效等;但是對於數位學習的內容應如何設計以達到滿意度與學習成效卻甚少研究,且使用者(教學者/學習者)在數位學習的設計過程中往往缺席。而事實上使用者的需求,才是數位學習設計的核心。 本研究以國中幾何為例,探討數位教學輔助系統之設計應如何融入學習活動。亦即以使用者為中心,了解其需求,考量上課情境及學習能力。於開發過程反覆請使用者評估並將回饋意見納入下一輪的設計。系統完成後,請使用者在課堂實際教學情境中運用本系統進行學習活動。 評估結果顯示,系統的內容與教學概念緊密扣連,其互動控制程度及回饋方式提供老師、學生可以逐步並重覆學習,達到教學目標。同時學生認為這樣的上課方式較專注、容易學習、新鮮有趣。因此,本研究所主張之設計方法達到實質成效,並且創造良好、愉悅的教學/學習經驗。 / E-learning has shaped and transformed the ways people learn. Previous e-learning related researches have focused much on the motives, attitudes, behaviors, satisfactions and effectiveness of the learners. However, the users’ (teacher/learner) learning activities have never been taken into consideration during the e-learning design process. The research intends to bridge the gap between the learning activities and the design process. During the initial design stage, the researcher interviewed Math teachers from several junior high schools to identify the suitable e-learning subjects which are too abstract to teach otherwise. After the discussion, Geometry was chosen for the e-learning subject. Through the entire design cycle, whether or not the system meets the teaching objects, students’ learning capacities, and classroom environments were iteratively evaluated and modified. The math teachers were involved in the entire design process. At the end, the completed system was used by teachers in their real math classes. From the results of evaluation, we find that the e-learning system has highly linked to the teaching concepts. The system provides enough interactive controls and feedbacks that allow teachers and students’ to set their own paces to learn gradually or repeatedly. Students agree that this learning process helps them to concentrate more, and achieve better performances. In addition, this e-learning system through the proposed designing process causes a more positive, pleasure and effective learning/teaching experiences.

現場音樂表演的觀眾互動設計初探-以臺灣獨立樂團大象體操為實驗對象 / Interactive design of audience at live music : Taiwan independent band Elephant Gym as experiment object

林維辰, Lin, Wei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
近年隨著音樂數位化,唱片銷量巨幅降低,現場演出成為表演者能否獲得觀眾喜愛的指標,同時也成為音樂產業營收成長的主要項目。 表演者與觀眾的互動在過去多以拍手、聲音回應為主;而本創作透過行動載具(mobile device)的輔助,嘗試將互動與音樂展演現場的元素,例如影像、聲音、燈光、舞臺等設計相互結合;期能以觀眾的參與、現場系統裝置的即時反應、樂團的回應創造出讓觀眾深刻體驗展演內容之互動音樂會。 本創作從音樂展演面向出發,以使用者經驗為研究方法,進行跨領域實作,從行動載具的特性,思考應用程式之設計、互動元素、創新表演內容,如何促進現場氣氛、以及後續社群效應的設計,是一個嘗試整合科技應用與音樂表演的創作。除國、內外科技應用於現場音樂類表演之案例、相關文獻進行研究,並實地進行場域田野調查、展演相關工作人員、觀眾等訪談,歸納整理適切的現場表演元素,據此發展創作雛形,並實際與臺灣獨立樂團《大象體操》,於2014年12月10日舉行「幾何-大象體操+林維辰互動音樂展演實驗場」,後續以此演出內容作相關使用者行為、現場影像紀錄作回饋與相關資料分析。 本創作期能以數位科技為音樂產業實驗新的表演內容設計與商業模式,以數位為內容加值,尋找音樂產業新的可能性。

電子書閱讀器之使用者行為資料分析 / Analysis and Interpretation of E-reader User Log

闕建堡, Chueh, Chien Pao Unknown Date (has links)
由於資訊科技與顯示技術的大幅進步,電子書閱讀裝置成為近來十分受矚目的產品,然綜觀目前國內外電子書的發展,多以較具消費能力的上班族為對象,較少以基礎教育的學生為目標使用者。 本研究針對使用於教育市場的電子書閱讀器進行前導性的實驗,並透過自行設計的使用者介面、數位學習平台及結合傳統問卷與自動化使用者行為蒐集程式,結合質化研究與量化分析的優點,以瞭解最真實的學生使用習慣與方式。 本研究目的在於探索電子書閱讀器進入高中學生的實際課堂學習與日常生活之中,對學生的學習經驗或閱讀習慣所產生之影響,並進一步瞭解從學生最初接觸電子書的新鮮試用期,到後續逐漸習慣使用或棄用電子書等不同階段的行為變化。透過此研究,瞭解電子書閱讀器應用於教育市場的接受程度及可能潛力,做為未來電子書設計、開發與推廣使用的可行性參考依據。 / Recently, e-book reading devices based on electronic ink (e-ink) have gained a lot of attention thanks to the rapid advances in both information and display technology. However, current products are mainly targeted on general users for their daily reading activities. Research on introducing the e-reading device into high school or college campuses has commenced only quite recently. In this thesis, we exploit the potential of employing e-book reading devices in facilitating learning in a high school campus. We have custom-designed the user interface as well as the textbook content to suit the needs of this particular user group. The unique opportunity of having access to the hardware device, software design and potential users creates an ideal experimental platform for us to unbiasedly investigate the role of this new technology through a long-term user behavior collection and analysis process. This study aims to explore how the introduction of e-book reader into high school campus influences the students’ learning and daily life. We documented changes in the users’ e-book reading behavior during the course of a six-month experiment, corresponding to progressive stages of growing familiarity and comfort with using the machine. We found that e-book reader does help the students to develop a habit of mobile reading. Its effect exceeds our expectation of achieving digital learning. We hope that the findings presented in this thesis can be useful to teachers and system designers to develop new types of teaching materials and activities by taking advantages of the characteristics of this new technology.

iBeacon微定位技術應用於視障者行動導航之研究 / Designing a Navigation App with iBeacon Technology for the Visually Impaired Smartphone Users

林禕瑩, Lin, Yi Ying Unknown Date (has links)
手機的導航功能是一般人習以為常的生活工具,到陌生地點的路線規劃變成越來越簡單的事,不過目前多數的服務都以地圖方式呈現,資訊陳列和互動設計皆十分視覺導向,造成以聽覺操作手機的視障者覺得難以上手且不友善。統計發現,台灣國內的視障者幾乎天天都有外出需求,卻沒有一款針對他們所設計的導航服務,導致需要外出與獨立行動的視障族群必須透過更繁瑣的準備過程才得以安心的出門。再者,搭配現有導航服務的GPS定位並不夠準確,無法提供視障者所需的近身資訊,東南西北方位與百餘單位的公尺數對明眼人來說都可能是一項挑戰,視障者更是難以消化。因此,本研究透過情境訪查、隨身觀察與專家訪談等質化研究方式,深入探索視障者需求,並了解他們與一般人於行動上的異同。藉由新興的iBeacon微定位技術提供非視覺化的線索,將曲折的旅程分割成一段一段的路線,並在設計過程中融入視障者定向訓練的所知所學,讓他們能以原有技能在街道上安心行走,提升獨立出門的安全性。 / Using mobile apps to help route finding is very common for most of us. However, the visually impaired smartphone user does not benefit from this technology. A tremendous demand for independence and mobility remains unsolved. Unlike us, the visually impaired use their smartphone by auditory sense. But those apps with touch screen are not specially designed for their usage pattern. According to our preliminary study, current navigation service always comes with bad information display and unfriendly interaction design. All of these lead to a very frustrating navigation experience. Through the qualitative research methods like contextual inquiry, shadowing, and expert interview, we’d like to explore how different they are from us on the matter of traveling, and reveal the real need of the visually impaired for mobile navigation. Based on our research finding, we want to propose a navigation app specially made for the visually impaired smartphone user. In addition to GPS base service, we provide hyper-local, meaningful multi-sensory notifications to our user through micro location technology of iBeacon. And we integrate the knowledge they learned from Orientation and Mobility training in the navigation process to create a better walking experience and encourage them to live with independency. The app itself is not only a way finding tool but also an information and experience sharing platform for the visually impaired community. Combining the power of design and technology, we can enhance their cognition to the living environment, and improved the independence & mobility for our users as well. In the end, the visual impaired users will be motivated to explore the world on their own and enjoy the colorful world.

智慧桌遊— 運用數據記錄與分析瞭解使用者體驗與學習歷程 / Intelligent Board Game : Applying Data Analysis in understanding User Experience and Learning Progress

宋如泰, Soong, Ru Tai Unknown Date (has links)
桌上遊戲從休閒娛樂逐漸融入到學校教育,運用巧妙設計的遊戲機制引發學生遊玩意願,進而在愉悅中學習。數位桌遊,一個透過結合數位科技的優勢輔助學習與娛樂的概念隨著教育型桌遊而崛起;然而從產業、學習、娛樂等角度來思考,數位桌遊究竟應具何特性?其體驗是否良好?學習是否有效?透過這些問題,本研究旨在(1)瞭解桌遊產業與玩家對數位桌遊的需求,(2)設計一款體驗供需法則的數位桌遊,(3)評估數位桌遊的遊戲性與學習效益。 首先,本研究運用體驗式學習圈與建構主義等學習理論設計出桌遊《寶島建設》,接著透過訪談桌遊產業各利害關係人了解產業對數位桌遊的想像與需求,透過彙整訪談內容建立數位桌遊的設計指標,最後本研究投入研發數位桌遊與數據分析系統,用以分析學習者的學習歷程與經驗。 本研究共有32位參與者,在進行遊戲期間會採集參與者的操作行為和遊戲資料作為分析,遊戲後會填寫含有心流經驗和遊戲接受度的問卷,並接受遊戲性與學習內容相關的訪談。實驗結果顯示,參與者普遍對《寶島建設》感到滿意,從競標的數據上顯示參與者逐漸掌握資源的價格區間;所開發的數據分析系統亦能發現參與者未達表現的原因,進而對學習者提出有效建議。 總結,本研究成果為(1)透過訪談瞭解桌遊產業對數位桌遊的需求與想像。(2)設計出能體驗與學習供需法則的數位桌遊《寶島建設》,並獲得遊戲參與者們對遊戲體驗正向的回饋。(3)數據分析系統能透過歷程分析了解學習者的困難與障礙,從數據分析圖表裡也可發現學習者逐漸掌握價格區間,這顯示透過數位桌遊《寶島建設》的競標機制能有效學習掌握需求與價格的關係。 / Board games in Taiwan has risen from leisure and entertainment towards teachings in schools, by introducing fascinating game mechanism and theme to enhance student motivation makes learning more fun. Digital board games, a concept combining the advantages of digital technologies to enhance learning and entertaining arose with the rise of educational board games; however, from the aspect of industry, learning and entertainment, what characteristic should digital board game have? Does it create good experience? Is learning effective? Through these question, this research aims to (1) Understand the visions and needs of industry towards digital board game, (2) Design a digital board game to learn the law of supply & demand, (3) Evaluate the learning effectiveness and gameplay. First, the research uses the experiential cycle and constructism learning theory to design the board game Formosa Construction Ltd, then interview several industrial stakeholders to understand the needs and visions of digital board game, through the interviews concluded a design guidelines, finally the digital version of Formosa Consturction Ltd was built along with the data analysis program use to evaluate user experience and learning portfolio in game. Experiments was conducted with 32 participants, gameplay data are collected during gameplay, participants was asked to fill in a questionnaire with flow experience and acceptance, an interview session regarding gameplay and learning will be held after the questionnaire. Results indicate that participants are satisfy with the game, and data collected from auction showed that participants were progressively mastering the price range; The data analysis program was able to find reasons for participants that did not perform well, having chance to provide advice to learners. In conclusion, the research results are (1) Understand the needs and visions of digital board game through interviewing The Taiwan Board Game Industry. (2) Design Formosa Construction Ltd and obtain positive feedback. (3) The data analysis program showed the obstacles learners met through portfolio analysis, auction data analysis also showed participants was progressively mastering the price range, showing that Formosa Contruction Ltd is effective in learning the relation between needs and price.

模板屬性對瀏覽行為的影響-以線上遊戲為例 / The Impact of Template Attributes to User’s Behavior-Take Online Game as an Example

陳妍樺, Chen, Yen Hua Unknown Date (has links)
面對大量習慣用嘗試錯誤方式去學習使用複雜線上遊戲功能的使用者,如果沒有一個好的網頁佈局設計,會妨礙讓使用者易於上手。本研究試圖綜合以往在電腦學習認知方面的模板比對理論、CoLiDeS Model、及資訊氣味等相關研究,增強對線上遊戲介面設計的了解。本研究設計一個線上遊戲介面認知的實驗,用「仙劍Online」多人線上遊戲的介面為實驗工具,運用眼動儀去觀察受試者的瀏覽行為。「功能的群組位置」(Location)與圖像(Icon)皆為介面設計的重要因素;這兩項因素可能會影響受試者對任務難易的知覺判斷與瀏覽行為的Pattern。這些差異會顯示在任務的「間隔多久時間看到正確區域位置」、「凝視次數」、「凝視正確區域佔全部的比例」、任務的「完成率」與任務的「使用時間」等資料上。經過本研究驗證可以明確的知道「功能的群組位置」(Location)與圖像(Icon)何者為設計者首要考量之因素,在學術上能加強對CoLiDeS Model的了解,提出兩階段修正的認知模式;在實務上幫助介面設計師進行更有效的頁面設計和實用的建議。 / A large amount of users practice the trial and error approach to learn to use complicated online games. This leads to low user perception of "easy to use" when the game lacks good webpage layout design. This study attempts to integrate previous studies on cognitive learning through computer including Template Matching, Information Scent, and Comprehension-based Linked model of Deliberate Search Model ( CoLiDes Model), to enhance the understanding on online game interface design. A cognitive experiment of online game interface was designed utilizing the multiplayer simulation game "Chinese Paladin Online" in an attempt to observe and record user’s browsing behaviors through the eye tracker. "Location of functional group " and "Icon" are important factor of interface design and affect user’s browse behavior pattern . These differences will appear in "Time spent", "Accuracy", "Frequency of fixation ", “ and "Time spent before first fixation on the correct position" of the tasks. We expect the results extended the CoLiDeS Model, enhanced understanding of the interface layout user cognition, and provided fruitful suggestions in how to further design on effective WebPages.

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