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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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業配文與產品購買意願之研究:信號理論觀點 / Sponsored posts and consumer purchase intention: a signaling theory perspective

曹靖 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著網際網路及線上社群日益普及,電子口碑的影響力迅速壯大。有鑑於這樣的趨勢,許多廠商開始尋找具有一定人氣的公眾人物或網路紅人為產品撰寫業配文。做為一種相對新穎的行銷方式,業配文同時兼具一般電子口碑的特性與產品代言的商業色彩。正因為它並非單純自發性的使用心得分享,許多消費者仍對其可信度有所疑慮,且大眾對其之觀感亦差異甚大。 本研究遂以信號理論(Signaling Theory)的觀點出發,將業配文撰文者視為信號傳遞者(Signaler)、文章內容視為信號本身(Signal)、消費者視為信號接收者(Receiver)、承載文章之平台視為信號環境(Signaling Environment),探討此四大面向中可能影響消費者文章信任、產品態度與購買意願之因素。 本研究採量化分析,透過發放線上問卷蒐集初級資料,經統計迴歸分析後發現,信號接收者面向的「撰文者與消費者相似性」、「撰文者過往名聲」、信號本身面向的「文章內容真實性」以及信號環境面向的「平台可信度」確實對文章信任有正向顯著影響,並會藉之進而影響產品態度和購買意願。此外,「平台生動性」及「平台互動性」則直接對產品態度有正向顯著影響。而本研究也針對文章信任之中介效果及信號接收者面向的「消費者人格外向開放性」、「消費者過去受業配文影響之經驗」、「消費者產品知識程度」是否具調節效果進行分析,詳細結果於研究中將一一闡述。 / In recent years, the impact of Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) has surged due to the prevalence of the Internet and social media. In response to this phenomenon, many firms have been inviting public figures or Internet celebrities to write sponsored (blog) posts for certain products. Sponsored posts, in substance, lie somewhere between solely spontaneous sharing of personal experiences and actual endorsements. Hence, many consumers still take sponsored posts with a grain of salt and remain skeptical of their authenticity as well as trustworthiness. This research builds upon Signaling Theory by adopting the concept of “Signaler”, “Signal”, “Receiver”, and “Signaling Environment”, and aims at clarifying some possible factors that may influence consumers’ trust toward the sponsored posts, product attitude and purchase intention. Among the independent variables, “Similarity between Writer and Consumer”, “Writer’s Reputation”, “Content Truthfulness”, and “Media Credibility” are significantly positively correlated with consumers’ trust toward the sponsored posts, which then positively influences consumers’ product attitude and purchase intention. Meanwhile, “Media Vividness” and “Media Interactivity” also contribute significantly to consumers’ product attitude. Other factors involved, the mediating effect of trust, as well as the moderating effect of “Consumer’s Personality” and “Consumer’s Past Experiences” are further discussed in this research.

藉由小世界股票網路探索不同景氣區間的差異性 / Exploring economy-realated differences by small-world stock networks

邱建堯, Chiu, Chien Yao Unknown Date (has links)
股票市場對投資者而言是以極大化自有資產為目的,因此如何辨別不同景氣區間對股市的影響為投資者感興趣的議題。傳統上,使用統計資料來幫助我們比較不同景氣區間之差異,然而股票市場之複雜、非線性及不可預測性也經常成為各統計資料失準的關鍵,因此,本篇論文以複雜網路作為分析股票市場之模型,並將各個股票表示成節點、股價變化之關聯性作為連結下,建立出複雜網路,藉此探討股市中的景氣差異。   在本研究中,先利用國發會制定的景氣對策信號,來幫助我們選取四段景氣區間,接著將台積電作為網路核心建構個股的相關網路。並以最小生成樹(Minimum Spanning Tree) 將複雜的股票網路簡單化。同時我們計算出各股相關網路之全域網路參數(Global Network Parameters)及區域網路參數(Regional Network Parameters),以利我們討論兩段景氣好區間與兩段景氣差區間之差異。最後,我們將股市相關網路以分層樹(Hierarchical Tree)來表示,以了解網路分群的結果。   結果顯示,我們建構的個股相關網路符合小世界網路特性,在全域網路參數中,景氣好相關網路之常規化平均特徵路徑(Normalization Average Characteristic Path Length)及景氣差相關網路中之平均群聚係數(Average Clustering Coefficient)、平均特徵路徑(Average Characteristic Path Length)、常規化平均特徵路徑(Normalization Average Characteristic Path Length)有顯著差異。 在區域網路參數中,在景氣好相關網路中,被選為網路樞紐並有顯著差異之個股有台達化、宜進與華通,景氣差相關網路則有瑞利、日月光、矽品及萬企。在景氣好相關網路比較時,台積電的連結度與點效率皆具有顯著差異。

雙酚合成物抑制氧化壓力及加強神經生長因子誘導神經突生長 / The novel biphenol compounds inhibit oxidative stress and enhance nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced neurite outgrowth

林芊瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
人類隨著年齡增長後中樞神經系統的修補及再生能力逐漸下降,一旦神經系統受到傷害,是很嚴重的問題。因此,引導或促進神經細胞生長甚至再生的方法,中樞神經受損患者將獲得更有效的治療。先前已有文獻指出由植物厚朴萃取的天然化合物─和厚朴酚,具有抗氧化、抗腫瘤、抗發炎、神經保護與滋養的作用。在不同疾病模式的囓齒動物實驗,如帕金森氏症、阿茲海默症、癌症與腦缺血疾病等,和厚朴酚皆具有預防疾病或減緩症狀的效果。本篇研究使用和厚朴酚之衍生物─新合成雙酚化合物(MH102、MH103、MH104、MH106、MH107與MH111),並探討對於神經細胞的保護與滋養作用。透過腎上腺髓質嗜鉻細胞瘤 PC12 細胞預先處理新合成雙酚化合物,並以過氧化氫(H2O2)使細胞產生氧化壓力,使用活性氧檢測試驗(DCFH-DA assay)偵測細胞內活性氧(reactive oxygen species, ROS)的含量。實驗結果顯示,預先處理較高濃度(3-10μM)的新合成雙酚化合物顯著降低過氧化氫所產生的氧化壓力。另以H2O2誘導PC12細胞死亡,並使用MTT試驗法,觀測新合成雙酚化合物對於細胞存活的影響。結果顯示新合成雙酚化合物顯著減少H2O2造成的細胞死亡。於神經滋養實驗,發現新合成雙酚化合物無法直接誘導PC12細胞的神經突生長。因此,使用神經滋養因子(nerve growth factor, NGF)誘導PC12細胞神經突生長,發現新合成雙酚化合物在低濃度(0.1-0.3μM)顯著加強神經突生長。然而雙酚化合物加強NGF誘導神經突生長之機制,並非透過活化細胞外信號調節激酶 (extracellular-signal-regulated kinases, Erk1/2)與訊息傳遞轉錄活化基因-3 (signal transducer and activator of transcription 3, STAT3),Erk1/2的活化在短時間內(5至10分鐘) 反而減少,STAT3的活化則沒有差異。由此推論,新合成雙酚化合物的保護作用是透過減少ROS的產生,並可以加強NGF對於PC12細胞的神經突生長,但不是透過Erk1/2或STAT3路徑所致。


費騏葳, Fei ,Chi-wei Unknown Date (has links)
庫藏股制度於國外已經行之有年,特別是美國,早在1960年代即有庫藏股交易。我國上市上櫃股票可合法買回自己公司股票制度始於2000年所通過的上市上櫃公司買回本公司股份辦法,除了希望藉以提振東南亞金融危機中不振的股市表現,也賦予企業多一種能向投資人傳遞訊息的管道。本研究基於股票買回的各項假說,希望探究公司股票買回宣告的動機還有事件宣告後對於公司股價的影響效果,最後並檢視公司的宣告決策是否會受到前次購回宣告的表現所影響。 在假說驗證方面,以2000至2004年上市公司832家、上櫃公司236家曾經宣告買回自家股票的公司為研究樣本,輔以選出與買回樣本同時間的相同數量「未買回樣本」,透過1-way ANOVA測試與鑑別分析探討影響公司宣告股票買回的因素符合哪些假說的推論結果。此外,依據各項假說,進ㄧ步利用1-way ANOVA測試和複迴歸分析找出與公司事件宣告後股價異常報酬率之間的關係,接著以1-way ANOVA檢視最後一部份研究主題。經由上述的實證分析,本研究獲得以下主要結論: 1.公司買回自家的股票平均而言對於股價有正面的影響效果。 2.以上市公司而言,影響公司宣告股票買回的假說包括了:自由現金流量假說、個人所得稅節稅假說與財務槓桿假說。以上櫃公司而言則包括:自由現金流量假說、個人所得稅節稅假說與資訊信號假說。 3.以上市公司而言,股票買回宣告後,股價的正向異常報酬與:自由現金流量假說、管理者的誘因假說呈現相關關係。上櫃公司則包括:自由現金流量假說。 4.本次是否再度宣告股票買回會受前次買回的正向累積異常報酬率所影響。 / Stock price reactions on stock repurchase announcements among publicly traded corporations have been widely studied over 40 years in United States. Several hypothesizes were established and provide logical reasons for why corporations buy back their own stocks. References show large proportion of positive effect on post-announcement stock price after stock repurchase announcements from empirical researches. It is since 2000 that corporations are allowed to repurchase their own stocks legally in Taiwan. Although many efforts were put in surveying the post-announcement stock price reactions, few focused on examining how corporations’ repurchase decision would be influenced by different hypothesizes. Moreover, whether or not previous repurchase outcome may affect future repurchase judgments met contradict conclusion from recent studies. This research aims on exploring the two main topics which form 7 hypothesize. Data collecting from Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ) database, Commercial Times and Economic Daily News contains publicly traded corporations had ever made stock repurchase announcement except financial and government institutions. The period of the study was from Aug. 6, 2000 to Jul. 31, 2004 and total number of announced corporations included was 832 listed on the Taiwan Security Exchange with 236 listed on the OTC separately. Hypothesis 1 to 6 were tested both from individual model using 1-way ANOVA Analysis and integrated model using Discriminate Analysis on Hypothesis 1 to 5, Event Study Analysis on Hypothesis 6. Hypothesis 7 was also verified with 1-way ANOVA Analysis. The empirical results show supports in several hypothesize which reflect corporations did concern free cash flow amount, leverage level, stock underpriced and dividend payout level issues when making repurchase announcement. The stock price after announcement has certain degree of moving correlation toward the same direction as free cash flow level and managerial stockholding level. Finally, previous repurchase outcome was found holding opposite relation with future repurchase judgments.

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