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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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運用整合行銷傳播形塑偶像之研究 以《模范棒棒堂》之《棒棒堂》為例 / A research on formation of idols using integrated marketing communication: A case study of idol band "Lollipop"

翁瑞迪, Weng, Ben Unknown Date (has links)
研究者曾擔任Channel [V] 選秀節目《模范棒棒堂》第一屆模范棒棒堂男孩,看到六位默默無名的平凡男孩,成為台灣新生代最具代表的男子偶像團體《棒棒堂》,他們充份運用節目對個人及團體形象塑造,在Channel [V]整體頻道資源協助下,與唱片公司、雜誌社、廣告商合作,成功整合行銷資源,塑造出獨具特色的偶像團體。 本研究透過個案研究法,藉由深度訪談,分析將整合行銷傳播應用於選秀節目《模范棒棒堂》中,形塑偶像團體《棒棒堂》,並配合節目樣本抽樣進行內容分析,佐證深度訪談的內容,增加可信度。 本研究根據研究發現,發展出以「目標市場及定位區隔」、「內部及外部溝通策略」、「傳播工具的整合」、「溝通訊息的整合、與其他企業利益關係人合作,並對外溝通訊息的整合」、「創造的綜效」等五個基本構面為主軸的偶像團體《棒棒堂》整合行銷策略模式。 / The famous boys group “Lollipop” raised from the television program Bang Bang Tang of Chanel [V] has become noted in these years. The Integrated Marketing Communication of the program successfully integrated the resources of Channel [V] such as record company, magazine publication, and advertising company to promote the unique brand image of Lollipop. The researcher of this paper was one of the members of the Bang Bang Tang program and participated in the growth of the Lollipop. The action research and case study for the “Lollipop” are provided with in-depth interviewing the direct and staffs of the Bang Bang Tang. To improve the reliability, the quantitative information such as Nielsen rating is provided to evidence the effectiveness of the cases. The findings for the success of Lollipop can be concluded with the synergy of the following strategies: the target market and market segmentation, the inside and outside communicative strategy, the Integration of communicative tools, the Integration of communicative message, the cooperation of other company and the Integration of inside and outside communicative message.

媒介消費與網路主動學習: 以YouTube網路舞蹈學習為例 / Media consumption and internet active learning: a case study of youtube dance learning

王安妮, Wang, An Ni Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為個案質化訪談,欲了解小明這位青少年。他特別重度使用電視電腦、天生無法學習,且家中無父母陪同關心,但卻能夠持續使用網路消費與學習;其中的原因,令人感到興趣。 研究參照布爾迪的建議,同時分析網路環境與青少年個案主體。研究發現,網路文本設計了多樣具有消費與流行意涵的元素,吸引小明願意來學習。另外,小明雖然本身無法學習文字,但是從網路舞蹈的世界中,找到了認同感;這正向學習的出口,使他不僅是花費時間在電腦上,而能提升他的學習認知與自我效能。他在學習認知領域上,從基本的知識階層提升至綜合應用;在自我效能面向,他能享受網路學習情境,掌握自己的學習方法與步調,創意展現自己,找到社會模仿對象,甚至培養了正向的人生觀。 / This case study is an individual depth interview of qualitative research, aims to understand this teenager--Ming. He uses TV and computers heavily, has an inborn inability to learn, and when he comes back home, there are always no parents accompanying. However, he continues to use a computer to consume and learn things, and the reasons of this phenomenon are interesting. This study consults Bourdieu's suggestion, analyzing the Internet environment and the teenager himself at the same time. The study finds out that the texts of Net design contain multiple elements of consumption and fashion, which draws Ming to learn. More, though Ming himself can't learn written languages, he finds a sense of identity in the world of online dance learning, and this positive way of learning makes him not only just spend time on the Net, but also enhance his cognitive learning and self-efficacy. In the former, he elevates his learning from knowledge to integration; in the latter, he enjoys the online contexts, masters his way and pace of learning, shows himself creatively, finds out his models from the society, and even develops a positive outlook o life.

影響網路謠言傳播的因素及擴散模式-由電子郵件謠言的散播與企業闢謠作為談起 / The Determinants of Internet Rumor Diffusion - Patterns of E-mail Based Rumor Diffusion and Corporate Clarification Strategies

鍾宏彬, Chung, Hung Pin Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路是繼電子計算機發明後,帶給人類最大衝擊的一項革命,它突破了地理的籓籬,資訊的流動可以在極短暫的時間內跨越國界,這是其他媒體所望塵莫及的。而這種傳播特性最為人所詬病的問題之一,就是網路謠言的充斥。透過E-mail、BBS、NEWS、WWW等各種不同的管道散播出來的謠言,不僅可能造成個人的名譽受損、企業的形象破壞,許多的犯罪手法也因而產生。就企業主而言,網路謠言的殺傷力莫過於對公司形象與品牌聲譽的損害,而如何防範與澄清消息的正確性,已成為企業公關與危機管理的重要一環。 本研究則分析現有的謠言與消息來源理論,探討謠言的結構、傳播過程以及其社會心理成因等,並比較電腦中介傳播 (CMC) 與一般謠言口耳相傳 (FtF) 之下的謠言特性,以及探討傳統大眾媒體與網路媒介傳播謠言效果之差異,歸納出影響謠言傳播的可能因素包括謠言的可相信度、渾沌不安、訊息特性、涉入度、網路訊息惰性、人口統計變數與網路使用行為等。利用這些可能的變數,本研究設計兩組實驗來衡量謠言散播與闢謠效果,實驗一利用可相信度與渾沌不安兩個變數操弄謠言,並以小樣本的散播實驗來衡量謠言操弄的結果,探討謠言散播模式與影響變數,並以計數器追溯謠言散播的情形,來了解謠言散播的真實面貌;實驗二則以類似的實驗方法,選擇一則已發生的網路謠言案例來研究謠言散佈模型,並以發送闢謠信件的方式來探討其謠言防治效果。 實驗一在經網路謠言散播實驗之後,發現操弄變數的差異並不顯著,故實驗一改採Regression檢定,最後發現可相信度、訊息特性與渾沌不安是影響謠言散播的主要因素,網路訊息惰性則對謠言散播有間接影響效果,而可相信度有部分的中介效果;在電子郵件闢謠實驗方面,實驗二發現可相信度與網路訊息惰性對訊息的散播有顯著影響效果,而可相信度有部分的中介效果。由此可知,兩個實驗的散佈模式並不相同,其原因有可能是因為涉入度的差異。另外,兩個實驗皆發現經由電子郵件散播的訊息符合創新採用理論,其中實驗一的謠言與實驗二的闢謠訊息為Rogers所說的不完全散佈模式,而實驗二的謠言則為所謂的「S」形創新散佈曲線。 此外,本研究利用謠言的追蹤計數,得到了散播曲線與訊息散播方程式,並估計而求出了謠言的散播速度。由追溯的結果得知,網路謠言傳播的速度十分快速,尤其實驗二的謠言在第2.2日時就達擴散曲線的反曲點,一星期內散佈的人數高達原來樣本數的兩倍;相反的,不被眾人散播的謠言可以在短短幾天之內就趨於平息。而本研究也對網路訊息的「散播者」與「非散播者」作出比較,發現散播者的散佈可能性、對謠言的相信度、渾沌不安等都比非散播者高,但網路訊息惰性則較低。在粗淺的瞭解這群可能的網路「意見領袖」之後,企業界可以專注於這群人作有效的闢謠公關活動,讓網路謠言的管理更有效率。 最後,本研究彙整謠言的應對策略,並對企業因應謠言的危機管理的模式,提出許多的方案與建議,讓企業界在面對網路謠言時,能有參考的依循,並將損害減至最低。 / Not only has the internet increased the efficiency of communication, it has also brought out severe crises in the real world. Messages can be circulated all over the world in just seconds. As a result, geographical barriers have been virtually broken down. However, while rumors and hoaxes can easily be distributed through e-mail, BBS, news group, and so on, such false information may cause severe damage to individuals and corporations concerned, even trigger criminal offenses. How to prevent potential damage of commercial reputations which may cause by internet rumors and clarify the existing grapevines is one of the most important issues each corporation needs to address in the present information society. This thesis is inclined to find out the differences between Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) and Face-to-Face (FtF) Communication in terms of the variables which affect the diffusion of rumors, i.e. Credibility, Anxie-uncertainty, Message Property, Involvement, Internet Inertia, demographical variables, and personal internet behavior. Two experiments are designed in this research. Exp.1 operates Credibility versus Anxie-uncertainty into four rumors and illustrates the correlation between Diffusion Possibility and each of the aforesaid independent variables which can facilitate establishing the diffusion model for Internet Rumors accordingly. Exp.2 is an empirical study based on the diffusion model built up in Exp.1. A pre-selected existing rumor is used as the research sample. It remodels the rumor diffusion and measures the clarification effect through e-mail as well. Moreover, both experiments use Site Meter to trace the mechanism of rumor diffusion. Numbers of the rumor being viewed and its responses and clarifications can be easily counted. According to experiments, Credibility and Anxie-uncertainty are originally well operated in pretests. However, the manipulated variables are not fully distinguished in Exp.1. Hence, Regression is employed to test the hypotheses and as a result, Credibility, Anxie-uncertainty, and Message Property are the key variables that directly influence rumor diffusion in Exp.1 while Internet Inertia has indirect effect on the outspread of a rumor. In Exp.2, both Credibility and Internet Inertia play important roles in the diffusion behavior while Credibility acts as a partial mediating variable in this case. Additionally, this research also shows the possibility and degree that Involvement might be the factor which causes discrepancy between these 2 models. However, it needs to be confirmed by further research. Moreover, both models fit the Distribution Theory of Innovations developed by Rogers. Rumors in Exp.1 and clarify message in Exp.2 are both Unsuccessful Diffusion while rumor in Exp. 2 belongs to S-shaped Normal Diffusion. Incidentally, diffusion curves and the function of rumor diffusion are obtained to work out through simulation equations and so are the diffusion rates, which surprised us for their rapid distribution. The inverse point was reached in the 2.2 days after the rumor message was distributed in Exp.2, and almost two folds of the original group numbers were reached in just one week. On the other hand, rumors which were not circulated would be quelled in few days. Comparisons between the Distributor and the Non-distributor in the Internet society are also made in this study in facilitating the management of corporate grapevines. The Distributor believes rumors and are more aggressive in rumor distribution and shows higher Anxie-uncertainty, while their Internet Inertia are lower than Non-distributor. Knowing more about the so-called Internet “Opinion Leader” helps corporations focus on crisis management by initiating effective public activities not only because they are cores of grapevines but are also easier to approach than others. Finally, various corporate strategies of confining rumors are developed in the thesis. Suggestions and alternatives are provided in conclusion. Corporate administrators can therefore take them for reference when dealing with rumor-caused crises.

話題行銷在偶像劇行銷之應用 以偶像劇「命中注定我愛你」為例 / The application of hot topic marketing on marketing idol drama ----taking the idol drama show “Fated to love you” as an example.

張正芬 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣偶像劇自2001年開始發展至今,已經成為台灣電視劇的主流,在面對高度競爭的收視市場,如何能吸引觀眾收視,行銷是重要的。而在傳播行銷過程中,如何能引起媒體報導加以宣傳、如何能有效使用行銷工具、整合行銷偶像劇,「話題」是重要的。 話題行銷就是將偶像劇產品一致性的訊息設定,建構媒體有興趣報導的題目及內容,也就是媒體話題,透過媒體的報導宣傳,形成閱聽者有興趣的話題,再加以討論、流行、傳播,形成有效傳播產品訊息的行銷。 本研究是以「命中注定我愛你」偶像劇為例,由於「命中注定我愛你」偶像劇創下了台灣偶像劇歷史的最高收視紀錄,分段收視高達13.64%;另一方面本劇亦獲得民國97年度廣播電視金鐘獎的「年度電視節目行銷獎」,本劇在播出期間引起平面媒體爭相報導,共計超過二百篇平面報導、網路熱烈討論,話題熱度高到平均天天平面媒體均加以報導,本劇在台灣偶像劇發展史中,的確具有指標性意義,故以「命中注定我愛你」偶像劇為研究個案。 本研究分別從話題行銷的「策略面」、「戰略面」、「執行面」加以分析,並且從「大眾傳媒通路」及「行銷工具通路」兩個面向,即傳媒通路應用的「報紙」、「電視」、「網路」、「雜誌」及行銷工具中的「活動」、「廣告」、「公關」、「DM」中,執行整合行銷傳播的應用研究, 在話題行銷的「策略面」及「戰略面」分析中是以「傳播模式」及「整合行銷傳播」加以研究,在話題行銷的「執行面」研究,是透過本劇的行銷團隊、產製劇組、媒體記者的實際訪談及相關資料加以整理分析,匯整訪談重點及行銷資料,找到「話題行銷」於「命中注定我愛你」偶像劇行銷的研究發現及結論。 / Since year 2001, Taiwanese idol drama has become the main trend of Taiwanese TV drama show. Marketing is very important in how to attract the audience in a highly competitive TV rating market. However, within the process of media marketing, the “talking point” is very significant because it is how we catch the media’s attention, has them advertise for us and how we can use the marketing implements effectively, and unifies the marketing strategies for the idol drama. “Hot topic marketing” is to set up a certain type of message that makes the peripheral products of the idol drama has its consistency. In this way, it constructs the topic and context that the media is interested. Through media’s reports and advertising, the topic becomes an interesting issue among the audience. When the audience talk about it, it become more popular so it is spread out and the marketing of product selling become even more effective. This research uses the idol drama “Fated to love you’ as an example as a case study. The drama show “Fated to love you” created the highest TV rating record among the Taiwanese idol drama records ever, and the sectional rating was high up to 13.64 %. Besides, the script also won the prize of “Yearly Best Marketing TV program” in Golden Bell Awards in year 2008. During the broadcasting time, it attracted so many print media to rival for priority to report news about the show. There were over 200 written reports writing about this drama show, and it is also been discussed through the interest ardently. The popularity was so high at the time that print media almost have reports about the show daily. Therefore, the idol drama show “Fated to love you” is very indicative in the development of Taiwanese idol drama show. This research will talk about the “maneuver aspect’, “strategic aspect”, and the “executive aspect” of hot topic marketing and using them to analyze the drama show. Also, through the dimension of using “Mass Media approach” such as newspapers, television, internet, and magazines;“Marketing implements approach” such as propaganda activities, advertisement, relations, and flyers, we can execute the applied research study on integrated marketing dissemination. Within the analysis on the aspect of “maneuver” and “strategy” on buzz marketing, I put emphasis on “Communication Model system” and “Integrated Marketing Communication in particular. I found some discoveries and conclusion on hot topic marketing within the drama show “Fated to love you” through analyzing our marketing team, production group, reporters actual interviews and other related data.

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