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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王怡澄 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解大學生的完美主義、自我效能與生活適應之現況及三者間的關係,並探討大學生完美主義及自我效能對生活適應之預測及交互作用。本研究以問卷調查研究法蒐集台灣北部505位公私立大專院校學生之資料。研究者根據樣本在「完美主義量表」、「一般自我效能量表」及「大學生生活適應量表」之反映資料,分別以描述統計、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸及階層迴歸進行統計分析。研究之主要結果如下: 一、大學生的完美主義程度屬於中偏低的程度;大學生的一般自我效能及生活適應均屬於中偏高的程度。 二、大學生在完美主義總分及各向度(自我要求、符合他人期待、過度在意)、一般自我效能、生活適應總分及各向度(目標、學業、情緒、社會)彼此間大部分有顯著的關係。 三、大學生的完美主義、一般自我效能能顯著預測生活適應總分及各向度,其中以「過度在意」完美主義傾向與「一般自我效能」最能預測整體及各向度生活適應。 四、大學生的一般自我效能只在「符合他人期待」完美主義傾向及「學業適應」上產生負向調節效果,在其他層面的生活適應上,則無顯著的調節效果。 最後研究者根據本研究結果加以討論,並提出具體建議,以供大學諮商輔導相關人員及未來研究者參考。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship of perfectionism, self-efficacy and life adjustment, as well as, the interaction effect of perfectionism and self-efficacy on life adjustment among college students. Five hundred and five undergraduate students from northern Taiwan participated in this study and responded to the following self-report measures: a reasercher-developed perfectionism scale, the General Self-Efficacy Scale, and the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire. Discriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation, and a series of stepwise and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were conducted to analyze the data. Major findings of this study were as follows: I.College students scored medium-to-low level on perfectionism and medium-to-high level on self-efficacy and life-adjustment. II.The correlations among Overall / dimentional perfectionism (self-oriented, others-oriented, overly- anxious), self-efficacy and overall / dimentional life adjustment (goal, academic, emotional, social) were mostly significant. III.Perfectionism and self-efficacy could significantly predict overall and dimentional life adjustment in college students, among which overly-anxious perfectionism and self-efficacy were the two most mojor factors in predicting college life adjustments. IV.Self-efficacy showed negative moderating effect between others-oriented perfectionism and school adjustment. No significant moderating effect was found between perfectionism and other dimentions of college adjustment. Lastly, practical implications of the findings and directions for further research were discussed.


陳昭男 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,人們越來越重視健康生活的重要性,除了防止疾病的發生,更希望追求健康生活所帶來的身體健壯以及精力充沛的滿足感,是以本研究從更廣泛性的健康生活定義出發,探究人們對採取健康生活方式之意願為何。 更由於過去研究甚少針對心理層面來探討健康議題,本研究以調節焦點理論為基礎,探討不同調節焦點傾向的健康訊息框架配適下,造成的說服效果。而由於不同調節焦點的個人其目標導向的不同,在動機層面上會有不同的心理路徑,故本研究最後瞭解不同心理路徑之中介效果為何。 而本研究結果顯示: 1. 當健康訴求訊息框架與個人調節焦點配適下,會產生較佳效果的訊息說服效果,個人的健康生活意願也會更強。 2. 預防焦點傾向之個人,當其接收到預防焦點訴求訊息後,此框架配適會影響個人的知覺風險,進而影響其健康生活意願,屬於「部分中介」。 3. 促進焦點傾向之個人,當其接收到促進焦點訴求訊息後,此框架配適會影響個人的自我效能,進而影響其健康生活意願,屬於「完全中介」。


趙于萱 Unknown Date (has links)
本文肇始於民國99年公務人員考績法修正草案所引發的爭議,並基於政策執行研究最常關切的重點─徒法不足以自行的事實,希望透過質性研究方法,從實際執行績效考核工作之第一線主管人員的心理層面進行探究,歸納形塑考核者動機之因素,以進一步了解考核者動機對考核決策之影響,並以學校組織中的考核者為研究對象。 藉由Decotiis與Petit於1978年提出的績效考核過程模型,以及Harris於1994年提出的考核者動機模型,抽取與本文研究興趣有關的因素,重新進行歸納,建構本研究的概念架構,並以此概念架構作為訪談設計、資料蒐集、資料分析,以及詮釋績效考核執行實務的脈絡依據。概念架構中,尚運用對描述個體實際決策行為特別具有解釋力的展望理論(Prospect Theory),以其概念,對考核者作決策時的心理運作機制作更深刻的詮釋與理解。 研究結果發現,考核者因對制度執行成效普遍缺乏信任感而損及其對於績效考核的重要性認知、考核者因對執行考核工作的自我效能感不佳而選擇採用可規避衝突與責任的第三種策略評價、考核者關切考核決策所引發的效應甚於達成考核制度所強調的獎優汰劣目標、限制考列等次比例使考核執行成果難以兼顧實質公平性、考核參與機制已然成為考核者規避考核責任的最佳途徑,以及考核者作決策時的心理運作機制為影響績效考核執行成敗的關鍵因素。最後,學校之組織特性框架雖與一般行政機關有異,然該研究場域中之考核者在制度執行層面的看法與作法卻未有太大差異,此或可歸結於績效考核的制度規範密度過高所致。 基於前述研究發現,本文針對績效考核制度提出兩點省思:(一)考列等次比例限制仍為問題根源、(二)考核改革宜跳脫捨本逐末的「症狀解」思維。再自前述之研究發現及省思觀點延伸思考,據以提出三點建議:(一)改革初期應著重獎優甚於汰劣,以幫助考核者重拾對績效考核的信任感、(二)運用訓練及經驗分享,以提升主管對績效考核的重要性認知與執行知能、(三)讓其他次要管理者或受考人的主要服務對象加入共同進行考核評價,以淡化績效考核主觀性、分散考核者單一評價責任,並提升考核評價的正當性基礎。

國中學生知覺教師正向心理特質與學習自我效能之相關研究 / A study on the relationship between the perception of Teachers’ positive psychological traits and self-efficacy of learning for junior high students

劉宇軒 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在調查臺中市國中學生知覺教師正向心理特質與學習自我效能之現況,並探討背景因素之差異以及二者間之關係。本研究採問卷調查研究法,以臺中市國中在學學生為研究對象,以「國中學生知覺教師正向心理特質與學習自我效能量表」作為研究工具,進行問卷調查研究。正式問卷共發放544份,有效問卷共計有507份,有效率為93.2%。問卷回收之後,利用SPSS套裝軟體20版,以敘述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、積差相關以及多元迴歸等進行統計分析。研究結果歸納如下: 一、國中學生學習自我效能的現況屬於中間偏高的程度,並以「語言說服」最高,「達成目標」最低。 二、國中學生知覺教師正向心理特質的現況屬於中間偏高程度,並以「內在動機」最高,以「正向情緒」最低。 三、在「性別」變項中,女性學生的學習自我效能高於男性學生。 四、在「年級」變項中,一年級學生的學習自我效能高於二年級、三年級學生,但二年級與三年級之間並無差異。 五、在「父母教育程度」變項中,父親教育程度為大學的學生,其學習自我效能高於父親教育程度為國中小的;母親教育程度為研究所的學生,其學習自我效能高於母親教育程度為大學及高中高職的。 六、在「父母職業類別」變項中,不同父親職業類別與不同母親職業類別的學生之間,其學習自我效能具有顯著差異,但各類別之間的差異情形並不明顯。 七、在「學校區域」變項中,學校區域位在「中區」和「山區」的學生,其學習自我效能程度高於學校區域位在「海區」的學生。 八、國中學生知覺教師正向心理特質與學習自我效能之間具有正相關。 九、教師正向心理特質對於學生學習自我效能具有預測效果,並以「內在動機」的預測力最佳。   最後根據以上結論,提出相關建議,作為教育行政機關、學校、教師以及未來研究者之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the perception of teachers’ positive psychological traits and self-efficacy of learning for junior high school students in Taichung City, and to explore the differences between background factors and the relationship between them. In this study, the questionnaire survey method was applied to study the students in Taichung City by using the scale of “Perception of Teachers’ Positive Traits and Self-efficacy of Learning for Junior High Students” as the instrument. 544 formal questionnaires were sent off, among which 507 questionnaires were valid.The rate of the valid questionnaires is 93.2%. After the questionnaires were collected, statistical analysis was performed with descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way mulitivariate analysis of variance, simple correlation and multiple regression analysis. The results are summarized as follows: 1.The status of students' self-efficacy is high in the middle, and the "language persuasion" is the highest and "reaching the goal" is the lowest. 2.The status of junior high school students’ perception for teachers' positive psychological traits is high in the middle and the "intrinsic motivation" is the highest and the "positive emotions" is the lowest. 3.In the "gender" variable, female students have higher self-efficacy than male students. 4.In the "grade" variable, the seventh graders have higher self-efficacy than the eighth graders and the ninth graders, but no difference was found between the latter two. 5.In the "parents’education level" variable, students whose father's education level is at college level have higher self-efficacy than those whose father's education level is at junior high school or elementary school. Students whose mather's education level is at graduate school have higher self-efficacy than those whose mather's education level is at college and senior high school or vocational school. 6.In the "parents’careers" variable, a significant difference in learning self-efficacy was found among students with different fathers’careers and different mothers' careers, but the differences between the categories are not salient. 7.In the "school district" variable, students who reside in the "Central District" and "Mountain District" in Taichung City have a higher level of self-efficacy than those in the "Sea District". 8.A positive correlation was found between the teachers’psychological traits and the self-efficacy of students. 9.Teachers' positive psychological traits have a predictive effect on students' self-efficacy of learning and predictors of "intrinsic motivation" are the best. Finally, according to the above conclusions, some recommendations have been made for the educational administration, schools, teachers and future researchers as a reference.

大學生知覺之家庭親子界限與其生涯自我效能的關係 / The Relationships between The Career Self-efficacy and Family Parental Boundaries Perceived by College Students

林惠瑜, Lin , Hei-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討不同背景變項大學生之家庭親子界限與其生涯自我效能間的關係。採用問卷調查的方式,以全國十三所公、私立學校大一到大四學生為研究對象,共計625名,並以「個人基本資料調查表」、「生涯決策自我效能量表」及「家庭親子界限量表」編製成「大學生生涯決策與家庭關係問卷」為本研究工具。調查所得資料以描述性統計、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸等統計方法進行處理。研究之主要發現如下: 一、不同性別、年級、生涯發展定向情形之大學生的家庭親子界限有所差異。 二、不同年級、科系、修課狀況(是否雙主修或輔系)、打工經驗、生涯發展定向情形之大學生的生涯自我效能有所差異。再者,不同科系的大學生其生涯自我效能會因為打工經驗的不同而有差異。 三、背景變項與家庭親子界限對於大學生之生涯自我效能具有預測效果 (一)就全體大學生而言,「父子(女)自我認同」是大學男生生涯自我效能最主要的預測變項;「母子(女)自我認同」是大學女生生涯自我效能最主要的預測變項。本研究發現,家庭親子界限變項中同性父母對於孩子的認同是大學生生涯自我效能最主要的預測變項;另外,背景變項中生涯發展定向情形對大學生生涯自我效能最具有預測效果。 (二)不同生涯發展定向的大學生來看,不同背景變項與不同家庭親子界限對其生涯自我效能有不同預測效果。 (三)家庭親子界限對於大學男生之生涯自我效能的預測力大於大學女生。 根據本研究的發現及討論,研究者擬對大學生、父母、學校及輔導人員等相關人員和未來研究者,提出數點建議,以供參考。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between the career self-efficacy and family parental boundaries perceived by college students. Six hundred and twenty-five college students completed the Career Decision-making Self Efficacy Scale(CDMSE)developed by Hong-Hui Xie and Parental Relation-Self Boundary Scales. Data obtained was analyzed by deviation, percentage, ANOVA, post Scheffe’s test, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression. The major findings were summarized as follows: First, college students with different gender, grade, and career decision status or identity development made significant differences on their perceptions of family parental boundaries. Second, there were significant differences in CDMSE among different background variables, including grade, departments, dual-major or minor, part-time job experience, and career decision status or identity development. Third, the self-identity of parents is the best predictor of college students’ career self-efficacy, especially with the same gender as the parent. Fourth, because of the difference of college students’ career decision status or identity development, the prediction of family parental boundaries to the career self-efficacy would be different. Fifth, family parental boundaries had better predictive effect to male students than to female students. According to the conclusions of the main findings, several suggestions are provided for college students, parents, related educators and counselors in the Universities, and future research.

高中新生的生涯困擾與實施團體輔導之改變效果 / The study of the career disturbance and changed effect of career group counseling of high school freshmen

吳怡君, Wu, I-Chun Unknown Date (has links)

提升減藥自我效能策略對原發性失眠患者在助眠劑逐步減藥成效的影響 / The effect of a self-efficacy enhancement strategy on hypnotic tapering in patients with primary insomnia

曾承翔 Unknown Date (has links)
研究背景與目的:2008年美國睡眠醫學會(American Academy of Sleep Medicine)對於失眠患者在助眠劑的臨床使用原則中(clinical guideline),建議初次藥物治療的時間以2至4週較為適宜,後續是否繼續用藥則須專業醫師的重新評估,以降低身體對於藥物的依賴性及副作用的風險,但實際上許多失眠患者因擔心停用助眠劑就無法入眠,因此仍長期使用助眠劑。目前臨床上大都採用逐步減藥的方式協助患者降低助眠劑的使用,除了藥物因素會影響減藥成效之外,從心理因素來看,在過去研究指出自我效能會影響健康行為的改變,因此本研究將比較逐步減藥計畫加上提升減藥自我效能策略與單獨逐步減藥計畫對於原發性失眠患者在減藥上的成效。 研究方法:本研究的原發型失眠患者共48人(男17人,女31人,平均年齡46.8歲,平均使用助眠劑66.7個月),被分為兩組進行10週的減藥介入計畫,一組為自我效能提升組(n=24),受試者減藥前先接受為期兩週的提升減藥自我效能策略,再進行8週的逐步減藥計畫,另一組為單純減藥組(n=24),受試者只進行8週的逐步減藥計畫。受試者每週均需填寫睡眠日誌、單題減藥自我效能量尺,以瞭解睡眠參數、減藥自我效能及助眠劑使用之情況。 研究結果:減藥成效方面,自我效能提升組在減少劑量的百分比顯著高於單純減藥組(自我效能提升組=78.62%;單純減藥組=64.10%),且自我效能提升組在減藥前後劑量的改變也顯著高於單純減藥組(自我效能提升組=4.35顆/週;單純減藥組=3.22顆/週),自我效能提升組在停藥人數的百分比上雖未顯著高於單純停藥組(自我效能提升組=29.2%;單純減藥組=16.7%),但就整體結果來看均較為支持自我效能提升組在減藥的成效上是優於單純減藥組。減藥自我效能方面,在控制住第1週的減藥自我效能後,提升減藥自我效能策略造成的減藥自我效能改變量仍可以有效解釋21.9%的減藥百分比。 研究結論:自我效能提升組增加的提升減藥自我效能策略能有助於個案在執行逐步減藥計畫的成效,另外,提升減藥自我效能策略造成的減藥自我效能改變量是減藥百分比有效的預測因子。因此,減藥自我效能對於減藥成效來說,確實是一個可以著力的部分。 / Introduction:According to the 2008 clinical guidelines for insomnia by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine proposed, hypnotic use is recommended for short-term use for 2 to 4 weeks. However, many insomnia patients have difficulty to stop hypnotic use. In clinic practices, gradual tapering is usually applied in helping patients to reduce the hypnotic use. Previous studies have shown that self-efficacy of the patients are associated with medication tapering. The present study examine the effect of the institution of a self-efficacy enhancement strategy prior to gradual tapering plan on hypnotic tapering in patients with primary insomnia. Methods:Forty-eight patients with primary insomnia (17 men, 31 women;mean age of 46.8 years;mean duration of hypnotics use of 66.7 months) were assigned to two groups: a self-efficacy enhancement group and a tapering group. Patients in the self-efficacy enhancement group (n=24) underwent a two-week self-efficacy enhancement strategy prior to an eight-week gradual tapering plan. Patients in the tapering group (n=24) participated in the eight-week gradual tapering plan only. The main outcome measures were sleep parameters from sleep diary, a single-item tapering self-efficacy rating scale, number of pills taken per week, and percentage of dosage reduction. Results:The percentage of dosage reduction of patients in the self-efficacy enhancement group was significantly more than those in the tapering group (the self-efficacy enhancement group = 78.62%;the tapering group = 64.10%). The number of pills taken per week also showed significantly more reduction for patients in the self-efficacy enhancement group than those in the tapering group (the self-efficacy enhancement group = 4.35 pills per week;the tapering group = 3.22 pills per week). However, the percentage of drug-free patients at the end of the programs in the self-efficacy enhancement group was not significant different from those in the tapering group (the self-efficacy enhancement group = 29.2%;the tapering group = 16.7%). Overall, the effect of hypnotic tapering in the self-efficacy enhancement group was better than those in the tapering group. In addition, linear regression showed that the tapering self-efficacy data showed that, after controlling baseline tapering self-efficacy, the change of tapering self-efficacy following the first two weeks of self-efficacy enhancement strategy can explain the variation of percentage of dosage reduction up to 21.9%. Conclusions:The institution of self-efficacy enhancement strategy can increase the efficacy of gradual tapering plan for hypnotics. In addition, the level of tapering self-efficacy enhanced by the self-efficacy enhancement strategy is a good predictor for dosage reduction. This is a useful strategy that can be applied in clinical settings.

澳門小學生運動自我效能與運動社會支持對運動行為之相關研究 / Correlational study of self-efficacy and social support in sport and in relation to exercise behavior of Macau primary school students

徐雪盈 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education


翁子雯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是以高中職實習教師為對象,探討高中職實習教師工作壓力與教師自我效能關係,並探究相關背景變項(如:性別、實習地區、實習時間、教育背景等)之差異性,藉以提出相關建議,作為師資培育機構及實習學校等相關單位之參考。 本研究提出的研究目的如下: 一、探討不同背景變項高中職實習教師工作壓力的差異情形。 二、瞭解不同背景變項高中職實習教師教師自我效能之差異情形。 三、分析高中職實習教師工作壓力與教師自我效能之間關係。 四、探討高中職實習教師工作壓力對教師自我效能的預測功能。 本研究是以問卷調查的方式,針對基隆市、台北市、台北縣及桃園縣四縣市,共610位公私立高中職實習教師進行調查,問卷調查資料以單因子變異數(one-way ANOVA)、皮爾森積差相關分析(Pearson product-moment correlation)及多元迴歸分析(stepwise multiple regression)進行統計分系,其獲得結果如下: 一、除了實習時間外,不同背景(different variables)的實習教師之工作壓力皆有顯著差異(significant correlation)。 二、不同背景高中職實習教師自我效能,在性別、實習時間、教育背景、學校性質及實習任教領域等四項,有達到顯著性差異。 三、工作壓力之「工作負擔」與教師自我效能之「一般教學效能」呈現顯著的負相關(significant negative correlation);工作壓力之「人際互動」與教師自我效能之「一般教學效能」呈現顯著的負相關;工作壓力之「教學與管教」與教師自我效能之「個人教學效能」,及「一般教學效能」,均呈現顯著的負相關。 四、工作壓力之教學與管教對教師自我效能具有預測力。 五、高中職實習教師在實習過程中,快樂感受達四成,有壓力感受近三成。 根據以上之分析,提出以下之建議: 一、教育行政機關可擬定實習學校的評鑑機制。 二、建議採取教師資格檢定「先考後實習」兩階段篩選制度。 三、師資培育機構應訂定一套完整的師資培育計畫。 四、強化女性實習教師教師自我效能。 五、實習學校應營造健全的實習輔導制度。 六、實習學校應規劃及輔導實習教師未來生涯發展。 七、私立高職應訂定相關之輔導措施。 八、實習教師應做好自我調適,以因應實習工作。 九、實習教師應做好時間管理,擬定未來生涯發展。 / The object of this study is to inter teachers in senior high school. Search and probe the relationship between job stress and teacher self-efficacy, and study relevant background variables (ex. sex, inter region, inter time period, education background), and then propose related suggestions. The purposes of this study are: 1.To explore different variable on job stress affecting inter teachers in senior high school. 2.To understand different variable on teacher self-efficacy for the inter teachers in senior high school. 3.To analysis the relationship between job stress and teacher self-efficacy for the inter teachers in senior high school. 4.To explore the predictable functions on the job stress and teacher self-efficacy for the inter teachers in senior high school. The study is conducted by the survey method. We survey 610 inter teachers in Keelung city, Taipei city, Taipei county, and Taoyuang county, we statistically analysis the questionnaires by using one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. The major finding of this research are as follows: 1. Except inter time period, inter teacher with different variables should significant correlation on job stress. 2. Inter teacher in senior high school on self-efficacy with different background showed significant correlation on sex of person, inter time period, educational background, the nature of school, and inter teaching region. 3.“Job burden” under the category of “job stress”, and “general teaching efficacy” under the category of “teacher self-efficacy” showed significant negative correlation. “human interaction” under the category of “job stress” and “general teaching efficacy” under the category of “teacher self-efficacy” revealed significant negative correlation. “teaching and discipline” under the category of “job stress” and “personal teaching efficacy” and “general teaching efficacy” showed significant negative correlation. 4.“Teaching and discipline” under the category of “job stress” revealed predictable effect on inter teacher self-efficacy. 5. During inter time period, 40% of teachers enjoyed happiness. 30% under job stress. According to the above observation and analysis, we propose following suggestions: 1.Educational executive organization should draft or establish school evaluation institution. 2.Suggest two-steps selecting inter teaching system--“test first”, “inter latter”. 3.Teacher breeding organization should settle a complete plan on teacher breeding program. 4.Enhance the self-efficacy function of female inter teachers. 5.Inter school should build a sound “inter assist and guide system”. 6.Inter school should plan and assist inter teacher’s future career development. 7.Private vocational school should build assist-related procedures. 8.Inter teacher should prepare for self-adjustment in order to accommodate or fit into inter works. 9.Inter teacher should pay more attention on time-management plan for the future career development.

學科型教室與學習自我效能之研究:以政大附中國中部學生為例 / A study on variation type classroom and academic self-efficacy: An example of junior high students in AHS of NCCU

林韋秀, Lin, Wei-Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解政大附中學科型教室之規劃理念、學生使用現況、使用滿意度、使用感受與學生學習自我效能,分析不同性別學生在使用現況、滿意度、使用感受及學習自我效能之差異,探討學生學科教室滿意度與使用感受與其學習自我效能之相關,最後提出學科型教室在臺灣規劃實施之相關建議俾供參考。   本研究以政大附中國中部學生(有效樣本158人)為問卷調查對象,以秘書及各班副班長共六人為訪談對象,並以其中二班學生一日作息、在學科教室、班級基地、教學研究室及討論室中從事特定活動之學生(共計931人次),以及學科教室之設備與佈置情形為觀察對象。在資料分析上,主要採用描述性分析、次數百分比、平均數與標準差及Pearson積差相關等方法。研究結論如下: 一、政大附中學科型教室空間設備之規劃理念涵蓋班級課程、師生教學、學生置物、移動與人際交流等需求,延長下課時間以增加互動機會並使移動更平順。 二、政大附中學科型教室之國中部學生空間使用現況符合學科教室便利教與學、班級基地兼顧置物與學生交流、教學研究室方便師生談話、討論室供學生交流及停等以及學生移動便利等理念。 三、政大附中國中部學生學科型教室使用滿意度高,使用感受非常好。 四、政大附中國中部學生學習自我效能屬於普通偏高,其中以言語說服、生理狀態及樂意學習三向度平均較高,而整體學習效能為女生高於男生。 五、政大附中國中部學生學科教室滿意度與使用感受與其學習自我效能為中度正相關,且學生學科教室滿意度與使用感受越高,學習自我效能也越高,高低分組在言語說服及樂意學習之差異最明顯。      研究者根據文獻探討與研究發現,提出以下幾點建議: 一、對教育機關及人員之建議 (一)學科型教室空間營運模式值得推廣。 (二)學校規劃者在規劃學科型教室空間設備時,應將校地條件、班級數、教師員額、課程設計及師生需求融入規劃考量。 (三)實施學科型教室,教室應有充足教學設備並強化學科佈置,以突顯其特色。 (四)學科教室與班級基地之配置應注意動線便利性,並配合課表強化空間機能。 (五)實施學科型教室應提供安全置物空間及便利停等設施,以減少學生移動負擔,可延長下課時間至15到20分鐘,以增加人際互動機會並使移動更平順。 (六)推行學科型教室時,學校對教師、學生及家長均需持續加強溝通與理念宣導。 (七)定期調查使用者對學科型教室運作之意見,作為對現有措施調整參考。 二、對未來相關研究之建議 (一)在研究學校的選擇上,增加研究學校,與其他學科型教室學校比較。 (二)在研究對象的選擇上,擴大研究對象,納入全校學生或教職員。 (三)在研究內容方面,拓廣研究範圍,作更完整之用後評估,探討更廣泛之學習態度及行為。 / Variation type classroom is one of the operational models of school classrooms. In this model, all classrooms belong to subject teachers instead of students of the class. It is believed that this model could help teachers teach and students learn from the results of literature review. This study examines the relationship between the using satisfaction of variation type classroom and academic self-efficacy of junior high school students in AHS of NCCU. It also examines behaviors of junior high school students in variation type classroom. There are 158 junior high school students in AHS of NCCU surveyed, the secretary and 5 assistant class leaders interviewed, and 931 person-time and 2 classrooms observed in this study. Data gathered in this study indicated the following are the other key findings in this study: 1. The planning rationale of variation type classroom in AHS of NCCU consists of the needs of teachers teaching and students learning, storage, classroom transferring, interpersonal interactions and longer class break for more interaction and smoother classroom transferring of students. 2. The junior high students’using behaviors of variation type classroom in AHS of NCCU correspond to the planning rationale of it. 3. The junior high school students in AHS of NCCU have great using satisfaction toward variation type classroom. 4. The junior high school students in AHS of NCCU have general academic self-efficacy (2.88), with higher efficacy in verbal persuasion, physiological state, and enjoyment of learning. The female junior high students have higher academic self-efficacy than the male students do. 5. There is significant mid-level correlation between the using satisfaction and academic self-efficacy of junior high school students in variation type classroom, and the higher the using satisfaction the students have, the higher their academic self-efficacy is. The major implications of this study are as follows: 1. Variation type classroom operational model is worth promoting. 2. School planner should fully consider about the ground of the school, number of classes and faculty, curricula design and needs of teachers and students when planning space and facilities of variation type classroom. 3. In the variation type classroom operational model, classrooms should be equipped with enough teaching facilities and context of subjects should be emphasized to express the strengths of this model. 4. The convenience of the routes between subject classrooms and student lockers should be considered during arrangement process of the school and in correspondence with the class schedule. 5. The school in variation type classroom should provide safe lockers and convenient facilities for stay and wait to make students move with less stuff. Longer break (15-20 minutes) could be taken into account to promote interpersonal interaction and make students’ transferring of classrooms more smoothly. 6. The school administration needs to communicate and advocate consistently with the students, their parents and the faculty about the rationale of variation type classroom. 7. The school administration could survey about the users’ using satisfaction and opinion regularly to make necessary modification of the model or space and facilities of variation type classroom.

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