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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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工業性產品的業務人員績效考核之研究 - 以個案公司為例 / A Systematic Approach to Industrial Products Salespersons Performance Appraisal - A Case Study for Company T

李漢洲, Li, Han Chou Unknown Date (has links)
工業性產品大多適用於特定之領域,具有專精及獨特性,其往往不能透過行銷方式達成或提升業績,加上產業變化快速,產品生命週期縮短,所以必須不斷開發新的產品或尋找新的市場,以維持業績的持續成長,因此業務人員之績效好壞不能以一時的業績表現做判別。 業務單位配合公司策略設定目標,有些業務屬性較傾向從事新產品開發與新市場拓展,類似打獵的獵人(Hunter),有些較傾向從事舊產品銷售與既有市場的維護,類似耕田的農夫(Farmer),業務主管(Boss) 同時兼具新產品開發與舊產品維護之責。不同類型的業務人員之績效評估,必需要有一套制度化的衡量模式,本研究採用平衡計分卡的四大構面,作為績效考核的構面,目的是希望藉此發展出全面性的評量。 本研究先利用文獻探討的方式,歸納出業務人員績效考核指標項目,再透過專家意見調查,篩選出較具重要性的指標並建構績效考核的層級架構,最後以AHP層級分析法計算出各層級及指標的權重。 本研究結果顯示,業務人員財務及顧客構面的權重合計約佔70%,但比重會依業務類型有所差異,獵人型較重視顧客構面 (25%/45%),農夫型則較重視財務構面 (45%/25%),主管則介於兩者之間。但內部及學習構面權重,則與業務類型無關,沒有明顯差異,且二者重要性相當(15%/15%)。不同類型的業務人員除BSC構面權重外,其KPI重點也不同,即使共同的KPI在不同類型業務間,總權重及排名亦有明顯差異。 與其他類似研究類結論不同 (最重視為顧客構面,財務與顧客構面佔61.8%),除構面外,次準則指標及權重也有很大差異,可能原因為產業別、受訪對象及公司文化差異所致;此外指標數多寡也會影響。

中小企業組織變革下策略人才激勵模式探討 / The Strategies of Retaining Talents for Small and Mid-Size Businesses

趙春連 Unknown Date (has links)
組織變革是企業永續經營必經之路,組織必須隨著時代與環境的變化而改變。企業是由人所結合而成的組織,人員的良莠程度也直接影響企業的產出效能。其中除了人員自身的本質學能外,其面對工作時的態度也會是非常關鍵的因素之一,在企業選才時也是列為重點考量,常常呈現對態度(如勤勉審慎性)的考量甚至高於工作技能,再次印證企業必須找對的人上車才能讓企業的運作永續經營。 台灣的產業結構中,為數眾多的中小企業佔全體公司總數的97.73%,成為影響產業成長的重要因素。但是中小企業因為資源(如資金、商譽、能力等等)與大企業比較之下相對缺乏,形成人才競爭下的弱勢群體。如何可以吸引到適當的人才加入,輔以適當的人員培訓,打造企業可用之才,協助企業成長茁壯,成為中小企業十分頭痛的重要課題。 此外,企業在成長過程中經常面臨各種不同的問題與阻礙,組織也須隨著當時的環境與長期目標而進行變革。在組織變革過程中,運用現有的資源配置與組織架構的調整,同時訂定對員工及組織有利的明確變革計畫,並提供完整的步驟及對策,藉此激勵員工,期能獲取新的機會。中小企業如何在資源制約的情形下,突破制約來建構企業的人才策略?該人才策略如何因應組織變革而隨之調整,其調整的重點又應該為何?如何透過激勵來強化員工向心力?以上三個問題成為本研究聚焦的重點。 當環境變化快速又不可預測時,組織要擁有競爭優勢與穩定成長,就必須能夠改善現有產品與創新兼容並蓄,在兩者之間取得動態平衡。所以組織必須一方面運用改善提升來確保現有的能力,另一方面又要發展創新來確保未來的能力。以上兩者必須要擁有創新人才與核心團隊,才能立於不敗之地。 研究發現,在資源制約下中小企業人才策略的建構與執行更加不易,各個階段的人才策略與激勵方式所側重的議題皆有不同。例如當企業轉型時的人才策略著重於找尋有創新能力的人才,協助企業轉換到新的領域,鼓勵創新活動在組織之中進行;當功能部門擴增時著重找尋獨立作戰且可以制定作業標準的人才,健全組織效能,激勵重點在於強化執行效能;當組織功能性齊備後需要大幅增加業務能量、提昇業績成長時需要尋找可以開疆闢土、帶來持續成長的人才,激勵的重點是鼓勵全員銷售,塑造大力開創氛圍。最終希望透過本研究提供中小企業在制約下進行組織變革時人才策略之參考。 / Business organizations are made of various groups of people. The experience, talents, and attitudes among the people have direct impact to the success of an organization. The knowledge and skills of the staff are important, but the staff’s attitude toward their job is crucial. When selecting the right talents, we should consider their skillsets as well as their attitude and aptitude. In Taiwan, most of the manufacturing companies are small to midsize businesses. They are accounted for about 97.73% of the all manufacturing organizations in Taiwan. There are limitations to the organizational growth due to lack of resources for those small to midsize companies. It is difficult to compete with the larger manufacturing enterprises because of this reason. It is critical for the small to midsize manufacturing companies to develop plans for attracting and retaining the key talents to grow the businesses. In addition to lack of resources, the small and midsize companies face business challenges constantly. In this study, we point out 3 areas of focus for the small and midsize businesses to address to improve the talent resource issues. (1) What kind of talent hiring and retaining strategy should an organization have? (2) What kind of the talent hiring and retaining strategy should an organization have during the business transitions? (3) What is the incentive for the talents to stay? In conclusion, it is extremely difficult to establish and execute the talent hiring and retaining plan for the small and midsize manufacturing companies, because the talent hiring and retaining plan varies depending on the stage of transitions for a company. For example, when a company is transitioning to a different area of expertise, then the talent of creativity is needed to be able to break through the existing limitations. When a company is expanding, then the talent of self-motivation and well-organization is needed to lead the effort of expanding. When a company has reached the planned transition and expansion, then the talent of leadership is needed to continue the growth and plan for future transitions and expansions. Hopefully, the examples given in this study can be a reference for the small and midsize manufacturing companies.


趙于萱 Unknown Date (has links)
本文肇始於民國99年公務人員考績法修正草案所引發的爭議,並基於政策執行研究最常關切的重點─徒法不足以自行的事實,希望透過質性研究方法,從實際執行績效考核工作之第一線主管人員的心理層面進行探究,歸納形塑考核者動機之因素,以進一步了解考核者動機對考核決策之影響,並以學校組織中的考核者為研究對象。 藉由Decotiis與Petit於1978年提出的績效考核過程模型,以及Harris於1994年提出的考核者動機模型,抽取與本文研究興趣有關的因素,重新進行歸納,建構本研究的概念架構,並以此概念架構作為訪談設計、資料蒐集、資料分析,以及詮釋績效考核執行實務的脈絡依據。概念架構中,尚運用對描述個體實際決策行為特別具有解釋力的展望理論(Prospect Theory),以其概念,對考核者作決策時的心理運作機制作更深刻的詮釋與理解。 研究結果發現,考核者因對制度執行成效普遍缺乏信任感而損及其對於績效考核的重要性認知、考核者因對執行考核工作的自我效能感不佳而選擇採用可規避衝突與責任的第三種策略評價、考核者關切考核決策所引發的效應甚於達成考核制度所強調的獎優汰劣目標、限制考列等次比例使考核執行成果難以兼顧實質公平性、考核參與機制已然成為考核者規避考核責任的最佳途徑,以及考核者作決策時的心理運作機制為影響績效考核執行成敗的關鍵因素。最後,學校之組織特性框架雖與一般行政機關有異,然該研究場域中之考核者在制度執行層面的看法與作法卻未有太大差異,此或可歸結於績效考核的制度規範密度過高所致。 基於前述研究發現,本文針對績效考核制度提出兩點省思:(一)考列等次比例限制仍為問題根源、(二)考核改革宜跳脫捨本逐末的「症狀解」思維。再自前述之研究發現及省思觀點延伸思考,據以提出三點建議:(一)改革初期應著重獎優甚於汰劣,以幫助考核者重拾對績效考核的信任感、(二)運用訓練及經驗分享,以提升主管對績效考核的重要性認知與執行知能、(三)讓其他次要管理者或受考人的主要服務對象加入共同進行考核評價,以淡化績效考核主觀性、分散考核者單一評價責任,並提升考核評價的正當性基礎。

國民中學教職員工人格特質對反生產行為之影響:以績效考核公平為調節 / Research on the influence of teaching and administrative staffs' personality characteristics on counterproductive work behavior : Performance appraisal justice as a moderator

曾繁揚, Tzeng, Fan Yang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討人格特質、績效考核公平感與反生產行為之間相互關係,透過匿名的問卷,調查342位任職於臺北市及新北市的教職員工。分析結果指出,嚴謹性、友善性、開放性及神經質人格,皆能有效地預測反生產行為。 進一步檢視績效考核公平各構面在人格特質與反生產行為間的調節效果,研究發現分配公平能有效調節。本研究運用結構方式模型測試,分析各公平構面的調節情形,分析結果分配公平具有最佳的調節效果。 建議教育主管機關及人員可透過增進組織之公平相關政策,降低反生產行為之發生。 / The study examined the interrelation of personality characteristics, performance appraisal justice and counterproductive work behavior(CWB). An anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted, with 342 teaching and administrative staffs in Taipei and New Taipei city. Statistical analysis indicated that CWB can be predicted by the following personality characteristics; conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness and neuroticism. Moderation analysis discovered that the association between personality characteristics and CWB is moderated by distributive justice. Structural Equation Modelling was adopted in order to examine the efficacy of the identified moderators, and revealed that distributive justice has the strongest moderating effect. Implications of the findings to organizational management and personnel practitioners are discussed accordingly, including; that the occurrence of CWB could be reduced through the implementation of organizational justice enhancement policies.

會計師事務所向上績效評估制度之探討 / Discussion on the Upward Appraisal System of Accounting Firm

張博翔, Chang, Bor Shyang Unknown Date (has links)
我國近年勞工意識抬頭,受雇者日漸重視自身工作權益,罷工運動頻傳,其中,工會理事表示,過去上對下的單向考評制度並不公平,因此,工會所訴求之員工績效評估方式,不再只是主管打員工的考績,而是雙向評估,亦即,員工亦打主管的考績。會計師事務所為服務型組織,成敗基於人,故衡量成員之績效相當重要。因此,本文以其員工之績效評估為例,探討其適當之績效評估制度為何。本研究以問卷方式蒐集資料,並以我國大專院校之會計系、所學生為受測對象。透過情境設計,結合不同績效評估制度,以了解並推論會計師事務所員工對向上績效評估制度公平程度之認知。本研究之結論有二,第一,會計師事務所員工對績效評估制度公平程度之認知,會受到向上績效評估影響,且在有向上績效評估時,認為績效評估制度比較公平。第二,向上績效評估結果是否納入受評主管之年底績效,會影響員工對績效評估制度公平程度之認知,且當該結果納入績效時,員工認為績效評估制度比較公平。易言之,當向上績效評估結果無法直接影響受評主管之年底績效,員工仍認為事務所之績效評估制度有欠公平。 / Labor consciousness is rising in recent years, and labor are paying more and more attention to their interest. The director of a labor union after one striking activity pointed out that the traditional (top-down) performance evaluation approach is unfair, and requested for a two-way performance evaluation approach, that is, subordinate also evaluate the performance of their supervisor in addition to the traditional way. This research studies the performance evaluation system of accounting firm, for it is a service organization, it’s very important to measures the performance of members, and establishing an appropriate performance evaluation system is an continuing challenge for them. To infer the perception regarding the fairness of performance evaluation of the staff of the accounting firm, the research uses method of questionnaire survey to collect data, a combination of different performance evaluation systems with designed context is embedded in the questionnaire. Students of the department of accounting of universities participate in the experiment. There are two findings. First, the perception of fairness of performance evaluation system by the staff of the accounting firm will be affected by the upward appraisal system. Moreover, the performance evaluation system will be considered fair when there is an upward appraisal system. Second, the staff’s perception of fairness of performance evaluation system will also be affected if the results of upward appraisal system is counted as the performance of the supervisor. Furthermore, the performance evaluation system will be considered fair when the results of upward appraisal system will be counted as the supervisor’s performance. In other words, the performance evaluation system will be considered unfair if the results of upward appraisal system have no direct impact on the supervisor’s performance.

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