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以展望理論修正GCMG模型:集中交易市場的配適度分析徐心傳 Unknown Date (has links)
由於經濟體系中的”複雜性”使得標準財務理論的研究受到了侷限,有鑑於傳統財務理論對於厚尾現象等”stylized facts”並無法提出有效的解釋,近年來由物理學學者所發展出的”物理經濟學派”開始嘗試使用agent-based model(ABM)的電腦模擬技術來替代以常態隨機漫步理論作為資產變動路徑的假設;許多的實證研究都顯示:高頻率的集中交易市場之資產價格波動具有”scaling behavior”的現象,同時報酬率尾端的機率分配較常態分配所描述的更為極端;因此Mantegna認為報酬率應服從TLF分配。而由Neil Johnson所提出的grand canonical minority game(GCMG)可以在簡單的模型架構下有效地模擬出金融市場的特質,因而可以解釋標準財務理論之不足。
本論文為了檢視GCMG模型使否可以有效解釋台灣股票市場的特質,採用Mantegna演算法估計Levy分配之參數α,並比較其與集中交市場的真實價格分配是否一致,以此來檢測模型是否可以用來解釋台灣股票交易市場之性質。為了真實捕捉經濟個體之決策行為模式,本研究修改了GCMG中對於策略評價採線性的方式,取而代之的是採取諾貝爾獎得主Kanehman所提出的展望理論架構來捕捉真實投資人對於正負報酬會具有不同風險傾向的心理特質。由於MG模型具有”phase transiton”之特質,本論文對GCMG模型進行測試後發現市場波動度與記憶之間呈現嚴格負相關,其原因來自於GCMG對於投資人信心水準之假設。市場配適度分析則顯示GCMG在m=10時最為接近實際市場之α值,但仍有顯著的差異,顯示出模擬股價路徑較接近常態分配。而以展望理論修改評價函數後,雖然可以有效地使模擬股價路徑更為穩定,但仍無法改善GCMG模型的模擬股價路徑較實際市場變動更接近常態分配的缺點。很顯然地,模型架構過於簡化是造成此現象的可能原因;特別是台灣股票市場的制度性因素:散戶市場 以及漲跌幅限制等,都是造成模型配適度不高之原因。
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框架與逃漏稅--展望理論在教師課稅問題之研究王惠屏 Unknown Date (has links)
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混合利得與混合損失對處分效果的影響 / Mixed Gain and Mixed Loss affects the Disposition Effect劉淑華 Unknown Date (has links)
We try to provide reasonable explanations for the equity premium puzzle by the mental account, prospect theory, disposition effect and hedonic editing. This study examine how do investor trade in relation to their holding portfolio gains and losses? The empirical evidence suggests that investor are more likely to segregated gains and integrated losses, in accordance with disposition effect and hedonic edition. In other words, investor are more likely to longer holding losing trade than winning trade, because selling at losing trades would cause great suffering. We find that investor tend to longer holding mixed gains than mixed big losses. In face of mixed big losses, they are relatively rational, inconsistent disposition effect. Our empirical find that highest wealth level‘s traders and experienced traders suffer loss, they are relatively rational.
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退休金長期預期報酬率與盈餘管理及展望理論之研究 / The Relation between expected rate of return on pension plans and earnings management, prospect theory.徐培蕙, Hsu, Pei Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本文討論退休金長期預期報酬率之設定。根據會計公報規定,公司之退休金長期預期報酬率必須符合其資產配置。但是在本文中我們發現資產配置並無法有效的反應公司的退休金長期預期報酬率,因此我們提出展望理論及盈餘管理兩種理論來解釋退休金長期預期報酬率之設定。我們發現經理人企圖透過改變退休金長期預期報酬率的假設來進行盈餘管理,同時退休金長期預期報酬率也會因為公司的風險態度而有所改變。 / Abstract: We try to find out the considerations for managers to set their assumptions of expected long term rate of return on pension plan assets (ROPA). First, we use the asset allocations of pension funds and historical returns to calculate the expected rate of return based on historical asset returns (EROPA). There is difference between ROPA are EROPA, suggests that asset allocations are not the only consideration when managers setting their ROPA assumption. Two theories are examined in this paper to explain such difference between ROPA and EROPA: earnings management and prospect theory. We use two models to test the earnings management, single accrual model and threshold model. We find that the intentions to smooth the reported income are the main incentives for managers to manipulation their ROPA. The incentive to do earnings management can partly explain the difference between ROPA and EROPA. However, in threshold model, we can not observe any evidence in our research. We also introduce prospect theory to examine the risk attitude. We find that managers’ risk attitude affect the setting of assumptions, too. We conclude prospect theory provides a good explanation of the difference between ROPA and EROPA.
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公務人員考核動機與決策之研究:臺北市立高級中等學校職員為例趙于萱 Unknown Date (has links)
藉由Decotiis與Petit於1978年提出的績效考核過程模型,以及Harris於1994年提出的考核者動機模型,抽取與本文研究興趣有關的因素,重新進行歸納,建構本研究的概念架構,並以此概念架構作為訪談設計、資料蒐集、資料分析,以及詮釋績效考核執行實務的脈絡依據。概念架構中,尚運用對描述個體實際決策行為特別具有解釋力的展望理論(Prospect Theory),以其概念,對考核者作決策時的心理運作機制作更深刻的詮釋與理解。
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中國大陸大學生在港澳台之跨境經驗及展望個案 / Cross-border Experiences and Perceptions of Mainland Chinese University Students in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan柯塞恩 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過質性研究方法與資料,發現選擇就讀於特別行政區域(SARs)的中國大陸學生,是因為地緣位置接近、文化、語言相同性及相對的教育價值等因素。這些中國學生也被視為特別行政區域(SARs)及海外的潛在移民者。本研究亦透過問卷訪問在台灣就讀的陸生,這些在台陸生仍是相對未被深入研究的人口群體。此份研究成果適合用於教育學、移民學以及社會學,亦對兩岸學術研究者具有重要的參考價值。 / Hong Kong and Macau's education systems are perceived to be part of their European legacy which is highly regarded in mainland China, especially among China's new urban elite. Along with a consistent increase in demand for an English education, universities in Hong Kong and Macau are henceforth experiencing rapid growth in enrollment of students from mainland China, who are ever more present in the Special Administrative Regions' (SARs) societies. Moreover, mainland Chinese students studying in Taiwanese universities just recently commenced in 2011 and it is a policy in its infancy. This study aims to analyze mainland Chinese students' perception of Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan before and after arriving, define a new demographic of elite mainland Chinese students in these three regions, and draw potential social implications these students have for their respective host societies and Chinese society. This study used qualitative research methods and data to confirm that mainland students who chose to study in the SARs because of closer location, cultural and linguistic familiarity and relative value of education. They were also considered potential immigrants to the SARs and abroad. This study provides insight using primary source data on mainland students in Taiwan, which remains a relatively un-researched demographic. This study is applicable to disciplines such as education studies, immigration, and sociology. Information from this study may also be of interest to those who study cross-strait studies, as mainland Chinese students studying in Taiwanese universities just recently commenced in 2011 and it is a policy in its infancy. Hence, this may have implications for future cross-strait policy changes.
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快樂編輯與投資人類型 / Hedonic editing and trader types朱孝宗 Unknown Date (has links)
Hedonic Editing is a theory of behavioral finance based on prospect theory, attempting to predict whether individuals would segregate or integrate multiple outcomes to achieve to highest perceived value. We test the theory by an actual market data in Taiwan Futures Exchange. If the hypothesis holds, we should observe that investors would integrate losses more frequently than gains and integrate smaller losses with larger gains rather than the other way around. However, results do not support the hypotheses totally. We further test the theory by different trader types. Results show that domestic individuals exhibit the strongest biases of hedonic editing, followed by domestic corporations, and foreign institutions.
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展望理論下機構投資者之動態資產配置 / Dynamic Asset Allocation of Institutional Investors with Prospect Theory郭志安, Guo, Zion Unknown Date (has links)
跳躍模式所帶來的不同衝擊時所產生的不同回應。本研究發現即使面對相同的投資環境,機構投資者仍然會因為本身所處的狀態不同而有不一樣的投資決策,這個結果迥異於傳統的理論模型,是一個相當有趣且值得進一步研究的議題。此外,本研究還發現損失趨避係數在不同的狀況之下會分別發揮不同的影響力,對損失趨避係數在財務理論上的意義提供了另一個新的視野。 / Institutional investors do matter in financial market, but most of the studies on institutional investors have not determined holdings of different assets by institutional investors. Institutional investors who receive payments and deposits from their customers but they are also subject to withdrawals from them. Compared with individual investors, institutional investors do bear the extra risk that evokes from individual investors. Appling dynamic programming approach, we derive the optimal dynamic asset allocation of institutional investors. In chapter 2, we find that the optimal dynamic asset allocation of the institutional investor with exponential utility function contains two components: the benchmark hedge component and the intertemporal-size hedge component. The benchmark hedge component indicates that the institutional investor takes care of the volatility of benchmark portfolio. The intertemporal-size hedge component provides a possible solution to asset allocation puzzle and depicts that the position of risky assets held by the institutional investor is inversively proportional with its total net managed assets. In chapter 3, we take operating cost into account and find that the optimal dynamic asset allocation of the institutional investor with revised value function will hold more risky assets when she is facing losses, and the sensitivity of loss aversion to dynamic asset allocation strategy
is inversively proportional with the absolute risk aversion coefficient, the sensitivity of flow to performance, and the management fee charged by the institutional investor. In chapter 4, we consider both the operating cost and the risk of a sudden large shock to security price into account and find that the optimal dynamic asset allocation of the institutional investor has a further component than that in chapter 3. The further component is labeled "jumps hedge component". Besides, the optimal dynamic asset allocation is divided into four situations that figure the institutional investor with different status quo will make different investment decision. It is a very surprisingly result. Furthermore, we find a very interesting phenomenon that the loss aversion coefficient plays different roles in different situations.
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理性選擇理論與國際安全研究宋蕙吟, Sung,Hui-Yin Unknown Date (has links)
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瞻前抑或顧後?2005年台北縣長選舉選民投票行為之解析何佳芬, Ho, Chia Fen Unknown Date (has links)
從本研究的結果可以得知,民眾會運用理性的標準,判斷過過去總體經濟表現與未來哪位候選人較具執政能力而決定其投票對象。顯示執政者應該以總體經濟表現以及優秀的人才,才可以吸引選民持續的支持。 / In this Study, we employ individual-level survey data collected by ‘Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study” in the 2005 Taipei Magistrate election to examine whether voters apply retrospective voting or prospective voting. We include variables such as personal well-being and national economics performance in the past ,candidate evaluation and expectations on future economic performance to see how these variables might affect their voting behavior.
We demonstrate that, after controlling demographic variables and other political attitudes, when voters consider national economy is worse off, he/she voted against the incumbent party. However, voters give greater support to candidates of the incumbent party if he/she believes this candidate is competent to govern Taipei county. Additionally, party identification still exerts a powerful influence upon the individual vote decision.
In the study, it is found that people decide their voting behavior is employ their rational calculations to examine sociotropic economic performance and candidate quality. Therefore, citizens are not fools, and the incumbent party has to realize the importance of governance and nominate qualified candidates to govern.
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