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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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教育部公費留學返國人員之調查研究 / The survey of returned MOE - sponsored overseas students

曾玉娟, Jseng, Yu-Juan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是對教育部公費留學返國人員進行調查研究,以探討教育部公費留學制度四個基本目標達成的程度、公費留學經驗與公費留學生個人發展的關係並歸納公費留學生對教育部公費留學制度的看法與建議。研究目的有六:(一)從教育部公費留學返國人員的角度來分析教育部公費留學制度四個基本目標達成的程度。(二)瞭解教育部公費留學返國人員不同的「背景變項」在「留學經驗」上的差異情形。(三)瞭解教育部公費留學返國人員同的「背景變項」在「個人發展」上的差異情形。(四)瞭解教育部公費留學返國人員的「留學經驗」與「個人發展」的關係。(五)瞭解「背景變項」對「個人發展」的預測能力。(六)瞭解教育部公費留學返國個人員對教育部公費留學制度的看法及建議。最後,本研究再根據研究結果提出建議,以作為興革教育部公費留學制度的參考。 本研究以自編之「教育部公費留學調查問卷」及 Treiman(1977)的「國際職業聲望量表」為研究工具,針對已返國並可得知其服務機關的公費留學生進行問卷調查,共發出有效問卷 789 份,回收 380 份,回收率 47.6%。統計方法係採用描述性統計分析、單因子變異數分析、薛費法事後比較、積差相關以及多元逐步迴歸分析。 研究結果如下: 一、在留學國別的限定及留學學門的規劃上,公費留學生轉換國別及學門的比例極低,公費留學生返國服務的比例上也明顯的高於自費留學生,且公費留學制度的確提供給清寒且優秀的青年學子更大向上的發展機會。所以,教育部公費留學制度可以說已達成其應有的目標。 二、26-30 歲出國的公費留學生,在語言能力的進步、個人能力、態度、觀點的改變及職業發展上顯著的高於 36 以後才出國者;而 21-35 歲間出國的留學生,在學業經驗上也顯著的優於 36 歲以後才出國的留學生。 三、取得博士學位的公費留學生在學業經驗、文化的學習經驗、回國後的留學生國語言能力、語言能力的進步上、個人能力、態度、觀點的改變及職業的發展上都顯著的高於博士後研究人員。 四、留學 3 年以上的公費留學生,其留學經驗都顯著的優於只留學 1 或 2 年的留學生。國外留學時間 5 年以上的留學生,個人能力、態度、觀點的改變及職業發展也顯著的大於只留學 1 或 2 年者。 五、在職業的取得上,「性別」及「考上的年代」造成了顯著的差異。男性及較早期出國的公費留學生認為公費留學經驗有助於在回國後取得第一份且令人滿意的職業。 六、公費留學生出國前的留學國語言能力,以讀的能力最佳,說的能力最差,且其平均數的分布偏向中低的程度,顯示出國前的語言能力待加強。 七、出國前的留學國語言能力在諸變項中最為重要,因為它是在出國時就已決定,且可以利用許多方法來加以增進,若留學生能在出國前具有較佳的語言能力,則愈容易擁有良好的留學經驗及個人發展。 八、若出國前具有良好的留學國語言能力,則回國後會有較佳的留學國語言能力。 九、公費留學生若在國外有較好的文化的學習經驗、學業經驗及語言能力的發展,則其在個人能力、態度、觀點的改變上會愈顯著。 十、公費留學生在留學其間若具有較好的文化學習經驗及學業經驗,則其回國後的職業發展會愈好。 十一、本研究回收的樣本中,有 86% 的公費留學生任教於大專院校。 根據研究結果,本研究提出以下建議: 一、改革教育部公費留學制度的建議 (一)維持提供全額補助,以取得博士學位為主的公費留學型態。 (二)公費留學年限至少三年。 (三)加強出國前的語文能力及學校教育中第二外國語的訓練。 (四)將短期進修的對象,擴及到國內博士班研究生。 (五)學門規劃透明化。 (六)可與企業界合作辦理,由雙方共同負責人才培育的工作及費用。 (七)教育部駐外單位應主動與公費留學生聯繫。 (八)設置導師制。 (九)建立公費留學生人才資料庫。 二、對未來相關研究的建議 (一)在研究樣本上:取得完整的返國公費留學生樣本,以再進行深入研究。 (二)在研究方法上:增加質的研究,以分析產生留學結果的過程及因素。 (三)在研究內容上:將取得學位的公費留學型態與短期進修性質的留學型態做一區分,釐清各自的目標和功能,並探討現有得教育部公費留學制度是否能有效的達成各自特有的目標和功能。

台灣與中國出國留學比較 / The comparison of studying abroad between Taiwan and China

羅芳倩 Unknown Date (has links)
This paper sets out from Taiwan and China’s overseas students’ numbers, countries and majors, and is aimed at the return situation and the contribution of overseas return students for further study and comparison. The research is of the opinion that because the rise of China and the reformed opening-up, the Chinese Government even places more importance on studying abroad students. Similarly, those students are even more patriotic feeling and sense of missions for their motherland. So they hope in the future they are able to return home after graduation to contribute what they had studied. Because of this, the China studying abroad students and overseas return students are increasing every year. In recent years, because Taiwan Institutes for enrollments have a substantial increase; thus, the number of Taiwan studying abroad students is far less than the number of China studying abroad students. Taking the international advanced technology, culture and management knowledge and experience back to their countries is the largest contribution to the study of education. Therefore, in the face of Taiwan students to choose to stay at home study, in fact, it will have a negative impact on Taiwan’s international competitiveness in the future. The research shows that if the number of Taiwanese studying abroad remains in the doldrums, then, the cultivation of international talents of Taiwan might occurred the fault.


王惠姬, Wang, Hui-Ji Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討自光緒七年至民國八年(十八八一-一九一九)期間,我國早期女 子留學歐美日本學生,以及在當時社會所扮演的角色。正文共有六章。第一章導論 ,說明本文研究範圍、動機與方法等。第二章女子留學教育的背景,說明女子留學 教育如何建立與有關的規程,共有二節。第三章留日女學生,分三節探討女子留日 的人數統計與分析,學校與學科以及其課外活動。第四章留學歐美的女學生,分三 節,探討其數,就讀學校、學習科目與所獲學位等。第五章女子留學教育的影響, 探討她們學成回國是否學以致用,以及服務人群的情形。第六章結論,說明本研究 的初步發現。 #2810112 #2810112

中國留學政策之研究 / The Research of Overseas Study Policy in China

張淑君 Unknown Date (has links)
無 / Overseas study has a long history in China which can even trace back to Hang Dynasty in around B.C. 200. It is always one of the most important ways to transfer and reproduce knowledge. It is also an essential indicator to evaluate the level of internationalization of higher education in modern era. China, with its growing GDP and the largest population, has always been the most potential source of international students in the world. The accumulated number of Chinese overseas students from 1978 to 2007 was 1,107,023, with an average annual growth rate of 28%. There are many important turning points along the development of overseas study in China, such as China’s entry into the United Nation in 1971 and the normalization of the Sino-U.S. diplomatic relation in 1979. Both have helped China to begin new contact with outside world and initiate many major reforms. The South Tour in 1992 was also a critical moment for overseas study in China because in this year, the ambiguous direction swinging between the capitalism and socialism was finally clarified. Through analyzing considerable quantity of related speeches and documents, this research aims to find the changes of overseas study policy before and after 1992. By making a comprehensive comparison of overseas study policy between these two stages, we came to draw the conclusions as follows:1.Overseas study policy always reflected the direction of national development in China.2.The main factor behind the policy-making of overseas study was transferred from political reason to the economic needs and manpower concern3.The influence of the state on the policy-making of overseas study always exists, but the role of state was adjusted overtime and turned into a facilitator from a controller.4.The focus was switched from the increasing of number of overseas students to the elevation of the quality and also to the recruitment of returnees. We also find that through the promotion of overseas study during the past three decades, the improvement on the elevation of its labor force and the teaching faculty has been made.

提供薩爾瓦多國民申請留學之整合服務 / Integrated Service for Study Abroad Seekers of El Salvador

高杰睿, Jarek Joaquin Garcia Rivas Unknown Date (has links)
提供薩爾瓦多國民申請留學之整合服務 / Integrated Service for Study Abroad Seekers of El Salvador


羅詩雲, Lo, Shih Yun Unknown Date (has links)
台灣文學的實質內容包含了地域性、意識型態、立場論述三大部分。而本文的研究範圍從中國新文學作家郁達夫為出發點,擬從其已結集出版的作品、文學活動史料、相關評論進行探究,視之為東亞視角下連結整個台灣文學與中國文學之間的鎖匙,以考察一個殖民時期中、日、臺文化圈的互動脈絡與發展。論文考察期間涵蓋將近一半的日治時期和戰後台灣,以郁達夫的文學文本研究範疇而論,時間上涵蓋1911年開始創作舊體詩始,直至1945年作家逝世為止;文化史料記載研究上,時間軸則起一九二○年代迄今。因此郁達夫各種文化活動的史料及報導,旁及其傳記與相關之文學、生平評論,都為本文研究之範疇。研究場域則以殖民時期郁達夫實際從事文化活動的中、日、臺三地為主要討論空間,並著力建構戰後台灣對於郁達夫的各種資料引介上,企求郁達夫文學與台灣文學之間相互作用的時空場域,解析各時期的文學生態環境和價值取向之內涵。 本文所討論的不僅是郁達夫本身的文學成就,其與日本近代文學、台灣文學的內外在聯繫與受容亦是本文所論述的焦點。將台灣文學結合中國新文學作家的研究,藉由當時代報紙、期刊的文學討論、評論、編輯記事、文學活動消息等,輔以當時及其後作家的回憶文字,及若干具有代表性的文學作品進行探討。首先,探討具有多重文化經驗的郁達夫其人其事,並對其文學歷程作一介紹,進行作家作品閱讀,搭配戰後台灣出版的單行本以及選集、作家合集;次者,分析殖民時期郁達夫的人文活動,以當時台灣主要的史料報刊,對中國新文學的譯介概述為背景討論,接續郁達夫與日本近代文學、台灣文壇之間的共時關係,就所屬的文學書寫意識進行解析;再者,討論郁達夫在戰後台灣的文學接受歷程,分從戰後解嚴前、後史料與相關討論資料上,鋪敘郁達夫個人形象在台灣的形構;最後,綜述郁達夫於台灣各時期文化環境之中的受容脈絡與對話。進一步將中國作家郁達夫放置東亞視角下的台灣文學之延伸範疇中,說明郁達夫或中國文學對台灣文學發展所產生的影響,以間接證明台灣文學與東亞各地域乃至與西方論點的跨界交流與對談。

中國大陸大學生在港澳台之跨境經驗及展望個案 / Cross-border Experiences and Perceptions of Mainland Chinese University Students in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan

柯塞恩 Unknown Date (has links)
香港與澳門的教育系統被中國視為歐洲的傳承並受到高度的重視,尤其是對在中國的新城市菁英而言。 隨著英語教育的需求增加,香港與澳門的大學在中國大陸學生招生方面歷經快速的成長,中國學生在特別行政區域(SARs)的社會中占有愈來愈大的存在比例。台灣在2011年開始開放陸生來台後,也成中國學生留學的新興目的地。此份研究主要分析中國大陸之學生在抵達香港、澳門與台灣前後對移入地的觀點,定義中國菁英學生在這些移入社會的新人口群體,並討論此新群體對其留學目的地與及中國所具有的社會意涵。 本研究透過質性研究方法與資料,發現選擇就讀於特別行政區域(SARs)的中國大陸學生,是因為地緣位置接近、文化、語言相同性及相對的教育價值等因素。這些中國學生也被視為特別行政區域(SARs)及海外的潛在移民者。本研究亦透過問卷訪問在台灣就讀的陸生,這些在台陸生仍是相對未被深入研究的人口群體。此份研究成果適合用於教育學、移民學以及社會學,亦對兩岸學術研究者具有重要的參考價值。 / Hong Kong and Macau's education systems are perceived to be part of their European legacy which is highly regarded in mainland China, especially among China's new urban elite. Along with a consistent increase in demand for an English education, universities in Hong Kong and Macau are henceforth experiencing rapid growth in enrollment of students from mainland China, who are ever more present in the Special Administrative Regions' (SARs) societies. Moreover, mainland Chinese students studying in Taiwanese universities just recently commenced in 2011 and it is a policy in its infancy. This study aims to analyze mainland Chinese students' perception of Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan before and after arriving, define a new demographic of elite mainland Chinese students in these three regions, and draw potential social implications these students have for their respective host societies and Chinese society. This study used qualitative research methods and data to confirm that mainland students who chose to study in the SARs because of closer location, cultural and linguistic familiarity and relative value of education. They were also considered potential immigrants to the SARs and abroad. This study provides insight using primary source data on mainland students in Taiwan, which remains a relatively un-researched demographic. This study is applicable to disciplines such as education studies, immigration, and sociology. Information from this study may also be of interest to those who study cross-strait studies, as mainland Chinese students studying in Taiwanese universities just recently commenced in 2011 and it is a policy in its infancy. Hence, this may have implications for future cross-strait policy changes.

教育部公費留學行政契約書實務作業之探討 / A Study on the Administrative Agreement

楊修安 Unknown Date (has links)
行政契約在行政法及公共行政領域往昔均兩遭忽略,稽其緣故應與過往國內相關實體法規不明及法律救濟途徑結構欠完整所致。行政訴訟法修訂及行政程序法實施後,行政契約之實施與爭訟處理產生正式法源,然因歷程短淺,各行政機關尚屬陌生,故仍極為少見,亦無法形成是類契約形式之範例,致行政契約在公共行政實務上仍有廣闊之探討空間。教育部於行政程序法2001年施行後,即首創以「行政契約書」為名,與公費留學生間建立更為公平對等之給付行政權利義務關係,惟其間在法制面及實務面運作情形如何,殊值探討。針對行政法制與留學實務,本文以文獻探討法與參與觀察法為主要研究方法,復因探討過程中必定涉及法制與行政實務應用之關係,故以法律解釋學為涵攝,另就適用本契約書已返國服務之五位公費留學生佐以質性之問卷法,以瞭解契約相對人對於本契約書執行之意見與態度。本研究結論認為,在法制基礎方面,教育部公費留學行政契約書係本於給付行政理念,基於公權力行政性質,無論就契約形式、形式效力及內容效力,均應具備相關之法制基礎要求,以符合依法行政原則;在實務運作之主要層面,則涉及政策組織、行政管體及爭議處理,行政契約雖具公權力行政之約制性,但在實務之認定,依據有關法理原則,仍可為較開闊的運作,非不得無調整之空間。 / With regards to administrative law and public administration, administrative agreements were once neglected. A probing study shows that this was supposed to be related to ambiguities of relevant substantial laws and the lack of integrity for the structure of legal rescues. With the enactment of the administrative procedure act law and the administrative adjudication law, legal sources were brought forth for the enforcement of administrative agreements and solutions to their disputes. Nevertheless, due to brief effect and unacquaintedness, this has seldom been applied and cannot form a paradigm. Therefore, there still exits wide space for study on administrative agreements, with regards to the practicing of public administration. Following the administrative procedure law carrying into effect in 2001, the Ministry of Education initiated the “Administrative Agreement” and established in this name, a fairer reciprocal relationship with students who were studying abroad with funding support from the Government, regarding rights and obligation of “pay the administration.” Aimed at the administrative legal system and the study-abroad actual situations, this text applies literature review and participant observation as main research approaches. With the involvement of the relationship between legal system and the application of administrative actual cases, the Juristische Hermeneutik is also applied to all the text. Besides, as a qualitative supporting approach, questionnaire is adopted to five government-funded students who were involved in the “Administrative Agreement” and have returned, from their overseas study to Taiwan for mandatory service. Through this approach, the relative people of the agreement may share their opinions and views of its enforcement for study. This research concludes that with regards to legal foundation, the “Administrative Agreement” for overseas study on Ministry of Education funds, originates from “pay the administration.” In terms of the attribution of the public power administration, all the contractual forms, effect of forms, and effect of contents should possess legal foundation, so as to meet the principal of “administration by law.” On the main level of operation in the actual situations, it involves the organization of policy, administrative management system, and dispute solutions. From a pragmatic perspective, a more flexible management can be adopted for administrative agreements when relevant legal theories are applicable, in spite of the enforcement of the public power administration. Accordingly, there still exits space for adjustment within.

後極權發展模式下的政治甄補:以中共海歸派為例 / Political Recruitment in Post-Totalitarianism Capitalist Developmental State:the Case of Chinese Returned Students

黃意植 Unknown Date (has links)
吳玉山提出「後極權資本主義發展國家」的概念來形容為何中國在維持高速經濟發展的同時,依然保有對國家機器的控制與公民社會的滲透,他認為中國大陸發展趨勢乃是揉合了蘇東和東亞模式,經改上的亮眼表現雖然帶來政治參與的壓力,但中共卻能夠有效轉化這些壓力,回應外界挑戰並且持續執政、鞏固一黨領導。隨著中國大陸擴展國際視野,具有留學背景的菁英也逐漸在高層政治中嶄露頭角,然而海歸菁英由於曾經接觸西方民主思潮,因此成為政治甄用對象中最有可能產生價值矛盾的族群。依循這樣的思路,本文試圖從政治菁英甄補(political recruitment)的面向,解釋中共如何在推動經濟成長的同時延續國家統治的絕對優勢。本文發現海歸派在政治領域中發揮諮詢的功能並扮演執行的角色,主要集中在學術單位與政府職能部門。在仕途發展方面,除了在原生系統升遷之外,海歸官員於不同升遷渠道間的水平流動,以「政府機關往人大政協」的晉升為主。我們認為造成這種現象的原因,乃是中共致力於推動現代化建設,但另一方面又擔心西方民主思想滲透動搖共產黨領導的結果。 / The party control over state apparatuses and civil society has remained strong during China’s rapid economic rise. The approach China has taken after economic reform has been an amalgamation of the Soviet/Eastern European and East Asian models, which is the Post-Totalitarian Capitalist Developmental State, provided by Yu-Shan Wu. Foreign-educated returnees have already emerged in China’s political arena as a distinguished political elite group, as characterized by the skills for external communication and technical knowledge that they posses. Furthermore, for the foreign-educated political elite, the experience of oversea studies also may cause tension between the one-party dictatorship thinking and the western democratic ideals in their mind. We attempt to explain how the CCP simultaneously promotes economic growth and maintains political domination from the dimension of political recruitment. There are two main findings in this paper: First, most of the returnees work in academic units and professional departments in government. They play the role of consultants or executives during decision making processes. Second, for career paths the most obvious political mobility of the foreign-educated elites among recruitment channels is the “Government toward NPC and CPPCC”. To conclude, this reveals that the Chinese leaders are determined on preventing the penetration of western democratic ideals on one hand, and accelerating the modernization of China on the other.

陸生來台就讀大學院校之拉力因素分析 / The analysis of the pull factors of Taiwan higher educational institutes of students from mainland China

陳治堯, Chen, Chih Yao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討影響國際學生流動的拉力因素構面,並找出台灣大學院校對大陸學生的主要拉力因素為何,以做為未來政策制定和大學院校招生之參考。經過文獻探討之後發現國際學生流動的拉力因素有八個構面,分別是學校機構、留學政策、國際競爭力、地理環境、經濟、社會文化、家庭與體制因素。研究方法的部分,利用專家問卷進行問卷試題的適切性評估,再使用因素分析與信度分析法,確立問卷各因素構面試題並取得良好的信度,並利用網路問卷調查法進行正式問卷施測,共計386位填答者,有效填答有286位。研究分析使用描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗和單因子變異數分析,來探討我國大學院校對於大陸學生的拉力因素排序情形與不同背景變項間的差異程度。根據分析結果,歸納出本研究之結論如下: 一、留學政策的制定是台灣吸引陸生的最主要拉力。 二、台灣的文化與大學特色是吸引陸生的重要拉力。 三、男性在留學政策因素上認同度高。 四、商業管理的學生在留學政策因素上的認同度較農業及醫藥學的學生高。 五、有來台經驗的學生在學校機構與體制因素上的認同度較高。 六、經濟因素會因學生是本科生或研究生而有所差異。 最後,根據本研究之結論,對於台灣大學院校、教育行政主管機關和未來研究提出建議,以制定相關招生策略、政策規定或是未來研究方向。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the dimension of the pull factors of international student mobility, and discover the main pull factors of Taiwan higher educational institutes, in order to make proper future policies and strategies for recruiting students from mainland China. Through literature review, this study finds that there are eight dimensions of pull factors which are dimension of educational institutes, dimension of study-abroad policy, dimension of international competitiveness, dimension of environment, dimension of economics, dimension of socio-culture, dimension of family, and dimension of national system. As for research methods, using expert questionnaire, factor analysis and reliability analysis to ensure all questions are well-stated and get good degree of reliability, and then using web-based questionnaire to do the survey. In this study, there are 386 respondents, and 286 of them are valid. By means of descriptive statistics, independent t-test and one-way ANOVA, the order of the pull factor and the differences between every background variables are found. According to the results, the main conclusions are as follows: 1.The making of study-abroad policy is the main pull factor of Taiwan for students from mainland China. 2.The characteristics of Taiwanese culture and universities are important pull factors. 3.Male shows higher degree of agreement in the dimension of study-abroad policy factors. 4.Students of business and management show higher degree of agreement in the dimension of study-abroad policy factors than students of agriculture and medical science. 5.Students who have experiences in Taiwan show higher degree of agreement in the dimension of educational institutes and national system factors. 6.Undergraduate students and graduate students show different degree of agreement in the dimension of economics factors. In the end, based on the conclusion of this study, some suggestions had been proposed to Taiwan educational institutes, educational administration authority and future research, in order to make appropriate policies, strategies, or research direction.

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