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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣共同基金交易擁擠性之研究 / The study of fund manager’s trade crowdedness in Taiwan stock market

蔡依璇 Unknown Date (has links)
2008年的金融危機使得偵測群聚交易顯得越來越重要,因為群聚交易的出現會威脅全球金融系統和全球經濟的穩定性。然而,群聚交易本身很難辨認,目前還沒有可以偵測群聚交易或群聚交易風格的統一測量方式。 本研究延續Pojarliev and Levich(2009)所提出的衡量擁擠性的研究方法,將其運用於台灣股票型共同基金市場,觀察台灣基金經理人是否有擁擠性的現象。本研究的結果說明台灣基金經理人的交易具有擁擠性,且呈現相當大幅度的變動,規模溢酬擁擠性從最低-1.65%到最高89%,價值溢酬擁擠性從-87%到60%,動能因子擁擠性則從-54%到88%。值得留意的地方是,在金融海嘯期間,除了價值投資外,其他投資策略擁擠性和投資績效的相關係數皆達中度正相關,代表投資人的投資策略方向趨於一致,群聚現象明顯提升。

價值投資在亞太市場的實證研究 / The Empirical Study of Value Investing in Asia Pacific

王堯昌, Wang,Yau Chang Unknown Date (has links)
德國投資大師科斯托蘭尼(Kostolany)曾用主人牽狗散步來形容股價跟基本面的運行關係,主人從甲地到乙地的路徑像是公司的基本面,而狗跟隨著主人的步伐忽前忽後、亦步亦趨就像是股價,兩者之間短期間不一定會同步,但最終必將一致。這個現象說明了股市投資的一個不變的真理:長期而言,股價必將反映公司經營的基本面。作為一個投資人如果無法掌握基本面的走向,而只知道一味的追逐股價的走向,則無異於捨本逐末,緣木求魚了。 從基本面來分析公司的價值,最直接正確的方是就是現金流量折現模型,但這個方法對於如何預估公司未來產生的現金流,及如何採用折現率存在著相當大的歧異。再者,一經估算出公司的內在價值後,要在什麼價格買進是另外一個要面對的問題。葛林布雷(Joel Greenblatt)選擇從另外一個角度切入,他藉著資本報酬率(Capital return)來篩選經營績效傑出的公司,加上盈餘報酬率(Earning Yield)來選出便宜的標的,兩者結合在一起過濾出的組合可充分發揮出價值投資者選股的精神。 本研究應用他所提出的方法,選擇MSCI Asia Pacific ex-Japan指數做為樣本,實際驗證用這兩個神奇公式所選出的投資組合在2002-2007年的表現,結果得到年化報酬率超過指數表現高達40%的績效。對於一般非專業的投資人,可以利用這個低成本及有效的方式建構一個價值型的投資組合,避免跟隨市場波動而頻繁地交易,達到投資而非投機的目的了。 / Andre Kostolany, Germany guru investor, explains the relationship between stock price and fundamental by an example of a man walking a dog. The master’s route expresses the company’s operation fundamental while the follow-up path of the dog is the stock price movement. Their paths are not sure synchronizing at short period of time but it will be corresponding in the long run. Admittedly, this phenomenon tells us the truth that the stock price finally should reflects the operating result of the company. Therefore, it’s in vain if an investor cannot manage to understand the business development but only chase technical price information. Basically, the discount cash flow, DCF, is the first and foremost method to evaluate the value of the company. However, how to forecast the future cash flow of the business as well as how much the discounting rate be used are still among debatable. Secondly, when to buy the stock is another dilemma after the intrinsic value is calculated. Joel Greenblatt takes the topic from a different angle. He points out those stocks with high capital yield and earning yield that depicting not only superior capital spending but also relatively inexpensive compare to others. In short, his two magic formulas combine major value investor components indeed. This thesis applies his findings to eqiuty portfolio construction in Asia Pacific markets. From 2002 to 2007, the magic 30 basket, composed of 30 constituents with highest capital and earning yield, outperforms the MSCI Asia Pacific ex- Japan benchmark by astonishing 40% p.a. For non-institutional investors, the model is particularly useful in construction a value-oriented portfolio that refrains from frequent transactions in face of market volatility.

首次公開發行之選股擇時策略-興櫃市場買進或上市(櫃)後再買進 / Stock Selection and Market Timing of Upcoming IPO-Buy in Taiwan's Emerging Market or Buy after IPO

楊孟霖 Unknown Date (has links)
市場上參與首次公開發行的方式不外乎公開申購抽籤或是詢價圈購,往往投資人能獲得超高初始報酬率,其原因過去國內外相關文獻亦多有著墨,然而除了上述方式以外,台灣興櫃市場,不啻也是參與投資IPO的方式。 本研究採用T檢定與多元迴歸模型分析,持有興櫃股票至首次公開發行後而「橫跨兩個市場」之累積異常報酬率。透過買賣時點的切割分類以及公司特色的分析,探討已知即將上市(櫃) 興櫃公司股票,應該買進何種股票、應該在何時買進、何時賣出持股之投資決策。實證結果發現,本益比效果存在,符合價值型投資;持有興櫃股票且在首次公開發行上市前5日賣出持股之投資期間,累積平均異常報酬最高,且顯著異於零,此投資區間非電子產業股票顯著優於電子產業股票、承銷作業方式為公開申購者異常報酬率顯著優於詢價圈購者。 最後整理分析得出一興櫃投資原則之結論,「興櫃股票要選低本益比、非電子產業、承銷作業方式為公開申購的公司,而且越早買越好,並且在首次公開發行前5日賣出持股。」

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