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影響企業於中國建構醫藥品通路的因素分析─台商未來的因應之道 / An analysis on pharmaceutical industry’s channel strategy in China ─ suggestions for Taiwan’S enterprises黃淑媛, Huang, Shu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
在醫療體制部分,中國的醫療市場主要集中在國有醫院(public hospitals),但國有醫院的營銷環境複雜,受到許多來自政策、地方主義、關係資本等因素的影響,使得外來投資企業在經營中國國有醫院市場上,皆需要各方面相當的營銷資源才足以支撐。
台商過去進入中國醫藥市場發展十幾年來的商業模式,是否還能足以因應未來更變化多端的市場環境?而後進中國市場的台灣藥廠又該採取怎樣的進軍策略?面對未來,台商更應「衡外情、量已力」,從各面向深入瞭解影響中國醫藥品通路建構的因素,除了鞏固既有醫藥市場與通路資源外,更應積極思考如何提高通路系統的附加價值,開創嶄新的獲利模式。本研究後續將針對前述三大影響因素,分章論述分析,最後歸納與整理影響因素對台灣藥廠所造成的困難,並提具因應上的建議,期能提供在中國發展醫藥品市場的台商企業作為未來發展策略的參考依據。 / China’s great market demand has become the new target for international enterprises, especially in pharmaceutical industry. China government announced the investment of 850 billion RMB to ameliorate the medical infrastructure in China, which indicates an opportunity for Taiwan pharmaceutical companies. The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) between Taiwan and China will encourage a more enthusiastic interaction across the strait. Channel strategy will be the key to predominate the highly competent China market for Taiwan pharmaceutical companies.
Analysis on channel construction will be the first step for industrial marketing strategy. The better a company understands the factors influential for channel construction, the better it can get control in the ever-changing market and adjust itself to cope with any alteration in the environment. This thesis will begin with an introduction on the development of pharmaceutical industry in China and thus induce some common issues with which international pharmaceutical companies are confronted in China market. It will analyze the channel construction from three important perspectives, healthcare system, pharmaceutical regulations, and logistics industry.
Public hospitals play a major role in the healthcare system of China market. The marketing in public hospital involves complicated variables, including policy, local protectionism, and relationship capital. Non-local companies need every considerable resource to manage the marketing in public hospitals.
In order to reform the healthcare market and lower the medical expense, China government announced several pharmaceutical regulations, including National Reimbursement Drug List (NRDL), Medicine pricing policy, and Pharmaceutical Centralized Public Bidding Procurement process. On one hand, these regulations help to put the market into order; on the other hand, it sets restricts on the retail sales and the channeling flexibility of the pharmaceutical company. Due to the slow development of China patent law in the past, moreover, a lot of American or European pharmaceutical companies could not develop an exclusive market for their drug through patent system. New Provisions for Drug Registration revised and announced by China government in 2007 established an initial connection between legal and administrative system of drug patent protection. Such integrated development will form an environment more suitable for pharmaceutical companies which possess powerful technology and patents, a significant trend for Taiwan companies’ attentions.
China logistics companies understand local law and regulation and are usually familiar with multi-business strategy. They control most of the retailers and can offer sales agency, logistics, storage, and agency receipt. Logistic industry plays an important role in China pharmaceutical channel and is indispensable to pharmaceutical companies.
It will be questionable whether Taiwan companies’ old business model can be sufficient for the changing China pharmaceutical market in the future. The newcomers should ponder more on their strategy for the market as well. Taiwan companies need to take the external condition and their own strength into consideration, understanding every factor of China pharmaceutical channel construction. Besides strengthening the original market and channels, Taiwan companies should aggressively enhance the add-value of channel system and find out new profit model. This thesis will focus on and elaborate the three perspectives and analyze the difficulties they bring upon Taiwan pharmaceutical companies, proposing possible solutions and future strategy for those who aim to develop their pharmaceutical business in China.
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基改種子專利到期對於基因改造作物產業之影響-以Monsanto抗嘉磷塞轉基因大豆為例 / The patent expiration of genetic modified seeds and its impact to the agricultural biotech industry- a case study of Monsanto’s roundup ready soybeans林家綺, Lin, Chia Chi Unknown Date (has links)
惟RR1Y專利將在2014年到期,農民可在2014年時留種種植基改大豆種子而不用每年購買種子,或購買學名(generic)抗嘉磷塞轉基因大豆種子。在美國所種植之大豆約有四成會外銷,而外銷國家基改作物規範法規是出口與否之關鍵。若未取得歐盟、中國等主要外銷國家基改作物主管機關之批准,呈交包括基因之轉殖植物對環境衝擊之風險評估、包含該基因之轉殖植物所製成食品之安全性評估等基改作物資訊,則抗嘉磷塞基因大豆無法進入該國糧食市場。然而,在目前美國農業生技基改作物相關規範下,學名基改種子廠必須在專利種子專利到期後,才能進行實驗及田間試驗,呈交相關資料以符合基改作物主管機關之要求。透過建立學名基改作物快速獲得核准查驗登記之程序,允許學名廠依賴專利基改作物原廠之實驗及田間試驗資料以建立其學名基改作物之安全性與性狀表現有效性,同時,允許學名基改作物在原基改作物開發廠專利期滿前即可開始進行試驗,可以使學名抗嘉磷塞大豆種子以及其他學名基改種子能在原專利基改作物種子專利到期後順利進入市場,促使基改作物種子價格競爭,並對於專利基改作物研發公司進行適度之補償,以促進產業發展。 / The development of new technologies in plant breeding has led to improvements in the efficiency scientists produce improved plant varieties. Genetic modification is among the developments that support plant breeding. The introduction of genetically modified crops has revolutionized the agriculture industry. With patent protection available on GM traits, varieties and other aspects of seed production, private R&D investments in the seed industry have increased tremendously. Monsanto has been the leading company in investing agricultural biotechnology and has obtained a dominant position in the GM traits found in soybeans, cotton, corn and other commercialized crops. Currently, over 90 percent of soybeans planted in the United States were herbicide-resistant, with Monsanto’s Roundup Ready being the dominant soybeans planted.
In 2014, however, the agriculture industry will be facing the expiration of a patent for Roundup Ready soybeans. Despiate the fact that the patent expiration date is approaching, the agricultural biotech industry has no guideline in place to tell its players exactly how to transition seamlessly from patent monopolies to generic competition. The transition problem is espectially significant for soybeans exported to oversea markets as more than 40 percent of the soybeans grown in the U.S. are exported. In order for those soybeans to be accepted in the grain channel, regulatory approvals are required in countries that import soybeans.
Obtaining data, which includes scitific data on the trait being developed, for regulatory approvals can take years to complete. If a generic trait is to reach market immediately after the original trait go off patent, the data generation process should begin before patent expiration. A Hatch-Waxman type patent infringement defense for activities necessary to obtain regulatory approvals for biotech traits can ensure that seed companies have sufficient time to obtain registrations for a generic Roundup Ready trait or other generic traits. Current legislation should be modified to adequately oversee the transition to the generic use of genetically modified crops and, in the mean time, ensure the availability of generic modified crops.
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美國母子公司合併子公司少數股東保護之研究—兼評台灣實務案例與相關規範設計之缺憾盧曉彥, Lu, Hsiao-Yen Unknown Date (has links)
短期而言,從經濟政策上係鼓勵合併,抑或從我國公司內部治理機制以及市場機制尚未健全發展至足以提供子公司相當之協商力量以與母公司抗衡的角度,我國似乎都無法在仿效美國於制式合併場合,建立偏向「財產法則」概念下之「近似常規交易協商模式」。因此,現階段或應思考從改善我國股份收買請求權設計開始著手。對此,ALI Principles與RMBCA有關股份收買請求權設計之立法例,我國應擇其優而加以援用。
長期而言,按照我國現階段的規範趨勢,似乎係在仿效美國法制,逐漸朝向市場導向之公司治理機制(market-oriented style of corporate governance),因此持續開拓我國資本市場的深度與廣度,以及建立適合於我國公司生態的公司內部治理機制,都將是繼續努力的目標。倘若未來我國市場之周邊機制與公司內部治理機制皆能發揮適當的治理功能,前述偏重於「補償法則」概念下規範模式之股份收買請求權設計,即有必要加以調整,以避免美國現階段在現金逐出合併場合所發生之「規範重疊」(regulation overlap)問題。
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