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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

一般報與財經報如何建構兩岸服務貿易協議新聞 / The Difference From Constructing Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services News Between General and Financial Newspapers

賴柏維, Lai, Bo Wei Unknown Date (has links)
2008年兩岸兩會復談後,大陸與台灣的經貿關係也因為經濟交流腳步更加緊密,彼此成為非常重要之貿易與投資夥伴,兩岸於2010年簽訂ECFA之後,2013年再簽訂攸關台灣經濟前景的「兩岸服務貿易協議」(以下簡稱「服貿協議」)。由於社會各界與媒體對於協議利弊有著巨大爭議。至今尚未通過。 本研究為探究台灣報紙如何再現「服貿協議」,以兩份一般性報紙─《中國時報》與《自由時報》與兩份財經報紙─《工商時報》與《經濟日報》,自102年6月21日至103年2月20日,分析探討報紙之消息來源、報導偏向、議題設定以及框架運作模式。 研究發現,一般報紙與財經報紙在消息來源、報導主題與新聞框架與文本特色具有顯著差異,與過往研究結果類似,兩類報紙的消息來源仍然偏向傳統菁英消息來源(政府、政黨與學者專家),只有財經報紙比較注重服務產業的意見;報導主題部分,一般報紙偏向報導「服貿協議」政治層面,財經報紙則維持財經報紙特色,經濟議題比例仍高;新聞框架方面,政府與政黨論述為兩類報紙偏好之框架,唯財經報紙的經濟框架報導比例較一般報紙高。 本研究認為,兩份一般報紙於「服貿協議」事件出現「資源動員」現象,而且報紙各持己見的立場非常鮮明,媒體的角色已不再是溝通與對話,而是包裹具備立場的論述,且《中時》與《自由》兩報的立場截然不同。反觀財經報紙,雖然仍具備支持政府之立場,但是仍能就事論事,從經濟層面剖析「服貿協議」對於台灣經濟之利弊。

兩岸經貿政策對台商赴中國大陸投資之影響 / The impact of cross-strait trade policy on Taiwanese businesses investing in Mainland China

張宴薰, Chang, Yen Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
政府開放赴大陸投資二十年,逐漸放寬對大陸投資限制,在大陸廣大市場商機誘因下,對大陸投資規模日益擴大,投資業別亦擴及服務業,對大陸投資形成新局面,究竟兩岸經貿政策對台商赴中國大陸投資影響如何,乃為本研究動機。 本研究採文獻分析與焦點座談暨深度訪談法,經由次級資料分析,兩岸經貿政策鬆綁對台灣競爭力、經濟成長、貿易、商港貨櫃裝卸量及來台旅客均呈現成長。另一方面,近年主要產品在海外生產比重增加,我國在美國、日本、大陸進口市場佔有率逐漸下滑,台商在台灣採購設備及零組件比率降低,且台商在海外研發當地化情形日益明顯。另一方面產學界專家認為政府輔導策略首先應強化在大陸之聯繫網絡;善用台商在大陸既有通路,以整體行銷台灣產品;引導創新研發及高階製程留在台灣;政府加速鬆綁產業交流所涉及之法規;強化智慧財產權之宣導與投資保護;透過台資銀行在大陸分行,提供台商融資管道。未來並應加強與台商產業鏈連結,將海外台商納入台灣產業發展一環,同時落實ECFA實施效益,創造國內經濟發展的正面效益。 / Since allowing investment in China 20 years ago, the government of Taiwan has gradually lifted restrictions on China-based investments by its citizens. Enticed by the expanded market opportunities in China, R.O.C. nationals are rapidly scaling up their investments on the mainland China by broadening their investments to many industries and the service sector, which has become a new development in investing in China. Whether the cross-strait economic and trade policies affect the investment of Taiwan businessmen in mainland China, is a motivation of this study. The literature review and focus groups & depth interviews were used in this study . Through the secondary data analysis, Cross-Strait trade policies have manifested in progress and growth in Taiwan’s competitiveness, economic growth, trade, container throughput by commercial ports, and the number of tourists visiting Taiwan. However, the government should pay close attention to the fact that during the last few years the proportion of major products produced overseas has increased, while the market share of Taiwanese imports in the United States, Japan, and China markets has gradually declined and procurements of machines/equipment and components/parts by Taiwanese businesses has dropped. Moreover, the localization of R&D overseas by Taiwanese businesses has noticeably increased. The government’s assistance strategy should first focus on the strengthening of contacts and networks in China. It should also leverage existing Taiwanese business channels in China to expand the sales of Taiwanese products in the China market through an integrated marketing campaign and facilitate innovative R&D while keeping high-end production processes in Taiwan. The government should also relax laws governing industry exchanges, strengthen the education of Taiwanese businesses with regard to intellectual property rights and investment protections, and provide financing channels for Taiwanese businesses through Taiwanese-invested banks with branch offices in China. In the future, the government should strengthen links with the supply chains of Taiwanese businesses and to include overseas Taiwanese businesses as part of Taiwan’s industrial development plans. At the same time, it should fully realize the benefits of the ECFA and create a positive effect on Taiwan’s domestic economic development.

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