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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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苗栗縣國民小學校長分布式領導、教師組織公民行為與教師工作滿意度關係之研究 / The study of the relationship among the elementary school principal’s distributed Leadership, teachers’ organization citizenship behavior and the teachers’ job satisfaction in maioli county

江志軒 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解苗栗縣國民小學校長分布式領導、教師組織公民行為與教師工作滿意度之現況,並分析不同背景變項之教師在知覺校長分布式領導、教師組織公民行為與教師工作滿意度之差異情形,且探討三者之間的關係,最後藉由校長分布式領導與教師組織公民行為對教師工作滿意度進行預測。 本研究採調查研究法,共計抽樣61所學校,發出708份問卷,回收569份有效問卷,問卷有效率達80.37%。資料處理分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方式進行統計分析。 本研究獲致以下之結論: 一、苗栗縣國民小學教師知覺校長分布式領導為中高程度,以「建構清楚的願景與目的」之知覺程度為最高,「營造信任的學校文化」之知覺程度最低。 二、苗栗縣國民小學教師有高程度之組織公民行為表現,以「主動助人」之表現為最高,「自我要求」表現為最低。 三、苗栗縣國民小學教師在教師工作滿意的知覺為中高程度,以「工作本身」的知覺為最高,「行政管理」之知覺為最低。 四、苗栗縣國民小學教師,因其性別、職務及學校規模之不同,而有不同的校長分布式領導知覺感受,以男性、擔任主任或組長職務、與學校規模在12班(含)以下之教師知覺程度較高。 五、苗栗縣國民小學教師,因其年齡及擔任職務之不同,而表現出不同程度的教師組織公民行為,以51歲(含)以上及擔任主任職務之教師表現程度較高。 六、苗栗縣國民小學教師,因其性別及職務之不同,而有不同的教師滿意度知覺感受,以男性及擔任主任之教師知覺程度較高。 七、苗栗縣國民小學校長分布式領導、教師組織公民行為與教師工作滿意度的知覺及各分層面,彼此之間具有正相關的關係。 八、苗栗縣國民小學校長分布式領導、教師組織公民行為對教師工作滿意度具有預測作用,以「校長分布式領導」的預測力最佳。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以供教育行政機關、學校校長與教師以及未來研究的參考。 / This study aims to investigate the current development of the elementary school principal’s distributed leadership, teachers’ organization citizenship behavior and the teachers’ job satisfaction in Maioli County, and to analyze the differences in teachers of different background variables are conscious of the principal’s distributed leadership, teachers’ organization citizenship behavior and the teachers’ job satisfaction, and to explore the relationship among the three variables. Finally, through principal’s distributed leadership and teachers’ organization citizenship behavior forecast the teachers’ job satisfaction. Questionnaire survey method is adopted. The samples include 61 schools and 708 questionnaires were distributed. There were 569 valid questionnaires used finally in the statistic analysis and the usable rate is 80.37%. All data collected were analyzed by the methods of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, Multiple regression etc. The conclusions are as follows: 1.Elementary school teachers’ perception of principal’s distributed leadership is above average while “construct clear vision and purposes” was the highest, and “shared responsibility” was the lowest. 2.Elementary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ organization citizenship behavior is above average while “helping others voluntarily” was the highest, and “self-disciplined” was the lowest. 3.Elementary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ job satisfaction is above average while “work” was the highest, and “administrative management” was the lowest. 4.There are significant differences in the elementary school teachers’ perception of principal’s distributed leadership in terms of sex, duty, and the scale of school. 5.There are significant differences in the elementary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ organization citizenship behavior in terms of age and duty. 6.There are significant differences in the elementary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ job satisfaction in terms of sex and duty. 7.There is a positive correlation among the principal’s distributed leadership, teachers’ organization citizenship behavior and the teachers’ job satisfaction. 8.Both of the principal’s distributed leadership and teachers’ organization citizenship behavior in Maioli County have a predictive effect on teachers’ job satisfaction.

校長分布式領導、教師專業社群運作與學校創新經營效能關係之研究 / The study on the relationships among principals’ distributed leadership, teacher professional learning community, and school innovative management effectiveness

李重毅, Li, Chung Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構並驗證高中職學校分布式領導、教師專業社群與學校創新經營效能之模式,並比較不同教師背景變項及學校環境變項的差異,依據研究所得結論,分別對教育行政機關、學校及教師提出建議,以做為推展校長分布式領導、促進教師專業社群運作,及提升學校創新經營效能之參考。 本研究使用問卷調查法,以單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸、結構方程模式等統計方法,探討高中職學校分布式領導、教師專業社群與學校創新經營效能之關係及模式驗證。透過文獻的蒐集與探討,提出本研究的研究架構和徑路關係模式圖。研究對象為國立高中職學校995 位教師;研究工具為研究者自編之校長分布式領導、教師專業社群與學校創新經營效能關係之調查問卷。 經由統計分析與討論,本研究獲得以下結論: 一、教師對校長分布式領導、教師專業社群與學校創新經營效能的知覺是正向的。 二、部分教師背景變項與學校環境變項的教師對校長分布式領導、教師專業社群與學校創新經營效能的知覺具有顯著差異。 三、校長分布式領導、教師專業社群與學校創新經營效能三者之間具有關聯性。 四、校長分布式領導、教師專業社群對學校創新經營效能均具有預測力。 五、本研究所建構的結構模式具有良好的適配度,校長分布式領導、教師專業社群對學校創新經營效能均具有顯著直接效果。 關鍵詞:分布式領導、教師專業社群、學校創新經營效能

國際級工程公司設計能耐提昇個案研究-以人才培育與專業強化觀點 / The Research on Competent Promotion in Engineering of an International Engineering Company

簡錫雲 Unknown Date (has links)
企業為了不斷成長並追求永續經營,並因應快速變化的外在環境與日趨激烈的國際競爭,需不斷地加強或擴增員工的知識、技術及能力,因而建立短期與長期性的人才培育之訓練有其重要性。 國際級工程案競爭越形激烈,尤其有韓國工程公司競爭性策略搶標及大陸崛起積極跨入國際市場之隱憂,加上客戶在維持高品質及持續壓縮工期之需求,個案公司(簡稱以下A公司)成長及獲利空間均受到嚴苛的挑戰。為提昇在國際上競爭力,A公司設計部必須面對培植具豐富工程經驗及國際級之設計人才問題。而目前面臨5年以下經驗工程師達人數比例佔42%以上(即年輕工程師比例偏高) ,7~15年經驗工程師人數佔10%相對偏低之M型人力結構及未來幾年面臨退休潮,如何加速培育年輕工程師須具備世界級的專業技術及落實資深工程師經驗傳承,達成各職級人力結構合理化,提升設計品質,為A公司當務之急。 為能瞭解A公司現行各項教育訓練之效益,揭示員工對A公司教育訓練方式的意見或需求,本研究採用問卷調查並分為五大類,第一,專業技術訓練的同意度與重要度;第二,經驗傳承的同意度與重要度;第三,跨部門訓練的同意度;第四,管理訓練的同意度;第五,英文能力方面的同意度。以上各問項再與人口統計變數做交叉分析,尋求出目前教育訓練之成效如何及提出改善建議。 其中專業技術訓練與經驗傳承再將每個同意度和重要性的問項平均後做出二維分布圖(IPA分析圖),利用同意度和重要性整體的平均切割分成四個區域,即優越區、過剩區、優先改進區及建議改進區,尤其問項落在優先改進區、建議改進區及過剩區時,則進一步進行原因分析及提出改善建議。 對跨部門訓練、管理課程與英文能力等問項,則以同意度與人口統計交叉分析結果,根據其滿意度程度及卡方檢定(Chi-Square Test)結果有統計上顯著差異關係之受訪者基本資料提出改善建議。 / Enterprises need to continuously enhance knowledge, skills, and abilities of their employees for sustainable business development and adapting to rapid changing environment as well as fierce international competition. The importance of developing short-term and long-term talent training programs is thus recognized. Under some unfavorable conditions, which include keen competition in global EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) industry, Korean engineering companies’ strategic bidding, mainland China contending in international markets, clients’ request for quality and compressed work schedule at the same time, etc…, the case company (designated as company A) is facing severe challenges in achieving profitable growth. The company A must cope with the problem of cultivating world-class and experienced talent to promote its competitiveness in international markets. It’s the company A’s top priority to tackle the engineering talent gap at the range of seniority between 7 to 15 years (10%) whereas the young engineers with less than 5 years of experience account for more than 42% of its talent pool and engineers will retire that are increased in near future year. It’s important for the company A to professionalize young engineers, facilitate knowledge transferring, and optimize its staffing structure. A questionnaire survey research was undertaken to understand the effectiveness of the training programs and reveal the employees’ opinion or request on the training activities of the company A. The questionnaire variables were classified into five categories: 1. degree of agreement and importance of professional skills training; 2. degree of agreement and importance of intergenerational transfer of experience; 3. degree of agreement on cross-disciplinary training; 4. degree of agreement on management training; 5. degree of agreement on English competency requirements. Demographic variables were used to cross analyze the survey result. The analysis was also used to find the causes of training deficiency and to explore improvement ideas. The survey results of questionnaire variables in the first two categories, degree of agreement and importance of professional skills training and intergenerational transfer of experiencewere, were used to develop two-dimensional scatter diagrams (IPA matrices). The mean ratings of degree of agreement and importance were plotted in a two-dimensional grid to produce a four-quadrant matrix that identifies areas of Keep Up the Good Work, Possible Overkill, Concentrate Here, and Low Priority. Causes and improvement plans were further investigated for variables situate in the quadrant Concentrate Here, Low Priority, and Possible Overkill. For the survey results of questionnaire variables in the other three categories, degree of agreement on cross-disciplinary training, management training and English competency requirements, cross tabulation analyses using demographic variables were performed. According improvement plans were proposed for the respondent demographics when statistically significant differences between the degree of satisfaction and chi-square test result were observed.

Secondary structure breakers and hairpin structures in myoglobin and hemoglobin

Imai, Kenichiro, 今井, 賢一郎, Asakawa, Naoyuki, 朝川, 直行, Tsuji, Toshiyuki, 辻, 敏之, Sonoyama, Masashi, 園山, 正史, Mitaku, Shigeki, 美宅, 成樹 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.


中村, 正秋 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:一般研究(C) 課題番号:62550695 研究代表者:中村 正秋 研究期間:1987-1988年度

高級中等學校分布式領導、學校創新經營與學校效能關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationships among Distributed Leadership, School Innovative Management and School Effectiveness in Senior High Schools

黃敏榮, Huang, Min Rung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高級中等學校分布式領導、學校創新經營與學校效能的現況及其彼此之關係。採用調查研究法,編製「高級中等學校分布式領導、學校創新經營與學校效能關係問卷」進行資料的蒐集,以臺灣地區公私立高級中等學校教師為研究對象,依學校類型、學校屬性、學校規模、所在區域等四種標準,分層抽取86所學校,共發出1192份問卷,回收1103份,回收率為92.5%,扣除無效問卷後,有效問卷為1052份。使用SPSS 18.0 for Windows及AMOS18.0 for Windows套裝軟體,進行描述性統計、因素分析、相關分析、t 考驗、變異數分析及結構方程模式等統計方法,獲得以下結論: 一、 「清晰的組織結構和績效責任」、「校園環境創新」、「行政公關績效」分別最能呈現高級中等學校分布式領導、學校創新經營、學校效能之效果。 二、 高級中等學校分布式領導、學校創新經營與學校效能現況屬於中高程度,分別以「營造信任的文化」、「外部關係創新」、「教師專業展能」得分最高,「清晰的組織結構與績效責任」、「校園環境創新」、「學生整體表現」得分最低。 三、 不同背景變項高級中等學校教師所知覺分布式領導現況達顯著差異者為:高中高於高職,私立學校高於公立學校,女性校長的學校高於男性校長,男性教師高於女性教師,51歲以上教師高於31-40歲、41-50歲的教師,服務21年 (含)以上的資深教師高於6-10年的教師,擔任主任者高於組長、導師與專任教師,大學學歷的教師高於研究所以上學歷的教師。 四、 不同背景變項高級中等學校教師所知覺學校創新經營現況達顯著差異者為:高中優於高職,私立學校高於公立學校,女性校長的學校高於男性校長的學校,男性教師高於女性教師,51歲以上教師高於31-40歲的教師,擔任主任者高於組長、導師與專任教師。 五、 不同背景變項高級中等學校教師所知覺學校效能現況達顯著差異者為:高中優於高職,私立學校高於公立學校,女性校長的學校高於男性校長的學校,51歲以上教師高於30歲以下、31-40歲、41-50歲的教師,服務21年 (含)以上的資深教師高於6-10年、11-15年的教師,擔任主任者高於組長、導師與專任教師。 六、 學校所在地區、學校規模、校長學歷、擔任校長年資四個背景變項不同之教師,所知覺高級中等學校分布式領導、學校創新經營、學校效能皆無顯著差異。 七、 高級中等學校分布式領導、學校創新經營與學校效能三者,兩兩之間皆為高度正相關。 八、 高級中等學校分布式領導可透過學校創新經營,增強對學校效能的正向影響力。分布式領導各層面對學校創新經營、對學校效能皆以「領導能量的投入」具有最大間接效果,其次依序為「清晰的組織結構和績效責任」、「自信推動變革的領導者」、「營造信任的文化」。學校創新經營各層面對學校效能的間接效果值由高而低依序為「課程活動創新」、「校園環境創新」、「外部關係創新」、「行政管理創新」。 最後,依據研究結論提出建議,供主管教育行政機關、學校及未來研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to probe into not only the current situation of distributed leadership, school innovative management and school effectiveness, but also their relationships with each other. With survey research method, a questionnaire entitled The Relationships Between Distributed Leadership, School Innovative Management and School Effectiveness in Senior High Schools is applied to gather data from public and private high school teachers in Taiwan area. By employing the stratified random sampling method, there are 1,192 questionnaires sent out to 86 schools, based on their type, attribute, scale, and location. There are 1,103 questionnaires retrieved, making the response rate 92.5%, and there are 1,052 valid questionnaires after invalid ones deducted. The packages SPSS 18.0 for Windows and AMOS 18.0 for Windows are adopted to carry out descriptive statistics, factor analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and structural equation modeling. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. “Definite organizational structure and performance responsibility,” “The innovation of campus environment,” and “The performance of administrative public relations” can best manifest the effects of distributed leadership, school innovative management and school effectiveness, respectively, in senior high schools. 2. The current situation of distributed leadership, school innovative management and school effectiveness in senior high schools belongs to high-intermediate level, with “Build the trustworthy culture,” The innovation of external relations,” and “The abilities of teachers’ professional development” attaining top marks, respectively, and “Definite organizational structure and performance responsibility,” “The innovation of campus environment,” and “Students’ overall performance” scoring the lowest, respectively. 3. Some significant differences toward the current situation of distributed leadership perceived by senior high school teachers with different background variables are: senior high schools higher than vocational high schools, private schools higher than public schools, schools with female principals higher than those with male principals, male teachers higher than female teachers, teachers older than 51 years of age higher than those of 31-40 years old or 41-50 years old, senior teachers with at least 21 years of teaching experience higher than those with 6-10 years, serving as directors higher than section chiefs, homeroom teachers and full-time teachers, and teachers with undergraduate degrees higher than those with graduate degrees. 4. Some significant differences toward the current situation of school innovative management perceived by senior high school teachers with different background variables are: senior high schools higher than vocational high schools, private schools higher than public schools, schools with female principals higher than those with male principals, male teachers higher than female teachers, teachers older than 51 years of age higher than those of 31-40 years old , and serving as directors higher than section chiefs, homeroom teachers and full-time teachers. 5. Some significant differences toward the current situation of school effectiveness perceived by senior high school teachers with different background variables are: senior high schools higher than vocational high schools, private schools higher than public schools, schools with female principals higher than those with male principals, teachers older than 51 years of age higher than those under 30 years old, 31-40 years old or 41-50 years old, senior teachers with at least 21 years of teaching experience higher than those with 6-10 years or 11-15 years, and serving as directors higher than section chiefs, homeroom teachers and full-time teachers. 6. Toward distributed leadership, school innovative management and school effectiveness in senior high schools, there is no significant difference perceived by teachers of four different background variables--school location, school scale, principals’ academic degrees, and duration as principals. 7. There is a highly positive correlation between distributed leadership, school innovative management and school effectiveness in senior high schools. 8. Distributed leadership in senior high schools can reinforce positive influence on school effectiveness through school innovative management. As regards all aspects of distributed leadership, the very one that has the most indirect effects on both school innovative management and school effectiveness is “The input of leadership,” and other aspects in sequence are “Definite organizational structure and performance responsibility,” “The leader confidently pushing for reforms,” and “Build the trustworthy culture.” All aspects’ top-down values of the indirect effects of school innovative management on school effectiveness are “The innovation of curricular activities,” “The innovation of campus environment,” ”The innovation of external relations,” and “The innovation of administrative management.” Finally, according to the conclusions of this study, some suggestions are proposed for the educational executive organizations, schools, and the reference of future study.

宜蘭縣國民中學校長分布式領導、學校創新經營與教師教學效能之研究 / Principal’s Distributed Leadership,School Innovative Management, and Teacher Teaching Effectiveness Research In Yilan Junior High Schools

沈志杰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討宜蘭縣國民中學校長分布式領導、學校創新經營與教師教學效能之現況,剖析不同背景變項在校長分布式領導、學校創新經營與教師教學效能間之差異情形,進而探尋校長分布式領導、學校創新經營對教師教學效能滿意程度上的預測力;最後根據研究結果,提出建議。 為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以宜蘭縣公立國民中學24所之正式教師、代理教師、特教教師(不含實習教師、代課教師)為研究對象,以分層隨機抽樣方式,共計發出600份問卷調查,回收率達92%,其中可用問卷達87.3%。並利用SPSS Statistics 18.0 統計套裝軟體進行各項統計及分析,獲得以下結論: 一、宜蘭縣國民中學教師知覺校長分布式領導為中高程度,以「清晰的結構與績效責任」之知覺程度為最高,「自信與自我謙遜的校長職位」之知覺程度為最低。 二、宜蘭縣國民中學教師知覺學校創新經營為中高程度,以「資訊科技創新經營」之知覺程度為最高,「外部環境創新經營」之知覺程度為最低。 三、宜蘭縣國民中學教師有中高程度的教師教學效能,以「教學氣氛」之表現程度為最高,「教學策略」之表現程度為最低。 四、宜蘭縣國民中學教師,因其年齡、服務年資、擔任職務及學校歷史之不同,而有不同的校長分布式領導知覺感受。 五、宜蘭縣國民中學教師,因其服務年資、擔任職務及學校歷史之不同,而有不同的學校創新經營知覺感受。 六、宜蘭縣國民中學教師,因其年齡、服務年資、教育背景及學校歷史之不同,而有不同的教師教學效能表現。 七、宜蘭縣國民中學校長分布式領導、學校創新經營與教師教學效能的知覺及各分層面,彼此之間具有正相關關係。 八、宜蘭縣國民中學校長分布式領導、學校創新經營對教師教學效能具有預測作用,以學校創新經營之「課程與教學創新經營」的預測力最佳。 / This research focuses on exploring current School Principal’s Distributed Leadership, School Innovative Management, and Teacher Teaching Effectiveness in Yilan Junior High Schools. This involves dissecting the effect of different external variables on distributed leadership, Innovative Management, and Teacher Teaching Effectiveness, and subsequently explores the level of predictability of Distributed Leadership and School Innovative Management on Teacher Teaching Effectiveness. Last but not least, actionable recommendations are provided based on insightful findings。 To achieve the research objective above, formal surveys were given and collected on full-time, full-time substitute, special education teaching staff across 24 Junior High Schools in Yilan. Using stratified random sampling method, 600 surveys were sent out with 92% reply rate, and with 87.3% surveys used for final analysis. The research uses SPSS Statistics 18.0 software to calculate related statistical results and analysis insights with the following conclusions: 1.Teaching staff across Yilan Junior High Schools consider School Principal’s Distributed Leadership Level as Medium to High, with the highest awareness in “Clear Structure and Accountability”, and lowest awareness in “Confidence and Modesty” 2.Teaching staff across Yilan Junior High Schools consider School Innovative Management as Medium to High, with the highest awareness in “Information Technology Innovation Management” and the lowest awareness in “External Environment Innovation Management” 3.Teaching Staff across Yilan Junior High Schools receive Medium to High level of Teacher Teaching Effectiveness. With the highest awareness in “Teaching Environment” and lowest awareness “Teaching Strategy” having the lowest awareness 4.There were variations in perspective of School Principal’s Distributed Leadership among teaching staff in Yilan as the result of differences in Age, Tenure, Position, and School history 5.There were variations in perspective of School Innovative Management among teaching staff in Yilan as the result of differences in Age, Tenure, Position, and School history 6.There were variations in Teacher Teaching Effectiveness among teaching staff in Yilan as the result of differences in Age, Tenure, Position, and School history 7.Across Junior High Schools in Yilan, School Principal’s Distributed Leadership, School Innovative Management, and Teacher Teaching Effectiveness are positively correlated 8.School Principal’s Distributed Leadership and School Innovative Management are predictive of Teacher Teaching Effectiveness, and with “Curriculum and Innovation Management” having the best predictability

新北市國民小學校長分布式領導、教師工作壓力與學校創新經營效能關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationships among Principal’ s Distributed Leadership, Teacher’ s Job Stress and the Effectiveness of School Innovation Management in Elementary Schools in New Taipei City

黃國政 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解目前新北市國民小學校長分布式領導、教師工作壓力與學校創新經營效能的現況,分析不同背景變項下之教師,知覺校長分布式領導、教師工作壓力與學校創新經營效能之差異情形,並探討三者間之關係,最後探討校長分布式領導與教師工作壓力對學校創新經營效能之預測力分析。 本研究採問卷調查法,以新北市之公立國民小學教師為母群體,共計抽樣50所學校,發出800份問卷,回收707份,回收率約達88.4%;有效問卷668份,問卷回收可用率為94.5%。問卷調查結果以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法加以分析與探討。本研究獲致之結論如下: 一、目前新北市國民小學教師知覺校長分布式領導為中高程度,以「領導能量的投 入」得分最高,「營造信任文化」得分最低。 二、目前新北市國民小學教師工作壓力感受為中低程度,以「工作負荷」壓力感受 最高,以「支持系統」壓力感受最低。 三、目前新北市國民小學教師知覺學校創新經營效能為中高程度,以「環境設備創 新效能」得分最高,「行政服務創新效能」得分最低。 四、新北市國民小學教師,因性別、年齡、最高學歷、服務年資、現任職務、校長 最高學歷與校長年資的不同,在知覺校長分布式領導上有顯著差異。 五、新北市國民小學教師,因性別、婚姻狀況、年齡、最高學歷、現任職務、學校 地區、校長年齡、校長最高學歷與校長年資的不同,在知覺教師工作壓力上有 顯著差異。 六、新北市國民小學教師,因性別、年齡、最高學歷、現任職務、學校規模、校長 性別、校長年齡、校長最高學歷與校長年資的不同,在知覺學校創新經營效能 上有顯著差異。 七、新北市國民小學校長分布式領導與教師工作壓力、教師工作壓力與學校創新經 營效能具低(弱)負相關;新北市國民小學校長分布式領導與學校創新經營效能 則具接近高(強)正相關。 八、新北市國民小學校長分布式領導與教師工作壓力對學校創新經營效能有顯著預 測作用,以「適當的變革時機」的預測力最佳。 最後,根據本研究結果,提出具體建議,供教育行政機關、學校教育人員與未來研究參考。 / The main purposes of this research are to understand the current situations of principal’ s distributed leadership, teacher’ s job stress and the effectiveness of school innovation management in elementary schools in New Taipei City, and to analyze the differences of principal’ s distributed leadership, teacher’ s job stress and the effectiveness of school innovation management in terms of principals’ background, teachers’ background and school background in elementary schools. Furthermore, to explore the relationships among principal’ s distributed leadership, teacher’ s job stress and the effectiveness of school innovation management in elementary schools. Finally, to predict the effectiveness of school innovation management by principal’ s distributed leadership and teacher’ s job stress. To achieve the purposes, this research adopts a questionnaire survey and the population are teachers of public elementary schools in New Taipei City. The samples include 50 schools and 800 questionnaires were distributed. There were 707 questionnaires retrieved. The response rate of the questionnaire was 88.4%, and there were 668 valid questionnaires used finally in the statistical analysis, overall the usable rate was 94.5%. A series of statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression analysis are conducted to analyze the data collected. The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1.The perceptions from the elementary school teachers regarding principal’ s distributed leadership are medium-high level. The item “investment in leadership capacity” was the highest, and the item “a culture of trust” was the lowest. 2.The perceptions from the elementary school teachers regarding teacher’ s job stress are low-medium level. The item “work loads” was the highest, and the item “supporting system” was the lowest. 3.The perceptions from the elementary school teachers regarding the effectiveness of school innovation management are medium-high level. The item “innovative effectiveness of environment equipment” was the highest, and the item “innovative effectiveness of administrative service” was the lowest. 4.There are significant differences among gender, age, academic degree, service period, position, principal’s academic degree, and total service period as a principal in terms of principal’ s distributed leadership. 5.There are significant differences among gender, marriage, age, academic degree, position, school area, principal’s age, principal’s academic degree, and total service period as a principal in terms of teacher’ s job stress. 6.There are significant differences among gender, age, academic degree, position, school size, principal’s gender, principal’s age, principal’s academic degree, and total service period as a principal in terms of the effectiveness of school innovation management. 7.Teacher’ s job stress has low-negative correlation to principal’ s distributed leadership and the effectiveness of school innovation management. Principal’ s distributed leadership is medium-high-positively related to the effectiveness of school innovation management. 8.Both principal’ s distributed leadership and teacher’ s job stress serve a predictive function on the effectiveness of school innovation management, especially in the variable of principal’ s distributed leadership and the dimension of “a turning point”. Based on the above conclusions, some suggestions and references are proposed for educational authorities, principals and teachers of elementary schools, and future research.

私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能關係之研究 / A study on the relationship among the principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and effectiveness in private senior and vocational high schools

蔡玲玲, Tsay, Lin Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構並驗證私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能之模式,並比較不同教師背景變項及學校背景變項的差異,依據研究所得結論,分別對教育主管行政機關、私立高中職董事會、私立高中職學校及後續研究者提出建議,以做為推展校長分布式領導,促進學校組織健康,及提升學校效能之參考。 本研究使用問卷調查法,以單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸、結構方程模式等統計方法,探討私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能之關係及模式驗證。經由文獻的蒐集與探討,提出本研究的研究架構和路徑關係模式圖。研究對象為北北基私立高中職學校600位教師;研究工具為研究者自編之私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能關係之調查問卷。 透過統計分析與討論,本研究獲得以下結論: 一、私立高中職學校教師覺知校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能之現況屬中高程度。 二、私立高中職學校部分教師在人員背景變項與學校背景變項對校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能的覺知具有顯著差異。 三、私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能三者間具有正向關聯性。 四、私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康對學校效能均具有正向預測力。 五、本研究所建構之私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能之結構方程模式具有良好適配度。 / The study aims to construct and examine the model of principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and effectiveness in private senior and vocational high schools, and compare differences in variances of teachers’ background and schools’ background. The outcomes and suggestions provide substantial references for educational authorities and administrations, the board of directors in private senior and vocational high schools, private senior and vocational high schools, and future researchers to promote principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness. This study adopted questionnaire survey and statistical methods such as one-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-Moment Correlations Coefficient, Multiple Regression Analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to explore the association and model of principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness in private senior and vocational high schools. The framework of research and the path analysis module diagram were constructed on the basis of literature reviews. The subjects of the study included 600 teachers teaching in private senior and vocational high schools in Taipei, New Taipei, and Keelung. The research tool of survey questionnaire was created by the researcher, containing constructs of distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness. Based on data analysis and discussions, the conclusions are as follows: 1. Participating teachers perceived that the principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness presented a middle to high level. 2. For some participating teachers, there are significant differences between the two variables of teachers’ background and schools’ background on the perceived principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness. 3. There is a positive correlation between the variables of principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness. 4. Both principals’ distributed leadership and school health show a positive prediction power to school effectiveness. 5. The SEM constructed for the principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness showed a goodness of fit.


Suzuki, Kazuhiro, Suwa, Kanenori, Chiba, Shigeki, 鈴木, 和博, 諏訪, 兼位, 千葉, 茂樹 03 1900 (has links)

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