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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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連榮盛, Lien, Jung-Shen Unknown Date (has links)
面臨紡織貿易自由化之時代來臨,全球紡織產業之競爭勢必更加劇烈,通路商與品牌商之議價能力也將逐漸增強,相對而言,製造廠商勢必在成本、交期、品質與配銷上更需符合客戶需求,因此未來國內中下游之大型成衣廠、織布廠必須更落實多點佈局、全球分工之營運模式,方能面對中國大陸、印度等低成本國家之價格競爭。而對於高附加價值產品在國內生產仍具競爭利基,則可加強產品之協同設計,以提供客戶更完善之服務,並延伸價值鏈之價值活動,以建構更強有力的競爭優勢。 本研究主要探討紡織產業如何運用產業電子化以創造全球競爭力,除分析國內外紡織業者導入產業電子化之之現況與未來發展外,並以個案分析實際驗證紡織產業導入產業電子化系統之過程與成效。 本研究分析重點以產品協同設計及全球運籌管理系統之導入為主軸,同時藉由商業模式(Business Model)分析、流程模式(Process Model)分析及資訊科技模式(IT Model)分析瞭解如何導入電子化系統及預估導入之可能效益。 研究結果發現,目前國內並無紡織專用之產品協同設計系統,需藉由國內相關單位共同努力建立一套協同設計平台,以加強與客戶之協同作業。而全球運籌管理系統則可參考資訊產業之營運模式,並導入國內IT供應商已建立之相關模組,同時再配合相關作業流程之改造,必能以最有效率之方式建置相關系統。

筆記型電腦新產品開發之協同設計策略-以筆記型電腦品牌商為例 / Strategy in collaborative design for new product development in notebook PCs- a case study for a notebook pc company

李文裕, Lee, Wen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球科技迅速發展及國際化競爭的日益升高,競爭型態已由過去個別廠商間的競爭轉變為整體供應鏈體系間的競爭,運用企業間綿密的協同合作關係來強化整體供應鏈的團隊競爭力,已是企業在面對產業競爭的生存之道。本研究以一家國際品牌的電腦品牌商為個案研究的對象,主要在探討企業的新產品開發協同設計策略及如何選擇合作夥伴。本研究透過文獻探討新產品開發流程、產業分析與產業價值鏈的理論、與策略形態法,再透過資料收集與個案公司人員訪談,來分析個案在新產品開發活動價值單元及不同階段的合作模式以了解個案公司新產品開發的協同設計策略、執行狀況與策略夥伴的合作模式。 經由分析本個案,本研究發現地理位置、能力與資源、產品策略與新產品開發流程的複雜度會影響策略合作夥伴的選擇與新產品開發協同設計的合作模式。 / In response to the rapid changing of the technology and market, firms intend to choose the perfect-fit suppliers to be the strategic partner to build their own ECO system. This study aims to explore the corporate’s strategy in collaborative research and development and strategic partner selection- a case study for an international branding PCs company. This study starts with literature review of the new product development, industry analysis, value chain analysis and strat-egy posture analysis. To understand a firm’s strategy selection, I conduct multi-ple interviews with key members of the company regarding key activities of the new product development and collaborative development model at the stages. Through the analysis of this case study, the study found that the geography, ca-pability and resources, a firm’s marketing strategy and complexity of new product development process are the key factors to the choice of strategic partner and the model of collaborative research and development.

協同設計創新對於半導體價值鏈之影響 - 以 DFM 為例 / Impact of Design Collaboration Innovation for Semiconductor Value Chain: Take DFM (Design for Manufacturing) as Case

申雲勇, Shen, Yun-Yong Unknown Date (has links)
隨著奈米積體電路時代的來臨, 在微影技術,半導體製造技術和電路設計技術的進步已導致新的機會來整合大部份在系統中被使用到的電子功能。例如經過SoC技術提供的單晶片解決方案 - 由可重複使用的矽智財共同構成的單晶片系統 (舉例來說: 微處理器矽智財、數位信號處理矽智財、記憶體矽智財和其他的明星矽智財共同構成的單晶片系統) 可以和其他的整合系統溝通。這種包括多項技術的整合方式漸漸增加DFM 的要求, 進而創造在半導體價值鏈之中新虛擬的整合鏈模式。 對於先進產品發展, 經由現存的分解方式價值鏈﹐從每個單一鏈節 (無晶圓設計,矽智財,電路設計自動化, 設計服務,光罩製造,晶圓製造和封裝/測試)所創造的聯合價值無法在短時間超越IDM (舉例來說: 無法提供較早的上市時間)。因此針對先進產品突破性的發展,整合每個單一鏈節變成重要的主題。本研究針對這一個整合議題提供一個新的設計合作平台作為解決方案。 研究將以 DFM議題在半導體價值鏈中的影響作為分析。針對公司和公司間的溝通界面, 設計合作平台將會提供更多的併進價值鏈知識整合。 / Advances in lithography, semiconductor processes and circuit design techniques at the nanometer IC era have led to new opportunities to integrate most of the electronic functions encountered in systems. The single-chip solution through System on Chip (SoC) which comprises reusable Silicon IP (SIP) such as Microprocessor, Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Memory and other Star SIPs enabling the system to communicate with other systems. This multidisciplinary approach calls for increasing Design for Manufacturing (DFM) needs among semiconductor value chain to enable a whole new virtual integrated chain. Through the existing disintegrated value chain, the synergized value contributed from each single node (fabless, SIP provider, EDA, design service, mask foundry, wafer foundry and assembly/test) could not fulfill the time-to-market benefit as the IDM provides for advanced product development. To integrate each single chain node becomes the important topic for advanced product breakthrough. A new design collaboration platform is proposed to address this integration issue. Study was conducted among this semiconductor value chain for the DFM (Design for Manufacturing) issue. The design collaboration platform addresses the inter-firm communication interface among the value chain to provide more concurrent value chain knowledge integration. By applying Fine’s double helix model with the evidence from DFM case, I successfully predict the re-integration trend of semiconductor industry post the disintegration model.

實施PLM對企業提昇研發流程管理能力之影響分析-以電子科技業為例 / Analysis of the impacts for RD workflow management capability on the implementation of PLM — An empirical study on Hi-Tech Electronics Company

蔡本源, Tsai,Ben Unknown Date (has links)
回顧台灣的經濟發展軌跡,過去五十年努力以赴快速提升國民所得,逐步邁入已開發國家之林,如今台灣廉價勞力優勢逐漸被東南亞和中國等國家取代,台灣產業也開始朝向高科技、高附加價值產業發展,電子資訊產業為了持續保有全球市場競爭力,開始致力提升企業的產品開發能力,持續進行創新性產品開發,創造企業價值,這是台灣電子資訊產業建立全球競爭力的重要因素之一。 在經濟發展過程中,台灣電子產業致力於產品升級和企業轉型,擺脫複製組裝或OEM(委託生產製造),邁向ODM(委託設計製造)和OBM(自有品牌) ,促使產品研發能力提昇並持續擁有國際競爭優勢,於全球性激烈競爭市場環境中生存,並在全球產業分工模式中佔有一席地位。如何在最短期間推出品質、功能、價格皆能滿足市場需求,以維持其競爭優勢,成為台灣產業界共同關心的課題。 在全球化產業競爭日愈激烈的今日,台灣製造業除了有效運用大陸低廉生產勞動成本的競爭優勢,本身也應該從原有代工製造的型態,發展成具有代工設計能力,並且結合垂直產業價值鏈上的所有廠商,進行產品的協同設計開發,使產業核心能力互相連結,發揮創新的能力。『協同式產品商務模式』若能建立在兩岸三地的經貿合作網路中,則台商可以將企業的各項營運資訊做有效的整合,達成及時溝通互動及智慧分享的目的,將產品的開發時程大幅縮短,同時也可節省不少溝通成本,進而為企業建立競爭優勢。 本研究從產品生命週期管理系統(PLM:Product Lifecycle Management)的用途與發展歷程觀察;台灣電子產業內外部研發職能現況,及企業內部研發活動與外部夥伴組織協同設計面臨的管理瓶頸,還有從企業導入生命週期管理(PLM)系統的目的及期望觀察;關鍵成功因素(CSF) 研究方法運用在PLM專案實施過程中,藉由審視實際個案導入的手法分析企業導入生命週期管理(PLM)系統後;企業內部各功能性組織及外部夥伴組織(客戶及供應商)協同設計活動,透過協同資訊服務網,將企業的各項營運資訊做有效的整合,及時溝通互動及智慧分享,逐項分析企業於策略面、作業面、管理面、組織面、資訊科技面的流程管理改善效益,期待在全球電子科技業分工議題上,藉由資訊科技的整合及溝通,兩岸産業分工由産品生産階段的分工走向研發與創新、營運、製造、行銷等功能性的分工走向,為台灣電子科技業盡一份心力。 / Taiwan’s economic development track shows that the country in the past 50 years bolstered its national income, and gradually becoming one of the developed countries in the world. And now, Taiwan’s once competitive labor is replaced by cheap labor in Southeast Asia and China. This prompted Taiwanese companies to switch to high tech and high value added industries. In their attempt to maintain its competitive edge in world market, Taiwan electronics and IT companies escalated their research and development ability on enterprise products. Creating values through consistent innovative product design is one key factor by which Taiwan electronic and IT industry players compete in the world market. In its economic development, Taiwan electronics enterprises thrived in product upgrading and business transformation. They moved away from assembly production or OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing) businesses, and move toward ODM (Original Design Manufacturing) and OBM (Own Brand Manufacturing). Improved research and product design capability became their competitive edge in the global market, allowing them not only to survive amongst the cutthroat competition, but also to play a key role in global collaborative markets. It is the common focus of Taiwanese IT companies to keep ahead of global competition by delivering cost effective, quality, feature rich products in the shortest lead time. In face of the increasing competitive the global market today, Taiwanese electronics manufacturing companies bolster their strength by migrating from OEM to ODM businesses, and vertically integrating satellite companies in China, fully leveraging China's cheap labor and low cost resources. This collaborative production and business model, combining the core competence of all industries from both camps, brings out a new creative and powerful force. If this collaborative production and business model can be built on the economic and trade networks across the strait, then, Taiwanese enterprises can effectively integrate all its operational information in the same platform, linking up intelligence databases and interactive, real time communication. As a result, Taiwanese industries can shorten a great deal of product development lead time and reduce communication costs. This brings Taiwan further ahead in global competition. This research aims to layout the groundwork for Taiwanese enterprises to expand from collaborative production to functional collaborations, including R&D, operating, manufacturing, sales and marketing, by analyzing the current workflow management through case study of PLM implementation. This research results shall be supported by the following coverage: 1)Observation on system implementation and progress of PLM. 2)Purpose and expectation of Taiwanese enterprises in implementing PLM (product life cycle management). 3)Current functions of Taiwan electronic companies’ in house R&D units and external cooperative partners. 4)Bottlenecks in managing in house R&D, their activities and their cooperation with external engineering teams. 5)The role of Critical Success Factor (CSF) in the implementation of PLM. 5) Activities of internal design functional units collaborating with alliances, both vendors and customers, utilizing collaborative information service platform to effectively integrate a wide range of cross the strait operations, and linkage of interactive communication channels and sharing of real time knowledgebase database. 6) Analyze the enterprise’s tactics, the operations, the managements, the organization and Information technology aspect to improve their RD workflow management superiority item by item.

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