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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


楊欣曉, Yang, hsin hsiau Unknown Date (has links)
acer為台灣早期投入至國際市場發展自創品牌的開拓者,後進許多台灣自創品牌廠商的國際化發展歷程也如同acer一般,以美歐為國際化佈局的起點,但多面臨在美國發展不佳,歐洲有較佳表現的情況。近年來,隨著大陸及其他新興市場經濟的興起,代表除了歐美主流市場之外,台商亦可憑藉同文同種及地理距離較近等優勢而有其他有利的發展選擇,因此興起了探討台灣廠商在發展自創國際品牌的歷程中是基於何種策略考量因素,而決策出當初的國際化發展路徑?面對現今不同的政經環境發展,是否又有不同的策略考量?另外,台灣企業在國際市場中的品牌經營方式為何且過程中又遭遇了哪些組織面的問題與衝擊? 基於以上的研究動機,本研究依據自創品牌、國際化及全球區域市場特性探討的相關文獻,以具有良好經營成效且欲長期耕耘自創品牌的廠商在國際化過程中應有的策略規劃步驟作為本研究之研究架構,並以個案深度訪談而得的初級資料與蒐集報章雜誌報導的次級資料兩種方式作為本研究之研究方法,訪問台灣自有品牌在國際市場上具有優異的經營績效,且未來仍持續投入品牌國際化活動的廠商,包括:昆盈科技、帝寶工業、統一食品、技嘉科技、宇達電通、美利達工業和研華科技等七間個案公司作為此次研究對象,探討其國際佈局及品牌發展等策略背後之考量因素。 此七間個案公司依據研究架構的四大構面探討後,本研究針對此四大構面以跨個案的方式,共歸納出17個相關命題進行深入分析,並得到以下結論:在國際佈局的策略考量方面,台灣自創國際品牌廠商進行國際佈局活動時,對組織內、外部的資源與環境皆會加以評估,其中組織內部以本身能力優勢的掌握及移轉程度為主要考量;組織外部則以追求市場規模為主要考量;在品牌發展方面,台灣自創品牌廠商的品牌經營方式一方面會依據組織本身能力的不足,與當地市場的人才、通路進行合作;另一方面會依據本身能力的強項展現在優異的產品力上;在國際化歷程中組織遭遇到的問題與相關解決方式方面,台灣自創國際品牌廠商在品牌國際化經營過程中,主要遭遇到缺乏國際管理的相關專業,而目前解決的方式是一方面在組織內部加強相關能力,一方面尋求組織外部的專業協助;在組織未來發展方向及策略考量因素與早期思考邏輯的異同處方面,台灣自創國際品牌廠商未來的國際佈局策略思考模式與早期的思考模式相同,都以追求市場規模為主要考量因素。 本研究藉由品牌發展路徑、品牌國際經營策略與策略考量因素等相關議題的完整架構之探討而歸結出上述命題與結論,能補足僅針對研究架構中部分主題探討的相關文獻,提供更為縝密的學術思考,作為後續研究者的參考。另外,也希望藉由台灣成功的自創品牌廠商的個案研究為之後有志發展品牌國際化的企業帶來借鏡,先行瞭解台灣廠商國際擴張的雛形和需具備的核心能力與組織資源,以利未來的國際化階段能發展的更為順利與穩健。也建議後續學者可針對研究限制中研究對象樣本、數量及訪談深度等不足之處,進行後續分析,以得到更為完整且適用性更佳的研究品質。

由消費體驗發展品牌的成功案例研究 / A case study of brand development based on consumption experience

李宥蓉, Lee, Yu Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國內外符合體驗經濟時代的品牌,透過文獻回顧與探討,整理出一個可由消費體驗發展品牌的架構,並以此架構進行個案分析與檢視,提出研究發現,提供想要由消費體驗發展品牌的廠商,作為自我檢視品牌發展之用;同時,作為品牌操作之實務運作可依循的方向,強化品牌發展之路。 本研究使用質性研究的多個案研究方法,選擇選取了國內外各兩家消費體驗的代表品牌為研究對象,進行深度的訪談,分別為法藍瓷、王德傳、美體小舖與無印良品四個品牌;並同時蒐集相關的次級資料進行彙整,最後,透過本研究架構進行個案的分析與比較,以了解其公司如何從消費體驗發展品牌的經營之道,並彙整出研究發現。 本研究發現乃藉由「由消費體驗發展品牌的觀念架構」,指出互動過程可透過體驗行銷策略模型之實務操作形成客戶消費體驗;透過顧客關係管理實務建立長期的品牌關係,而衡量關係準則可藉由關係密度與關係活動了解關係品實質以調整品牌互動的方式;最終使顧客感受品牌精神。並透過四個成功案例分析與印證,彙整發現與結論如下: 1. 品牌精神乃品牌經營之根本,需具備「獨特、真實、談論性高」之特質。 2. 品牌關係可透過顧客關係管理之行銷操作,以會員經營與管理為主,可使品牌行銷更精準有效率。 3. 客戶體驗可透過Schmitt(1999)體驗行銷策略之運用,發現: 3-1.體驗類型,感官、情感、思考、行動與關聯並非獨立存在,而是互相影響。 3-2.體驗類型首重感官之視覺刺激誘發情感體驗 3-3.客戶體驗影響品牌與顧客關係 3-4.客戶體驗首重情境式體驗與圖像式溝通 3-5.對體驗媒介之產品呈現方式(品質、設計與包裝等)最為重視 3-6.共同建立品牌之聯合行銷的方式最為常用,以補足較少的廣告行銷預算。 4. 品牌精神、品牌關係與客戶體驗之相互關係 4-1.需以全面觀點規劃與設計,三者兼備,缺一不可。 4-2.三者關係需兼顧一致性與相互呼應 / The purpose of this research is to discuss the brand of Experience Economy at home and abroad. According to a literature review and research, we first developed a conceptual framework of brand development through consumption experience. Then, we analyzed and viewed successful cases based on this conceptual framework of brand development. Finally, we proposed findings. This research may help companies that want to develop brands through consumption to view brand development. At the same time, it is also a way to practice brand execution and may enhance brand development. In this research, we adopted a multi–case study method of qualitative research. We selected four brands at home and abroad in the case study: Franz, Wang De Chuan, the Body Shop, and MUJI. The analysis of these case brands was based on the primary material, which we obtained from in-depth interviews and from related secondary materials collected and archived from many ways. Finally, we analyzed and compared the four cases using this conceptual framework of brand development, and we made several discoveries. The study found that the interactive process can be applied in practice through the strategies of experiential marketing and can then be used to form customers’ consumption experiences, to develop long-term brand relationships through customer relationship management, to evaluate the relationship’s criteria through relationship activities, which can the be adjusted in brand-interactive manner; and to make the customer feel brand spirit finally. Above all else, we based our work on the conceptual framework of brand development through consumption experience. Below are the findings and conclusion from the analysis and proof of the four case studies: 1. Brand spirit is the base of brand development. It requires several features, such as unique, real, and intense discussion. 2. Brand relationships can let brand marketing be precise and effective through the practices of customer relationship management and member management. 3. Customer experience can be expressed through the strategies and execution of experiential marketing from Schmitt (1999). Below are discoveries: 3-1. An experience model describes the way we sense, feel, think, act, and relate. These reactions are independent but are interactive in their influence. 3-2. An experience model pays attention to stimulation from the sense of sight to induce feelings and experiences. 3-3. The customer experience affects the relationship between the brand and customer. 3-4. The customer experience emphasizes communication based on situation and picture. 3-5. Experience media emphasize product expression, e.g., quality, design, and packaging. 3-6. A marketing strategic alliance is usually used in order to keep a low budget for marketing. 4. What is the interactive relationship among brand spirit, brand relationship, and the customer’s experience? 4-1. The relationship of the three needs to be planned and designed using an indispensable overall concept. 4-2. The relationship of the three needs consistency to keep one another healthy.

從智慧財產權的觀點看台灣設計公司面臨的問題 / Challenges faced by Taiwan design houses: perspectives from intellectual property rights

葉咨甫, Yeh, Tzu Fu Unknown Date (has links)
「設計」應該是一種創造高附加價值的觀念,不過很可惜的是,在台灣的環境之下,很多的設計業者卻不得不和現實妥協、低頭,放棄當初投入設計的理想和初衷,來從事設計代工或接單(B TO B)等高度競爭的工作,儘管台灣的設計,在國際比賽中,贏得非常多的大獎,擁有很強的設計能力,和受到國際高度的肯定。不過,設計業者在環境的限制之下,仍然沒有辦法利用「設計」來創作高附加價值的作品,或賺取超額的收益及名聲。以拿下美國2009年Gen Art時裝大獎的設計師古又文曾經感慨得說:「我是被台灣這個產業,逼著我一定得出走,因為在這個環境中,如果我想要做我自己,想要做一個有創意,而不是拷貝人家創意的設計師,那幾乎是不可能的 。」 台灣的設計產業究竟出了什麼問題?智慧財產權的制度,又扮演著什麼樣的角色呢?本研究將從設計產業、智慧財產權以及集體管理組織的概念,來討論台灣設計產業所遭遇到的問題與困難,並試圖找尋出一個解決的方案。 在經過一連串的分析以及資料的統整之後,本研究認為台灣設計產業最大的問題有3項,第一,台灣的設計產業以中小型企業為主,競爭激烈,缺乏資金和資源,也無力拓展海外市場和經營品牌;第二,在台灣的設計產業之中,創新的價值,很難轉換到品牌或者商標之上,因此消費者不易分辨原創作品與仿冒商品之差異;第三,市場上缺乏穩健而且可靠的通路系統,設計業者很難將創作商品,在市場上換取收益,並獲得充足的資金來支持其後續的開發和創作。 本研究提出「設計品牌經紀商」的概念,希望能夠解決目前設計產業面臨的交易成本過高,以及中小型設計業者面臨「心有餘而力不足」的問題,如果依照智慧財產權整合的概念,這種類似集體管理團體的組織在達到一定的規模後,可以發揮類似保險公司分散風險的經濟模式,同時也具備了提高談判和議價能力,以及達到降低買賣雙方搜尋成本的好處。 / Design should be a concept of creating value added. However, in Taiwan, many designers are forced to compromise with the reality, doing high competitive jobs like B to B(business-to-business) instead of following their aspirations. Despite the fact that Taiwanese designers have won many international prizes and that their designing abilities have been highly recognized in the world, they are still unable to use “design” to create high value added works, make profits, and gain popularity out of it. Ku Yu-Wen, the designer who won the 2009 Gen Art Prize in the U.S., once said, “I was forced to leave because of this industry in Taiwan. In this environment, it’s almost impossible to be myself, be a creative designer who doesn’t copy.” What problems are we facing in Taiwan’s design industry? What role should the IP policy take? In this research, we will go through the concepts of design industry, intellectual property and collective management organizations, discuss the problems and difficulties faced in Taiwan, and work on a possible solution. After a series of data analysis, the research concludes that Taiwan’s design industry are facing three main problems: First, Taiwan’s design industry is composed of small companies, which are constantly competitive, lack capital and resources, and are unable to expand markets oversea or invest in brand management. Second, in Taiwan’s design industry, it’s difficult to transfer the value of innovation into the brand or the trade mark; therefore, customers are often unable to distinguish the genuine products from the couterfeits. Third, the market lacks stable and reliable marketing channels. It’s difficult for designers to make profits from their works and gain sufficient capital to support their following works. To solve these problems, the research proposes the concept of “designer brands broker” in hopes of lowering the transaction cost and helping those willing but unable designers. Like the integration of intellectual property, when reaching a certain scale, this kind of collective management organizations can help to diversification risk like an insurance company. Furthermore, it can help to increase designers’ negotiating ability and decrease the search cost for both the seller and the buyer.

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