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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


呂明勳 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統產業區位理論主要在探討人類活動對空間之影響,其所著重者乃為經濟面之分析觀點,相較於傳統產業區位理論,網絡發展理論更加著重產業發展非經濟因素之探討以及網絡體系在空間結構中之建構與快速交流、互動,故近年來,產業網絡之研究受到台灣學術界的甚多重視,眾多研究指出,健全且緊密聯結的產業合作網絡,為台灣廠商國際競爭力的重要來源。而新竹科學工業園區與新竹工業區在政府政策的推動下,已引導出各自不同的產業群聚現象,並賦予其特有的任務與角色,尤其二工業(園)區距離僅約10公里,在空間上已具有鄰近性的特質,故本文主要是從廠商地理鄰近性的觀點,探討在新竹地域此一生產環境下,新竹科學工業園區與新竹工業區廠商之原料購買與產品銷售關係向外伸展的生產網絡,其地理空間結構分布情形,以及二者上下游廠商生產、研發合作網絡之連結關係,及其是否因地理鄰近性而產生影響。   本研究首先藉文獻回顧以瞭解產業生產網絡之特性與型態,以及地理集中現象對於產業群聚及廠商間的互動,具有之衝擊與影響;並針對新竹工業地域之發展情形、產業結構之轉變以及新竹科學工業園區、新竹工業區二大產業聚集地內各項重大產業之網絡連結情形作進一步之探討。再配合問卷調查方式,以得出二工業(園)區廠商生產、研發合作網絡之連結關係與區位選擇考量情形;最後運用二元羅吉特迴歸模式逐步篩選擷取出影響廠商選擇設廠於新竹科學工業園區及新竹工業區之重要變項,並進而分析論述地理鄰近性與生產、研發網絡二者之關係。 本研究實證分析結果如下:一、地理鄰近性與廠商區位之選擇有關;二、新竹科學工業園區呈現跨國界性的生產網絡關係,而新竹工業區則屬於跨區域性之生產網絡;三、新竹科學工業園區內廠商在上下游投入產出關係中是較為密切,這也正是其吸引六大產業廠商在此群聚之原因,同時促使產業群聚現象亦愈為顯著;四、地理空間的鄰近促使互動的限制隨著鄰近性的增加而減少,同時也增加了成員間溝通的速度,故在新竹工業地域產業群聚的環境下,地理的鄰近對新竹科學工業園區及新竹工業區廠商生產網絡之連結建立了更佳的平台;五、地理鄰近對工業(園)區廠商研發合作網絡之形構助益不大,而產業型態之不同,應是彼此合作網絡連結簿弱之主因。 最後建議政府在規劃整體工業(園)區環境時,尤應因應產業性質之不同,提供廠商資訊交流平台,以增進產業交流。同時應協助工業(園)區廠商建立垂直、水平或異業間研發合作網絡關係,俾使彼此互享生存資源並有效降低研發成本與風險,而新產品或技術創新之時間也得以縮短,相互合作進而提升產業競爭能力。此外,日後工業(園)區服務中心除了收取經費或場地租借外,亦應兼具訊息交流功能,並從生產鏈或價值鏈之觀點,尋覓適合之廠商進駐,以活化工業(園)區產業群聚效益,進而促進彼此生產或研發合作網絡連結關係。 / The industry location theory mainly discusses the impact of human activities on space from mainly the economic perspective. Compared with this conventional theory, the network development theory puts a stronger emphasis on the non-economic factors in industrial development and a network system’s construction, development, and interaction in a spatial structure. In recent years, much academic attention has been paid to the study of industrial networks in Taiwan. Many studies have pointed out that a firm and closely-linked network of industrial cooperation is the main source of international competitiveness for Taiwanese firms. Under the promotion of the government, industrial clusters have been created in Hsinchu Science Park and Hsinchu Industrial Park, with each cluster given a specific role and missions. As the two parks are only 10km away from each other, they can be said to have the characteristic of geographic proximity. Therefore, this study was aimed to investigate, from the perspective of geographic proximity, the geographic structure of the production network developed under the demand for raw materials and sales of products among the firms in the two parks. Besides, it further probed into the linkage in production and R&D among upstream/downstream firms in the two parks as well as the impact of geographic proximity on inter-firm cooperation.   Literature review was first conducted to understand the features and patterns of production networks and the impact of geographic concentration on industrial clustering and firm interactions. Geographic development, transformation of structure of industries in Hsinchu and the networks formed by major industries in the two parks were further investigated. Through a questionnaire survey, the linkages in production and R&D among firms in the two parks and factors considered in their location choice were explored. Finally, variables affecting firms’ location choice were progressively extracted using the binary logit model. Based on these variables, the relationship between geographic proximity and production and R&D networks were further analyzed. From this empirical analysis, the following results were obtained: (1) Geographic proximity is correlated with location choice of firms. (2) The production networks in the Hsinchu Science Park are cross-national, while those in Hsinchu Industrial Park are more cross-regional. (3) Upstream/downstream firms in Hsinchu Science Park have a closer input-output relationship, which is the main reason why firms across six industries cluster in this park and industrial clustering is becoming more significant. (4) Proximity in geographic space reduces constraints on firm interactions and facilitates communications among members. Thus, in Hsinchu where industries cluster, geographic proximity provides a better platform for firms in the both parks to establish production networks. (5) The positive effect of geographic proximity on the buildup of an R&D network among firms in the two parks is limited. Difference in industry patterns is probably the main cause of the weakness of their cooperation linkages. Finally, the following suggestions were proposed: In the planning of an industrial park, the government should provide a firm information exchange platform according to properties of each industry to facilitate industry exchange. Besides, efforts should be made to assist firms in the park to establish horizontal, vertical or cross-industry R&D networks, so that these firms can share resources of survival and effectively reduce R&D cost and risks. Besides, through cooperation, their new product development or technical innovation time can be shortened and their competitiveness can be enhanced. In the future, in addition to collection of funds or administration of lands, the park service center should also provide information exchange services. From the perspective of production chain or value chain, it can proactively seek suitable firms to move into the park. Thus, the effect of industrial clustering can be increased, and production or R&D network linkages among firms can be further strengthened.


劉珊芳 Unknown Date (has links)
在面對全球化趨勢、知識經濟潮流及中國興起的挑戰與機會下,台灣產業所面臨升級及轉型的壓力與急迫均較以往劇烈,未來各地方專業化的形成已成必然之趨勢。台灣地區目前工業結構或屬勞力密集產業亦或是高機械化、科技化之產業,雖具有彈性、合作、活化網絡等特性,但卻面臨了自行研發資金不足及創新能力薄弱之難處,因此亟需中央政府利用各種政策工具增加地方之研發能力,以促進地方之創新發展,進而治理地方、活化地方之產業,最後回饋至地方經濟成長。在此同時,縣市政府又應如何營造出產業群聚獨特經濟的優勢環境?如何就重點產業尋求技術創新及中央政府的預算支持?台灣地區22個縣市的創新表現有何差異?哪一縣市的創新表現較為突出?創新表現佳的縣市,其產業優勢呈現於哪些面向?另創新表現不佳的縣市,又應如何改善其劣勢項目?如何再創地方競爭力? 準此,本文將從地方與產業之間多投入與多產出的特性,利用資料包絡分析法,以台灣地區22個縣市製造業為實證對象,依據生產要素與產出,結合創新、知識外溢及地理鄰近性的觀點,新增創新績效之代理變數,探究22個縣市在製造業方面的生產力與創新績效的差異為何,藉由評估22個地方製造業之整體效率、技術效率、規模效率,指出相對有效率或無效率的縣市,及各縣市之優、劣勢項目;另對於無效率的縣市要如何重新調整其投入產出值,才能達到有效率的狀況,亦提出改善幅度和方向;另一方面藉由國內產業政策不斷升級轉型之背景分析,來說明中央政府在創新政策方面所扮演的角色為何,又以何種政策工具提升縣市之創新能力,各縣市政府為了爭取更多的資金投入,人口及廠商進駐,又以何種作為來因應。研究成果在於,解釋各地方製造業生產力與創新績效良好或不佳的原因,指出各地方製造業無效率的來源,並提供改進的方向及幅度。而後續研究可從不同的產業別、空間尺度或研究方法進行討論。


黃昱虹 Unknown Date (has links)
在知識經濟時代中,經由知識的創造、傳遞與應用獲得創新、異質性的知識和技術,對於產業競爭力的提升具有關鍵影響力。而生物科技產業擁有知識密集、產學互動關係密切、重視創新研發活動的特性,亦與本研究關注知識創新活動相符。加上生物科技的發展,不僅是全球大力投入的新興高科技產業,同時也被定位成國家競爭力的新指標。 所以本文即以生物科技產業為對象,從創新系統脈絡所提及的地理鄰近性和網絡關係切入,透過因素分析及系統分析(SEM)方法分別建構出在生技產業中創新系統行動者--廠商、大學和研究機構的知識傳遞路徑模型。透過所建構出的知識傳遞路徑模型,觀察在廠商和學研機構的知識傳遞活動中,同時考量地理鄰近性與網絡因素前提下,兩者對於知識傳遞路徑的影響程度及其所產生直接或間接的影響、與彼此間的因果關係所形成影響路徑的先後順序,以及地理鄰近性和網絡關係間是否可能存有互補或替代關係。更進一步針對產學研三者間的知識傳遞連結關係進行整體性的結構分析。 研究結果發現: 1.知識傳遞路徑確實存在先後因果關係引發對知識取得直接或間接之影響。在廠商模型中只有廠商聚集直接影響知識取得;而學研機構模型中則是由廠商鄰近與產業網絡直接影響知識獲取。並且因為因果關係的存在而形成知識傳遞路徑的先後順序。 2.在兩個知識傳遞路徑模型中,大學與研究機構都扮演主導創新研發活動的重要角色。 3.在廠商模型中,地理鄰近性與網絡存有互補關係,學研機構模型中則否。 4.地理空間的聚集對於廠商和學研機構的知識取得都具有舉足輕重的地位。 / During the era of knowledge-based economy, acquirement of innovative and heterogeneous knowledge by knowledge and technology creating , transmitting and using has key influence to improvement of industry's competitiveness. Characteristics of Biotechnology industry, which conform to this research pays close attention to the knowledge innovation activity are knowledge -intensive , close interactions between industry – university and emphasizing innovative and research development .It is not merely a new developing Hi-Tech industry of global great input, but also the new index of national competitiveness at the same time . This thesis regards biotechnology industry as the research subject promptly, based on viewpoints of geographical proximity and networks to understand the relations between innovative actors -- firm, university and research institution -- and to construct out the route model of transmission through factor analysis and systematic analysis(SEM).According to route model , while observing in the activities of knowledge transmitting, find out the actors’ influence degree and exert a direct or indirect influence in the route model , and try to figure out geographical proximity may be complementary or substitute to the networks. Go still one step further to concern the structure analysis which among the firms, universities and research institutes. The result of study is found: 1.The causality of knowledge transmission exists positively in the route to cause direct or indirect influences on knowledge acquiring and form the priority order .Only it influences knowledge to be obtained directly that the firms gather in firm's model; geographical proximity and firm's network influencing knowledge acquisition directly while learning to university and research institution's model . 2.In both route model, the university and research institution all act as leading actor in innovative activities. 3.In firm's model, the geographical proximity has complementary relations with the network, which has opposite relation in university and research institution's model. 4.The gathering in the geographical space has a very important position in the process of knowledge acquiring to all innovative actors.

鄰近性、吸收能力與廠商創新績效之研究 / Proximity, absorptive capacity, and innovation performance of firms

陳泓汝 Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟的時代,創新已成為廠商競爭優勢的主要來源。知識的創造、傳遞、轉化和應用,促成廠商創新活動的產生。同時,連結地域空間與廠商創新績效的研究,已成為近代區域經濟與產業發展的重要議題。又,研究者逐漸意識到廠商個體的異質性,進而探求個別廠商的內部能力,吸收能力即成為研究焦點之一。 基此,本研究以全台灣生物技術產業為研究對象,透過廠商問卷之發放,運用因素分析與結構方程模型為分析工具,探討鄰近性-地理鄰近性和組織鄰近性的內涵,以及吸收能力如何扮演外部知識與廠商內部能力的介面,並結合外部知識、內部吸收能力與創新績效之影響路徑。 所得結果如下: 1.從外部知識層面,地理鄰近性扮演重要角色。對於組織鄰近性、創新績效有正面影響效果。其中,組織鄰近性隱含了組織網絡與社會網絡的成分; 2.觀察外部知識與內部能力的連結,外部知識獲取對於吸收能力有正面影響效果; 3.吸收能力對於創新績效亦有正向影響關係; 4.然而,考量到外部知識因素時,吸收能力對於創新績效的效果轉為正向卻不顯著,外部知識直接影響創新績效。 關鍵字:地理鄰近性、組織鄰近性、產業網絡、吸收能力、創新績效 / In the knowledge-based economy, innovation has become a key source of firms’ competitive advantage.The process of knowledge creation, transmission, transformation and application promotes the innovative activities. Meanwhile, the link geographical proximity and innovation performance of firms has become a modern issue of regional economic and industrial study. Also, the researchers gradually realized that the heterogeneity of individual firms, and then pay more ateentionon the internal capabilities of individual firms, thence the absorptive capacity seems to be a decisive element. Our research regards bio-technology industry as the subject promptly.Through sending questionnaires and using factor analysis and structural equation modeling as analysis tool, we observe “proximity” – the nature of geographical proximity and organizational proximity, and how can absorptvie capacity play the interface role between external knowledge and internal capacity, and further connect the external knowledge with internal absorptive capacity and innovation performance. The major results of study were found: 1. In the respect of external knowledge, geography proximity plays a crucial role in affecting organizational proximity and innovation performance. 2. External knowledge has a positive influence on absorptive capacity. 3. On the other hand, absorptive capacity affects the innovation permance of firms. 4. However, concerning the external knowledge, absorptive capacity results to positive but not significant on innovation performance.It implies that external knowledge directly impacts on innovation performance. Keyword:Geographical proximity, Organizational proximity, Industerial network, Absorptive capacity, Innovation performance

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