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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

走出生命負荷、發掘成長能量—家庭照顧者參與自助團體經驗之初探 / The experiences of the family caregivers participating in the self-help group

馮譯葶, Feng, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
在人類社會中,失能老人大多由家庭來承擔照顧責任,也因此帶給照顧者相當重的負荷。在此脈絡下,家庭照顧者的相關政策與措施逐漸受到大眾的重視,期望藉由各式的措施與服務以減少照顧對生活的不利影響,進而增加照顧者的生活福祉。在心理性的支持服務中,自助團體能夠有效舒緩照顧者的身心壓力,但照顧者自助團體研究甚少,且照顧者自助團體之研究未正視團體成員先前團體參與的經驗,及既有研究忽略照顧者支持團體的延續性效益之探究,是故,本研究目的包括:一、從接觸自助團體的起源—探討照顧者參與支持團體的經驗;二、分析照顧者參與自助團體的經驗;三、以增強權能觀點探究照顧者參與自助團體的經驗;四、從自助團體成員及社工員的角度看自助團體的未來發展;五、依據研究結果,提供建議作為辦理照顧者自助團體的實務工作者及家庭照顧者相關團體之參考。 本研究使用質性取向的研究方法,以「台北縣家庭照顧者關懷協會」作為研究場域,本研究共計訪問八名受訪者,一名社工員及七位照顧者。照顧者皆為女性,年齡介於53-64歲之間。照顧狀況方面,有1位仍持續照顧中,6位已結束照顧工作。照顧者參與自助團體方面,僅有1位非團體幹部。 主要的研究結果如下: 1.照顧者參與支持團體經驗中,透過醫療單位及個人熟識者得知活動訊息。照顧者支持團體前的處境大致可區分心理壓力、生理壓力、缺乏社會支持網絡及不清楚照顧方面的資訊。照顧者實際參與支持團體的條件為能擁有自己可支配的時間,以及有人協助暫代照顧工作。支持團體活動內容包括身心成長類、藝術治療類、活動肢體類、人際學習類,其中團體領導者的角色為教育者、催化者及使能者。領導者與成員的關係會隨著時間而改變,隨著時間的發展,許多不在正式的團體中的互動行為跟關係開始產生,此互動經驗讓成員與領導者在團體之外仍保持密切互動,彼此約定舉辦定期的聚會,逐漸形成自助團體。 2.照顧者參與自助團體之經驗中,北縣家協每個月會安排一次三小時的座談分享會,座談內容偏向靜態主題如舒壓、按摩穴道等。自助團體成員的角色可區分為活動發起者、訊息傳遞者、聯繫者、支持者及追隨者。團體互動歷程包括三個階段:互動初期、關係建立期及關係維持期。成員彼此互動的情形中,共享相似的照顧經驗及用支持的力量陪伴成員走過艱辛路,此外,單身、結束照顧工作的成員與他人互動的頻率較高。 3.以增強權能觀點分析照顧者參與團體的經驗中,在個人面的改變部份,照顧者能夠「減少負面感受」、「改變認知」、「增加知能」、「增加自信」、「支配自己的生活」;在人際面的改變中,照顧者「以同理心與被照顧者互動」、「普同性的照顧經驗」、「利他性的互動」、「知識訊息分享」、「建立同儕友誼關係」及「擴大社會網絡」;在社會面的改變中,照顧者開始從事「志願服務」、「贊助協會」,對「家庭照顧者議題及政策」也有所看法。 4.從自助團體成員與社工員的角度看自助團體的未來發展:從照顧者角度看自助團體,可發現自助團體目前運作狀況為擴大服務據點至偏遠地區,北縣家協與自助團體彼此具有雙向的互動關係。照顧者建議將活動資訊發給每個社區的健康中心,透過增加資訊管道以使訊息更具有可近性。從社工員的角度看自助團體發現,照顧者喜愛輕鬆的聚餐,期待設計自助團體相關教材,並成立自助團體的關懷小組,及補助自助團體的運作經費。 / On an aging society, the disabled elderly usually cared by families that becomes a heavy load of caregivers. In this context, the policies and measures of family caregiver are valued by the general public gradually, and hope to reduce the negative effects, to increase the well-being of caregivers. Self-help groups can effectively reduce the ca-regiver physical and mental pressure, but there are few related studies. In addition, the experience of caregiver involve in previous groups few mentioned in current studies, and caregiver support groups of the continuity of the effectiveness is neglected to explore in existing studies. Accordingly, the purposes of this study are as following: first, examine the expe-rience of caregivers involved in the support group; second, consider the experience of caregivers involved in the self-help group; third, explore the experience of caregivers involved in the self-help group --analyze from the perspective of empowerment; fourth, the expectation of the future development of self-help groups of members from the self-help groups and social workers; fifth, according to research findings, provide suggestions for caregivers’ practitioners and relevant groups. This study employs a qualitative research approach, and data collection is gotten from " Family Caregivers Association in Taipei County", including semi-structured in-depth interviews with a social worker and seven caregivers, aging from 53 to 64. One caregiver who still cares her family members and one caregiver is not the cadre. The study findings are listed below: First, caregivers get information through the medical units and individuals who are familiar to them. Caregivers have psychological stress, physical stress, lack of social support networks, and lack of care information. Caregivers can involve support groups because they have their own time, or someone help to take care temporarily. Support group include physical and mental growth activities, art therapy classes, common activities and interpersonal learning classes. The role of support group leader is a educator, catalyst and enabler. The relationship between leaders and members change over time, as time goes on, members and leaders still remain in close interaction, therefore a self-help group formed gradually. Second, when caregivers involve in the self-help group, the Association arrange a three-hour discussion sharing monthly. The role of self-help group members can be divided into active sponsors, messengers, associates, supporters and followers. Group interaction process consists of three stages: the initial interaction, relationship building and relationship of the maintenance phase. Members interact with each other, sharing similar experiences and support each other .In addition, caregivers who are single, or do not have to care their family members have higher participation rates to involve in self-help group. Third, explore the experience of caregivers involved in the self-help group --analyze from the perspective of empowerment. Changes in the personal aspect include "reduce the negative feelings", "change the perception", "more knowledge", and “more confident”, “control their own life”. Changes in the interpersonal aspect include " empathy the care receivers "," same experiences in taking care "," altruistic interaction "," knowledge and information sharing "," establish peer friendships and relationship "and" expand the social network ". Changes in the social aspect include "engage in voluntary service "," contribute money to Association ", besides caregivers have ability to suggest for family caregiver issues and policy. Fourth, the perspective of self-help group members is self-help groups expand services to remote areas. The Association and self-help groups also have good interaction. Caregivers suggest activities distributed to each community's health information center, make information more accessibility. The perspectives of social workers is design teaching material about self-help group, and set up a support team, and grant funding for self-help.

愛滋感染者權能增強影響因素之研究 / The empowerment factors of people living with HIV/AIDS

莊登閔, Chuang, Deng Min Unknown Date (has links)
愛滋感染者為深受社會烙印且處於社會邊緣的族群,在面對自身權力遭受侵犯時,往往難以看到該人口群為自己或社群發聲與行動,因此,本研究希冀瞭解愛滋感染者的權能表現以及可能的影響因素,藉此達致感染者權能的激發。 本研究採取問卷調查法,以目前台灣的愛滋感染者為主要的受訪者,抽樣方法為立意抽樣,主要透過非營利組織、監所等管道發放問卷,整份問卷主要由受訪者自填或訪員協助填答的方式進行,共回收379份有效問卷。而納入檢驗愛滋感染者權能表現的相關因素主要有個人基本資料、生活滿意度、愛滋內在烙印、參與類型、愛滋知識與服藥狀況;本研究透過獨立樣本T檢定與變異數分析檢驗自變項與依變項的雙變項相關,並透過多元迴歸分析的方式,進行多變項的檢定。 研究結果發現:一、愛滋感染者整體權能表現分布在尚可至中度,且社會政治權能表現最高,但實踐權能的參與行動卻偏低。二、愛滋感染者的生活滿意度位於稍微不滿意至中立的分配,且對於整體生活狀態滿意,但是不滿意過去的生命經驗。三、愛滋感染者的內在烙印程度較高,深受愛滋內在烙印影響者,權能相對較低。四、讓感染者自覺能夠影響他人者,權能表現相對較高。五、愛滋感染者對於愛滋知識的認識有助於權能提昇。六、多元迴歸分析當中,生活滿意度、社區代表參與、愛滋知識與服藥順從度為主要影響感染者權能的因素,共能解釋36%的變異量。 本研究依據研究結果,針對實務工作者、未來研究者以及愛滋感染者進行相關的建議。期許實務工作者能協助感染者權能提昇的執行,研究者能夠繼續探索相關影響因素,而愛滋感染者可以相信自己具有權能的能力。 / People living with HIV/AIDS(PLWHA) are marginalized by HIV social stigma, and we are hardly to see this population speak and act for their right, even through their right or power is violated. For this reason, I hope to find out the performances and the factors of empowerment of PLWHA. As the results, we can empower this population by the right strategies. The method to carry out this study was using a survey, which held by purposive sampling. People who infected HIV in Taiwan are the main sample size. The participation in this study was contacted by Non-government organizations, prisons and drug abuser center of correction agency, expecting to respond anonymously by them or interviewer. In the end, 379 questionnaires were analyzed. The instrument consist of six main parts, including demographic, satisfaction with life scale, HIV internal stigma, participation types, HIV/AIDS knowledge scale and reported compliance with medication. To address this issue, t-test and analyses of variance were used to detect bivariate analysis between dependent and independent variables. In order to clarify the explanatory power of variables, a multiple regression analysis was done. All research revealed, the total empowerment is moderate, and social-political empowerment is the highest, but PLWHA seldom participate in activities. Second, participation didn’t satisficate with their life, especially what they got in the past. Third, PLWHA had higher internal stigma score, which was negatively correlated with lower empowerment. Forth, PLWHA who can affect others had higher empowerment score. Fifth, HIV/AIDS knowledge was shown significant associated with empowerment of PLWHA. Sixth, multiple regression analysis shows that satisfaction with life scale, community participation, HIV/AIDS knowledge and reported compliance with medication were important factors of empowerment, accounting for 36% variance. Suggestions were given to pratical workers, future researchers and PLWHA: we hope pratical worker can help to raise the empowerment of PLWHA, researcher can keep finding more empowerment factors in the future, and PLWHA can believe they have empower ability to strive for their right.

優勢觀點為基礎之探索教育團體對感化教育少年增強權能的成效 / The effects of strength-based project adventure education group on empowerment for juvenile inmates

蔡杰伶 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討「優勢觀點為基礎之探索教育團體」對感化教育少年「增強權能」的成效,並根據研究結果提出「優勢觀點為基礎之探索教育團體」作為犯罪問題行為少年處遇策略之適用性。   本研究採「不等質控制組」準實驗設計,以「誠正中學」中受感化教育的少年為對象。其中,實驗組成員23名,實驗期間接受九次的「優勢觀點為基礎之探索教育團體」;四組對照組成員共81名,接受一般輔導課程。 本研究使用量化工具-「增強權能量表」,分別進行前測、後測與追蹤測,並以「無母數檢定(Mann-Whitney U統計量檢定、Wilcoxon符號等級檢定)」作為統計方法,檢驗分析實驗處遇的立即效果與延續效果。本研究同時使用質化工具-「反思札記」,藉由個別成員活動反思紀錄的整理與分析結果,提出成員在團體中的「學習收穫」與「增強權能」的展現,以作為實驗效果之補充。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、「優勢觀點為基礎之探索教育團體」對感化教育少年「增強權能」有正向顯著影響,且效果能延續加乘。 二、一般矯正教育措施對「增強權能」也可以帶來正向影響,但效果卻未能持續。 三、成員的「增強權能」會隨著「團體歷程」呈現「階段性」發展。 四、「優勢觀點為基礎之探索教育團體」適用於受感化教育少年,也可為少年犯罪問題行為矯治之有效策略。 根據研究發現,提出下列幾點建議: 一、對於青少年犯罪矯治實務 (一)建議可將「優勢觀點為基礎的探索教育團體」安排於新生入校階段實施。 (二)建議可將「增強權能」程度作為矯正學校成效評估指標之一。 (三)建議矯正學校內可以增設「低空繩索設施」。 (四)建議校內舉辦探索教育訓練,讓工作人員都具備探索活動帶領能力。 二、對於未來從事相關研究者 (一)先深入瞭解「矯正學校機關特性」以利預先克服執行面之可能干擾 (二)須格外注意保密相關的「研究倫理」 (三)團體人數掌握在8-12人,或是安排協同領導者 參、對於未來計畫運用「優勢觀點為基礎之探索教育團體」的實務工作者 (一)領導者在團體過程中與成員互動要積極落實「優勢觀點」實務要素。 (二)在方案執行中持續進行「過程評估」。 (三)在團體方案結束後「持續輔導」。 / This research is to investigate “The Effects of Strength-based Project Adventure Education Group” on “Empowerment” for juvenile inmates and according to the research results to bring up the application of “Strength-based Project Adventure Education Group” on treatment strategy of juvenile delinquents. The nonequivalent control group quasi-experimental design was utilized in this study. And the subjects of this research were Juvenile Inmates in Chengjheng High School. There were 23 members in experiment group and during experiment period, they accepted 9 times of “Strength-based Project Adventure Education Group”; at the same time, there were 4 control groups (total 81 members) who accepted usual student counseling courses to compare. The study employed “Empowerment Scale” to conduct pretest, posttest, and long-term measures. Then the data were analyzed by nonparametric (Mann-Whitney U Test and Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test) as statistics method to examine and analyze instant and long-term effects on experiment treatment. And the researcher also used qualitative tool “introspection notes” to collect and analyze the consequences from self-observation records on individual member’s activities and addressed the performances of members on “Learning Gains” and “Empowerment” in groups as supplementary of experiment effects. And the main findings of this research are as below: 1. “Strength-based Project Adventure Education Group” has positive and obvious influences on “Empowerment” of juvenile delinquents and the effects can be synergistic continuously. 2. Usual student counseling courses can create positive influences on “Empowerment” as well but the effects cannot be continuous. 3. The “Empowerment” of members can develop “Stage by Stage” along with “the Progress of Groups”. 4. “Strength-based Project Adventure Education Group” is suitable for juvenile delinquents and efficient strategy to correct their criminal problems and activities. Based on the findings of this research, the researcher has suggestions below. 1. For the practices on correction of juvenile delinquents: a. “Strength-based Project Adventure Education Group” can be implemented when new students just enter schools. b. The degree of “Empowerment” can be as one of criteria on outcomes evaluation of correction schools. c. Correction schools can add “the Facilities of Low Ropes Course”. d. Correction schools can hold Project Adventure education training to let all workers have leading abilities of adventure activities. 2. For future researchers who focus on related topics: a. Understand “Characteristics of Correction Schools and Institutions” deeply first in order to avoid any possible interference on the aspect of application in advance. b. Should pay particular attention to privacy-related "Research Ethics". c. Group members should be controlled 8-12 people or arrange collaborative leaders. 3. For practitioners who plan to adopt “Strength-based Project Adventure Education Group” in the future: 1. Leaders must implement practical essentials of “Strengths Perspective” in the progress of groups and between the interactions with members. 2. Keep proceeding with “Evaluation of Progress” when the project is carried out. 3. Maintain student counseling after the project is finished.

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