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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

少子化對國民中學學校經營之影響與策略─以臺北縣市為例 / A study of the impact and strategy of the low birth rates on the school management of the junior high schools~based on Taipei city and Taipei ounty

陳崇弘 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解少子化對教育環境與國民中學學校經營之影響、教育行政機關在政策面及實務面因應少子化之道、少子化下國民中學學校經營之因應策略及其重要性等方面。研究對象為臺北縣市教育行政機關人員及臺北縣市公立國民中學之校長、候用校長與教務主任為訪談及問卷施測之對象。問卷發出277份,回收218份,問卷回收率為78.70%。資料分析採平均數與標準差等方法。 綜合問卷與訪談結果,本研究歸納幾點結論: 一、少子化對教育環境的影響包括對社會整體、學校環境、教師及家長等層面之影響。 二、教育行政機關因應之道,中央行政機關的政策面與實務面因應之道包括:(一)建立裁併校指標、(二)教師方面培養教師第二專長、增加輔導教師人力及規劃教師共聘機制、(三)學校層面降低班級人數提昇教學品質、編列教育補助預算、(四)推動教師及師培機構評鑑機制等層面;地方行政機關的政策面與實務面因應之道包括:(一)學校教師員額管控與聘任新進教師、(二)教師專業成長、(三)偏遠地區學校裁併與新設校之考量、(四)學校空間規劃與硬體之改善等層面。 三、少子化對國民中學學校經營之影響層面包括:(一)少子化對國民中學學校經營之衝擊、(二)少子化對國民中學學校經營之新契機、(三)少子化對國民中學教師帶來之改變。 四、少子化國民中學學校經營之因應策略及其重要性為:(一)建立品牌形象、(二)精進教師專業成長、(三)強化學校招生策略、(四)推動學校創新經營、(五)加強校本課程、(六)運用學校校園閒置空間等層面。 依據上述研究結果,針對中央及地方教育行政機關、對國民中學學校經營、對後續研究提出幾項具體建議,供教育行政機關及學校校長等相關政策規劃及學校經營上之參考。 / The object of this research is focused on exploring and understanding how a birth rate policy affects junior high school education, school management, administrative authorities for education policy and practice ;therefore ,responds the adaption to the changing environment,and concludes the implication and importance for school management strategy . This research was conducted under the questionnaire survey aiming at Taipei public and private authorities staffs , schools principals and its candidates , and academic affair supervisors with sampling size of 277 volunteers and withdrew 218 copies thereof effective, i.e. withdrawing rate 78.70%. Regarding the research tool includes mean and standard deviation analysis. According to the research analysis and discussion, it comes to the conclusions as following: 1.A birth rate policy influences on education environment including society, school, teacher and parent aspects. 2.As regards Central education authorities responding the policy and practice to the changing environment include. (1)establish school close down and consolidation indicators. (2)cultivate and train teachers with secondary specialty , enhance faculty counseling staffs and planning mechanism for co-selecting teachers. (3)scale down the number of a class student , promote education quality, and propose a education supplementary budgets. (4)promote teacher performance and appraisal implement mechanism ; and further,Local education authorities responding the policy and practice are (1)Control the number of faculty and new teachers recruitment. (2)Cultivate and promote teachers specialty. (3)Feasibility study on remote district schools close down or consolidation. (4)Improving the campus space and hardware facility . 3.A birth rate policy influences on junior high school management respects are: (1) Impacting on school administration and management. (2)Emerging incidentally new opportunity from those influences. (3)As far as junior high schools’ teachers are concerned, changing incidentally with those influences. 4.The said policy implication and importance for school management strategy including: (1)To establish brand image. (2)Cultivate and promote teachers specialty. (3)To strengthen the student enrollment strategy. (4)Creating an innovative school management strategy. (5)Upgrade and intensify the course contents and level. (6)To utilize the unused or idle space or facility. Finally, according to the research findings and conclusions, I propose some suggestions regarding practice applications and subsequent studies respectively to school principal and education authorities for implementing the related policy and management strategy.


張仲凱, Chang, Chung Kai Unknown Date (has links)
學校經營發展的歷程中,可看到各縣市都有許多老舊學校面臨必須創新或轉型的危機,是否能夠因應教育改革,積極迎向改革趨勢幫助學校轉型,其實是決定一個學校浴火重生或漸趨沒落的關鍵;個案學校在這一波教育改革中,跟隨教改政策重新定位,秉持優質的教育理念,發展學校特色,堅毅地領先群倫,以致逐年增班,獲得新生。本研究旨在瞭解個案學校轉型的內、外在因素,探討個案學校轉型的實施策略、發展特色為何?進一步地,以1999年為個案學校轉型分隔點,比較個案學校轉型前後的差異,並為個案學校轉型紀實。 本研究為個案研究,利用文獻探討、訪談、文件資料分析等方法進行資料蒐集,探討、詮釋及思索一所國民中學轉型之歷程、策略及促成因素。經研究後獲致以下結論: 一、個案學校轉型的因素 (一)外在因素:校長遴選制度、師資多元化、教師任用制度、九年一貫課程、宣傳行銷、新校舍的啟用、環境變遷等。 (二)內在因素:校長領導、教師年輕、組織氣氛、自然領域中心、科學資優班、學習型組織、公共關係與資源、家長的支持等。 二、個案學校轉型的實施策略 (一)研訂校本發展。 (二)遴聘優質人力。 (三)結合課程發展。 (四)運用社區資源。 (五)學生多元展能。 三、個案學校轉型前後在「學校行政」、「學校教學」、「學校氣氛」、「學校環境」等四個層面,都有長足的進步,學校效能有明顯的提升。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為國民中學、教育行政機關、個案學校以及未來研究的參考。 / During the process of a school management development, we could find that many old school faced the crisis of innovation and transformation. Whether a school could cope with the education reform and used the trend to help the transformation is the key point of its survival. The case school followed the policies during the education reform and insisted the excellent education ideas to develop the school .It steadily increased the class numbers year by year, and got the rebirth. The research focused on the factors of the case school transformation and discussed its strategies and development characteristics. In addition, the researcher took the year of 1999 as the transformation seperation point to compare the differences between the case school’s “before transformation” and “after transformation”. The researcher also recorded details about the transformation of the case school. The research was a case study, and the researcher used literary reviews, interviews, and data analysis to gather the information in order to explain the process of a junior high school’s transformation. The conclusion were listed as follow. 1.The factors of the case school’s transformation (1) The external factors: the system of the principal selection, multi-teacher education, teachers hiring rules, the nine-year curriculum, advertising marketing, the use of the new school buildings, the environment’s transit (2) The internal factors: the principal’s leadership, young teachers, the organization climate, science center, science gifted education, learning organization, public relationship and resources, parents’ support. 2.The strategies of the case school’s transformation (1) Plan the school-based development (2) Choose the great teachers (3) Combine the curriculum development (4) Use the community resources (5) Let the students develop their abilities in many ways 3.The case school had much progress in four areas, which are “school administration”, “school teaching’’, “school climate” and “school environment”. At last, according to the result and the conclusion, the researcher offered concrete suggestions to be the references for junior high schools, education administration institutions, the case school, and the future researchers.

臺北縣國民小學學校創新經營策略之研究 / A study of school innovation management strategies in Taipei county’s elementary schools

蔡念芷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北縣國民小學學校創新經營實施情況與成效,並分析不同背景變項下,學校創新經營策略運作及實施成效之差異情形,進而瞭解推動學校創新經營的動機、影響學校創新經營之因素與實施學校創新經營遭遇之困難,最後分析學校在推行創新經營所採取之策略,並依結果提出相關建議。 為達上述目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以「臺北縣國民小學學校創新經營策略之調查問卷」為研究工具,針對2006到2008年InnoSchool獲獎之臺北縣國民小學教育人員為問卷調查研究對象,共寄發出430份問卷,回收有效問卷共347份進行統計分析。此外,亦採取專家訪談法,以「臺北縣國民小學學校創新經營策略之研究」訪談大綱為研究工具,針對2006到2008年InnoSchool獲獎之臺北縣國民小學校長為研究對象進行訪談,共計26位校長,以深入瞭解學校創新經營所運用之策略。 綜合文獻探討與研究結果之發現,歸納可得研究結論如下: 一、臺北縣國民小學學校創新經營策略運作情況屬於良好程度。 二、臺北縣國民小學學校創新經營實施成效屬於良好程度。 三、臺北縣國民小學教育人員在學校創新經營策略運作表現情況,會因性別、學歷、參與方案與否、現任職務的不同而有所差異;在不同服務年資與年齡的教育人員中,其意見頗為一致。 四、臺北縣國民小學教育人員在學校創新經營實施成效知覺程度,因性別、學歷、參與方案與否、現任職務的不同而有所差異;在不同服務年資與年齡的教育人員中,其意見頗為一致。 五、臺北縣國民小學教育人員在學校創新經營策略運作表現情況,會因學校類型、學校歷史、學校位置的不同而有所差異;在不同學校規模的教育人員中,其意見頗為一致。 六、臺北縣國民小學教育人員在學校創新經營實施成效知覺程度,因學校歷史、學校位置有所差異;在不同學校類型與學校規模的教育人員中,其意見頗為一致。 七、促使臺北縣國民小學實施創新經營的動機,以提升學校競爭力為最多。 八、影響臺北縣國民小學實施創新經營的最大因素為校長領導。 九、臺北縣國民小學學校創新經營之最大困難為時間不足、成員參與意願低落及後續經營支援不足。 十、學校運用藍海策略的行動架構時,以消除校園閒置及不適宜空間為最多。 十一、學校運用藍海策略的行動架構時,以降低人員負擔為最多。 十二、學校運用藍海策略的行動架構時,以提升人力為最多。 十三、學校運用藍海策略的行動架構時,以創造學生多元能力為最多。 最後,本研究針對教育行政主管機關、學校與未來研究提出下列建議: 一、教育行政主管機關 (一)可持續推動學校創新經營之競賽與方案。 (二)可持續推動相關政策,以提供學校所須之資源。 二、學校 (一)應持續推動創新經營,並採取適當之策略。 (二)可採取藍海策略的行動架構,以協助學校推動創新經營。 (三)宜提供充裕的時間發展創新,並提升教師參與的意願,以延續學校創新經營。 (四)校長應採取有效的領導方式,以促進學校創新經營的推動。 (五)推動學校創新經營宜以校園環境空間為思考點。 (六)推動學校創新經營應重視人力的提升與素質的培養。 三、未來研究 (一)可擴大研究對象進行調查。 (二)可進一步探討學校創新經營策略運用的成效。 / This research was aimed to investigate the current situations and the effects on school innovation management in Taipei County’s elementary schools, and to analyze the differences between school innovation management strategies and effects in personal variables and school environmental variables. Moreover, the purposes of the research were to understand the motives, influencing factors and the difficulties in school innovation management, and to explore the strategies school adopted during the school innovation management. In order to achieve the purposes of the research, the methods for the research were questionnaire survey and interview. “The questionnaire of school innovation management strategies in Taipei County’s elementary schools” was developed as the research instrument. The samples contained 430 faculties from the InnoSchools in Taipei County from 2006 to 2008. Among them, 347 valid samples were finally collected to be analyzed through the statistical techniques. Furthermore, “The interview outline of school innovation management strategies in Taipei County’s elementary schools” was developed as the research instrument to profoundly examine the school innovation management strategies. The respondents were 26 principals from the InnoSchools in Taipei County from 2006 to 2008. According to the findings of the research, these conclusions were summarized below: 1. The current conditions of school innovation management strategies were good. 2. The current effects of school innovation management were good. 3. The conditions of school innovation management strategies varied significantly from different genders, degrees and positions. Also, participating in InnoSchool or not affected the conditions of school innovation management strategies. But among the faculties from different seniorities and ages, their views on school innovation management strategies were similar. 4. The awareness of effects on school innovation management varied significantly from different genders, degrees and positions. Also, participating in InnoSchool or not affected the awareness of effects on school innovation management strategies. But among the faculties from different seniorities and ages, their views on the effects on school innovation management were similar. 5. The conditions of school innovation management strategies varied significantly from different school types, history and locations. But among the faculties from different school scales, their views on school innovation management strategies were similar. 6. The awareness of effects on school innovation management varied significantly from different school history and locations. But among the faculties from different school types and scales, their views on the effects on school innovation management were similar. 7. The highly motives of school innovation management was to enhance the competitiveness of the school. 8. The key influencing factor in school innovation management was principal’s leadership. 9. The key difficulties in school innovation management were short of time, the willingness of members and the following support. 10. When schools used the four actions framework of Blue Ocean Strategy, the most common strategy was to eliminate vacant space and inappropriate school environment. 11. When schools used the four actions framework of Blue Ocean Strategy, the most common strategy was to reduce the staffs’ burden. 12. When schools used the four actions framework of Blue Ocean Strategy, the most common strategy was to raise human resources. 13. When schools used the four actions framework of Blue Ocean Strategy, the most common strategy was to create students’ multiple abilities. In the end, based on the findings and conclusions of the research, some suggestions were given as below: 1. Suggestions to the educational institutes (1) Promote school innovation management competitions and programs continuously. (2) Promote sustainable policies to provide the resources schools need. 2. Suggestions to schools (1) Promote school innovation management continuously and to take appropriate strategy. (2) Take four action framework of Blue Ocean Strategy to assist schools in promoting the innovative management. (3) Wish to provide sufficient time to develop innovation and enhance the willingness of teachers to participate in order to extend the innovative management. (4) Principals should take effective leadership in order to facilitate the promotion of school innovation management. (5) Carrying out school innovation management should focus on the school environment. (6) School should pay attention to upgrading and training the quality of members. 3. Suggestions to subsequent research (1) The further research may increase the sample numbers to make the results of the research more deducible. (2) The further research can further explore the effectiveness of school innovation management strategies.

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