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台灣宗教團體所得稅課稅問題之研究謝淑雲, Shieh, Shu- yun Unknown Date (has links)
「宗教團體」(Religious organization)例如寺廟教堂……等,在我國教育、經濟、文化、社會等活動方面,扮演著重要角色。就性質而言,宗教團體之財源主要來自私人的自願性捐贈,與政府之賦稅收入具有強制性,在本質上不同。同時,宗教團體營運基本上不以追求利潤為目的,與政府部門以謀求社會(或團體)福利相同,但與私人部門以營利為目的之情形不同,因此其性質介於二者之間。
隨著台灣政經的蓬勃發展,宗教團體在台灣經濟發展的現今,扮演非常重要的角色。尤其是宗教團體的財源面結構,因為整體環境的不健全,使得宗教團體成為企業避稅的工具,或真正成為營利組織,並OLS模型估計之實證模型研究方法,加以探討宗教團體所得課稅之補納稅額問題,從而提出改進建議。 / The religious organization, such as a temple or a church, plays an important role in educational, economic, cultural, and social activities in our country. Contrary to the government, whose main source of revenue was derived from collection of taxes, the religious organization’s main income is produced by receipt of personal donations, while both the government and religious organization are non-profit organizations. Therefore, the religious organization is in fact unique in nature.
The issue: should the religious organizations be taxed, is been extensively discussed by financial scholars. Because taxing the religious organizations could possibly results deleterious effects to tax fairness. To be specific, the problems evolved by “Exemption of taxes to Educational, Cultural groups, and Charities,” are required further investigation.
As the proliferation of Taiwan’s finance and politics, the religious organization further plays an important role in modern financial developments. Especially, when the environment is not so well developed, the religious organization is usually been conducted by enterprises as an affiliation of evading taxes, or even a profit organization. Also in this study “A study on the Income tax of religious organizations in Taiwan,” the OLS(ordinary least square) model is provided as a probing method.
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宗教類非營利組織事件行銷探討--以法鼓山基金會為例江奕辰, yi-chen chiang Unknown Date (has links)
一、 宗教團體領導人享有崇高知名度與魅力是活動成功的最佳保證
二、 宗教組織之幕僚單位委由外聘之專業經理人執行將使活動之籌備更有效率、更加成功。
三、 組織功能完善、分工專業的義工支援系統是活動成長的最佳助力。
一、 以客戶(信眾)需求為導向並重視客戶(信眾)滿意度是維護信眾關係的不二法門
一、 活動同時兼具文化、教育功能,不以宗教為單一呈現方式是吸引傳播媒體報導、民眾熱烈參加的主要因素
一、 正確的媒體策略,可收畫龍點睛、事半功倍之效果
1. 良好的公關議題設定
2. 善用各項媒體資源
3. 以網路媒體為資訊平台中心 / The Exploration of the Event Marketing in Religion Type Non-profit Organizations
—Based on Dharma Drum Mountain examples.
Non-profit organizations have developed enormously in modern society. It has become a great issue for NPOs to apply event marketing to be well-known and obtain resources. This research is subject to exploring the event marketing in Buddhism organizations as non-profit organizations.
In this research, by studying the practical event marketing campaigns of Dharma Drum Mountain, a well-known Buddhism organization, researcher analyzed in four dimensions to further find out the success factors of event marketing. Here are the main conclusions for each dimension:
A. Dimension on Business organization:
1. The esteemed fame and attractiveness of religion organizations’ leadership is the best guarantee for the success of campaigns.
2. To prepare a campaign efficiently and successfully, it’s better to hire a professional manager from outside organization.
3. A well-organized and professional-diverse volunteer support system is the best aid for campaign.
B. Dimension on Target group:
1. To focus on the needs of clients (followers) and respect their satisfaction is the only way to maintain the relationship with them.
C. Dimension on Transferred message:
1. A campaign should contain culture and education function. Not just presenting religion message is the major factors that attracts the press report and gets the public attend.
D. Dimension on Transferring media:
1. A correct media strategy will get strong effect. It’s important to take active plan and follow the points as below:
(1). Well-defined public issues.
(2). Make good use of every media resources.
(3). Design information platform with online media tool.
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對日本政要參拜靖國神社之再解析─利益團體與宗教因素的影響洪偉家, Hung, Wei-Chia Unknown Date (has links)
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我國宗教憲法之研究 / Research of religious issues under the ROC Constitution黃雅琪 Unknown Date (has links)
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