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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

一位幼教工作者專業自主性的自我追尋 / A preschool worker professional autonomy of self-search

朱萬方 Unknown Date (has links)
帶著在幼教現場工作五年的倦怠感,我急切的想逃離幼教現場,進入研究所學習。本文選擇以自我敘說為研究方法,透過生命故事的書寫,澄清自己在幼教專業認同上所面對的三個危機感:工作的倦怠與迷失、教師證等同專業嗎?及不知如何回應父母的期待。 以自我敘說做為理解自己、探究專業認同的一條途徑,書寫內容涵括我的童年及求學歷程。自我生命故事的敘寫歷程,使我得以重新理解自身專業成長的圖像,並因此能化解歷程演進中所形成的專業認同危機,它嚴然可視之為「一趟自我追尋的旅程」。故事從我大學畢業後踏入幼教現場工作開始回溯,並銜接我身為幼教工作者的專業養成的歷程。 在過程中不斷透過書寫和敘說的自我反映爬梳過往經驗,在反芻自身經驗中,重塑經驗體現的價值。在重新遇見自己中,再思考教育工作者自身專業的主體性。在化解及消除專業認同中危機感的同時,我已然能有意識的再次選擇進入幼教領域繼續成長與學習。 / With the tiring feeling working at the early childhood education work field, I was eager to run away from it and to enter graduate school to recharge myself. I chose to use the self-narrative inquiry as my study method. Using my own life story, I tried to clarify the three crisis awareness I am facing in my professional identity: the lost and tiring feeling at work, the question of whether a teacher’s certificate equals to teaching professions and the expectation from my parents that I do not know how to response. Self-narrative inquiry is the method I used to understand myself and to look into my professional identity. I wish to write about my childhood and how I studied. Using my life story to write about my learning process makes me be able to re-understand how my profession builds. Therefore, I am able to solve the professional identity crisis which was building up during my learning experience. This without a doubt is a “self-searching journey.” The story starts from how I decided to go to early childhood work field right after I graduated from my university. Then it talks about how I build up my profession in early childhood education. During the writing and examining my own experiences again and again, I manage to reconstruct the value of experience embodiment. With encountering myself again, I ponder once more the subjectivity of educator’s profession. While resolving the profession identity crisis, I have the confidence to choose to enter the early childhood work field to continuing my progressing and learning.

公部門社工專業自主性之探討:以台北市區域社福中心為例 / Research autonomy on the professionalism of social workers in public sectors : Example of the regional social welfare centers in Taipei City

李雪華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過研究者從實務工作角度,整理自身和相關領域社工員於公部門從事社會工作之服務過程與經驗,以深度訪談的方式探究公部門社工員所擁有的專業自主發揮空間,以及提供專業服務過程常需考量及面對之問題,並歸納其存在之歸因與因應方式,從中思考社工專業制度是否有助於公部門社工專業自主性之發揮,並重新檢視社會工作專業存在於公部門扮演之角色及定位,找出可能的修正方向,期讓公部門的社會工作服務能與專業助人機制進行結合,讓社工專業能更貼近服務個案思考及服務。   本研究結果發現:(1)公部門社工專業角色定位不明,影響專業認同度;(2)政府的科層體制限制了公部門社工專業自主發展;(3)學校專業教育訓練是社工專業自主的基礎;(4)現行社工證照制度對於提升公部門社工專業自主性影響有限;(5)公部門督導功能受限於科層體制,影響公部門社工專業自主性的發揮。 根據研究結果,針對行政機關提出四點建議,包含:(1)建立公部門社工專業定位,釐清社工角色及職責;(2)各項福利申請或安置處遇的行政程序應盡量最簡化,減少繁瑣的行政作業,提升社工專業效能;(3)攸關弱勢權益的法規限制放寬其彈性,賦予社工員更多自主裁量空間,以彌補福利法規之不足及限制;(4)建構完善職前訓練制度。此外,針對目前社工專業制度提出三項建議,包含:(1)學校教育應重視培養社工獨立思考及專業自主能力;(2)重新檢視現行社工師證照資格認定方式,落實社工專業服務;(3)強化公部門督導專業角色,建立信任督導關係。最後,針對社會工作者自身則提出三項建議,包含:(1)堅定自我專業信念,建立專業自信及專業認同;(2)善用同儕支持與經驗分享,強化專業信念及專業知能,建構維持公部門社工專業自主的工作模式;(3)強化自我專業知能,累積實務工作技巧及能力,以實踐專業自主。 / The study by researchers from the substantive point of view, organizes their and public sector social workers’ service process and experience of social work and related areas. With in-depth interviews, the study explores that social workers of public sector have independence to develop their profession, finds the problems that often need to consider and face when providing professional services, and concludes with the cause and solution. Thus, it can further think if social worker’s profession system helps the public sector’s social workers have independence to develop their profession and re-examine the role and position that the social workers perform in public sector to find the way o amendments. Therefore, the public sector can be combined with a professional helping mechanism which allows the service to be closer to the social work profession case thinking and service.   The results of the study found that: (1) the role of public sector social worker is unknown that affects the degree of professional identity; (2) Government bureaucracy system limits the development of profession; (3) Professional schools of social work education and training is the foundation of professional autonomy (4) The current licensing system for enhancing the social public sector limited the autonomy of the social work profession influence;(5) Supervisory function is limited to the public sector bureaucratic system which affects public sector workers to develop professional autonomy. According to the research results, there are four-point proposal for the executive authorities, including: (1) Establish public-sector social work professional position and clarify the roles and responsibilities of social workers. (2)The placements of the case of an application for benefits or administrative procedures should be simplified as much as possible and be reduced cumbersome administrative operations in order to enhance the effectiveness of the social work profession. (3) The regulation of minority’s benefits should be more flexible so that it gives social workers more autonomy discretionary space to compensate for the lack of regulations and restrictions on welfare; (4) Establish a concrete pre-employment training system. In addition, there are three suggestions for the current system of social work profession made, including: (1) School education should focus on cultivating independent thinking and professional autonomy for social workers (2) Re-examine the existing qualification of social worker’s certificates to implement social work professional services; (3) strengthen the role of the public sector professional supervision and build a trust relationship of supervision. Finally, social workers themselves have proposed three suggestions, including: (1) firming self-professional belief and establishing professional confidence and professional identity; (2) use peer support and experience sharing, strengthen professional beliefs and professional knowledge and construct maintain professional autonomy of public sector workers working mode; (3) strengthen the self-professional knowledge, skills and ability to accumulate practical work to practice professional autonomy.

全民健保制度下醫療費用支付審查機制之檢討 / Research on health insurance medical payment review of health services of Taiwan's national health insurance system

張志誠, Chang, Chih Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
全民健康保險自1995年在台灣實施以來,從設立之初面臨整合困境,到近年來因應健保財務的收支平衡及社會保險財政收入公平性規劃,而於2013年通過了改良版二代健保規劃(補充保費),此意謂著台灣健保也面臨了一般社會保險財務沉重負擔的必然困境,同時也讓主管的衛生機關對於醫療給付的支出更限縮、管制更加嚴格。 注重醫療服務品質、衡平健保財務規劃及醫事服務機構的合理費用支付等三者平衡皆是健康保險制度能夠長久維持的重大元素。然而在總額支付制度之嚴格管制財務規劃下,雖然在名義上,健保局將醫療費用審查委託總額受託團體辦理,但受託單位角色上仍扮演行政協助角色,但健保局仍負責所有審查人員聘任、解僱、及最後審查裁量決定權,最後由健保局執行之行政程序將醫療費用支付給予醫事服務機構。 在當前醫療服務費用審查制度下,招致眾多醫療機構及醫事人員批評審查不公、惡意核刪(viciousness payment subtraction)、欠缺公民參與之黑箱審查等聲浪。細究此指摘聲浪並非空穴來風,實務上仍不免有許多謬誤醫療費用核刪、不確定法律概念(indefinite law concept)及侵犯醫事服務機構及相關醫事人員之財產權、工作權及醫療專業自主權之疑慮。 本文嘗試探討醫療費用審查之法律關係及支付制度角色,並解析目前眾多謬誤醫療費用核刪的法律明確性(principle of clarity and definiteness of law)違反、欠缺法源依據及判斷餘地瑕疵(discretion flaws)。並提出審查機制調整建議,建議將醫療費用審查制度交由公正第三人團體獨立化、專業化、減少爭議審議案件發生及爭審會行政負擔、促進公正審查(impartial review)、公開透明及避免醫療品質快速崩壞。


黃以喬, Huang ,Yi-Chiao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在釐清教師專業自主權於教育法令層面之權責界線、暸解高雄市立國民中學教師專業自主權運用的現況、探討高雄市立國民中學教師專業自主權發揮的程度、分析不同背景因素的高雄市立國民中學教師於各專業自主權層面指標發揮程度的差異,最後依據研究結果,對提升高雄市立國民中學教師專業自主權的策略提出具體建議,供有關單位參考。本研究以2004學年度高雄市立國民中學現職合格教師為研究對象,並以對該學年度高雄市立25所國民中學、776名有加入教師會之現職合格教師進行問卷資料分析;另輔以訪談(共計6人)的方式了教師對自身專業自主權行使的理念、意見與建議。在資料分析上,主要採用描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t考驗分析、單因子變異數分析等方法。經研究結果與分析發現: 一、我國教育法規以保障教師課堂教學專業自主權為核心。 二、整體言,高雄市立國民中學教師的專業自主權達中等發揮程度,其中以「教師課堂教學專業自主權」的發揮度最高、「教師專業組織自主權」與「教師學校行政自主權」分別次之 三、高雄市立國民中學教師就「課堂教學專業自主權」具高等與中等專業自主度;「學校行政專業自主權」、「教師專業組織自主權」皆屬中等專業自主度。 四、高雄市立國民中學教師專業自主權整體面平均得分為男性教師顯著高於女性教師、兼主任職教師顯著高於非主任職者、有參與法定學校層級組織教師顯著高於未參加者、服務於小型學校教師顯著高於服務中大型學校者、年資26年以上教師顯著高於年資5年、11-15年者。 五、促進教師專業自主權之基本策略為穩固教師課堂教學專業地位、提昇教師組織專業形象、打造校園參與式決策文化、完備教師專業培育制度。 研究者根據文獻探討與研究結果發現,提出下列幾點建議: 一、健全與落實尊重教師專業自主權之法令體制。 二、教師應認清「專業」與「自主權」兩者相輔相成,瞭解自主須以責任為基礎。 三、規劃教學、法制與行政專業知能研習以達高教師專業自主權目標。 四、營造學校優質溝通管道,提高教師參與權能感。 五、鼓勵女性教師投入學校行政工作。 六、教師專業組織以發揮組織專業正向功能為目標。 七、教育行政機關應於教育內部事務扮演「法律監督與協助」角色。 八、建立教師專業評鑑機制以落實教師專業權力與效能。 九、針對研究主題、研究對象、研究變項與研究方法提出建議,作為後續相關主題研究之參考。 / The purposes of this study mainly confirm the right and duty to teacher professional autonomy in educational laws, understand the actual condition and explore the level of Kaohsiung city public junior high school teacher professional autonomy, and analyze different dimensions’ levels of Kaohsiung city public junior high school teacher professional autonomy from the view of teacher s’ different backgrounds. Finally, according to the study result, the writer gives some concrete advice to promote the city’s teacher professional autonomy for the department of educational administration for reference. The survey subjects included teachers from 25 public junior high school in Kaohsiung city in 2004 year, namely 776 qualified teachers who joint teacher professional unions were sampled copies of the questionnaire to be the investigation. And interviewing with 6 junior high school teachers is used to understand teachers’ opinions about professional autonomy. About the data analysis, the study use Frequency Distribution, T-test , One-way ANOVA, and Scheffé Method . The results of the study are as follows: A. The dimension of teaching professional autonomy is the key idea that Taiwan educational laws empower teachers. B. As far as the whole Kaohsiung city public junior high School teachers’ professional autonomy is concerned , it is middle level. The dimension of “ right and power to teacher teaching” gets the most high scores; the dimensions of “ power to teacher professional union” and “the power to school administrative autonomy” get lower scores separately in order. C. As far as the dimension of Kaohsiung city public junior high School teachers teaching professional autonomy is concerned, it achieves high and middle level; the dimensions of “the power to school administrative autonomy” and “teacher professional union” achieve middle level. D. From the viewpoint of whole average, male teachers’ average scores are higher than females’;teachers who hold a administrative staff, participate school-level organizations, serve in small size schools and work more than 26 years get higher scores than others who don’t hold the job , participate the ones, serve in middle and big size schools and work less than 5 years and 11-15 years. E. The basic strategies to facilitate teacher professional autonomy are to stable teacher’s professional status in teaching, promote the professional image of teacher unions, cultivate the school culture of participant-determining and establish good institution of teacher professional nurture. According to the literature and study result, following suggestions are offered: A. Continue to improve the established education law about the right and power to teacher professional autonomy. B. Understand “profession” and “autonomy” are to complement each other. And autonomy should take responsibility for basis . C. Design a series of programs about facilitating teachers’ professional knowledge in teaching, law and school administrative affairs to achieve high level of teacher professional autonomy. D. Create excellent communicative ways at school to promote teacher empowerment. E.Encourage female teachers to devote themselves to school administrative affairs. F.Teacher professional unions should take the role of developing positive function. G.The department of educational administration should play the law- supervising and law-helping role. H.Build teachers professional evaluation system to help teacher promote professional power and effectiveness. I.Base upon the results mentioned above, several suggestions about the study trends are made to further reference.


楊倩蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣已經進入投資理財的時代,大眾對於投資理財的興趣與參與度也漸形升高,由於財經雜誌的專業性質對於有意藉投資來理財的讀者影響頗鉅,財經媒體作為金融資訊發聲的重要管道之一,在報導的確實性與議題的設定上應該要負起極大的責任;財經雜誌記者對於財經議題的消息來源掌握與專業態度,反映在議題的呈現上也關乎一般大眾在投資理財的方向,和雜誌本身的可信度,其重要性非同小可。 此外,財經雜誌銷售率仍佔所有雜誌銷售量的十分之一以上,一旦專業性雜誌屈服於市場導向新聞的壓力時,將會直接影響記者的專業表現,無論是在議題設定、採訪報導與採訪人物選擇上,與傳統對專業新聞的認知都將造成極大衝突,衝擊新聞倫理。 本文研究以深度訪問的方式,首度訪問到目前台灣財經雜誌市場在書店及便利商店銷售量排行榜的前十名財經雜誌資深記者,透過他們在財經雜誌第一線的採訪經驗,深入了解財經雜誌在新聞產製過程中,對置入性行銷報導的處理態度與編輯室原則,以及財經雜誌記者接觸置入性行銷報導的程度。 本文研究發現,置入性行銷確實已經成為許多財經雜誌在追求廣告營收上重要的收入管道,同時也發現置入性行銷報導對財經雜誌記者在專業表現上確實產生諸多影響,這些影響所導致的結果不僅是記者對新聞工作的意義產生懷疑,也影響到財經雜誌在新聞報導上的公信力;同時也進一步呈現置入性行銷報導如何改變了目前財經雜誌的新聞產製生態。   大部分的新聞記者對於新聞工作還是充滿了憧憬與對新聞的理想,但是大部分的記者也表達對新聞工作的失望,認為財經雜誌有愈來愈商業化的傾向,所以離職或是換跑道的意願都頗高。本文研究建議,財經雜誌作為投資大眾在理財上的參考之一,應該更為謹慎維持新聞報導中立與價值,重新再思考新聞置入性行銷報導對新聞專業與記者可能造成的長遠影響,同時正視資深記者的價值與加強記者的新聞專業素養。 關鍵詞:財經雜誌、新聞置入性行銷、財經雜誌記者、專業自主權、專業表現 、新聞倫理

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