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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

幼兒就學準備度相關因素之比較研究-以台北縣、宜蘭縣為例 / A Comparative Study on Factors Related to Young Children’s School Readiness —The Case of Taipei County and Ilan County

方聖文, Fang, Sheng-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的旨在探討幼兒就學準備度的相關因素,從幼兒園組織特徵、家庭社經地位、家長參與程度與幼兒園品質等方面來進行幼兒就學準備度之比較。依台北縣都會區與宜蘭縣鄉鎮區小學校數比例隨機抽樣,第一階段先請小一家長填答「幼兒就學準備度相關因素之研究問卷」,取得有效樣本565份後再追溯其過去就讀的幼兒園,請園所長填答「幼兒園品質問卷」,園所有效樣本為89份。資料處理與分析,以SPSS統計軟體進行描述性統計、Pearson相關、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析和多元階層迴歸分析。幼兒就學準備度的替代指標包括教師評定的成績等第與家長評定之學習能力、情緒與社會、健康與身體、語文能力、數學能力五領域。研究結論如下:一、公私立幼兒園幼兒就學準備度有顯著差異;二、城鄉的幼兒就學準備度有顯著差異;三、家庭社經地位與幼兒就學準備度有正相關;四、家長參與和幼兒就學準備度有正相關;五、幼兒園品質與幼兒就學準備度有正相關;六、幼兒時期家長參與對幼兒就學準備度具顯著預測力。   此外,在其他研究發現方面包括了:一、都會區幼兒就讀私立園所者居多,鄉鎮區則是就讀公立者居多;二、半數以上的幼兒有參與才藝,參與的才藝類型以英文居多;三、公私立幼兒園幼兒的家庭社經地位有顯著差異;四、教師評定幼兒就學準備度現況以「優等」最多;家長評定之現況則接近良好;五、教師評定與家長評定的幼兒就學準備度之間有中度正相關;六、幼兒時期與小學時期家長參與現況均接近良好;七、幼兒時期與小學時期的家長參與程度有高度正相關;八、小學時期的家長參與和幼兒就學準備度有顯著正相關;九、公私立幼兒園的家長參與有顯著差異,從幼兒時期到小學時期皆是就讀私立幼兒園者的家長參與程度較高;十、幼兒園品質現況接近良好;十一、公私立幼兒園品質無顯著差異;都會區的幼兒園品質較佳。   本研究最後根據研究結果提出建議,供教育工作者、幼兒父母及未來欲從事相同主題之研究者參考。

幼兒就學準備度評量之研究 / A Study of children’s school readiness assessments

鄭雅方, Cheng, Yafang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構國內適用之幼兒就學準備度評量「五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)」,供幼兒園確保教育品質之用。研究者首先廣泛蒐集幼兒就學準備度相關文獻,包含:幼兒就學準備度內涵、幼兒學習標準與表現指標、幼兒就學準備度評量等部分,接著選取具有代表性、符合我國文化特性,以及出版日期較新之六篇重點文獻進行統整與比較,藉由文獻分析後所建立的國內外幼兒就學準備度內涵對照表,與了解幼兒學習標準與表現指標、幼兒就學準備度評量現況後的啟示,作為建構五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)之參考。六篇重要文獻包含美國Head Start辦公室所發展的「幼兒學習成果架構」(Child Outcomes Framework)、High Scope基金會所發展的兒童行為觀察記錄表Child Observation Record (COR)、盧美貴(2003)「我國五歲幼兒基本能力與學力指標建構研究」、林秀錦與王天苗(2004)「幼兒入學準備能力之研究」、香港教育局(2003)的「兒童發展表現指標」、香港教育學院的「兒童發展評量表」(2007)。研究者以盧美貴(2003)「我國五歲幼兒基本能力與學力指標」與香港教育學院「兒童發展評量表」為藍本建構出評量表(長題本)之雛形,並透過問卷調查法與訪談調查法,進行五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)的適用性檢視與修訂,最後完成我國適用之五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)之建構。在調查研究的部分,為確立「長題本」的適用性,研究者以立意取樣,選取公私立幼兒園各2所,各1班,共計4班,每班2位教師,共8位老師,請教師評量班上的大班幼兒,求兩位教師評分結果的相關,建立評量表之信度,並根據訪談的意見與回饋進行評量表內容之修正。 我國適用之五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)不僅可以在教學上使用亦可作為研究用。為進一步了解評量表(長題本)在相關研究之應用性,研究者透過預試及專家小組的討論篩選題目,建構五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(短題本),探討教師與家長對幼兒就學準備度期望與現況之情形。研究者以便利取樣,抽取台北市公私立幼兒園的教師與家長,實施調查研究,共寄出525份問卷,回收425份,有效份數為400份,有效回收比例為76%,有效回收份數中,家長有178份,教師有222份。研究者將問卷所得之量化資料以SPSS 12.0中文版統計套裝軟體進行分析;綜合文獻分析、問卷調查與訪談調查,本研究之結論如下: 一、我國適用之五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)具有良好的適用性。 二、我國適用之五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表(長題本)建構結果:包含「領域」、「重點」、「項目」與「行為指標」四個層次,分為健康與身體、情緒與社會、語言與溝通、認知及學習取向五個領域,共有24個重點、62個項目、177個行為指標。每個行為指標又分為三個水平,代表該能力發展的程度,由不熟悉至精熟。評量表以檢核表形式呈現,由熟悉幼兒的教師勾選,備註欄提供教師紀錄與該行為指標相關的軼事記錄、例證、評語、作品等,做為評量的依據與輔助說明。 三、家長與教師對幼兒就學準備度的期望有顯著差異,家長的期望高於教師的期望。 四、公私立幼兒園的家長背景變項在教育程度、職業類別、家庭每月總收入、與幼兒就讀幼兒園年數有顯著差異;公私立教師的背景變項在教師年齡、教學年資、大班教學年資、最高學歷、任教年級有顯著差異。五、公私立幼兒園家長背景變項、教師背景變項與幼兒就學準備度期望間部分有差異。 六、教師背景的最高學歷與語言與溝通領域的期望達顯著差異,教師年齡與情緒與社會領域、學習取向領域的期望達到顯著差異;家長背景的家長教育程度與健康與身體領域、情緒與社會領域、認知領域、學習取向領域、認知數理邏輯領域的期望達顯著差異,且事後比較發現學歷為研究所以上的家長期望較低。 七、家長對幼兒就學準備度期望與幼兒就學準備度表現現況有顯著差異,家長對幼兒就學準備度的期望顯著高於幼兒就學準備度表現的現況。 最後,研究者根據文獻分析、問卷調查及訪談調查的結果提出建議,期許對未來幼教的發展有所裨益。 / The main purpose of this study is to construct a reliable and valid five-year-old children school readiness assessment (long version) in order to ensure the quality of education in kindergartens. Through extensively collecting several relevant literatures as to Child Outcomes Framework (Head Start), Child Observation Record (COR), Readiness Skills Preparing for Better Earning and Adjustment in Elementary school (Shiu-Chin Lin & Tien-Miau Wang, 2004), Key Competency and Performance Indicators in Early Childhood Education (Mei-kuei Lu, 2003), Hong Kong Children's Development Performance Indicators (Hong Kong Government's Bureau, 2003), Hong Kong Child Development Scale (2007), the five-year-old children school readiness assessment (long version) is formed and revised after literature analysis, questionnaire survey and personal interview. This can not only be used for teaching but also for researching. The five-year-old children school readiness assessment (short version) is for understanding the expectation of kindergarten teachers and parents of school readiness. The results are analyzed by means, standard deviations, t-test and one-way ANOVA. Here are the results of this study: A. The five-year-old children school readiness assessment (long version) has good reliability and validity. B. The five-year-old children school readiness assessment (long version) is related to five domains (physical health and development domain, social and emotional domain, language and communicate domain, cognitive domain and approaches to learning domain), 24 points, 62 items and 177 indicators. Every indicator has three performance levels and a remarks column that can offer teachers to record related observations, reviews, children’s performances etc. C. The expectation of school readiness between kindergarten teachers’ and parents’ is significantly different. Parents’ expectation is higher than kindergarten teachers’ expectation. D. There are significantly different characters between public and private kindergartens. E. There are significantly different expectations of school readiness among the different background of families and kindergarten teachers. F. The parents’ expectation of school readiness and their children’s performance of school readiness is significant different. Parents’ expectation is higher than their children’s school readiness performance.

蒙特梭利幼兒教育的幼兒就學準備度之研究 / The school readiness of montessori early childhood education

莊佳樺, Chuang, Chia Hua Unknown Date (has links)
蒙特梭利教育推行逾百年,至今屹立不搖,主要有賴蒙特梭利以科學方法發現了幼兒成長的原理和法則,其以幼兒為中心,將教學法劃分為三個要素: (1)預備的環境,(2)教師,(3)教具,透過三者相輔相成,引導幼兒學習。不過,蒙特梭利教育目前仍被視為另類教學,人們擔心蒙氏幼兒教育缺乏情感、創造力與人際互動的學習,並對蒙氏幼兒教育是否能與小學教育接軌感到疑慮。對此,中華民國蒙特梭利教師協會在2007年慶祝蒙特梭利教育100周年紀念特刊中指出許多追蹤研究顯示,蒙特梭利孩子除了在課業成績表現優異外,在主動學習、人際關係、情緒管理上也優於一般小孩。由於近十餘年來,「幼兒就學準備度」的觀念日趨重視,教育部正積極編訂的「幼兒園教保活動及課程大綱」也特別重視幼小銜接,因此,研究者將從幼兒就學準備的觀點,探討蒙特梭利教育。本研究首先採用文獻分析法探討蒙特梭利教育與就學準備度的共同脈絡,並依據探討之結果,建構「蒙特梭利教育與五歲幼兒就學準備度評量對照表」,進而運用問卷調查進行專家效度之檢視,以做對照表的修訂。接續研究者使用調查研究的方式,評量接受蒙特梭利教育之幼兒的就學準備度,將蒐集的資料進行統計及分析。本研究所使用的統計方法包含描述性統計分析、交叉表(Crosstabs)與卡方檢定(Chi-square test)、皮爾森積差相關(Pearson’s product -moment correlation)、斯皮爾曼等級相關(Spearman's rank correlation)、t考驗(t- test)與單因子變異數分析(one way ANOVA)。研究結論如下: 壹、蒙特梭利教育與五歲幼兒就學準備度評量對照表的對應度高,顯示五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表中所關心的幼兒行為能力,與蒙特梭利幼兒教育的教學內容高度相符。初步反映蒙特梭利教育的內容符合我國幼兒教育對幼兒基本能力之要求與發展,有利我國幼兒發展入小學前的就學準備。 貳、本研究所取樣就讀蒙特梭利幼兒園之幼兒,具有良好的就學準備度。 參、就學準備度差異存在於幼兒就讀/非就讀蒙特梭利幼兒園之間,其中以幼兒就讀蒙特梭利幼兒園之就學準備度較高。 肆、蒙特梭利兒童背景變項中,蒙特梭利幼稚園與托兒所在「健康與身體領域」、「認知數理邏輯與科學領域」的就學準備度達顯著差異;幼兒就讀蒙特梭利幼兒園年數與就學準備度無顯著相關;不同性別的蒙特梭利幼兒就學準備度無顯著差異。 伍、蒙特梭利教師背景變項中,蒙特梭利教師大班(含混齡)教學年資與「健康與身體領域」、「語言與溝通領域」、「認知數理邏輯與科學領域」、「認知文化藝術領域」、及「整體」的就學準備度有顯著正相關;蒙特梭利教師最高學歷與幼兒就學準備度有顯著正相關;不同蒙特梭利教師證照別之幼兒就學準備度無顯著差異。 最後,根據上述研究結論針對實務面以及未來研究提出建議。 / Montessori education has developed for over a century, mainly due to Montessori found the early childhood development principles and rules by the scientific method. She advocates child-centered,and there are three elements of Montessori education:(1)prepared environment, (2) teachers, (3) teaching aids, through the three to guide children's learning. However, in Taiwan, people worried about that Montessori education is lack of emotional, creativity , interpersonal learning, and the transition with primary education, therefore Montessori education is still being considered as an alternative education. In this regard, Montessori Teachers Association of the R.O.C pointed many longitudinal study shows that Montessori children perform better than the traditional-education children in many ways of academic achievements, active learning, interpersonal relationships, and emotional management. Nowadays, the concept of " school readiness " becomes more important, and the Ministry of Education is actively compiling the "Guidelines of Nursery Education Activities and Security Curriculum " which is particularly imply the importance of transition program. Thus, this study proposes to investigate Montessori education from the perspective of school readiness. First , researcher explored the common context of Montessori education and school readiness by document analysis, then based on the results to construct "The corresponding table of Montessori education and five-year-old children school readiness assessment “, and corrected the table by expert validity. Finally, assess the Montessori children's school readiness in actually. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, Crosstabs, Chi-square test, Pearson’s product -moment correlation, Spearman's rank correlation, t- test, and one way ANOVA. The results were summarized as follow: A."The corresponding table of Montessori education and five-year-old children school readiness assessment “ is highly corresponded, show they concerned the same capacity of children. Initially reflected Montessori education conform the basic development requirements of Taiwan early child education, and could help children get ready into primary school. B. Montessori children in this study sample get good school readiness. C. There is significant difference towards the school readiness between children study /non-study Montessori kindergarten. D. There is significant difference towards school readiness of “physical health and development domain”、”mathematical logic and cognitive science domain” between Montessori kindergartens and Montessori child care;there is no significant correlation between children’s school year in Montessori kindergarten and children’s school readiness;there is no significant difference towards the school readiness between boys and girls. E. There is significant correlation in “physical health and development domain”、”language and communicate domain”、” mathematical logic and cognitive science domain”、” cultural and artistic domain” and ” overall average” between school readiness and the years of teaching five-year classes (ambiguous age);there is significant correlation between school readiness and the highest degree of Montessori teachers;there is no significant difference towards the school readiness between the teachers with different Montessori teacher license.

英國幼兒基礎階段評量與就學準備度之研究 / A study of the early years foundation stage assessments in the UK and children’s school readiness

黃暐鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以「幼兒就學準備度」的觀點,瞭解英國幼兒教育的學習與發展研究,包括幼兒基礎階段之背景(幼教政策與研究計畫)、幼兒基礎階段實施綱要、相關應用等。進而比較英國幼兒學習與發展評量表與我國五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表之內涵,同時採訪談法的方式,便利取樣選取公私立園所4所,共11位教師,使用「英國幼兒學習與發展評量表」及我國「五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表」評量班上1位幼兒,以瞭解現場教師對於兩評量表在使用上的差異,同時給予相關的回饋與建議。 研究結果如下: 壹、英國重要幼教政策及法案內容特色有三: 一、重視各項幼教政策間的連續性與穩定性。 二、政策制訂具有前瞻性。 三、明確規範各相關部門職責,保障並促進跨部門的協調合作。 貳、英國「幼兒基礎階段實施綱要」內容特色有四: 一、整合三份重要幼兒照顧方案。 二、具體明確的學習與發展架構。 三、配合「幼兒基礎階段教師實務指引」、「幼兒基礎階段評量表手冊」及「幼兒基礎階段之改變計畫」。 四、「英國幼兒學習與發展評量表」呼應幼兒就學準備度的觀點。 參、我國「五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表」與英國「幼兒學習與發展評量表」之行為指標比較。 一、 學習途徑:(一)英國評量表鼓勵幼兒運用各種表達方式與感官學習。(二)我國評量表鼓勵幼兒「說出」、「辨別」;英國評量表鼓勵「操作」。(三)我國評量表強調幼兒「嘗試」、「複述」;英國透過「閱讀故事」方式學習。 二、 行為指標敘述特色:(一)評量格式不同,英國評量表之幼兒發展層次 性較為明顯。(二)涵蓋廣度不同,英國評量表的涵蓋範圍較廣。(三)認知概念之應用性不同。 肆、現場教師對我國「五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表」與英國「幼兒學習與發展評量表」之評價。 一、「五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表」較有助於教師課程規劃。 二、「英國幼兒學習與發展評量表」較有利於親師溝通。 本研究並根據研究結果提出建議,以「他山之石,可以攻錯」的借鏡觀點,提供對未來台灣幼兒教育發展之建議及後續研究之參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to understand the concept of children’s school readiness, and the Learning and Development Requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage in the UK. Include early childhood education and care policy, the effective provision of pre-school education (EPPE) project, statutory framework for the early years foundation stage, and achievement of children in the early years foundation stage profile. This study received to 11 teacher’s interview to understand the difference between the five-year-old children school readiness assessment and the EYFS profile assessment scales. And share any observations on children. Here are the results of this study: A. Early childhood education and care policy characteristics: 1. Continuous and stable. 2. Proactive. 3. Accountability and integration- locally, regionally and nationally. B. “Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage”characteristics: 1. The EYFS is founded on existing standards already used in all types of childcare. 2. The Learning and Development Requirements are specific. 3. Use “Practice Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage”, “Early Year Foundation Stage Profile Handbook”, “Making A Big Difference in the Early Years Foundation Stage”. 4. The EYFS profile assessment scales is related to the children’s school readiness. C. The learning way and characteristics are differences between the five-year-old children school readiness assessment and the EYFS profile assessment scales. D. There are differences meaning to teachers when they use the five-year-old children school readiness assessment and he EYFS profile assessment scales. 1. The five-year-old children school readiness assessment is good for teachers to plan an effective and appropriate curriculum that will meet all children’s needs. 2. The EYFS profile assessment scales can help teachers to communicate with parents.

幼兒就學準備度相關因素之研究 / The factors influencing young children school readiness

施玠羽, Shih, Chieh Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於瞭解幼兒就學準備度之內涵,並以實證方式進行幼兒學前教育經驗、幼兒園品質、家庭背景、家長參與的現況瞭解,以及與幼兒就學準備度之間的差異情形、相關情形、預測情形。依隨機抽樣方式,以問卷調查進行兩階段實施,第一階段,抽取632位文山及萬華區小ㄧ學童為研究對象,進行幼兒就學準備度的施測,可用率為75.5%,共477位學童;第二階段根據學童分布的141家公私立幼兒園(幼稚園或托兒所),進行幼兒園品質調查,可用率為51.8%,共計73家幼兒園。本研究採用量化方法,以SPSS 14.0套裝軟體進行分析,包括獨立樣本t考驗、卡方分配、單因子變異數分析、Scheff’e事後比較、皮爾森基差相關、多元逐步回歸等方式做資料的處理。 研究結果顯示:1、幼兒園屬性及類型對就學準備度有顯著差異,就讀私立幼兒園者其就學準備度高於就讀公立幼兒園者;就讀不同幼兒園類型的孩子其就學準備度有顯著差異。2、幼兒就讀幼兒園年數與學準備度呈現正相關。3、幼兒園品質與就學準備度的無顯著相關。4、家庭背景中的「每月收入」、「父母教育程度」、「父母職業類型」、「父母社經地位」皆與幼兒就學準備度有顯著差異。5、幼兒園與小學時期家長參與呈正相關,兩時期的家長參與與就學準備度也呈現正相關。6、「家庭每月收入」、「幼兒園時期家長參與」、「就讀幼兒園年數」對就學準備度達顯著預測性。 另外其他研究發現部分:1、幼兒園及小學時期家長參與度中偏高。2、幼兒就讀幼兒園類型與家庭環境及區域分佈有關,且家庭背景會影響幼兒園類型選擇。3、幼兒進入小學後就學準備度「學業成績」方面表現不錯,「生活適應」方面表現中等。4、家長參與和家庭背景因素呈現正相關,父母教育程度、職業、社經地位、家庭每月收入月高的家庭,家長的參與程度會越高。5、各類型的幼兒園其幼兒園品質有顯著差異。 本研究並根據研究結果提出建議,以提供家長、學校、政府機關以及未來研究者之參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to understand the concept of school readiness, and examine the experience of early childhood education, the educational quality in ECE (early childhood education), the background of family, parents participate, and the relationships of these items. This study adopts literature analysis and questionnaire investigation to achieve the goal. This study are 2 steps, the first step, 632 first grade elementary school students in Wenshan district and Wanhua district of Taipei City, and 477 samples were received, making the return rate of 75.5%. The second step, basing on 141 early childhood education centers the children attended in last year, and 73 samples were received, making the return rate of 51.8%. The sample results were analyzed by means, standard deviations, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Person’s product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. Depending on the result, the conclusions are as fallows: 1. The children study in private center is better than in public. And the school readiness of children in different types childcare centers has obvious different. 2. The correlation analysis found that there is moderate positive relationship between “How long are children in childcare centers” and “early childhood school readiness”. 3. The correlation analysis found that there is no moderate relationship between “the educational quality in ECE” and “early childhood school readiness”. 4. There were significantly different perceptions towards school readiness to different background family. 5. The correlation analysis found that there is moderate positive relationship between parents participate in early childhood time and elementary school time. “The parents participate in two step” and early childhood school readiness” also show positive relationship. 6. The income of the family per month, the participation of parents in early childhood time and how long children in childcare centers are were appropriate indicators in predicting early childhood school readiness. Otherwise, there are other researches results are discovered as follows: 1. The participation of parents in early childhood time and elementary school time are obviously high. 2. Family backgrounds can affect the choice of the type of the early childhood centers, and the type of the early childhood centers are concerned with family backgrounds and which areas they are in. 3. After children enter the elementary school, their school readiness in” study achievements “are good, and in “live hood adaption” show average. 4. There were moderate positive relationship between “the participation of parents” and “the factors of family backgrounds”, the higher level of education of their parents, their occupations, their position of social and economics and the income per month, the participation of parents show higher. 5. There were significantly different perceptions between types of early childhood centers and their qualities. According to previous conclusions, the researcher proposes some suggestions for parents, school, administration and researchers in the future.

兒童教育成就之研究:幼兒就學準備度之觀點 / Children's Educational Achievements:The Perspective of School Readiness

李晨帆 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在以回溯方式瞭解兒童過去的幼兒園經驗、家庭背景因素與兒童教育成就及其幼兒就學準備度之相關情形,並更進一步探討就學準備度對於目前學童在教育成就表現上的影響 本研究以問卷調查法進行研究,問卷調查樣本以立意取樣的方式選取臺北市文山區、萬華區與信義區之公立小學三年級兒童為研究對象,共387位,樣本回收162份,回收率為42%,可用樣本為133份,可用率為34%。研究工具主要分為三大部分,第一部分為瞭解兒童教育成就現況,分別使用兒童小三上學業成績與生活適應能力表現(自評問卷)做為替代指標;第二部份則以家長問卷的方式瞭解兒童個人與家庭背景現況;第三部份為蒐集兒童過去幼兒就學準備度的表現,使用兒童在小一上學期五個學習領域之成績做為替代指標。本研究所使用的統計方法包含描述性統計分析、交叉表(Crosstabs)與卡方檢定(Chi-square test)、皮爾森積差相關(Pearson’s product -moment correlation)、斯皮爾曼等級相關(Spearman's rank correlation)、t考驗(t- test)與多元階層迴歸分析(Multiple hierarchical regression analysis)方法進行分析。 根據分析結果歸納之結論如下: 一、過去就讀公私立幼兒園的兒童在教育成就表現上無顯著差異;二、就讀幼兒園年數與兒童教育成就無顯著相關;三、家庭社經地位與兒童學業成績有顯著正相關,與兒童生活適應能力則無顯著相關;四、小學時期家長參與與兒童教育無顯著相關情形,幼兒時期家長參與與兒童學業成績有顯著正相關,與兒童生活適應能力則無顯著相關;五、兒童教育成就與幼兒就學準備度有顯著正相關;六、「母親教育程度」、「幼兒就學準備度」與「生活適應能力」對兒童學業成績有顯著預測力,「學業成績」對兒童生活適應能力有顯著預測力;七、過去就讀公、私立幼兒園的兒童在幼兒就學準備度上無顯著差異;八、就讀幼兒園年數與幼兒就學準備度無顯著相關;九、家庭每月總收入與幼兒就學準備度有顯著正相關;十、幼兒時期家長參與與幼兒就學準備度有顯著正相關。 最後,本研究根據分析結果,俾供相關建議給家長、教育工作者、教育單位及未來欲從事相同主題之研究者。 / The main purpose of this study is to investigate children’s experience in kindergarten, their family’s background, educational achievements and school readiness by ex-post-factor research. This study tries to explore the relationship between children’s educational achievements and school readiness. By questionnaires investigation, researcher collects data from the third grade students in Wenshan, Wanhua, and Xinyi district in Taipei City. Out of 387 questionnaires handed out, 162 were returned, of which 29 were invalid or partially answered, resulting in a total of 133 effective surveys. There are three questionnaires in this study, including children’s educational achievements, parents’ socioeconomic background, and school readiness. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, Crosstabs, Chi-square test, Pearson’s product -moment correlation, Spearman's rank correlation, t- test, and multiple hierarchical regression analysis. Based on the statistics analysis of the questionnaire, the results of this study are as follow: A. There is no significant difference towards children’s educational achievements between public and private kindergarten. B. There is no significant correlation between children’s school year in kindergarten and children’s educational achievements. C. There is a significant and positive correlation between parent’s socioeconomic status and children’s academic achievement. D. There is a significant and positive correlation between parents’ participation in early childhood and children’s academic achievement. E. There is a significant and positive correlation between children’s educational achievements and school readiness. F. Mother’s education level, school readiness, and the ability of life adaptation are appropriate indicators in predicting children’s academic achievement. G. Children’s academic achievement is an appropriate indicator in predicting children’s ability of life adaptation. H. There is no significant difference towards school readiness between public and private kindergarten. I. There is no significant correlation between children’s school year in kindergarten and school readiness. J. There is a significant and positive correlation between family’s income and school readiness. K. There is a significant and positive correlation between parents’ participation in early childhood and school readiness.

弱勢幼兒就學準備度及其日後學習成就之探討 / A study of high risk children's school readiness and later achievement

賴涵婷, Lai, Han Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要透過回溯方式探究幼兒弱勢因素、家庭社經、學前經驗、家長參與對幼兒就學準備度之影響;另,探究就學準備度對日後學習成就之影響及就學準備度對日後學習成就預測之重要領域能力,並比較弱勢及非弱勢幼兒之差異。 本研究透過問卷調查法,以弱勢幼兒為主要探究對象,以立意取樣方式選取南投縣草屯鎮及信義鄉352位三年級學童樣本回收率為71%。將教育弱勢幼兒定義為:偏遠地區、原住民、新移民子女及中低收入戶,樣本中弱勢學童占60.8%。研究工具分為三部分:(一)學童一、二及三年級學業成績,其中一年級學業成績採計五科作為就學準備度五領域之替代指標;二年級及三年級上學期成績則作為幼兒日後學習成就短及長期之替代指標。(二)兒童自評之生活適應問卷作為長期學習成就之另一替代指標。(三)透過自編之幼兒背景問卷、幼兒及小學時期家長問卷了解幼兒之基本資料及家長參與情形。本研究所使用的統計方法包含:描述性統計、交叉表分析、卡方分析、Pearson相關分析、T檢定、單因子變異數分析、線性迴歸及多元階層迴歸分析。 研究主要結論如下:(一) 弱勢因素對幼兒就學準備度有顯著之負項影響其影響可延伸至小學三年級。(二) 曾就讀幼兒園、就讀私立幼兒園對幼兒就學準備度及其日後學習成就有顯著正向影響,其影響可延伸至三年級。(三) 家庭社經、家長參與對幼兒就學準備度及其日後學習成就有顯著正向影響。(四) 就學準備度及學前因素為影響就學準備度之主要因素;弱勢因素及就學準備度為影響幼兒就學準備度及幼兒日後學習成就之主要因素。(五)弱勢幼兒就學準備度對日後短期及長期學習成就之預測力,較非弱勢幼兒高。(六) 弱勢幼兒就學準備度之數學及語文領域能力,能有效預測其日後二年級及三年級上學期之整體學業表現。(七) 非弱勢幼兒之幼兒就學準備度數學及語文領域能有效預測其二年級上學期之整體學業表現。 / The main purpose of this study is trying to figure out how disadvantaged factors, family Social Status, preschool experience and parental involvement will affect children’s school readiness and their later achievement. And try to find the connection between school readiness and later achievement, looking for the important school readiness area that can predict later achievement. Also try to compare the difference of above answers between disadvantaged and advantaged children’s. Ex-post-factor research and questionnaires investigate are used. Using purposive sampling, choosing Sinyi and Caotun 2 township of Nantou County, 352 3rd grade student are involved, and Effective response rate is 71%.There are 60.8%of sample are educational disadvantaged student. 3 main research tools are used:1. 1st grade’s academic score of 5 subject are using as the substitutes of school readiness performance;2nd grade’s academic score of all subject as substitutes of short-turn later achievement; 3nd grade’s academic score of all subject as substitutes of long-turn later achievement. 2. A children answered life adaptation questionnaire as another substitutes of long-turn later achievement.3. Using a self-edited student background and 2 parental involvement questionnaires. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, Crosstabs, Chi-square test, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, Spearman's rank correlation, t-test, linear regression, and multiple hierarchical regression analysis. The main finding of the study: 1. Disadvantaged factors have negative effects toward children’s school readiness and their later achievement. 2. Having the experience of preschool and going to private preschools have positive effects toward children’s school readiness and their later achievement. 3. Family social status and parental involvement have positive effects toward children’s school readiness and their later achievement. 4. Disadvantaged and preschool factors can and strongly predict children’s school readiness; disadvantaged factors and school readiness can strongly predict children’s later achievements. 5. School readiness can effectively predicts short and long-turn later achievements, and the effect is more significant on disadvantaged children. 6. Disadvantaged children’s school readiness of math and reading can strongly predict their short and long-turn later achievements. 7. Advantaged children’s school readiness math and reading can strongly predict their short-turn later achievements.

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