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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣資訊產業藍海策略之研究-以平板電腦為例 / The Blue Ocean Strategy of Taiwan IT Industry: Case Study for Tablet product

劉嘯烈 Unknown Date (has links)
近年可攜式電子產品相關產業發展蓬勃,尤其以智慧型手機與平板電腦為代表,其成功有賴於相關系統軟體及配套服務之開發,根據MIC研究單位則指出,未來幾年平板電腦市場發展至2015年預估可超過兩位數之成長率,市場上目前尚處於爆發期。在產品面,除了一般消費者所使用的消費型多媒體平板電腦外,在市場區隔下,尚有一些業者推出具有耐候特性、貼近高移動性需求之半強固型(Semi-Rugged)以及強固型電腦(Rugged)等主打可應付嚴苛工作環境,或是企業相關外勤人員之需求的產品,這些產品的出現則為目前平板電腦的激烈競爭創造一個新藍海市場的機會。 台灣企業主要是以生產代工為起家,但是近年來,台灣的低成本優勢已逐漸被新興市場所取代,加上產業發展成熟後,毛利率持續下探,M公司也是一個為平板電腦代工的ODM/OEM廠商,目前是鎖定非消費型平板電腦的代工為主,本研究也是以該公司的角度來探討如何在瞬息萬變的產業環境下,找出一些方向進行產品的創新,以提高這些代工廠商的獲利能力,並提供相關業者有一可行之參考模式。 至於本研究使用創新理論與藍海策略、使用者需求及價值理論探討等相關文獻進行探討,以形成本研究之研究架構及研究工具的理論基礎來源。另外,研究方法則擬採用個案分析方法之深度訪談法,訪談有關業者如AIDC(Auto Identification & Data Capture)以及系統整合廠商,探討這些產業的廠商對平板電腦有何需求,讓平板電腦的使用能結合該產業現有系統,並進而提升產業的效率。 從研究的結果來看,台灣的ODM/OEM代工廠商似應朝向軟硬整合的方式提供解決方案給客戶,如此一來不但可增加產品的毛利,另方面也可以深耕市場及客戶,另外ODM/OEM廠商必須真正瞭解各個不同產業的客戶需求,瞭解產業的價值缺口,以不同的客製化或者與該產業系統整合者合作來提供符合或超越顧客認知的價值,提高顧客滿意度,當然最重要的還是要增加新技術的研發比重,例如新的材料或是新的元件的開發,在半強固型或者強固型的市場,如何把強固這件事情做好就是一個很大的技術課題,尤其又要做到夠輕薄又是一個很大的挑戰,而且這裡面又有成本的考量,所以ODM/OEM廠商一定要能展現自己的實力才有可能獲的客戶的肯定。最後本研究只是針對AIDC及系統整合的廠商做研究,並不是針對下游的終端使用者做調查,而且各產業的範圍廣大,所以應該可以做更進一步詳細的產品需求的研究,如此才能更清楚的了解市場上的真正情況以做為ODM/OEM的產品需求的開發依據。  關鍵字:平板電腦、創新理論、藍海策略、顧客價值 / In recent years, portable electronic products has rapid grow up, especially for smartphones and tablet PCs. One of the key success factors should depend on the various application software and supporting services that has developed. According to the MIC Research Unit, until 2015 Tablet market will have 2-digits growth rates during the next few years, it’s still in a fulminic growing now. In addition to general consume multimedia tablet for end user, under the market segmentation, there are few tablet brand vendors have launched a serious of product for outdoor usage, high mobility requirements’ Semi-Rugged and Rugged level tablet. Those tablets can be used for critical environment, or product for enterprise outdoor field staff. Compared to the current high competition tablet product, it create a new blue ocean market opportunities. Taiwan IT companies were started from ODM/OEM manufacturer, but in recent years, Taiwan's low-cost advantage has gradually been replaced by emerging markets’ new players, coupled with industry matures, gross margin continued going down, M company is also an ODM/OEM manufacturer for the tablet customers, it’s currently ODM/OEM for non-consumer tablet , this study is based on M company's point of view in a rapidly changing industry environment, to find some direction for product innovation in order to improve these companies’ profitability, and provide a viable industry reference model. For this study, it use of innovative theories and Blue Ocean Strategy and Value Theory of user requirements and other relevant literature to explore, to form the study architecture and the theoretical basis. In addition, this study is using case study analysis method by depth interviews, interviews related industry vendors such as AIDC (Auto Identification & Data Capture) vendor and tablet system integrators to explore what tablet features they need, and these tablet features can be easily combined with their existing systems, and enhance their efficiency. The study results show that Taiwan ODM/OEM manufacturers should integrate hardware and software to provide solutions to their customers, this way not only increase product gross margin, on the other hand can also be cultivating the market and customers, in addition to, ODM/OEM manufacturers must understand the customer requirements in various industries, realize the value for that industry, and to provide different customization or cooperate with the industry’s system integrators to meet or exceed customer perceived value, to improve customer satisfaction. and of course the most important thing is to put more resource to increase the research and development of new technologies, such as new materials or new components of development, for semi-rugged or rugged product, how to do the ruggedize well is not only a big technical issues, particularly but also design light-weight and thin enough to carry out it is also a big challenge, furthermore cost down is another topic should be consideration, so ODM/OEM manufacturer must be able to show their strengths to win customer confidence. Finally, this study is only explore for AIDC vendors and system integrators, not include the end-users, moreover the industries coverage is not enough, so it should be able to make further detailed studies of product requirement, so that it can have more clearly understand the really situation on the market for ODM/OEM manufacturer to development their products. Keywords: Tablet PC, Innovation, Blue Ocean Strategy, Customer Value

結合感知玩具與電子書於兒童學習之互動設計 / Designing a children's learning app with tangible toys

曾韻如, Tseng, Yun Ju Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年平版電腦興起,觸控式平板之操作介面簡單直覺,學習曲線低,很適合小朋友來操作,已逐漸被使用在教育市場中。回顧教育學家所提出之學習理論,我們發現感官和四肢,是嬰幼兒時期主要的發展任務,也是幼兒智慧發展的根源,然而平板電腦缺乏實物的觸覺感知,平面的觸控體驗大幅限制了兒童的感官知能。因此本創作旨在針對3~6歲的小朋友,設計一套結合觸控平板之實體感知玩具(Tangible Toys),並延續福祿貝爾與蒙特梭利對於觸覺學習的教育理論,實作兩種運用於平板與感知玩具的遊戲學習模式,提供新型態的互動學習體驗。小朋友在本創作設計之遊戲學習過程中使用到手的操作與觸覺感知,藉由有趣的感官互動,增加小朋友的學習興趣。 我們提出兩種英文單字的學習模式,並觀察與分析兒童使用感知玩具在平板上的操作行為,作為未來「數位教具」與「平板」結合的參考依據,本創作所發展之技術亦可輔助觸控式平板發展多樣化之「數位教具」。 綜合所述,本創作完成目標如下: 1. 互動學習體驗:以感知玩具結合平板的互動形式帶給兒童新型態的互動學習體驗。 2. 兒童探索學習:透過感知玩具刺激兒童的學習興趣,利用不同的玩偶讓兒童嘗試去探索關聯式的單字。 3. 操作經驗分析:分析兒童對於感知玩具的使用經驗與操作,作為未來「數位教具」與「平板」結合的參考依據。 / Touch-based tablets have grown extremely rapidly in recent years. Since the touch-based interface is simple, intuitive and easy to learn, touch-based tablets have been adopted quickly in the Education market. However, touch-based tablet lacks tangible and tactile feedback, thus it constrains children’s learning ability of sensations. In this paper, we aimed at 3~6 years old children and designed a children’s learning app with tangible toys on the tablet. By extending Frobel and Montessori’s tactile learning theory, we implemented two game-based learning applications with tangible toys to bring a novel interactive learning experience for children. We conducted the preliminary study of 4 kindergarten children. The result showed that children were interested in tangible toys and had more fun in the learning activities. Finally, our capacitive tags can be used to design various forms of digital manipulatives on the tablets.

結合實體物件與行動載具之開發套件設計 / A Tangible UI Toolkit for Capacitive Touch Devices

黃奕誠 Unknown Date (has links)
過去,感知物件的互動方式大多發展於大型互動桌上,其技術主要是採用影像辨識來進行互動偵測,隨著平板的普及,我們希望能將大型互動桌的實體互動體驗帶到平板世界,然而現今平板使用之電容式觸控技術有別於大型互動桌之影像偵測技術,無法直接應用影像式的物件辨識方法,因此設計出一套結合平板電腦與感知物件的開發工具,目的是要讓互動設計的開發者能夠快速開發感知物件的互動模式。 而電容式實體互動物件設計較為複雜,對於互動設計的開發者而言,要去製作、開發這些互動物件不論是在電路或是實體物件都是有一定的難度,並不是所有的開發者都擁有相關的背景或是資源。而為了讓原型製作更加的簡單在軟體上我們設計了一套SDK,在硬體上結合了樂高積木和導電的膠帶,不僅製作快速、成本低,在組裝上也能擁有一致的規格以減少誤差的發生。藉由其底座組合方式的差異也就代表著不同的感知物件。因此開發者只需套用我們所設計的SDK就可以將原有的作品加上實體互動物件的互動模式。 / The Tangible User Interface (TUI) has been widely adopted on interactive tabletops by using optical sensing techniques and fiducial markers. With the huge growth of smartphone and tablet market, we hope to expand the tangible interaction experience to the off-the-shelf touch devices. However, most touch devices use capacitive sensing techniques that can only detect human fingers. We create a tangible hardware toolkit base on capacitive touch devices so developers can use it to build tangible interactions in a fast way. We put conductive adhesive tape on LEGO blocks to form an identifiable footprint. The footprint could be attached onto a tangible object. And the pattern of the footprint could be easily arranged to represent different identities. We also provide a flash SDK that can be quickly integrated into a developer’s project and then enable tangible interactions. We expect our hardware toolkit and software SDK can benefit more developers to create tangible UI applications on the capacitive touch devices.

雲端環境下台灣筆記型電腦代工業者轉型至平板電腦經營策略之探討 / A study of business transformation on Taiwanese ODMs - from notebook PC to tablet PC industry under cloud computing environment

袁正華 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣筆記型電腦代工廠商從1990年代開始,經過多年努力已經成為全球最重要的筆記型電腦代工業者,掌握超過90%的市場。然而近年代工廠商卻面臨低毛利,以及蘋果替代品和歐美市場景氣衝擊而腹背受敵以致出貨大幅下滑的困境。本研究希望藉由某個案A公司的立場,探討台灣筆記型電腦轉型平板電腦,如何在總體及產業環境下,藉由本身優劣勢的分析,配合環境的各種機會與威脅,建立一個創新而本身可以掌控的雲端運算生態體系,同時帶來相對獲利較佳的營運模式。 本研究透過檢視總體環境的雲端運算趨勢與全球英語的發展,以及分析筆記型電腦、平板電腦、印度軟體代工產業、以及蘋果iPad的商業模式等產業環境因素,整理出台灣筆記型電腦代工廠所面對的環境機會與威脅。透過對個案公司的各種內在優劣勢分析,作出以下對台灣筆記型電腦代工業者的策略建議: 1. 降低筆記型電腦代工比重,尤其是適度減少Ultrabook投入,以挪出資源給新產品。 2. 增加伺服器等相關產品線的投入,轉型為雲端硬體供應商。 3. 發展在雲端運算與相關生態體系業者的合作夥伴關係,包括與印度軟體代工業者的合作。 4. 選擇平板電腦適合的行業用產業,先從小範圍的行業用雲端運算,例如雲端英語教學,作為培養實力與經驗的起點,藉以熟悉雲端運算的商業模式,同時尋求保持良好的營運利潤水準。 / After 20 years of endeavor, Taiwanese notebook PC, or Laptop, ODMs have gained more than 90% of world share in terms of annual notebook PC shipment. However, these ODMs have been facing detrimental challenges which the profit margin is getting slimmer, and even worse is their customers have been losing markets due to both the world economy downturn, and severe challenges from Apple’s so-called “iDevice” since 2010. Through the approach the case study of a notebook PC ODM who is diversifing from notebook PC to tablet PC industry, and through SWOT analysis, I hope to figure out some feasible solution to bail the ODMs out with some innovative and profitable business models. By scrutinizing the trends of Cloud Computing and Global English under the macro environment, and the current industry status of notebook PC, tablet PC, Indian software ODMs, Apple’s iPad and its business model, we intend to figure out the overall opportunities and threats from the macro environment for the notebook PC ODMs who are keen to diversify into tablet PC field. Also, through the research to identify the internal strengths and weakness of the case company, the summary and suggestion to Taiwanese notebook PC ODMs are as follows: 1. Lower the percentage of notebook PC lines among their products portfolio. Ultrabook is not suggested to have heavy investment on. 2. Allocate sufficient resources to develop cloud-related equipments such as servers and tablet PCs. 3. Develop the crirical compentence set which are necessary for Cloud Computing, through the close partnership with major ecosystem participating companies. The cooperation between Taiwanese hardware ODMs and Indian software ODMs are highly recommended. 4. Start with one small but manageable ecosystem, such as English teaching through cloud, and get familiar with the business model and ways of sustaining profits.

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