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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣影評活動的文化政治與經濟:從「新電影」到「後─新電影」 / The Cultural Politics and Economy of Film Critique in Taiwan: From Taiwan New Cinema to Post-New Cinema

林昱, Lin, Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究按照歷史進程,將台灣的影評依照書寫背景轉變的重大事件劃分為三個時期,逐期分析並接續整體影評生態在社會與物質環境中演變的歷史過程。本研究分析的重點在於自新電影以來不同背景脈絡與書寫/認知邏輯的影評人如何在總體社會場域中進行文化政治與文化經濟的權力及資本角逐。而在社會環境與物質條件演進的背景中,大眾媒體、新興媒體以及其他相關機構的邏輯又是如何介入並影響影評人的定義、形成、書寫與活動。 從電影評論的歷史與本質之探討開始,本研究透過Bourdieu對藝文產業生產二元次場域的分析架構、對文化中介者角色與功能的描述以及藝文商品與消費發展之歷史脈絡的論述,對照影評相關的中外理論文獻,嘗試建立能夠有效研究影評現象的社會學與政治經濟學理論架構,並針對活躍於不同時期的多位影評人與相關業界人士進行深度訪談。 研究發現,新電影時期由於解嚴前政治氛圍以及有限的媒體篇幅,二元價值體系與書寫邏輯的影評人透過不同的平台與市場,累積符號資本並建立社會資本。在新電影運動興起時,不同的影評勢力以及片商/媒體的商業邏輯結構產生辯論與碰撞,確立了台灣電影市場的二元特質,在論述上佔有優勢的影評群體取得影評人定義的想像,卻也確立了影評人文化菁英,與大眾意見脫節的階級位置想像。而隨著電視、錄影帶的普及以及電影在國民娛樂消費中性質的轉化,物質環境的變遷逐漸稀釋了影評之於一般電影觀眾與發行商的重要性。在網路出現後,部落格與社群網站等應用更是不斷地更新電影資訊與評論的產製形式與接收方式,透過數位經濟的邏輯與數位文化的規則,對影評的定義以及影評人的形成及書寫表現產生明顯地影響。 / The research divided the history of film critique of Taiwan cinema since 1979 into three periods and illustrated the transforming process of each period, especially on the politic and economic conflicts of film critique, as a field of cultural production. Futhermore, the research also discussed on how the definition, cultivation and activities of film critique was affected by social and material changes. Through the aspects of Pierre Bourdieu’s study on the field of cultural production and historical progress of cultural commodities, the research tried to build a theoretic structure on the analysis of film critique, and explored the actual interaction between film critique writers and social structure by literature review and interviews. Since the press industries declined, and the social networks flourished on the internet, the credibility of traditional film critique had been challenged. At the time when everyone can share film critique online, the relation between mass media and film critique has changed from equally cooperation to governing by the media, and the background of film critique writers has also changed from professional film workers or scholars to famous bloggers who could generate many readers or click-rates online. Meanwhile, since their publication space transfered from newspaper to blog or community website on the internet, the film critique as a form of cultural production in digital age has separated from the press and film industries, and combined with digital economy of Web 2.0., even 3.0.

應用文字探勘於影評文章自動摘要之研究 / A Study on Application of Text Mining for Automatic Text Summarization of Film Review

鄧亦安, Teng, I An Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路世界的興起,在面臨選擇難題時,民眾不僅會接收口耳相傳的資訊,也會以關鍵字上網搜尋目標資訊,但是在海量資料的浪潮中,如何快速的整合資料是一大挑戰。電影影評文章摘要可以幫助民眾進電影院前了解電影的資訊,透過這樣的方式確認電影是自身有興趣的電影。 本研究以電影:復仇者聯盟2影評66篇4616句、蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光60篇9345句、動物方城市60篇5545句、星際效應50篇4616句、高年級實習生62篇5622句為資料來源,以分群概念結合摘句之方法生成影評摘要。其中,利用K-Means演算法將五部電影的多篇影評特徵詞、句子進行分群後,使用TFIDF評比各分群語句的重要性來選取高權重語句,再以WWA方法挑選分群中不同面向的語句,最後以相似度計算最佳範本與各分群內容的相似度來決定每一群聚的排序順序,產生一篇具有相似內容段落和段落順序的影評多篇摘要。 研究結果顯示,原本五部電影影評對最佳範本之相似度為15.87%,經由本研究方法產生之摘要對最佳範本單篇摘要之相似度為21.19%。另外,因為影評中各分群的順序是比對最佳範本相似度而產生的排序,整篇摘要會具有與最佳範本相似段落排序的摘要內容,其中內容包含了電影影評中廣泛提到的相似內容,不同的相似段落讓文章摘要的呈現更具廣泛性。藉由此摘要方法,可以幫助民眾藉由自動化彙整、萃取的摘要快速了解相關電影資訊內容和協助決策。 / Abstract As Facing the Big Data issue, there are too many information on the website for reader to understand. How to perform and summarize essential information quickly is a challenge. People who want to go to a movie will also face this situation. Before choosing movies, they will search relative information of the movies. However, there are many film reviews all over the websites. Automatic text summarization can efficiently extract important information for readers, and conclude concepts of reviews on the websites. Through this method, readers can easily comprehend the best idea of all the reviews and save their time. The research presents a multi-concept and extractive film review summary for readers. It generates film review summary from the most popular blog platform, PIXNET, with extract-based method and clustering concept. The method using K-Means algorism let the film review summary focus on specific film to cluster the sentences by features, and having statistical sense and WWA method to measure the weight of sentences in order to choose the representative sentences. On the last step, it will compare to templates to decide the sequence of classified sentences and summary all represent sentences from each cluster. The research provides a multi-concept and extractive film review summary for people. From the result, there are five movies, which are used summary method increase the average similarity to 21.19% that comparing between the film reviews summary and templates summary. It shows that the automatic film reviews summarization can extract the important sentences from the reviews. Also, with comparing template method to order the cluster, it can sequentially list the cluster of the sentences to generate a movie review, which saves readers’ time and easily comprehend.

台灣「新電影」論述形構之歷史分析(1965-2000) / Discursive Formation of the "Taiwanese New Cinema": A Historical Analysis (1965-2000)

張世倫, Chang, Shih-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
本文以藝術社會學觀點出發,將台灣「新電影」視為一藝術「群體」行動所建構之現象,並分析「新電影」之論述形構過程。 本文認為「新電影」與60年代後逐漸傳入台灣的西方「藝術」電影典範,以及「作者電影」影評之系譜間,有若干思想及美學觀方面之傳承關係,其次回溯「新電影」現象初期,支持者如何藉由電影論述與策略運用,在與各種敵對勢力之批判論爭中,建構出一套「新電影」論述,以求存續發展。 本文並分析「新電影」群體與三種「電影評鑑」機制之間的關係,這包括了「新電影」勢力難以掌握的《金馬獎》、由其主導之《中時晚報電影獎》系譜、以及「新電影」派不斷嘗試接軌的國際「藝術」電影鑑賞機制。分析結果,本文認為「新電影」派由於無法掌握《金馬獎》,便逐漸與其疏離,《中晚電影獎》此一系譜之評鑑機制則並未成功替代《金馬獎》,而「新電影」之藝術正當性來源,則是藉由國際影展策略而達成。 「新電影」派之國際影展策略,在90年代與國家機器之外交宣傳目的逐漸契合,政府態度便由80年代的消極轉為積極地藉由「輔導金」、「電影年」、及鼓勵國際影展路線等方式,來收編「新電影」勢力。「新電影」派亦藉「國際路線」漸受官方重視的脈絡,在論述及實踐上逐漸將「新電影」建構為「台灣」電影唯一存在之國際代表(representation),藉由與官方之需求達成某種程度之契合,「新電影」得到80年代以來從未有過之藝術正當性。 然而此一策略,在國家機器缺乏對電影發行及映演部門之干預下,使「新電影」逐漸在市場與美學評鑑兩個層次上,與台灣本土之脈絡產生疏離,於此同時,則是若干導演已獲得電影「作者」之地位,具有吸引國際投資之能力,但卻難以與台灣電影工業產生良性聯繫,且有淪為跨國資本「研發」單位的可能。本文在分析過「新電影」派於不同時期之各種論述策略後,最後認為除了形成一股集體力量,對台灣電影工業進行政策面之思考與改造外,「新電影派」目前之論述策略,皆不足以改變目前台灣電影業之困境。

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