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新北市國民中小學校長評鑑之後設評鑑研究 / Meta-evaluation of Elementary School and Junior High School Principal Evaluation in New Taipei City吳佳珊, Wu, Chia Shan Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:校長評鑑、後設評鑑、後設評鑑標準 / The purpose of this research is to realize the implement status of elementary school and junior high school principal evaluation in New Taipei City, and to explore the elementary school and junior high school principals’ opinions on this evaluation. By examining the degree of the propriety, utility, feasibility, and accuracy dimension this evaluation gets, suggestions in accordance with the result of the research are made for improvements.
The study adopted questionnaire survey, and the tool was “Questionnaire of meta-evaluation of elementary school and junior high school principal evaluation in New Taipei City”. The research subjects were elementary school and junior high school principals who participated the first stage to the third stage elementary school and junior high school principal evaluation in New Taipei City were surveyed. A total of 36 questionnaires were distributed; 31 valid returned ones were analyzed. Statistical techniques used include t-tests and one-way ANOVA. An interview research was also adopted in this study. 2 principals and 1 faculty who participated the first stage to the third stage elementary school and junior high school principal evaluation in New Taipei City were selected in order to get more information about the evaluation.
According to the findings of the research, conclusions were summarized as followings:
1.The principal evaluation of elementary school and junior high school is approved in the propriety, utility, feasibility, and accuracy dimension. The propriety dimension gets the highest scores, followed by accuracy, feasibility, and utility dimension.
2.In the propriety dimension, there is 1 significant difference in the educational background. Master of education principals have higher agreement.
3.In the utility dimension, there is 1 significant difference in the educational background. Master of education principals have higher agreement.
4.In the feasibility dimension, there is 1 significant difference in the educational background. Master of education principals have higher agreement.
5.In the accuracy dimension, there are 2 significant differences in the educational background and the number of school classes. Master of education principals have higher agreement.
6.It’s feasible to implement the principal evaluation of elementary school and junior high school in New Taipei City, but it should be strengthened in the evaluation plan reflects community expectation, evaluation finding uses, the proposal of evaluation reporting is consistent with the different schools’ characteristics. Evaluation process taking into account the qualitative and quantitative data collection.
7.The principal evaluation of elementary school and junior high school in New Taipei City can truly reflects principals’ managing performance. The most helpful thing is to assist principals who examine their merits and shortcomings.
Finally, the study provides suggestions to the administrative department and future researchers as reference resources.
Key words:principal evaluation;meta-evaluation;meta-evaluation standards
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大學系所自我評鑑之後設評鑑指標建構研究-以JCSEE方案評鑑標準為基礎 / A study on the Construction of Meta-evaluation Indicators of University Departmental Self-evaluation - Based on the JCSEE Program Evaluation Standards陳怡寧, Chen, Yi Ning Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究根據研究結果,提出相關建議,俾供教育主管機關、大學系所以及後續研究之參考。 / The purpose of the study is to construct of meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation - based on the JCSEE program evaluation standards, in order to provide conclusions and suggestions for the university to implement the departmental self-evaluation.
According to the research methods, first, through the analysis of literature review, it preliminarily develops the meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation. Second, the expert’s questionnaires modified the preliminary indicators. Third, by using the Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire about important indicators evaluated by experts are integrated. Final, normalization of fuzzy number’s total score determined the weight of each indicator, establishing the meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation. The main conclusions follow:
1. The meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation consist with five major categories, 30 standards, 60 indicators in total.
2. The method is feasible that constructing the meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation based on the JCSEE program evaluation standards.
3. The meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation consist of five major categories, the ‘propriety standards’ is the most important.
4. The meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation consists with 30 standards, ‘meaningful processes and products’ in utility standards, ‘contextual viability’ in feasibility standards, ‘responsive and inclusive orientation’ in propriety standards, ‘valid information’ in accuracy standards, and ‘evaluation documentation’ in evaluation accountability standards are the most important.
In conclusion, the findings and results in the hope of providing suggestions for educational administrative institutions, university departments, and future studies.
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臺中市國民小學校長辦學績效評鑑之後設評鑑研究 / A meta-evaluation study on the evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance in Taichung city林例怡 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 臺中市校長辦學績效評鑑在各層面均獲得認同,以適當性層面表現最佳,其次依序為可行性、精確性與效用性層面。
二、 性別、年齡與職務在適當性層面具有顯著差異,男性、資深教育人員與非校長職之教育人員認同度較高。
三、 性別、年齡與職務在效用性層面具有顯著差異,男性、資深教育人員與非校長職之教育人員認同度較高。
四、 年齡與職務在可行性層面具有顯著差異,資深教育人員與主任認同度較高。
五、 性別、年齡與職務在精確性層面具有顯著差異,男性、資深教育人員與主任認同度較高。
六、 校長辦學績效評鑑之作法可行,惟在評鑑之人員可信度、報告功能性、結果運用、客觀性、資訊辯護性、追蹤輔導等方面可加以改進。
七、 校長辦學績效評鑑能真實反應校長辦學情形,最有幫助之處在於藉由檢視歷年辦學成果有助提升辦學績效。
最後,本研究針對教育行政主管機關、學校與後續研究提出具體建議。 / entary school faculties’ opinions on this evaluation. By examining the degree of the propriety, utility, feasibility, and accuracy dimension this evaluation gets, suggestions in accordance with the result of the research are made for improvements.
Elementary school faculties whose schools participated in the evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance in Taichung City in the academic years of 2008 to 2010 were surveyed. A total of 180 questionnaires were distributed; 159 valid returned ones were analyzed. Statistical techniques used include t-tests and one-way ANOVA. An interview research was also adopted in this study. 3 principals participating in the evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance in Taichung City in the academic years of 2008 to 2010 were selected in order to get more information about the evaluation.
According to the findings of the research, conclusions were summarized as followings:
1. The evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance is approved in the propriety, utility, feasibility, and accuracy dimension. The propriety dimension gets the highest scores, followed by feasibility, accuracy and utility dimension.
2. In the propriety dimension, there are significant differences in the gender, age and current position. Male, senior, and non-principal school faculties have higher agreement.
3. In the utility dimension, there are significant differences in the gender, age and current position. Male, senior, and non-principal school faculties have higher agreement.
4. In the feasibility dimension, there are significant differences in the age and current position. Senior school faculties and school directors have higher agreement.
5. In the accuracy dimension, there are significant differences in the gender, age and current position. Male, senior school faculties and school directors have higher agreement.
6. It’s feasible to implement the evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance, but it should be strengthened in the evaluators’ reliability, functional reporting, finding uses, objectivity, defensible information, and track and assistance.
7. The evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance can truly reflect principals’ managing performance. The most helpful thing is to enhance the managing performance by reviewing the school achievement every year.
Finally, the study provides suggestions to the administrative department and future researchers as reference resources.
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國民中小學校長評鑑系統之研究 / A study of the evaluation system for elementary and junior high school principals鄭新輝 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的主要在探討國民中小學校長評鑑系統的建構及有關研究。所採用的研究方法包括:文獻分析、問卷調查與訪談法。在文獻分析方面:分別就校長評鑑系統建構的基本理念、可能的探究取向與模式、英美兩國與國內國中小校長評鑑系統的發展情形、校長評鑑系統的後設評鑑標準與可能存在的問題等加以探討。在實證研究方面:以自編調查工具,對各縣市教育行政人員、國中小校長、主任、教師、家長與教育學者,就規劃實施國中小校長評鑑系統的三階段歷程要素、後設評鑑標準與可能存在的問題等,進行問卷調查與訪談。綜合本研究的結論發現:國中小校長評鑑系統的建構有其重要性,落實校長評鑑可協助校長提升辦學效能。而校長評鑑系統建構的理論與實務已日趨完善,在規劃過程中可參考不同的探究取向與英美兩國的實務經驗,讓校長評鑑系統的規劃能更為完備。此外,「教育評鑑標準聯合委員會」所發展的「教育人員評鑑標準」,不僅可用來協助規劃設計國中小校長評鑑系統,亦可以之進行現有校長評鑑系統的後設評鑑,妥當的應用可確保校長評鑑系統符合正當性(prophey)、效益性(utility)、可行性 (feasibility)與正確性(accuracy)標準。完整的國中小校長評鑑系統可分成三個階段,各階段均有應遵循的原則。做好規劃設計階段的工作是成功的第一步;資料蒐集階段應能正確而完整的蒐集資訊並遵循評鑑倫理;評鑑結果與處理階段,亦應配合評鑑目的,務實的做好各項後續工作,並作必要的決定。而評鑑歷程中務必遵守正當程序與保密原則,妥善保管資料並規範查閱程序,以保障受評校長的權益。最後本研究依上述研究結論,分別針對教育行政機關、國中小校長及其他利害關係人,綜合提出規劃實施國中小校長評鑑系統的建議。
關鍵字:校長評鑑、評鑑系統、評鑑模式、後設評鑑、評鑑標準 / The aim of this study is mainly to investigate the construction of the principal evaluation system of elementary and junior high schools and its related issues. The research methods included document analysis, questionnaires and interviews. The analysis of documents covered the basic concepts of the construction of principal evaluation systems, possible research approaches and models, the development of school principal evaluation in Taiwan as well as in the United States and Britain, meta-evaluation standards, and potential problems. A field study was conducted to explore the factors of the three phases of the design and implementation of a principal evaluation system, the meta-evaluation standards, and potential problems. It has employed questionnaire surveys and interviews to gather information from local government education administrators, school principals, deans, teachers, parents, and education academics.
It has been found that the construction of school principal evaluation systems is more important than ever, and it could help raising school effectiveness. The construction of principal evaluation systems has been maturing in both theory and practice. Consulting different theoretical approaches and the practice of the United States and Britain makes the planning of principal evaluation systems comprehensive. Furthermore, the Personnel Evaluation Standards, developed by the Joint Committee on Standards for Education Evaluation in the United States, not only can serve as criteria for designing systems for school principal evaluation, they can be used to meta-evaluate ongoing principal evaluation systems as well. Applied appropriately, they should ensure that the standards of propriety, utility, feasibility, and accuracy are maintained in the principal evaluation system.
A comprehensive system for school principal evaluation consists of three phases and each has its own rules to follow. The first phase is to plan and design it deliberately. Information should be gathered accurately and completely in the phase while the evaluation ethics is abided by. The consequent works should be taken care of in line with the purpose of the evaluation in the third phase of the processing of evaluation results. Necessary decisions should be made accordingly. Due process and confidentiality should be observed when implementing the evaluation. There should be an appropriate set of rules governing procedures of access to evaluation reports and data to protect the rights of the principals evaluated. According to the conclusions above, this research has offered some propositions regarding the planning and implementation of school principal evaluation systems. These propositions are aimed at education administrations, school principals, and other stakeholders.
Keywords: principal evaluation, principal appraisal, evaluation system, evaluation model, meta-evaluation, evaluation standard,
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我國高級中學後設評鑑指標之研究 / The Study on Metaevaluation Indicators for Senior-High School Evaluation in Taiwan林劭仁, Lin,Shaw-Ren Unknown Date (has links)
此外,本研究也針對得懷術及因素分析方法的運用進行分析與檢討,最後並針對實務應用及未來後續研究方向等提出具體的建議。 / The purpose of this study is to establish the meta-evaluation indicators and the weight system of senior-high school in Taiwan.First,we used document analysis to establish the primary scales of meta-evaluation indicators of senior-high school in Taiwan(M.E.I.S.T.).Then,we used the delphi technique to improve the primary scales.Finally, 123 principles of senior-high school in Taiwan were investigated, and we used factor analysis to calculate the weights of M.E.I.S.T.. The main conclusion of this study are as follows:
(1)The first-order indicators of M.E.I.S.T. include “the stage of evaluation formulation”,” the stage of evaluation design”, “the stage of evaluation implementation”, “the stage of evaluation results”,“the stage of use and discussion of results”. The weights for each indicator is .204,.226,.233,.220,and.228.
(2)There are 3 second-order indicators under“The stage of evaluation formulation”.They are “The evaluation purpose”, “The evaluation plan”, “The staff of planning”. The weights for each indicator is .391, .402, .379.There are 11 third-order indicators under them.
(3) There are 3 second-order indicators under“The stage of evaluation design ”.They are “The evaluation ways”, “The evaluation scales and criterias ”, “The organizations and staff”. The weights for each indicator is .373, .378, .371. There are 12 third-order indicators under them.
(4) There are 4 second-order indicators under“The stage of evaluation implementation”.They are “The communication and negotiation”,“The data collection”,“The self-evaluation process”, “ The external evaluation process”.The weights for each indicator is .286, . 298, .280, .296. There are 17 third-order indicators under them.
(5) There are 3 second-order indicators under“The stage of evaluation results”.They are “The data analysis”, “The evaluation report ”,“The disclosure of results”. The weights for each indicator is .358, .362, .359. There are 13 third-order indicators under them.
(6) There are 2 second-order indicators under“The stage of use and discussion of results.”.They are “The use of results ”, “The discussion of results ”. Both of the weights are .523. There are 10 third-order indicators under them.
Besides,this study also discusses the implementation of delphi technique and factor analysis. At the end of the study also proposes some concrete suggestions for practical and further study.
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