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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

權重效用在網路問題上之研究 / A Study on Weighted Utilizations of Network Dimensioning Problems

程雅惠, Cheng,Ya Hui Unknown Date (has links)
我們以公平頻寬配置考慮網路上多重等級與多重服務品質的效用函數, 利用權重效用函數提出兩種數學最佳化模型。 這兩個模型的目標都是要尋找權重效用函數總和值的最大值。 本篇論文特別以權重為決策變數, 研究最佳權重的行為模式, 並求得最佳權重分佈公式。 我們發現模型I的總權重效用只看重某個效用值最大的等級, 完全忽略其他效用值較小的等級; 即最大效用函數的最佳權重為1,其他效用較小的最佳權重為0。 在最佳化過程中, 模型II的數值資料呈現出最佳權重架構為:最佳權重中的每個權重均相等,且總和為1。 我們隨後證明這些結果,並利用GAMS軟體來呈現數值資料。 / We propose two mathematical models with weighted utility functions for the fair bandwidth allocation and QoS routing in communication networks which offer multiple services for several classes of users. The formulation and numerical experiments are carried out in a general utility-maximizing framework. In this work, instead of being fixed, the weight for each utility function is taken as a free variable. The objective of this thesis is to find the structure of optimal weights that maximize the weighted sum of utilities of the bandwidth allocation for each class. We solve it by proposing two models in terms of fairness. Model I and II are constructed to compare different choices for optimal weights. For Model I, the structure of optimal weights form a vector which consists of one for a class and zero otherwise. For Model II, the form of optimal weights is that each weight of utility function is equally assigned. The results are proved and illustrated by software GAMS numerically.

高中職學生選擇外食消費的影響因素之研究 / Research on Influence Factors of Dieting Out Choices for Senior High School Students.

羅雯琪, LO WEN CHI January 1900 (has links)
高中職階段為青春期後期是身體生長發育的快速期,然因種種改變而增加外食消費的機會,本研究以影響高中職學生外食消費行為作為研究主題,希望能進一步了解學生在選購食品的考量因素,作為後續相關研究的參考。 本研究首先參考大量與飲食及消費相關之文獻,分析了解研究主題後採用AHP層級分析法作為本研究的研究方法,之後依據文獻整理歸納出影響飲食、消費的相關因素藉此規劃專家問卷題項之方向,透過德菲爾法專家訪談建構出影響高中職學生外食消費選擇因素的層級架構,進一步設計以層級分析法的成對比較式問卷,並選定中部某校高中職學生為研究對象,隨機抽樣各班3名填寫問卷施測90份,待回收問卷後依層級分析法計算分析整理結果,並進行各因素間的權重分析,而建立整體影響因素之層級權重。 本研究建立影響高中職學生外食消費評選因素的權重關係,對於培養良好飲食行為增進健康方面有重要參考價值,並可作為之後家長、衛生單位、教育單位擬定相關政策及教學之參考依據,甚而作為更多擴充研究的基礎。 / High school is a rapid growing period for adolescences. However, they are having more and more opportunities to eat outside due to some living style changes. This study aims to examine the consumer behaviors of eating out in high school student. The researcher plans to study the criteria for choosing food of high school students and the reasons behind it. This study can provide a comprehensive reference for future studies. This study starts with a massive among of literature review related to diet and consumer behavior. After thoroughly studied the literature, the researcher adopts Analytic Hierarchy Process Theory (AHP) as the research method. Based on the literature review, the questionnaire for professionals was generated according to the direction of diet and consumer behavior. By using Delphi interview, the construction of high school students eating out behavior was established. Based on the results, another paired-comparison questionnaire was generated by using the analytic hierarchy process. The participants were recruited from random sample in a high school in middle Taiwan. Three students were recruited to complete this questionnaire and ninety participates were interviewed for this study. The result was analyzed by using the analytic hierarchy process. The factors were weighted and the hierarchical weight was established. This study established the weighted eating out evaluation criteria for high school students. It is beneficial for developing good diet behavior and facilitating personal health. It can also provide invaluable reference for parents, government agencies and schools for developing related policies. Future studies can also be beneficial from this study. / 論文指導教授推薦書 i 論文口試委員審定書 ii 誌謝 iii 中文摘要 iv 英文摘要 ix 目錄 vi 圖目錄 viii 表目錄 ix 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景和研究動機 1 1.2 研究目的 3 1.3 研究範圍和限制 3 1.4 研究流程 3 第二章 文獻探討 6 2.1飲食、消費相關教學目標 6 2.1.1國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要健康與體育學習領域 6 2.1.2高中健康與護理課程綱要 8 2.1.3高中生活領域-家政課程綱要 9 2.2飲食習慣與飲食行為 10 2.2.1 青少年飲食狀況 10 2.2.2 飲食的影響因素 11 2.2.3 營養知識及健康態度 13 2.3消費行為 14 2.3.1 消費行為理論 14 2.3.2 消費知識行為影響因素 18 2.4德菲爾法 21 2.4.1 德菲爾法的特性 22 2.4.2 德菲爾法的優點與限制 23 2.5 層級分析法 25 2.5.1 AHP層級分析理論和應用 25 2.5.2 AHP層級分析法之層級架構 27 2.5.3 應用AHP的處理程序 28 第三章 研究方法 35 3.1 研究架構程序 35 3.2 評選準則之建立 35 3.2.1專家訪談 35 3.2.2專家訪談整理 37 3.2.3專家前測問卷 46 3.3問卷設計與研究對象 48 3.3.1研究架構的分析與建立 48 3.3.2問卷設計及施測 49 3.3.3 各層級間因素權重的計算 50 3.3.4一致性檢定 51 第四章 實證結果 53 4.1評選因子層級架構形成分析 53 4.2受測者特性及經驗分析 55 4.3 問卷分析 57 4.3.1 評選高中職學生外食消費選擇因素之主要準則重要性分析 58 4.3.2 評選高中職學生外食消費選擇因素之次要準則重要性分析 59 4.3.3 評選高中職學生外食消費選擇因素之綜合分析 64 第五章 結論與建議 67 5.1結論 67 5.2研究建議 68 5.2後續研究建議 68 參考文獻 70 附錄一 評選因子專家開放式問卷 74 附錄二 評選因子專家前測問卷 78 附錄三 AHP問卷 82

模糊統計分析在選情預測之應用 / Analysis of Fuzzy Statistics in Application of Forcasting an Election Campaign

吳珮菁, Wu, Pei-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,民意調查有廣泛使用在預測競選期間選情動向的趨勢,試將問卷設計為探討選民們投票理念與投票行為意圖,以預測選民投票意向。但現實社會裡,並不能以二元邏輯的觀念來劃分人類的思想理念與行為意圖,因為人類的思維、決策、行為中都包含模糊不確定性與非定量化的特質,即集合中元素的隸屬度假若是模糊不確定的,非完全屬於此集合又非完全不屬於此集合,則二元邏輯觀念可能無法詳盡地探訴事件本身所具代表的真相,將會扭曲它背後隱藏的因素意義,故欲應用多元邏輯更精確地描述人類不確定性的模糊特質。 本論文將職務表現、政治形象、候選政見、所屬政黨列為預測台北市長選舉的探究因素,應用模糊統計分析傳統問卷,認為每一位選民將因本身的獨特因素特徵,各視影響選情的論域有著不盡相同重要程度,故考慮個體模糊權重、總體模糊權重、模糊權重數的選定,評定三位台北候選人將各具有不同程度的隸屬函數,利用隸屬度與決定投票意向之間的微妙關係,以最大隸屬度預測選民最終決定的投票意向,將對複雜的選舉情勢作更適合的預測估計。 / Public opinion survey has played an important role and has been utilized in forcasting an election campaign. Trying to get an unbiased and reliable forcast that best explain voters behavior, researchers have put a tremendous effort in designing the survey questions trying to capture the true essence of voters intention and action. In this paper, we apply logic of fuzzy theory to extract the voters inclination to vote for any candidate in the event of uncertainty surrounding the voters that may affect his or her voting decision. This paper has taken into account of candidate performance, public image, political views and political party as discussible factors that many have inflected the process of Taipei mayoral election. Furthermore, we use individual fuzzy weight, total fuzzy weight and fuzzy weight to assign the membership function to the candidates. The candidate who has obtained the maximum membership function based on the above categories is likely to get the vote from the uncertain votes.

無母數模糊相關權重指數加權移動平均管制圖設計 / An nonparametric Fuzzy Relative Weight Exponentially Weighted Moving Average control chart design

游善涵, You, Shan Han Unknown Date (has links)
隨著品質管制技術的開發,越來越多產業將品質管制的理念應用在產業資料中,而品質管制的方法非常多樣,其中統計製程管制(SPC)為品質管制中重要的技術,其主要是以統計理論背景做支持對產品製程進行監控,本文也將針對SPC中理論背景較完整的管制圖方法做進一步的研究,然而品管在實務應用上,母體資料通常為非特定分配或者未知分配,諸多文獻中已證實,若使用特定假設分配的有母數管制圖用於製程狀態為非假設分布時,會導致管制狀態下的平均連串長度不穩健的情形,若使用無母數管制圖做監控,其管制狀態平均連串長度具有穩健性,因此無母數管制圖實用性能高出許多,近年來對無母數管制圖的研究越來越進步,然而現存的無母數管制圖大多是針對產品製程中平均數、變異數的變動,或者是使用符號函數(sign function)、排序(rank)等方式對觀測值和目標值的差距做監控,又或者觀察資料的分佈狀況監控其分配或目標值是否有偏移的情形等,較少有針對觀測值前後之間變動的差距來偵測資料出現偏移的狀況,因此本文提出一個新的無母數管制圖,想利用模糊相關權重統計量的性質來呈現觀測值之間變動的情形,以此統計量為基礎,建構無母數模糊相關權重指數加權平均(FRWEWMA)管制圖,對製程資料中的平均數(位置參數)和標準差(尺度參數)進行監控,並透過平均連串長度來比較FRWEWMA 管制圖和其他管制圖偵測效能的差異與優勢為何。

應用模糊統計於試題難易度評量 / Application of fuzzy statistics in assessment for test difficulty

謝昇倫 Unknown Date (has links)
試題難易度評量一直是許多人研究的課題。但傳統方法的五點量表問卷只提供固定尺度的選擇,似乎無法完整地表達受測者真實且複雜的思考。因此本文將以模糊問卷調查進行試題難易度的探討。許多研究應用模糊平均數、模糊眾數或模糊中位數等概念於試題難易度評量。而本文將以此為基礎,定義一種新的距離,再透過一些轉換取得試題的難易度指標,進而比較各試題之間難度的差異。本文的另一個重點,是各個不同難度因子的向度來決定各試題的難度。再以模糊相對權重的概念,對各向度的難易度指標作加權,進而比較、分析。 / Assessment for test difficulty have been the subject of many studies. The traditional method of a Likert scale questionnaire provides only a fixed scale choice, but it seems that we can’t fully express the real and complex thinking of respondents. Therefore, the thesis will apply fuzzy questionnaire to probe into test difficulty. Concepts such as Fuzzy mean, Fuzzy mode or Fuzzy median are applied in studies of assessment for test difficulty. The thesis will be based on these conceptions to define a new distance, and obtain the difficulty index of test through some conversion. Moreover, it will compare the differences of difficulty among test items. Another focus of this paper is to determine the difficulty of each item according to various dimensions of difficulty factors. Afterwards, the difficulty index of each dimension will be weighted, compared, and analyzed with the concept of fuzzy relative weight.

台灣血液透析患者的個人化生活品質:以SEIQoL-DW為測量工具 / Taiwan hemodialysis patients’ individual quality of life:assessed by SEIQoL-DW

羅一哲, Luo, Yi Jhe Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的為使用個人化生活品質評量表直接權重版(SEIQoL-DW),評估國內血液透析患者的個人化生活品質,探討對其特別重要的生活品質向度與相關影響因素,此外,並以Locke(1969, 1976)(引自Wu & Yao,2006b)的「情感間距假設」、Calman(1984)的期望理論與Wu(2009)提出的移轉傾向指標為基礎,探討SEIQoL-DW重要性評估程序的應用價值與潛在臨床應用指標。研究對象以立意取樣,自台北市松山區某私人洗腎中心募集57名血液透析患者、以及台北市文山區一般社區成人60名,研究工具包含SEIQoL-DW、生活滿意度量表、焦慮與憂鬱評量表、自編人口背景/疾病變項問卷,統計方法含描述性統計、卡方檢定、相關分析、平均數差異檢定與迴歸分析。研究結果發現,血液透析患者最常列舉的重要生活向度為健康(77%),其次依序為家庭(72%)、經濟(65%)、人際關係(53%)、休閒活動(49%)、因應/正向態度(23%)、工作/學業(21%)、心理健康(16%)、生活條件(16%)、靈性/信仰(9%)、角色功能(9%)、其他(9%),血液透析患者在各向度提名百分比與一般成人組未有顯著差異,但血液透析患者對健康向度的現況評比顯著較低,對健康的現況-期望落差也顯著較高,共病數與血液透析患者個人化生活品質指標有顯著負相關;而SEIQoL-DW項目重要性對項目現況分數與整體滿意度之間的關係不具調節效果,SEIQoL-DW的權重程序未能提升對整體滿意度的解釋力,此外,自項目重要性與現況-想望落差所得移轉傾向指標,和整體生活滿意度、SEIQoL-DW現況平均數亦未有一致的相關性或獨特解釋力。儘管本研究不支持SEIQoL-DW權重程序或衍生指標的助益,但若從個人脈絡來看,向度重要性仍可協助探索個案生活目標重要順序,有其臨床醫療應用價值;最後,SEIQoL-DW個人現況-想望落差分數、現況平均數、以及整體生活滿意度、負向情緒彼此有顯著關聯性與解釋力,在個案生活滿意度、負向情緒評估或介入方案中,具有成為臨床應用指標的潛力。 / The primary purpose of this thesis was using the Schedule for the Evaluation of Individual Quality of Life-Direct Weighting (SEIQoL-DW) to explore hemodialysis patients’ Individual Quality of Life and relative determinants. And further using affect-range hypothesis (Locke, 1969, 1976), expection theory (Calman,1984) and shifting tendency Index(Wu, 2009) as framework to evaluate SEIQoL-DW weighting procedure’s efficiency and potential clinical application variables. 57 hemodialysis patients and 60 counterparts was recruited from Taipei city, IQoL was assessed by SEIQoL-DW, the general life satisfaction and anxiety /depression statement was chosen as criterian variables. In the analysis, twelve quality of life domains were identified. Health(77%), family(72%), finance(65%), relations(53%) and leisure time(49%) were the most prominent quality of life domains of hemodialysis patients, although the domains nominated percentage and importance rating didn’t differ between groups, hemodialysis patients’ health domain status and have-want discrepancy were worse than the counterparts. Among the investgated variables, only the comorbidity had negative correlation with hemodialysis patients’ IQoL. The result didn’t support the SEIQoL-DW’s weighting procedure and shifting tendency Index had significant efficiency, but the weighing information could still be useful in personal profile context. Finally, the personal have-want discrepancy, satus average, general life satisfaction and anxiety/depression statement have significant relations with each other, thus could be the potential clinical application variables in negative emotion or life satisfaction intervention programs.

我國暴力犯罪嚴重性指標與權重體系之建構 / The Study of theViolent Crime Serious Index and Weight System In Taiwan

林適湖, Lin, Shih-Hu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在使用分析階層程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)依據我國官方犯罪統計數字,採取Sellin-Wolfgang index的犯罪嚴重性建構模式,建構我國暴力犯罪嚴重性指標及其權重體系,並進一步探討背景變項對犯罪嚴重性權重給分一致性的差異。本研究第一階段之「暴力犯罪嚴重性可用指標之調查」共選取五類人員進行調查,包括:1.大學教授、2.警政人員、3.調查人員、4.司法人員(只包括法官或檢察官)、5.中學校長老師,總共樣本數24人;第二階段之「暴力犯罪嚴重性指標及權重體系之建構」,共選取包括1.學者專家、2.法官、3.警政調查人員、4.家庭主婦、5.大學生6.中學校長、老師、7.監獄受刑人等七大類,有效樣本357份。 本研究發現: 1. 與「人身攻擊」相關的暴力犯罪指標權重較為嚴重,第一階層指標的排序及其權重值依次為故意殺人罪(47.3%)、擄人勒贖罪(18.9%)、故意傷害罪(13.7%)、強盜罪(12.3%)及搶奪罪(7.8%)。 2. 由「犯罪使用工具」之給分分析,民眾認為「使用槍枝」犯罪是最嚴重的罪行,其次為刀械鐵器,徒手犯罪一般認為罪行較輕微。 3. 由「犯罪發生地點」之給分分析,整體排序前五名分別為「使用槍枝在市街商店殺人」(排序1)、「使用槍枝在住宅殺人」(排序2)、「使用刀械鐵器在市街商店殺人」(排序3)、「使用槍枝在市街商店擄人勒贖」(排序4)、「使用槍枝在特定營業場所殺人」(排序5),顯示出一般民眾認為使用槍枝在市街商店或是住宅做人身攻擊(含殺害及傷害)之犯罪罪行較為嚴重。 4. 除了「性別」一項外,其餘對於第一階層五項暴力犯罪指標權重分配及排序的一致性分析均相當一致,而考慮到第二階層「犯罪使用工具」及第三階層「犯罪發生地點」的情況下也相當一致,顯示不同社經地位填答者對於暴力犯罪嚴重性的認知,大體而言相當一致。 本研究也針對AHP實作結果作說明,並提出後續研究之建議。 / The purpose of this study was to utilize (Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP). According to the official criminal statistics in Taiwan, it was used crime serious structure model of Sellin-Wolfgang index to establish Taiwan "Violent Crime Serious Index and Weight System".In addition, this study was to discuss the differences between variances and "crime serious weight" scores. At the first phase, "the Investigation of Violent Crime Serious Index" was used in this study. The subjects were classified into five different categories including: 1. University professors; 2. Police officers; 3. Investigators; 4. Judicial officers (only Judges or Prosecutor); 5. High school principals and teachers. The totally sample was twenty-four subjects (N= 24). At the second phase, "the Structure of Violent Crime Serious Index and Weight System" was selected. The subjects were classified into seven different categories including: 1. Scholars and Specialists; 2. Judges; 3. Police officers and Investigators; 4. House keepers; 5. Undergraduate students; 6. High school principals and teachers; 7. Prisoners. The sample included three hundred and fifty seven subjects (N= 357). The following findings were presented for this study: 1. In relating to "Body Attack" is more serious in violent crime index and weight. The following rank and weight value in the first hierarchy index were Homicide (47.3%), Kidnapping (18.9%), Bodily Harm (13.7%), Robbery (12.3%), and Forceful (7.8%). 2. Based on the analysis of "tools for criminal use", the subjects think "use of guns" is the most serious crime. Then, "use of knives and ironware" is the second serious crime. The generality of subjects think "using bare hands" is the slight crime. 3. Based on the analysis of "criminal scenes", the following five criminal scenes were "killing people in streets and stores by guns" (Rank 1); "killing people in resident places by guns" (Rank 2); "killing people in streets and stores by knives and ironware" (Rank 3); "kidnapping people in streets and stores by guns" (Rank 4); and "killing people in specific business places by guns" (Rank 5). The results of this study indicated the generality of subjects think homicide in streets, stores, resident places, and specific business places by guns is the most serious crime. 4. Beside "sex", the other items were consistent in the five violent crime index and weight distributions and ranks of the first hierarchy. Furthermore, the considerations of "tools for criminal use" in the second hierarchy and "criminal scenes" in the third hierarchy were also consistency. The results of this study indicated the perception of violent crime serious is quietly consistent no matter in what social status. According to the findings from AHP, this study had deliberate explanations. On the other hand, this study provided several recommendations for further study.


陳淑玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以某醫院為例,探討議題如下: (一)個案醫院導入平衡計分卡之需求、過程以及所遭遇之問題。 (二)將層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)與平衡計分卡指標權重設定相結合,以釐清多重指標之下,各個指標之相對權重關係,避免過多指標對指標管理造成混淆的抵銷影響。 分析結果顯示:個案醫院護理部門平衡計分卡五大構面中以學習與成長構面為最重要,顯示個案醫院護理部門對專業知識的重視。此外,平衡計分卡各構面之策略性衡量指標以顧客構面之住院病人整體滿意度策略性衡量指標權重最高,其次依序為學習與成長構面之舉辦護理使命共識營參與人數、內部流程構面之病房危機應變作業完成率、社會承諾構面之安寧照護推廣活動、財務構面之未達使用件年限之財產報銷金額占總報銷金額之比率。 / This study uses a medical center in Taiwan as a case study subject, and discusses the following issues: 1. Understanding why and how the subject hospital uses balanced scorecard at the organization and divisional levels. 2. Integrating Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with balanced scorecard to clarify the relative weighting relationship among different strategic measures. The balanced scorecard performance measurement system of the subject hospital includes twenty-four strategic measures. The study adopts Analytic Hierarchy Process approach to solve the measurement problems from the nursing department of the subject hospital. The results show that the learning and growth dimension was the most important factors to achieve the strategic goal of the subject nursing department. Besides, customer satisfaction measure received a weight of 8.940% out of the twenty-four measures, which means that the nursing department members consider the customer satisfaction measure as the most important measure, so the strategic action plan for the customer satisfaction should be implemented first.

模糊系統評估-以高中教科書評選為例 / Fuzzy System Evaluation-with an Example of Textbook Selection

劉昌國, Liu, Chang Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的,在應用模糊理論,建立改進傳統系統分析模式。並以高中教科書評選為例,首先使用評鑑因素重要程度模糊問卷及教科書評鑑表,建立因素模糊相對權重矩陣與模糊評估矩陣,同時以模糊眾數和模糊評估與傳統方法進行比較分析。我們經由實際評選發現,應用模糊評選教科書,比傳統評選教科書來得合理。在尋求適當的共識時,模糊統計較能適時反應出人們實際的想法。 / The purpose of this study is to develop a system analysis by fuzzy theory. A comparison was made between fuzzy sample mode, fuzzy evaluation and the conventional method about textbook selection. In order to establish the factor fuzzy relation weight matrix and to estimate fuzzy evaluation matrix, we use the fuzzy weight and evaluation questionnaire first. It was found, by way of the actual evaluation, that the application of fuzzy evaluation is better than the traditional evaluation. While looking for appropriate consensus, fuzzy statistics is a better reflection of popular idea.

印尼礦業股市指數分析:其效率研究 / Indonesian mining index analysis: an efficiency study

姚翰耀, Sudiro, Elroy Unknown Date (has links)
Most indexes use a cap-weighted strategy as the asset allocation method. Many researchers suggest that although the cap-weighted strategy often serves as an appropriate surrogate to the market portfolio, it cannot consistently outperform other portfolio weighting strategies. The main reasons behind it would be related to the market movement and the underlying volatility. It is possible to narrow down the scope of the research by focusing on an industry index as was done in this research. The focus would be on the mining index of Indonesia. Comparisons will be done between the established index to other portfolio weighting schemes, namely the equally weighted portfolio and the minimum variance portfolio. The results of the research was that the index was not quite efficient, both on the returns and the Sharpe or information ratio aspect. There are many possible reasons behind this, but the most possible reasons would be that the stocks included do not contribute to diversification, over focus on the coal industry, lack of rebalancing or restructuring, in addition to the market itself. The implication of this research would be that stock exclusion might also contribute to risk minimization.

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